Chris Christie's WEIGHTY decision: I won't decide!

Exchange "Goerge Soros" with "Koch brothers" and I'd lay odds that you'd suddenly suspect a whole heap of jiggery-pokery going on.

No, I don't think I would.

Feel free to find a single post I've made here complaining about the Koch brothers, or any right wing organizations and how they spend their money.

Making assumptions about my views just makes you look like an idiot.
I can see how it would look like he is copping out but he is looking better and better to me and a lot like presidential material in 2016.

Let the voters decide so we aren't in yet another political back and forth. Let it be..

I don't know about that.
I like Christie... but I don't think he's presidential material.
Your posts get more batshit insane by the day.... :cuckoo:

Your sense of humor clearly hasn't improved over that time period at all.

I base my opinion on this, and the many other batshit crazy posts by Frank. I even used to think better of you. Welcher....

I don't know why anyone would care about who you allegedly "used to" think "better of," you hack. By the way, who the fuck are you, anyway?

I didn't welsh.

The problem you have (aside from a bad case of mental retardation) is that you can't track the meaning of words.
That special election will cost taxpayers $12,000,000. more than one election would.

As Democrats Hail and GOP Attacks Special Election Date, Christie May Have a Problem | New York Daily News

That was my first thought!

How cost effective is that?

Unless NJ has a special elections fund, which is not part of the General Fund.

It's not cost effective. Debt hawks should be outraged. $12 million taxpayer dollars when an election is scheduled 3 weeks later for purely political reasons? That will play well in attack ads...during the Primary.

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