China to provide military aid to Russia

Oh, but we are trading with China, you bet your ass.

Their economy would implode if we weren't.
So would the US economy if they couldn't export to China and would be cut off from all the cheap stuff that US consumers are so in dire need off.
OMG - like soooooo many others you got absolutely no clue as to China. I am living and working in China now for over 20 years. Keep enjoying your self-inflicted propaganda.
The CCP yells you what to think and you believe them?

Thats just like the old Soviet Union
So would the US economy if they couldn't export to China and would be cut off from all the cheap stuff that US consumers are so in dire need off.
In the short term the US depends on cheap products from china

So it would hurt the US economy to cut off trade too abruptly

But everything we import from china now can be made in other countries or the US

China needs the West far more then we need china
OMG - like soooooo many others you got absolutely no clue as to China. I am living and working in China now for over 20 years. Keep enjoying your self-inflicted propaganda.
How often do you travel outside china?

Because thats the only way you can see unfiltered aka uncensored news
"Since 1949, when the communist revolution succeeded, U.S. foreign aid did not go to China because the latter was a socialist country.

"U.S. foreign aid was, however, dispatched to every other Third World country across Asia, Africa and Latin America.

"Nevertheless, China has done better economically than every other country that did receive the assistance."

Richard Wolff on China’s rise to global prominence - Friends of Socialist China

China's achieved its current economic status because it pursued the same polices that made the US and UK empires great. By refusing to become a US vassal like many other developing states, China and Russia have become existential threats to a declining US Empire.
OMG - like soooooo many others you got absolutely no clue as to China. I am living and working in China now for over 20 years. Keep enjoying your self-inflicted propaganda.
So, you have another perspective on China. Okay, China isn't so bad as some Western outlets depict it? There is no political oppression, ethnic oppression, the Covid restrictions didn't go behind the levels of insanity?
No it's like getting upset when someone uses a semi colon instead of a colon.


China supplied spare parts to Russia mainly because they no longer need the obsolete items that Russia features as it's front line aircraft. It's like us selling F-16's to Country X. We no longer need them.
Russia and China want to eliminate the US dollar for purchase of oil and natural gas. Biden is handing them the opportunity to do so.
He sure has a funny way of doing it, taking twice as many combat deaths in a year than we did during the entire Vietnam conflict.
Do you know this to be true, and if so can you show us a Russian official statement on losses incurred during the conflict ?

Yes, we have our estimates and the Ukrainian Intel, but can you truly attest to the numbers as proof without a doubt ?
In the short term the US depends on cheap products from china

So it would hurt the US economy to cut off trade too abruptly

But everything we import from china now can be made in other countries or the US

China needs the West far more then we need china
Hmmmm, China and Russia's new partnership would prove to be a lucrative partnership just as it was or is in the U.S.would it not be ????

The world is a big place, and natural resources as well as human resources aren't just limited to certain countries just because someone says they are.

Many things cause the economic tectonic plates to shift, but the one that will speed it along more than anything, ummm is cultural behavior's that no longer respect the decency boundaries that nation's try too keep their red lines drawn on.

Sadly America has allowed itself to fall into the darkest time's since the year's of it's overcome failure's of the past.

When a nation begins abusing the children, then that nation had best take heed, because hell awaits it. Playing with God and his children is the most irresponsible reckless behaviour ever, and it uhhhmmmm purdy much is a suicide mission the nation has placed itself on.
Has he said that ? If no evidence of it, then are you just parroting media frenzy over the issue ?? Heck what can anyone believe anymore ? I don't trust NOTHING.
Russia has always had expansionist goals, as evidenced by Ukraine.
If we let Ukraine fall it will only be rhe beginning.
China is also watching.
If we let Ukraine fall it will probably invade China to invade Taiiwan.
So does Putin.
Has he said that ? If no evidence of it, then are you just parroting media frenzy over the issue ?? Heck what can anyone believe anymore ? I don't trust NOTHING
Russia has always had expansionist goals, as evidenced by Ukraine.
If we let Ukraine fall it will only be rhe beginning.
China is also watching.
If we let Ukraine fall it will probably invade China to invade Taiiwan.
If you think that China will become in subjection to America after or over Ukraine, and after what the world has seen that we now demonstrate, and upon just how deplorable we've become in our culture, then I've got some ocean front property in AZ for sale cheap you can get..

The only thing that we can do in the immediate, is to sweep off our own porch before we go dirtying up anyone else's porches with our new craziness shown, and then telling them that they had best clean up their mess without considering our own character in the process..

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