Chris Wallace blames Trump for him being inept as a moderator. Shocker.

Wallace is one of those guys who smiles at your face at work, hangs out with you at lunch and then one day you find out some anonymous person made some b.s complaint about you to HR and you never figure out who it was.

Wallace the Weasel. I wonder what they have on this rat?

I will await the subsequent rating drop he is about to experience. Just a guess. Even if it is only old school RINOs who watch him because of his father decide "this guy is a flake".
Great Journalist just like his Dad

Conservatives hated Mike Wallace too
Wallace is one of those guys who smiles at your face at work, hangs out with you at lunch and then one day you find out some anonymous person made some b.s complaint about you to HR and you never figure out who it was.

Wallace the Weasel. I wonder what they have on this rat?

I will await the subsequent rating drop he is about to experience. Just a guess. Even if it is only old school RINOs who watch him because of his father decide "this guy is a flake".
Great Journalist just like his Dad

Conservatives hated Mike Wallace too
Conservatives hated Mike Wallace too


Watch this.................this clown is too easy.
Why don't you just slink off and STFU. You are now a household joke, Chrissy.

Only thing wrong was they didn't give Wallace the authority to shut that clown's mic off when he kept interrupting Biden.
We need moderator Joe Rogan desperately to lead us out of this abysmal sewer of hell
Why don't you just slink off and STFU. You are now a household joke, Chrissy.

Chris Wallace's bullshit leftist commie talking-point gotcha questions pointed at Trump caused the problem. FUCK him.
Why don't you just slink off and STFU. You are now a household joke, Chrissy.

I do not believe that Chris Wallace ever studied the sort of pre-school juvenile behavioral problems demonstrated by your Orange Baboon-God.

America expects better from its Presidents and didn't get it.
Why don't you just slink off and STFU. You are now a household joke, Chrissy.

I do not believe that Chris Wallace ever studied the sort of pre-school juvenile behavioral problems demonstrated by your Orange Baboon-God.

America expects better from its Presidents and didn't get it.
I'm sure he put a great deal of thought into assuming Trump would behave like a spoiled, entitled 8 year old brat. You HAVE to. After all, this is a person who talked about the size of his DICK in an earlier "presidential" debate.

But the degree to which Trump threw a 90-minute tantrum couldn't have been anticipated by any normal, intelligent adult.
The Charlottesville statement made by Wallace has been debunked over and over and over. He knows the entire quote. He knows the reason this is just a Democratic talking point that has taken hold in the brain-dead liberal world and he wanted to keep it alive. The left-wing media and Democrats lie by omission on a daily basis. Leftwards fall for these lies on a daily basis because they are too lazy to do any actual research for themselves. This Charlottesville quote/omission is one of the best examples of this.
Trump put on a show

Made him look like an obnoxious bully, but it was a show

Nope. Made him look like a guy who has no problem defending himself, which he did quite ably.

Wallace sure made it easy for Biden. A Biden who had a wire on. Its all over Tik Tock and FB. And Biden lied his ass off as well. All anyone has to do is research his stand on defunding the police to learn that.

I had a lot of the questions I had answered at that debate. I sure won't be voting for a guy who will raise taxes and CG on business. The lower the CG the more business can expand and hire and the better for the economy. He sure isn't any kind of economist.

His green shit will bankrupt the country and I won't be voting for him.

Trump has my vote cause he's the guy who can get our economy back to what it was before Covid.

UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy. He's got my vote.
Why don't you just slink off and STFU. You are now a household joke, Chrissy.

I do not believe that Chris Wallace ever studied the sort of pre-school juvenile behavioral problems demonstrated by your Orange Baboon-God.

America expects better from its Presidents and didn't get it.
I recall that it was Crazy Joe who started the interruptions, Crazy Joe who was calling the President "a clown", and Crazy Joe saying "Oh shut up" several times.
Why don't you just slink off and STFU. You are now a household joke, Chrissy.

I do not believe that Chris Wallace ever studied the sort of pre-school juvenile behavioral problems demonstrated by your Orange Baboon-God.

America expects better from its Presidents and didn't get it.
Yes, Trump lost his cool. That's on him.

To be fair, when one gets a diatribe of left-wing false narratives stated as undeniable truth followed "questions" and given no opportunity to respond to the bullshit, one tends to get frustrated.

Trump has not learned to re-frame the bullshit questions. He can expose the cocksucking jackass moderators for what they are simply by pointing out how they have stated Dem talking points as truth.

Trump should not entertain any "questions" loaded with horseshit. The whole fucking debate can be the communist left biased moderator asking bullshit questions, followed by Trump only correcting the bullshit without actually answer any "questions."

He must FORCE moderators to ask clean, bullshit-left-commie-propaganda-free questions. He does that by only re-framing and correcting the bullshit without answer the questions.
It's clear Wallace was 100% in the tank for Biden. Trump waited for Wallace to do his job and took over when it was clear Wallace was going to sit there and let Biden lie through his teeth and not get asked a hardball question.

Wallace certainly proved that when he just blatantly teamed up where he gets Trump to condemn white supremacy and then Biden comes in with the "it's about time."

Also, the Fox interview with Wallace showed he just is in the tank for Biden as he didn't mention once that Biden's attacks were FAR more personal.

Like the Obamacare stuff where Biden kept insinuating that Trump was evil and had nefarious intentions. These are entirely different:

1) kaz opposes Obamacare

2) kaz wants to take 20 million's healthcare away

Biden clearly went consistently the second route. Anyone would be far more quick to jump into the second question. The questions and statements from Trump and Wallace were not nearly so personal
It's clear Wallace was 100% in the tank for Biden. Trump waited for Wallace to do his job and took over when it was clear Wallace was going to sit there and let Biden lie through his teeth and not get asked a hardball question.

Wallace certainly proved that when he just blatantly teamed up where he gets Trump to condemn white supremacy and then Biden comes in with the "it's about time."

Also, the Fox interview with Wallace showed he just is in the tank for Biden as he didn't mention once that Biden's attacks were FAR more personal.

Like the Obamacare stuff where Biden kept insinuating that Trump was evil and had nefarious intentions. These are entirely different:

1) kaz opposes Obamacare

2) kaz wants to take 20 million's healthcare away

Biden clearly went consistently the second route. Anyone would be far more quick to jump into the second question. The questions and statements from Trump and Wallace were not nearly so personal

Biden called a sitting president a murderer and racist on international tv and Wallace spun the whole thing as Trump's fault. Rot in hell Wallace.
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