Chris christie doubles down on treason - Slams GOP for not giving him money

Did you read the rest of the post?

Do you understand what has happened?

A president running a sputtering economy and losing an unpopular war was re-elected. Explain how that happened. CAN you?

America has CHANGED. They are asking for THEIR bail-out. They blame the rich. And the modern radicals embrace the rich. "If only good ol' Reaganomics were allowed to take effect ............."

Whether or not the majority have made the correct assumption is irrelevant. It's the assumption that they've made.

Ignore it at your own peril.

oh you mean "become stupid" because the majority are stupid? how damn stupid.

Stupid or not, it's what the majority thinks. They bought into this stupid "compansation package" nonsense fostered upon them by their employers so they didn't have to pay better wages. This is when the 2% annual raise became normal. "But look at all the money we put in your 401K!" Except that isn't REALLY money in your pocket to go out and spend on a new car or TV. So they were offered stupid amounts of credit, ran up a bunch of charge cards, but looked at the 401K and their house and thought, "Well, who cares? I'll sell the house and pay it all off later!"

The banks knew the day of comeuppance was coming. They tried to create this "insurance" in order to cover their collective behinds. It didn't work. Then the TAXPAYERS, to the tune of billions (TARP) had to bail them out. They walked away smelling like a rose, and the rest of us got shafted.

Maybe the majority ISN'T so stupid, and now can see through the blinds.
Congress, including Democrats, were total douchebags for tacking on billions of dollars in pork.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Nothing. Democrat, Republican, Independant or Libertarian, they are doing exactly what they have been doing for since the country was founded. Don't know why anyone is surprised.

This is what happens when you are only allowed to vote for people instead of issues. Think this pork would have been added if they asked US what to do?

We would have said, "Help the people that are REALLY hurt by this, and nothing more!"

But we vote for people.

Next election, put down "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not voting for any of you anymore! You're all liars!"

Think the media wouldn't run with that? Yea, we'd end the cycle with the same bozos in office. Would that REALLY be different? However, we'd be sending a message.

It's a start. I haven't voted for a person in 20 years. Only ballot questions - because those are asking ME what should be done. It's done at the state level very often. It's done in nearly every school district in the country. Why couldn't it work at the national level? The electorate and the general population would be a LOT more involved than they are now. Why haven't we demanded our most precious right - self-determination?

Because the Gang of 536 would be out of work. So would all their buddies and families.

You scream about the evil government taking your guns, yet you willingly cede the most important right you should have.
Congress, including Democrats, were total douchebags for tacking on billions of dollars in pork.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Nothing. Democrat, Republican, Independant or Libertarian, they are doing exactly what they have been doing for since the country was founded. Don't know why anyone is surprised.

This is what happens when you are only allowed to vote for people instead of issues. Think this pork would have been added if they asked US what to do?

We would have said, "Help the people that are REALLY hurt by this, and nothing more!"

But we vote for people.

Next election, put down "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not voting for any of you anymore! You're all liars!"

Think the media wouldn't run with that? Yea, we'd end the cycle with the same bozos in office. Would that REALLY be different? However, we'd be sending a message.

It's a start. I haven't voted for a person in 20 years. Only ballot questions - because those are asking ME what should be done. It's done at the state level very often. It's done in nearly every school district in the country. Why couldn't it work at the national level? The electorate and the general population would be a LOT more involved than they are now. Why haven't we demanded our most precious right - self-determination?

Because the Gang of 536 would be out of work. So would all their buddies and families.

You scream about the evil government taking your guns, yet you willingly cede the most important right you should have.

You talkin' to me, n00b? 'Cause I ain't ever said anything about gun rights let alone scream about 'em. So while you indulge in little fantasies about revolutions around 1970s movie memes, perhaps you should start with simpler tasks such as not stereotyping others, mmkay?

And no, this doesn't happen "because their people." It's culture and the system. Where I come from n00b, there may be pork and boondoggles, but craven politicians don't cynically rip off the taxpayer through the tragedy and death of others under the guise of disaster relief bills.

It's disgusting.
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You talkin' to me, n00b? 'Cause I ain't ever said anything about gun rights let alone scream about 'em. So while you indulge in little fantasies about revolutions around 1970s movie memes, perhaps you should start with simpler tasks such as not stereotyping others, mmkay?

And no, this doesn't happen "because their people." It's culture and the system. Where I come from n00b, there may be pork and boondoggles, but craven politicians don't cynically rip off the taxpayer through the tragedy and death of others under the guise of disaster relief bills.

It's disgusting.
I wonder how many "moderates" stuffed that pig. :eusa_shifty:
Congress, including Democrats, were total douchebags for tacking on billions of dollars in pork.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Nothing. Democrat, Republican, Independant or Libertarian, they are doing exactly what they have been doing for since the country was founded. Don't know why anyone is surprised.

This is what happens when you are only allowed to vote for people instead of issues. Think this pork would have been added if they asked US what to do?

We would have said, "Help the people that are REALLY hurt by this, and nothing more!"

But we vote for people.

Next election, put down "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not voting for any of you anymore! You're all liars!"

Think the media wouldn't run with that? Yea, we'd end the cycle with the same bozos in office. Would that REALLY be different? However, we'd be sending a message.

It's a start. I haven't voted for a person in 20 years. Only ballot questions - because those are asking ME what should be done. It's done at the state level very often. It's done in nearly every school district in the country. Why couldn't it work at the national level? The electorate and the general population would be a LOT more involved than they are now. Why haven't we demanded our most precious right - self-determination?

Because the Gang of 536 would be out of work. So would all their buddies and families.

You scream about the evil government taking your guns, yet you willingly cede the most important right you should have.

You talkin' to me, n00b? 'Cause I ain't ever said anything about gun rights let alone scream about 'em. So while you indulge in little fantasies about revolutions around 1970s movie memes, perhaps you should start with simpler tasks such as not stereotyping others, mmkay?

And no, this doesn't happen "because their people." It's culture and the system. Where I come from n00b, there may be pork and boondoggles, but craven politicians don't cynically rip off the taxpayer through the tragedy and death of others under the guise of disaster relief bills.

It's disgusting.

So, are you just going to whine about it on the Internet? That will do nothing.

Why CAN'T we have a national referendum on gun control? On taxes? On spending? Or MJ usage? Or abortion? Or any number of issues?

It happens because they are people, and will look out for themselves first and foremost. They will lie and cheat to keep their jobs. You expect integrity from them. That's insane. They left any semblence of that at the door when they got into the business.
You talkin' to me, n00b? 'Cause I ain't ever said anything about gun rights let alone scream about 'em. So while you indulge in little fantasies about revolutions around 1970s movie memes, perhaps you should start with simpler tasks such as not stereotyping others, mmkay?

And no, this doesn't happen "because their people." It's culture and the system. Where I come from n00b, there may be pork and boondoggles, but craven politicians don't cynically rip off the taxpayer through the tragedy and death of others under the guise of disaster relief bills.

It's disgusting.
I wonder how many "moderates" stuffed that pig. :eusa_shifty:

Them to.
Congress, including Democrats, were total douchebags for tacking on billions of dollars in pork.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Nothing. Democrat, Republican, Independant or Libertarian, they are doing exactly what they have been doing for since the country was founded. Don't know why anyone is surprised.

This is what happens when you are only allowed to vote for people instead of issues. Think this pork would have been added if they asked US what to do?

We would have said, "Help the people that are REALLY hurt by this, and nothing more!"

But we vote for people.

Next election, put down "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not voting for any of you anymore! You're all liars!"

Think the media wouldn't run with that? Yea, we'd end the cycle with the same bozos in office. Would that REALLY be different? However, we'd be sending a message.

It's a start. I haven't voted for a person in 20 years. Only ballot questions - because those are asking ME what should be done. It's done at the state level very often. It's done in nearly every school district in the country. Why couldn't it work at the national level? The electorate and the general population would be a LOT more involved than they are now. Why haven't we demanded our most precious right - self-determination?

Because the Gang of 536 would be out of work. So would all their buddies and families.

You scream about the evil government taking your guns, yet you willingly cede the most important right you should have.

You don't seem to understand our form of government AT ALL. It seems you'd be happier living somewhere else.
Why CAN'T we have a national referendum on gun control? On taxes? On spending? Or MJ usage? Or abortion? Or any number of issues?

It happens because they are people, and will look out for themselves first and foremost. They will lie and cheat to keep their jobs. You expect integrity from them. That's insane. They left any semblence of that at the door when they got into the business.

We are a Constitutional Republic, moron. You don't like the system of government we've been using since 1787? Fine, get lost.
That interp being that Unky is absolutely hunky dory with how our system works. I will preserve this.

Why CAN'T we have a national referendum on gun control? On taxes? On spending? Or MJ usage? Or abortion? Or any number of issues?

It happens because they are people, and will look out for themselves first and foremost. They will lie and cheat to keep their jobs. You expect integrity from them. That's insane. They left any semblence of that at the door when they got into the business.

We are a Constitutional Republic, moron. You don't like the system of government we've been using since 1787? Fine, get lost.
Why CAN'T we have a national referendum on gun control? On taxes? On spending? Or MJ usage? Or abortion? Or any number of issues?

It happens because they are people, and will look out for themselves first and foremost. They will lie and cheat to keep their jobs. You expect integrity from them. That's insane. They left any semblence of that at the door when they got into the business.

We are a Constitutional Republic, moron. You don't like the system of government we've been using since 1787? Fine, get lost.

You're right. We've been using a system of government that we've been using since 1787.


Since then, we've gained electricity, mass communication, the assembly line, iPhones, the Internet, Twitter, etc.

Oh yeah...............we've also developed guns that instead of taking a full minute to fire and reload (look up "Minutemen" sometime), we now have weapons (in the hands of civilians) that are capable of firing 70 rounds per minute.

Maybe we should think about updating some things. Yeah...............the Bill of Rights, as well as the Amendments do something, but right now, they don't do enough.
This is what happens when you are only allowed to vote for people instead of issues. Think this pork would have been added if they asked US what to do?

Referendums have been tried on many issues and the courts routinely void the results.!
Perhaps Christie is taking care of the people he represents instead of thinking of future political aspirations. Perhaps he is a real man instead of a phoney politician.

HAHAHA. Now that is really funny. You must be the most naive person in america. Christie is pure scum and cares nothing for the public. Why do you think he went on TV the day after Sandy hit and lied by telling us obama was doing a super job in handling Sandy? He wanted Romney to lose the election so he, Christie, could run in 2016.

Christie is a fat selfish creep and pure politician all the way.

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