China’s Nuclear Power Capacity Set to Overtake U.S. Within Decade

I have corrected maMOOT when maMOOT thought Aircraft carriers use one reactor the same size as an AP1000, the fact is they use two, small reactors.

You mean you lied about it, as I certainly never said or implied such a thing.

You don't start out lying. You start out just being stupid. After people point out your stupidity, you should say "okay, I goofed", but you're too much of child for that. Instead, you melt down and start lying about everything.

Yes, go away maMOOT, maMOOT's ignorance is no match for ELEKTRA's knowledge.

Referring to yourself in the third person is not a sign of a stable mind. Why do I always get the crazy ones coming after me?
Moron says what? "Navy reactor vessels". What in the fuck are "Navy reactor vessels"? Can you draw a picture of one, you idiot!

Reactor pressure vessels used on US Navy ships that have nuclear reactors, and a few test reactors on land. That's not rocket science. Why did such a simple term confuse you?
It did not confuse me, sarcastically, I pointed out that you are an imbecile, because you are using the wrong technical term.

maMOOT, you make all these claims about how smart and intelligent Liberal Democrats are, yet, stupidly, you make a term for Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carriers and Submarines that nobody in the World uses. Is this subject really that confusing to you?
LOL Once again, you have proven that you don't really know shit from shinola on much of anything. LOL
Moron says what? "Navy reactor vessels". What in the fuck are "Navy reactor vessels"? Can you draw a picture of one, you idiot!
the Navy reactors are almost as big. And yet magically, the USA still builds them,
For now, to make this next point I will ignore maMOOT is using terms that maMOOT makes up, WHERE DO THEY MAKE THESE REACTOR VESSELS?
Wah, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh........................
Wah, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh........................
That is the only way you can reply to my posts, you certainly can not side with maMOOT and help him/her out, can you. Not as easy as PIE, is it, Old Crock?
You mean you lied about it, as I certainly never said or implied such a thing.

You don't start out lying. You start out just being stupid. After people point out your stupidity, you should say "okay, I goofed", but you're too much of child for that. Instead, you melt down and start lying about everything.
MaMOOT stated that Navy Nuclear reactors are the same size as an AP1000, and based on that, the USA has the Heavy Industry to build large Nuclear reactors. That is a lie

The Navy, uses small Nuclear Reactors, period.
Over 140 ships are powered by more than 180 small nuclear reactors and more than 12,000 reactor years of marine operation has been accumulated. Most are submarines, but they range from icebreakers to aircraft carriers.
Nuclear-Powered Ships | Nuclear Submarines - World Nuclear ...

The USA does not have the ability to manufacture Nuclear reactors, not the AP1000 or any other commercial nuclear reactor, maMOOT claims Navy reactors are as large as AP1000, hence the USA has the Heavy Industry to produce large reactors, that is simply maMOOT's attempt to be right, when wrong. As of now, maMOOT can not prove where the Navy acquires its small nuclear reactors (again, reactors maMOOT calls as large as the AP1000).

Heavy Manufacturing of Power Plants - World Nuclear Association
The USA has seen a decline in nuclear engineering facilities. By the turn of the century the USA had lost its heavy manufacturing capability for components such as large reactor pressure vessels and steam generators – this in a country where such industrial capability had been legendary. There seems little prospect of reviving it.

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