Chris Christie supports transgender surgery for kids

No one needs to get their dick chopped off, silly fucktard.
If your lurid fancies obsess you, please identify who is wantonly doing such things. Please document what you fantasize about.

Please familiarize yourself with the condition from which some suffer, its consequences if left untreated, and its actual treatment:

Nothing is more important to President Trump than the safety and success of the USA.

That is a fight that you cannot win.
Ridiculous. I just saw newly minted critic Billy the Bagman Barr stress that Trump always has and always will put self interest before the country's best interests. Of the many examples, the Big Lie, being at the top of the list.
Far better than the Democrat's issue of enabling and encouraging them to groom children for pedophilia.
Don't forget about Dems eating babies. I found that to be particularly repulsive.
Ridiculous. I just saw newly minted critic Billy the Bagman Barr stress that Trump always has and always will put self interest before the country's best interests. Of the many examples, the Big Lie, being at the top of the list.


People that use childish terms such as "Billy the Bagman" show that they are not mature enough to have an intellectual conversation or interpret same.

The Big lie is not a lie at all.

The 2020 election was not a secure election.

People that use childish terms such as "Billy the Bagman" show that they are not mature enough to have an intellectual conversation or interpret same.

The Big lie is not a lie at all.

The 2020 election was not a secure election.
Is that kinda like Deranged Jack Smith?
You can’t create a functioning vagina.
Maybe a pocket of skin that has some sensitivity

Why many trans keep their penis
And I think that's my point. We shouldn't be so quick to promote HRT and life altering surgeries. The current narratives are "Life Saving Healthcare". Really? Removing a penis to construct a pho-vagina is not healthcare, it's cosmetic surgery at best with serious risks involved and long term care and maintenance. These risks and the long term affects aren't being discussed in the national narrative. And we shouldn't be discussing this stuff with our children, even if a parent recognizes that their child is going to be gay (because we have all been around a child we knew was going to be gay). Instead, support them, let them be them. But we don't need to encourage at very young ages the confusing concept of sexuality.
A brand new vagina that doesn't work?
And I'll bet you that this trans-female didn't do her daily maintenance to dilate her vagenis, thus, why she is going to have to have another surgery to reconstruct and open it back up.
And I think that's my point. We shouldn't be so quick to promote HRT and life altering surgeries. The current narratives are "Life Saving Healthcare". Really? Removing a penis to construct a pho-vagina is not healthcare, it's cosmetic surgery at best with serious risks involved and long term care and maintenance. These risks and the long term affects aren't being discussed in the national narrative. And we shouldn't be discussing this stuff with our children, even if a parent recognizes that their child is going to be gay (because we have all been around a child we knew was going to be gay). Instead, support them, let them be them. But we don't need to encourage at very young ages the confusing concept of sexuality.
Those risks, options and long term effects are best decided by those who actually deal with the child and can decide a best course of action. That includes the child, parents and medical professionals

Republicans who are biased against transexuality and are offended by it are not the ones to make the decisions for the child.
Those risks, options and long term effects are best decided by those who actually deal with the child and can decide a best course of action. That includes the child, parents and medical professionals
Well after the child understand sexuality, and the entire gambit, which doesn't hit until puberty. Would you want your child to go through some form of HRT, surgeries and to then never experience full sexual gratification?
Republicans who are biased against transexuality and are offended by it are not the ones to make the decisions for the child.
And not all republicans are. Stop throwing all republicans into the same bath water. There are plenty that want bipartisan conversations. There are plenty, like me, who is very conservative when it comes to gov't, taxes, economy, etc., but also believe that homosexuality is real and those people have rights. But, I also feel that we are going TOO far.

I've said it before; for 1000s of years, homosexuals lived in various modern societies (for their time) and their sexuality was openly accepted. They also lived their life within their biological bodies and found like minded people to explore and live within their sexuality, happily.

Today, cosmetic surgery is being touted as some life saving "Healthcare" and that is bunk. We can thank the the Christian ideology in American for shaming homosexuality or Bisexuals to living a life of shame. However that shame has been removed. That's a great step. But now we want to take even further by potentially confusing children about their sexuality, administering life long changing therapy, when the child has no experience of sex or to fully understand what it means? Come on, if you don't see a problem with that, than you and many other are drinking the progressive, liberal kool-aid. But I'm sure there are some democrats who line up with me.
Well after the child understand sexuality, and the entire gambit, which doesn't hit until puberty. Would you want your child to go through some form of HRT, surgeries and to then never experience full sexual gratification?
Why the decision needs to be carefully made by those directly involved with the child NOT by Republicans who are appalled by Transexuals.

The decision comes down to start therapy before puberty or after.
Let the family decide not politicians
Why the decision needs to be carefully made by those directly involved with the child NOT by Republicans who are appalled by Transexuals.
I would go so far to say, not until the age of 16 should a parent approach a Dr. about HRT.
The decision comes down to start therapy before puberty or after.
Let the family decide not politicians
Before puberty? Why. This has drastic ramifications on sexual development. I find this to be hypocritical thought. We want people to be sexually satisfied and happy in their bodies. But HRT, sex change, can absolutely take that away due to risks and long term affects of HRT. Prior to surgery fully functioning sexuality. HRT and sex change, you may not have an orgasm ever again. And what about Trans-men who have a penis grafted from tissue from a limb. That's never going to work like a penis? I don't get it.

BUT, if that's what an adult wants to do, go for it, and also at their expense. This is cosmetic surgery and should not be covered by insurance, medicaid, or medicare.

Influencing a child, IMO, is medical and psychological abuse since they don't know what is sexually best for them.
Before puberty? Why. This has drastic ramifications on sexual development.
That is why
It is easier and more effective to transition to another sex if you do not let your male or female characteristics fully develop first.

Waiting till you are an adult results in the “ugly Trannies” that conservatives on this board routinely post pictures and mock.

That is why
It is easier and more effective to transition to another sex if you do not let your male or female characteristics fully develop first.

Waiting till you are an adult results in the “ugly Trannies” that conservatives on this board routinely post pictures and mock.

That is why
It is easier and more effective to transition to another sex if you do not let your male or female characteristics fully develop first.
With no guarantee of sexual function and or satisfaction. No thanks and we shouldn't do this to our children.
Waiting till you are an adult results in the “ugly Trannies” that conservatives on this board routinely post pictures and mock.

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Democrats have secret labs where undocumented children are experimented on to develop trans meds.

This is a "conspiracy theory" today, but will soon be proven true.

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