Chinese Tourists Demand Not to Be Recorded in London

So to review...

A guy takes a video in a public place, probably without a permit.

Some passerbys ask him not to use their images in the video.

He starts ranting at them about their nationality, even though under the laws of his country, he should be getting signed releases.

A police officer stops by and tells him to stop acting like an ass.
That's not it. Recording in public is legal there. These commies don't want to be recorded, move. Irony is China is full of surveillance. Just ask the Uighurs. I am glad this guy didn't cave. He is too kind. If it's me, I would tell them to fuck off and end the conversation there. I guarantee if you do this, like these commies did, in China as a foreigner, you will get arrested immediately.
The officer had a point, he was being kind of an ass, to people who were voicing their legitimate concerns about not being recorded without their permission.
No one records me if I know they're doing it. And these folks have a lot more to fear from an all encroaching govt than I do
That's not it. Recording in public is legal there. These commies don't want to be recorded, move. Irony is China is full of surveillance. Just ask the Uighurs. I am glad this guy didn't cave. He is too kind. If it's me, I would tell them to fuck off and end the conversation there. I guarantee if you do this, like these commies did, in China as a foreigner, you will get arrested immediately.
OF course you are in the same position to judge their fears.
^^^Anyone surprised the lefty is siding with the Chinese fascists?
Someone not wanting their picture taken is a fascist?

I suspect that if a liberal took your picture without your permission, you'd be whining about it to no end.
Someone not wanting their picture taken is a fascist?

I suspect that if a liberal took your picture without your permission, you'd be whining about it to no end.

No, someone telling another person not to record a video in a public place in a free country is fascist.

Also, you claimed there's a law that people need a permit to record a video in a public place in the UK. I'm still waiting for your link to that law.

I'm starting to think you're superiors at the CCP aren't happy with you right now.
Actually, we already are.

This is why you have to get releases from everyone who appears in a video. That's why when you watch a video like an episode of Cops, they often blur out the faces of people who didn't sign releases to appear in your video.

Why should you get a signed video release form? Media companies and TV networks get a video release form signed so they will not be sued by someone who appears in a video. If you watch a Discovery, Cops or other TV show with “real people” rather than actors, you will often see a face that has been blurred. This has been done because that person did not sign a release and network did not want the risk of a lawsuit.

This risk is very small, but still possible, for smaller scale productions. But if there’s any chance the video could ever be sent to a distributor, TV show, film festival or other contest, releases will be required. And of course, in the event of a lawsuit, a release is extremely helpful.
The real propaganda is the endless law enforcement/federal alphabet law shows that run endlessly to keep us in line.
The real propaganda is the endless law enforcement/federal alphabet law shows that run endlessly to keep us in line.
Cops always seem unable to understand the law. She should have immediately told them they hav no expectations of privacy when you're out in public
Cops always seem unable to understand the law
Anything a person does can be a crime. When you do not genuflect to one of them, they use it. A lot of people have hate for them and judicial. Some with courage get revenge and end up dead. We live in a semi dictatorship.
No, someone telling another person not to record a video in a public place in a free country is fascist.

Also, you claimed there's a law that people need a permit to record a video in a public place in the UK. I'm still waiting for your link to that law.

Again, it's rude to film people without their permission. I don't know if this guy had a permit or not, because I don't know UK Law. I know US law is very strict on getting permits in public places.

I'm starting to think you're superiors at the CCP aren't happy with you right now.
Wouldn't know, don't know anyone from the CCP. They are probably already upset I am helping my Chinese wife get legal residency.
So to review...

A guy takes a video in a public place, probably without a permit.

Some passerbys ask him not to use their images in the video.

He starts ranting at them about their nationality, even though under the laws of his country, he should be getting signed releases.

A police officer stops by and tells him to stop acting like an ass.
You're an ignorant commie

Freedom to photograph and film​

Members of the public and the media do not need a permit to film or photograph in public places and police have no power to stop them filming or photographing incidents or police personnel.

Again, it's rude to film people without their permission. I don't know if this guy had a permit or not, because I don't know UK Law. I know US law is very strict on getting permits in public places.

Wouldn't know, don't know anyone from the CCP. They are probably already upset I am helping my Chinese wife get legal residency.

There's no requirement to get a "permit" for an individual to record a personal video in a public place, either in the UK or here in the US. You're just projecting your fascist fantasies, like the chicom shitstains in the video
There is not an absolute right to film people without their permission, much less use their images.

Hey moron, if they had just walked by and minded their own business and kept going instead of walking up and standing right in front of the camera making a big scene shouting and threatening making asses of themselves, no one would have ever noticed them nor cared.

Now they are all global household names.

Are they related to you?
The thing is, these people were part of the unrecognizable, distant background and no one would notice them, UNTIL they approached the piano player and placed themselves dead center in front of the camera
The thing is, these people were part of the unrecognizable, distant background and no one would notice them, UNTIL they approached the piano player and placed themselves dead center in front of the camera

And still no law was violated, because there's no law against recording a personal video in a public place in the UK.

This is an example of Chinese communists trying to exert influence in other countries, and chicom stooges like JoeB131 doing their bidding.
Someone not wanting their picture taken is a fascist?

I suspect that if a liberal took your picture without your permission, you'd be whining about it to no end.
While he was breaking into the capital (-:
The thing is, these people were part of the unrecognizable, distant background and no one would notice them, UNTIL they approached the piano player and placed themselves dead center in front of the camera

I hope someone contacts all of them, tracks them down, contacts their employers and lets them know they are now part of the global lexicon.

In the old days, a few of the boys from Liverpool would have taken them out back and taught them a few manners.
There's no requirement to get a "permit" for an individual to record a personal video in a public place, either in the UK or here in the US. You're just projecting your fascist fantasies, like the chicom shitstains in the video


Sounds like there isn't an absolute right to film in public.

At least in the US.

In the UK

If you intend to film on public land, you should check if you require permission from the appropriate local authority or council. They are responsible for public land, public buildings, roads and parking. The UK screen agencies can help you get in touch with the appropriate local authority contact.

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