China to provide military aid to Russia

The word "independent" is already a joke - combined with the word "journalist" it becomes a laugh
Since you obviously dont live in a free county I would not expect you to understand what a free press looks like.
OMG - well it was nice anyway to have kind of met you.

The word "independent" is already a joke - combined with the word "journalist" it becomes a laugh

You honestly believe that people in China - due to a censored press - wouldn't know as to what is going on?
One doesn't need an official media for that - that is simply for lazy or stupid people. Or those who select Medias according to their personal propagated preference.

China is totally into live stream chats - any, and no matter what ridiculous topic appears, are being discussed about - the people are in a frenzy about it.
Ask my wife - I usually always walk away before she gets a chance to start.

However you can be sure that once "falsified" or "misleading" information is spread - the government will close down those respective chats. And also search for those responsible.

The main issue for the last couple of weeks - was the disappearance of a 15 year old boarding school boy. He had vanished for three month and speculations were running about an organ crime mafia, involving the local government that supposedly initiated a huge coverup. This issue was publicly discussed throughout China for almost 2 month.

You got absolutely no clue as to the real situation in China.
Tell us about your social score

Is it within an acceptable range?
Maybe you have a different point and different reasoning. After living in China for so long, you can compare two systems being based on your own experience. But from my ignorant point of view, I would choose the Western model on every day of a week.
Rest assured, if I had never gotten my nose out of Germany - I would most likely come up with the same statement as you.

As for Switzerland - we wont agree. Any country that has a similar structure in regards to general education, also possess the political/communal structure to follow the Swiss system, no matter if 5 million people or 1500 million inhabitants. China's population in general is certainly around 50 years away from Switzerland.

Germany could do it from tomorrow onward - but due to already forwarded reasons - certain elites and lobbies will probably never allow for it. As for Germany any petition signed by more then (depending on the issue) 3000 to 10,000 signatures - and a peoples plebiscite can be invoked - it's constitutionally guaranteed. The truth is, people in general are simply to lazy to do it.

As harsh as it sounds - maybe the world's population really needs a nuclear awakening.

Or as an alternative let the West and others keep dreaming and be happy with their perceived democracy - and stop using it as a silly excuse in regards to e.g. China or Singapore.
Rest assured, if I had never gotten my nose out of Germany - I would most likely come up with the same statement as you.

As for Switzerland - we wont agree. Any country that has a similar structure in regards to general education, also possess the political/communal structure to follow the Swiss system, no matter if 5 million people or 1500 million inhabitants. China's population in general is certainly around 50 years away from Switzerland.

Germany could do it from tomorrow onward - but due to already forwarded reasons - certain elites and lobbies will probably never allow for it. As for Germany any petition signed by more then (depending on the issue) 3000 to 10,000 signatures - and a peoples plebiscite can be invoked - it's constitutionally guaranteed. The truth is, people in general are simply to lazy to do it.

As harsh as it sounds - maybe the world's population really needs a nuclear awakening.

Or as an alternative let the West and others keep dreaming and be happy with their perceived democracy - and stop using it as a silly excuse in regards to e.g. China or Singapore.
Well, I understand that you are on China's side now. That is your choice and that is okay. As far as I can understand, your wife is Chinese and China became your new home.

About silly excuses.. I think you understand that the Western person will always be using this excuses when talking about China. State censorship, one party rule, Xinjiang, Tibet. These themes will be in a disagreement with the Chinese point of view.

I think it will be fair from my part to inform you that I view these things as an outsider. The country I live in doesn't belong to the West and has some prejudice toward the East.
Russia has always had expansionist goals, as evidenced by Ukraine.
If we let Ukraine fall it will only be rhe beginning.
China is also watching.
If we let Ukraine fall it will probably invade China to invade Taiiwan.

I think Russia is fighting NATO expansionism.
I think Russia is fighting NATO expansionism.
That is what Russian Dictators have always said about our NATO allies.
It is shocking to see Americans like the ones on this board abandoning their own country and backing Communist Russia in their "opinions."
I guess those of us 60 years old or more have grown up thinking "it could never happen here" are shocked to see that yep....this is it. This is one of the reasons Putin helped install Trump in office in 2016.
To help him destroy America from tge inside out.
And look at yourself. It WORKED!
You are here spouting Putin's very own propaganda.....but you are so confused and brainwashed at this point you actually think you are saying something "patriotic and pro American."
That is what Russian Dictators have always said about our NATO allies.
It is shocking to see Americans like the ones on this board abandoning their own country and backing Communist Russia in their "opinions."
I guess those of us 60 years old or more have grown up thinking "it could never happen here" are shocked to see that yep....this is it. This is one of the reasons Putin helped install Trump in office in 2016.
To help him destroy America from tge inside out.
And look at yourself. It WORKED!
You are here spouting Putin's very own propaganda.....but you are so confused and brainwashed at this point you actually think you are saying something "patriotic and pro American."
I'm not backing anyone. Just stating fact.
"Since 1949, when the communist revolution succeeded, U.S. foreign aid did not go to China because the latter was a socialist country.

"U.S. foreign aid was, however, dispatched to every other Third World country across Asia, Africa and Latin America.

"Nevertheless, China has done better economically than every other country that did receive the assistance."

Richard Wolff on China’s rise to global prominence - Friends of Socialist China

China's achieved its current economic status because it pursued the same polices that made the US and UK empires great. By refusing to become a US vassal like many other developing states, China and Russia have become existential threats to a declining US Empire.
Communist China didnt have a pot to piss in till the mid ‘90’s when America (and the euro’s) began trading with them

And whatever technology china has was stolen from the West
That is what Russian Dictators have always said about our NATO allies.
It is shocking to see Americans like the ones on this board abandoning their own country and backing Communist Russia in their "opinions."
I guess those of us 60 years old or more have grown up thinking "it could never happen here" are shocked to see that yep....this is it. This is one of the reasons Putin helped install Trump in office in 2016.
To help him destroy America from tge inside out.
And look at yourself. It WORKED!
You are here spouting Putin's very own propaganda.....but you are so confused and brainwashed at this point you actually think you are saying something "patriotic and pro American."
No one is destroying America except for American's themselves, now stop blaming everyone else in the world for America's failures. It makes you look really stupid.
Communist China didnt have a pot to piss in till the mid ‘90’s when America (and the euro’s) began trading with them

And whatever technology china has was stolen from the West
Yes the American's selling out this country in the early 90s was a treasonous thing IMO, and boy what a grand scheme it had all become.

Trump was trying to work to restore American power and American influence, but he fought a hard fought battle for 4+ years trying to keep his political enemies off of his back.
Well, I understand that you are on China's side now. That is your choice and that is okay. As far as I can understand, your wife is Chinese and China became your new home.

About silly excuses.. I think you understand that the Western person will always be using this excuses when talking about China. State censorship, one party rule, Xinjiang, Tibet. These themes will be in a disagreement with the Chinese point of view.

I think it will be fair from my part to inform you that I view these things as an outsider. The country I live in doesn't belong to the West and has some prejudice toward the East.
Not quite mate,

I am willing to oppose stupid, errant and baseless accusations of others towards China, and any other country that I am familiar with.
I am e.g. not in agreement with Beijing's actions in regards to territorial disputes with the Philippines or creating artificial Islands in the South-China Sea. China is a signatory of UNCLOS - unlike the USA, who once again uses any excuse to play world police in order to support its thrive towards global dominance.
China decided on their own to join UNCLOS, as such IMO they also have a duty to follow up on the UNCLOS Charter.
I am also e.g. not in agreement with Beijing as to how they handle patent issues.

However I do understand their present motivation - China simply wasn't around as a political power to get it's appropriate share or rights in all these international organizations and treaties from 1900 - 1970, defining territories or whatever in majority today's existing international rights behold.

They literally woke up in the 1980's and started to make a huge progress from the mid 90's onward - now being a superpower they are faced with decisions and international enactments of laws, they never had a say in - in contra to their neighbors, or those former colonies who decided to be new independent states, basing their national territory claims simply onto the previous colonial possessions. Which the UN recognized/acquitted whilst obviously ignoring the ROC's claims towards e.g. the South-China Sea (aka 12 dash line). It was even the Chinese Communists that reduced this 12 dash claim to a 9 dash claim - due to acquitting disputed territory towards their then Communist buddy North-Vietnam.

As such China simply is trying to get what they perceive to be their previously neglected "rights" in order to secure their rise and their peoples welfare - via more or less any means that do not involve making war onto others. Very successfully now since almost 40 years without getting into a single war. The USA so far lost out almost completely in regards to diplomatic/political and economic counter actions, and simply seeks refuge into what they have always done since the Monroe Doctrine was enacted - incite or make wars.

In regards to Russia - a weak or demolished Russia does not serve China's interest in regards to opposing US dominance. The present CPC or ruling faction of China since the mid 1980's does not favor any war, or anywhere on this planet at all - they love to play diplomatic and economic based battles. This is also documented clearly in their peace-proposal in regards to the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Sovereign UN sanctioned borders need to be ultimately respected and ensured. (meaning Putin please get out of Ukraine)
They however also clearly state that the territorial expansion of military blocks needs to stop. They hit exactly onto the prime cause of conflicts involving Russia since 2000. Aside from that, they are thus clearly also pointing onto US military actions to expand their activities in the Asian/Pacific area.
Since the day this proposal was presented by China - and already before in anticipation, the only major reaction onto China's proposal that expresses solely negative reactions by the USA/NATO and EU, is in regards to "expansion of military blocs needs to end". Most likely due to the fear, that neither NATO nor the USA nor the EU is capable and united enough, to stop Chinese and Russian economic expansion, without the use of military means.

It will be very interesting (at least for me) to see what military, economic and political benefits China has to offer Zelensky in contra to what he presently is being offered by the West upon their scheduled meeting. Presently I am quite convinced that NATO/EU and the USA are already wetting their pants in regards to a possible offers by China to Ukraine.

BTW what country do you come from? somewhere from around the Middle East? or Taiwan?
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Not quite mate,

I am willing to oppose stupid, errant and baseless accusations of others towards China, and any other country that I am familiar with.
I am e.g. not in agreement with Beijing's actions in regards to territorial disputes with the Philippines or creating artificial Islands in the South-China Sea. China is a signatory of UNCLOS - unlike the USA, who once again uses any excuse to play world police in order to support its thrive towards global dominance.
China decided on their own to join UNCLOS, as such IMO they also have a duty to follow up on the UNCLOS Charter.
I am also e.g. not in agreement with Beijing as to how they handle patent issues.

However I do understand their present motivation - China simply wasn't around as a political power to get it's appropriate share or rights in all these international organizations and treaties from 1900 - 1970, defining territories or whatever in majority today's existing international rights behold.

They literally woke up in the 1980's and started to make a huge progress from the mid 90's onward - now being a superpower they are faced with decisions and international enactments of laws, they never had a say in - in contra to their neighbors, or those former colonies who decided to be new independent states, basing their national territory claims simply onto the previous colonial possessions. Which the UN recognized/acquitted whilst obviously ignoring the ROC's claims towards e.g. the South-China Sea (aka 12 dash line). It was even the Chinese Communists that reduced this 12 dash claim to a 9 dash claim - due to acquitting disputed territory towards their then Communist buddy North-Vietnam.

As such China simply is trying to get what they perceive to be their previously neglected "rights" in order to secure their rise and their peoples welfare - via more or less any means that do not involve making war onto others. Very successfully now since almost 40 years without getting into a single war. The USA so far lost out almost completely in regards to diplomatic/political and economic counter actions, and simply seeks refuge into what they have always done since the Monroe Doctrine was enacted - incite or make wars.

In regards to Russia - a weak or demolished Russia does not serve China's interest in regards to opposing US dominance. The present CPC or ruling faction of China since the mid 1980's does not favor any war, or anywhere on this planet at all - they love to play diplomatic and economic based battles. This is also documented clearly in their peace-proposal in regards to the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Sovereign UN sanctioned borders need to be ultimately respected and ensured. (meaning Putin please get out of Ukraine)
They however also clearly state that the territorial expansion of military blocks needs to stop. They hit exactly onto the prime cause of conflicts involving Russia since 2000. Aside from that, they are thus clearly also pointing onto US military actions to expand their activities in the Asian/Pacific area.
Since the day this proposal was presented by China - and already before in anticipation, the only major reaction onto China's proposal that expresses solely negative reactions by the USA/NATO and EU, is in regards to "expansion of military blocs needs to end". Most likely due to the fear, that neither NATO nor the USA nor the EU is capable and united enough, to stop Chinese and Russian economic expansion, without the use of military means.

It will be very interesting (at least for mel) to see what military, economic and political benefits China has to offer Zelensky in contra to what he presently is being offered by the West upon their scheduled meeting. Presently I am quite convinced that NATO/EU and the USA are already wetting their pants in regards to a possible offers by China to Ukraine.

BTW what country do you come from? somewhere from around the Middle East? or Taiwan?
I don't expect much from China's peace proposals. They offer nothing new, and the warring sides have two opposing goals to find any compromise.

I think that the Chinese understand that and that is why they downgraded the level of these proposals. Firstly, it was supposed to be revealed by Xi in his speech. But later they were set out by the Foreign Ministry.

It is quite possible that now China don't want to be just an observer in the current Russia-Ukraine war. And rejection of their proposals may be a pretext for being involved in this conflict. As an arms supplier for Russia, as an example.

I don't buy all that stories about China's peacefulness. The second half of the 20th century saw a number of armed conflicts with China's participation. Border conflicts with India and the Soviet Union, war with Vietnam, annexation of Tibet. I am pretty sure we would have witnessed another one with Taiwan, hadn't there been their agreements with the US.

We are moving to a bipolar world, and more likely to the Cold War 2 era.. The USA vs. China.

Not quite mate,

I am willing to oppose stupid, errant and baseless accusations of others towards China, and any other country that I am familiar with.
I am e.g. not in agreement with Beijing's actions in regards to territorial disputes with the Philippines or creating artificial Islands in the South-China Sea. China is a signatory of UNCLOS - unlike the USA, who once again uses any excuse to play world police in order to support its thrive towards global dominance.
China decided on their own to join UNCLOS, as such IMO they also have a duty to follow up on the UNCLOS Charter.
I am also e.g. not in agreement with Beijing as to how they handle patent issues.

However I do understand their present motivation - China simply wasn't around as a political power to get it's appropriate share or rights in all these international organizations and treaties from 1900 - 1970, defining territories or whatever in majority today's existing international rights behold.

They literally woke up in the 1980's and started to make a huge progress from the mid 90's onward - now being a superpower they are faced with decisions and international enactments of laws, they never had a say in - in contra to their neighbors, or those former colonies who decided to be new independent states, basing their national territory claims simply onto the previous colonial possessions. Which the UN recognized/acquitted whilst obviously ignoring the ROC's claims towards e.g. the South-China Sea (aka 12 dash line). It was even the Chinese Communists that reduced this 12 dash claim to a 9 dash claim - due to acquitting disputed territory towards their then Communist buddy North-Vietnam.

As such China simply is trying to get what they perceive to be their previously neglected "rights" in order to secure their rise and their peoples welfare - via more or less any means that do not involve making war onto others. Very successfully now since almost 40 years without getting into a single war. The USA so far lost out almost completely in regards to diplomatic/political and economic counter actions, and simply seeks refuge into what they have always done since the Monroe Doctrine was enacted - incite or make wars.

In regards to Russia - a weak or demolished Russia does not serve China's interest in regards to opposing US dominance. The present CPC or ruling faction of China since the mid 1980's does not favor any war, or anywhere on this planet at all - they love to play diplomatic and economic based battles. This is also documented clearly in their peace-proposal in regards to the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Sovereign UN sanctioned borders need to be ultimately respected and ensured. (meaning Putin please get out of Ukraine)
They however also clearly state that the territorial expansion of military blocks needs to stop. They hit exactly onto the prime cause of conflicts involving Russia since 2000. Aside from that, they are thus clearly also pointing onto US military actions to expand their activities in the Asian/Pacific area.
Since the day this proposal was presented by China - and already before in anticipation, the only major reaction onto China's proposal that expresses solely negative reactions by the USA/NATO and EU, is in regards to "expansion of military blocs needs to end". Most likely due to the fear, that neither NATO nor the USA nor the EU is capable and united enough, to stop Chinese and Russian economic expansion, without the use of military means.

It will be very interesting (at least for me) to see what military, economic and political benefits China has to offer Zelensky in contra to what he presently is being offered by the West upon their scheduled meeting. Presently I am quite convinced that NATO/EU and the USA are already wetting their pants in regards to a possible offers by China to Ukraine.

BTW what country do you come from? somewhere from around the Middle East? or Taiwan?
Could you be one of these?

In china I think they are called white monkeys

The CCP never misses a trick when it comes to covering up its true nature
I don't expect much from China's peace proposals. They offer nothing new, and the warring sides have two opposing goals to find any compromise.

I think that the Chinese understand that and that is why they downgraded the level of these proposals. Firstly, it was supposed to be revealed by Xi in his speech. But later they were set out by the Foreign Ministry.

It is quite possible that now China don't want to be just an observer in the current Russia-Ukraine war. And rejection of their proposals may be a pretext for being involved in this conflict. As an arms supplier for Russia, as an example.

I don't buy all that stories about China's peacefulness. The second half of the 20th century saw a number of armed conflicts with China's participation. Border conflicts with India and the Soviet Union, war with Vietnam, annexation of Tibet. I am pretty sure we would have witnessed another one with Taiwan, hadn't there been their agreements with the US.

We are moving to a bipolar world, and more likely to the Cold War 2 era.. The USA vs. China.

I don't expect much from China's peace proposals. They offer nothing new, and the warring sides have two opposing goals to find any compromise.
China offers/forwards something very new - publicly announcing to the world "stop expanding NATO"!! - and stop expanding military blocs anywhere.
I think that the Chinese understand that and that is why they downgraded the level of these proposals. Firstly, it was supposed to be revealed by Xi in his speech. But later they were set out by the Foreign Ministry.
How can they downgrade a matter that hasn't been forwarded by anyone? No one has forwarded a peace proposal so far - only one-sided demands.
Where did XI supposedly plan to hold a speech?
He never confirmed towards attending a present UN meeting. or any other Ukraine related international Forum.
It is quite possible that now China don't want to be just an observer in the current Russia-Ukraine war. And rejection of their proposals may be a pretext for being involved in this conflict. As an arms supplier for Russia, as an example.
China's proposal is crystal clear - anything on top of that are just wild unfounded speculations, which are detrimental towards a peaceful solution of the Ukraine-Russian war. You are starting to sound like a person who's primary solution only leans towards NATO/USA and Russia - keep a war going in order to win a war.
I don't buy all that stories about China's peacefulness. The second half of the 20th century saw a number of armed conflicts with China's participation. Border conflicts with India and the Soviet Union, war with Vietnam, annexation of Tibet. I am pretty sure we would have witnessed another one with Taiwan, hadn't there been their agreements with the US.
You are referring to a timeline that has no significant relevance for today's worlds conflicts. Anything that happened more then 40 years ago is simply history, and the political constellation that led to a war 40 or 60 years ago do not exist anymore in today's world. As for Taiwan, the last time China readied for an invasion was the year the Korea war broke out. And as stated before China has evolved towards a new political system and agenda since the 80's - it is no more a CCP communist country led by Maoists. Today isn't about Communism contra Capitalism. Its only about Capitalism against Capitalism, conducted between autocratic contra democratic lead countries.

The by far biggest warmongers are factually democratic lead countries in the past 40 years.

NATO respectively USA attacked Iraq (2nd Gulf war)
USA initially attacked Somalia - humanitarian mission - bulls.., Bush papa had send in the marines to protect his buddies US$ 1.5 billion oil business against a new government that did not respect it's previous governments agreement and down-payments with a certain US oil-company. Later becoming an UN humanitarian mission.
NATO attacked Serbia
NATO respectively USA attacked Afghanistan - conducting a war for 20 years
NATO attacked Libya
USA attacked Syria (strike missions and spec,ops)
NATO aka France attacked Syria (strike missions)
NATO aka Turkey attacked Syria (strike missions and ground troops)
Israel attacked and still is attacking Lebanon and Syria (Former ground operations and strike missions - now confined to strike missions)
Israel attacked (strike missions) Iran numerous times
Who called in the French missions in Mali and Central-Africa? before the UN mandated it? The present sovereign Mali government officially demands the withdrawal of NATO troops.

The entire Middle-east - aside from Israel, every single country is governed by autocratic lead governments. So the democratic lead countries want to make war against the entire Middle-east?
To free the people in Saudi-Arabia and the UAE and so on.? Plain and obvious democratic hypocrites ruling the USA and the EU. How about instituting a UN embargo towards Saudi-Arabia? you know. democracy - women and LBGTQ rights, human basic rights in general. Want to start tomorrow? I promise you Iran will support it.

However to simply ignore history in regards to all the wars that the USA and NATO conducted - shows that you are clearly ignoring history as such when it doesn't suit your views.

But feel free to forward any war that China has conducted or is involved with PLA troops in the past 40 years. - NONE
Russia? two micro-wars in the Caucasus and since Feb. 2022 Ukraine as a whole
Ukraine? - the country you seem to come from, has conducted a war for the past 8 years against it's own population, aka separatists who either want their own country or join up with Russia.
We are moving to a bipolar world, and more likely to the Cold War 2 era.. The USA vs. China.
It has been a bipolar world already from 1945 to 1991 - and is since then changing rather into a multi-polar world in which the two great Capitalist powers are China and the USA.
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China offers/forwards something very new - publicly announcing to the world "stop expanding NATO"!! - and stop expanding military blocs anywhere.

How can they downgrade a matter that hasn't been forwarded by anyone? No one has forwarded a peace proposal so far - only one-sided demands.
Where did XI supposedly plan to hold a speech?
He never confirmed towards attending a present UN meeting. or any other Ukraine related international Forum.

China's proposal is crystal clear - anything on top of that are just wild unfounded speculations, which are detrimental towards a peaceful solution of the Ukraine-Russian war. You are starting to sound like a person who's primary solution only leans towards NATO/USA and Russia - keep a war going in order to win a war.

You are referring to a timeline that has no significant relevance for today's worlds conflicts. Anything that happened more then 40 years ago is simply history, and the political constellation that led to a war 40 or 60 years ago do not exist anymore in today's world. As for Taiwan, the last time China readied for an invasion was the year the Korea war broke out. And as stated before China has evolved towards a new political system and agenda since the 80's - it is no more a CCP communist country led by Maoists. Today isn't about Communism contra Capitalism. Its only about Capitalism against Capitalism, conducted between autocratic contra democratic lead countries.

The by far biggest warmongers are factually democratic lead countries in the past 40 years.

NATO respectively USA attacked Iraq (2nd Gulf war)
USA initially attacked Somalia - humanitarian mission - bulls.., Bush papa had send in the marines to protect his buddies US$ 1.5 billion oil business against a new government that did not respect it's previous governments agreement and down-payments with a certain US oil-company. Later becoming an UN humanitarian mission.
NATO attacked Serbia
NATO respectively USA attacked Afghanistan - conducting a war for 20 years
NATO attacked Libya
USA attacked Syria (strike missions and spec,ops)
NATO aka France attacked Syria (strike missions)
NATO aka Turkey attacked Syria (strike missions and ground troops)
Israel attacked and still is attacking Lebanon and Syria (Former ground operations and strike missions - now confined to strike missions)
Israel attacked (strike missions) Iran numerous times
Who called in the French missions in Mali and Central-Africa? before the UN mandated it? The present sovereign Mali government officially demands the withdrawal of NATO troops.

The entire Middle-east - aside from Israel, every single country is governed by autocratic lead governments. So the democratic lead countries want to make war against the entire Middle-east?
To free the people in Saudi-Arabia and the UAE and so on.? Plain and obvious democratic hypocrites ruling the USA and the EU. How about instituting a UN embargo towards Saudi-Arabia? you know. democracy - women and LBGTQ rights, human basic rights in general. Want to start tomorrow? I promise you Iran will support it.

However to simply ignore history in regards to all the wars that the USA and NATO conducted - shows that you are clearly ignoring history as such when it doesn't suit your views.

But feel free to forward any war that China has conducted or is involved with PLA troops in the past 40 years. - NONE
Russia? two micro-wars in the Caucasus and since Feb. 2022 Ukraine as a whole
Ukraine? - the country you seem to come from, has conducted a war for the past 8 years against it's own population, aka separatists who either want their own country or join up with Russia.

It has been a bipolar world already from 1945 to 1991 - and is since then changing rather into a multi-polar world in which the two great Capitalist powers are China and the USA.
Of course China didn't participate in overseas wars as the US did. First and foremost, it wasn't (and still isn't, I suppose) capable to do so. It would be more fair to compare the US and SU in this regard.

I don't want to claim that the West is saint, and never intended to. There were periods in the past when they behaved like real bastards. And, what now? I should support Russian expansion on their neighbors? Or China's one?

About expanding military blocs, it is not for China to decide. It is a right of sovereign nations to do so. Have you asked the Japanese or Koreans or Taiwanese or Philippines their opinion about that? If they want to take part in some alliance to defend themselves from a neighbour that is much bigger than them, it is their right.

Are China ready to press Russia to withdraw to 1991 borders?

Neither side can win the Russia-Ukraine war. I have said that numerous times here. The best way to stop it is a Korean scenario (without American or NATO troops on the ground).
Of course China didn't participate in overseas wars as the US did. First and foremost, it wasn't (and still isn't, I suppose) capable to do so. It would be more fair to compare the US and SU in this regard.
China did not pursue or instigate any war - neither overseas nor in it's immediate neighborhood, in the past 40 years. Therefore it is an absolute peaceful country.
China has witnessed and experienced war/ civil-war and devastation in it's own homeland almost continuously from 1880 - 1949 plus the losses due to the Korean war. Unlike the USA who never had to experience that. It's the primary reason why the USA is so easy going towards making war - in other countries.

You are too much into past history - There is no more SU since the past 30 years. So a comparison between an unchanged political USA layout since 1945 can only be validated towards today's RF or in a timeline comparison from 1990 till today. What Stalin or the SU did in e.g. 1954 or 1981 has no bearing on today's issues.
I don't want to claim that the West is saint, and never intended to. There were periods in the past when they behaved like real bastards. And, what now? I should support Russian expansion on their neighbors? Or China's one?
Where is there or has been a factual "expansion" by China onto their neighbors in the past 40 years? The same goes for Russia - Chechnya AFAIK was about combating Muslim radicals/terrorists. Georgia was about Russia supporting two breakaway Georgian provinces, that had been attacked by Georgia.
The only expansion and war Russia has conducted in the past 30 years is only Ukraine. Occupying Crimea was wrong - supporting Ukrainian breakaway provinces was maybe correct, attacking the Ukraine on Feb. 2022 was wrong. So one Russian war in comparison to a dozen conducted by NATO and the USA in the past 30 years!!
About expanding military blocs, it is not for China to decide. It is a right of sovereign nations to do so. Have you asked the Japanese or Koreans or Taiwanese or Philippines their opinion about that? If they want to take part in some alliance to defend themselves from a neighbour that is much bigger than them, it is their right.
That is a very lame argument - Since then the USA would also has no right to decide. The right's of a sovereign nation and the right thing to do, are usually two different issues. When e.g. the Solomon's decides towards a cooperation with China - The USA and it's buddies immediately start to cry around and accuse China of "expansionist policy". When the Philippines acquit to the same issue - the USA and it's buddies come up with - the right's of a sove....... . The actual huge difference between the Salomon's and the Philippines are it's respective population and Geo-strategic locations. Now keep in mind that US military involvement in the Philippines exists since 1900 - China's cooperation with the far off and tiny Salomon's isn't even 2 years. It's an apples and peaches comparison propagated by the USA and it's backers.
And again whilst China has been and still is a massive economic contribution factor to South-East-Asia's wealth - the USA basically only contributes towards military spending's and lastly endangering those countries security if China would be as aggressive as they always like to state.
What has the EU or NATO/USA done to enhance the Ukrainian or Philippine economy since 1991??? who cares about how corrupt some country is - no one in the super corrupt Philippines complains about having increased their livelihood considerably in the past 30 years thanks to solely China. - the common people are however rightfully at extreme odds with their own corrupt elites, suported as always by the USA. Come on man - wake up.
Are China ready to press Russia to withdraw to 1991 borders?
They clearly stated so, via enhancing the topic towards respecting international recognized borders. Clearly China is therefore telling Russia to move out of any occupied region. As I had stated before, there are clear regulations by the UN in regards to the "sovereignty of peoples determination" meaning a plebiscite has to be conducted by the UN to determine if people in ALL regions/provinces of Ukraine want to belong to Russia or Ukraine. It's the UN that unfortunately mostly doesn't live up to it's primary task. Which is to care and protect the people not just governments interests. If the UN isn't up to that task - then why should anyone including China - respect UN resolutions???

This IMO is actually China's ultimate goal in regards to their involvement towards the Ukraine/Russia war. To clearly point out the inability and injustice upheld by the UN. A tool that has been instituted and manipulated/controlled foremost by the USA in the past 100 years. The USA has numerously disrespected UN resolutions - but are always the first to call onto the UN if it serves their purpose. That therefore China and any other major country is also doing this is understood.

Ukraine/Russia is a classic example - victim of this manipulated UN. Despite the UN needing to be aware of a future issue regarding (sovereignty of peoples determination) it simply voted to legalize a sovereign Ukraine, based on borders that had been defined by the SU, regardless of an ethnic composition or even a national identity. Jeltzin acquitted the Ukraine and now a Putin comes up and say's - hey wait a minute, I don't agree with those borders. It is the UN's primary task to avoid countries getting into a war. A peoples plebiscite would have been the only right thing to do - something the UN is responsible for - they never did it. How come?? It only refuted plebiscites and their outcome, held by Putin - due to "suspected" manipulation.

That Putin want's to expand Russia's influence and as such maybe even occupies/attacks others sovereign territory is understood - and the UN's inaction (total failure) gave him the pretext for doing just that. The NATO expansion (also unopposed by the UN) is just another heap of charcoal added onto the fire.

China's government is far too smart and vivid to involve/refer to the UN just for the sake of a single dispute aka Ukraine - whilst the whole word is on fire due to a totally manipulated UN.

Neither side can win the Russia-Ukraine war. I have said that numerous times here. The best way to stop it is a Korean scenario (without American or NATO troops on the ground).
In the first two weeks I was convinced that Putin had staged this attack in conjunction with a coup - government takeover in Kiev. After this coup never took place it was clear for me that Russia can't win this war - their military simply is useless in all aspects. The typical Russian attitude/method to learn, improve whilst an ongoing war, won't work in Ukraine to to a time-limit by the USA which is set latest for October 2024. And Putin IMO will make use of ABC weapons if he faces imminent defeat - in his mindset he has nothing to loose by doing that.

Just like Hitler in his last Bunker days when approached by other's in regards to surrendering - "if Germany can't win this war, then the German people proof to be the weaker race and therefore don't deserve to survive". Two day's later the lunatic shot himself.
Why is China an enemy? when did they ever attack the USA or threaten the USA with war?
I seem to recall that the same could be said of Japan before Dec 7th of 1941. The CCP is building multiple bases in international waters and is making claims to areas that are also in international waters. You seem to assume that if the US "minds its own business" that the CCP will not choose to become aggressive. They've already shown they are a rising power and will be willing to use force to continue that rise.
Considering their record on basic human rights, I'd say it is perfectly acceptable to assume they mean harm to anyone they cannot control. Ask the Uyghurs if they trust the CCP.

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