Chris Wallace: No Way Trump Will Win In 2020 With Just His Base


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

And that seems to be all the president cares about now, Wallace tells Fox News’ Shepard Smith.

Fox News host Chris Wallace told colleague Shepard Smith on Friday that there’s no way Donald Trump can win a second term with just his base — and the president doesn’t seem to care about anyone else now.

Smith asked if Trump is simply going to “stay with the base, placate the base and forget everybody else and just figure out a way come 2020?”

“You can’t do it,” Wallace responded, “because there’s just not enough votes in the base.” Even with polling that indicates as much as 40 percent of eligible voters may be “ever-Trumpers,” that’s “not enough to win an election,” Wallace emphasized. “So he’s going to have to expand his base.”

While his backers love his border wall, it’s not popular with the majority of Americans, Wallace noted. He’s going to need the “independents ... suburban Republicans, suburban women,” Wallace added.

Chris Wallace: No Way Trump Will Win In 2020 With Just His Base

I agree! Trump slithered through the crack in 2016 - but not 2020. His idiot base is whistling past the political graveyard. It should be entertaining watching Trump trying to expand his base.
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All the networks were telling us Trump had no chance to win, it would be a landslide for Hillary, all the way until they started counting the votes.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.
All the networks were telling us Trump had no chance to win, it would be a landslide for Hillary, all the way until they started counting the votes.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

That was because Trump supporters lied to the pollsters.
All the networks were telling us Trump had no chance to win, it would be a landslide for Hillary, all the way until they started counting the votes.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

That was because Trump supporters lied to the pollsters.
So polls have been proven unreliable.

Why do you still pull polls out and tell people you know Trump can't win the next election, when it didn't work out for you last time?
That was because Trump supporters lied to the pollsters.
NO, it was because, generally, Republicans don't respond to polls. Anybody who doesn't know that polls merely reflect Democrats' views, is sticking his head in the sand.
Trump's base is big enough. If the economy stays good, the swing voters will vote for Trump to keep the good times rolling.
The whole point of the article is to convince Trump to abandon his base in the hopes of capturing swing voters.

Trump knows better than to do that.
And look at Lakhota, Democrat stooge, offering advice to Trump on how he can win the next election. Thanks for the tip, but we're not stupid enough to believe you are actually trying to help Trump win.
Trump's base is big enough. If the economy stays good, the swing voters will vote for Trump to keep the good times rolling.

I find it amusing: ever Trumpers are at say 40%....needs only another 10% of happy yanks with better paying jobs to join him. Elections are ALWAYS nail biters. I had to remind myself that Hillary could actually win!!! That she didn't was a relief of course but not unexpected.

All the networks were telling us Trump had no chance to win, it would be a landslide for Hillary, all the way until they started counting the votes.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.
The last president to win with just his base was Reagan in '84. This is what's called an amazing grasp of the obvious.

And that seems to be all the president cares about now, Wallace tells Fox News’ Shepard Smith.

Fox News host Chris Wallace told colleague Shepard Smith on Friday that there’s no way Donald Trump can win a second term with just his base — and the president doesn’t seem to care about anyone else now.

Smith asked if Trump is simply going to “stay with the base, placate the base and forget everybody else and just figure out a way come 2020?”

“You can’t do it,” Wallace responded, “because there’s just not enough votes in the base.” Even with polling that indicates as much as 40 percent of eligible voters may be “ever-Trumpers,” that’s “not enough to win an election,” Wallace emphasized. “So he’s going to have to expand his base.”

While his backers love his border wall, it’s not popular with the majority of Americans, Wallace noted. He’s going to need the “independents ... suburban Republicans, suburban women,” Wallace added.

Chris Wallace: No Way Trump Will Win In 2020 With Just His Base

I agree! Trump slithered through the crack in 2016 - but not 2020. His idiot base is whistling past the political graveyard. It should be entertaining watching Trump trying to expand his base.

It looked like Trump had a very narrow path to victory just a few months ago.

But then the Democrat candidates started coming in. Now he looks like a shoo-in.
All the networks were telling us Trump had no chance to win, it would be a landslide for Hillary, all the way until they started counting the votes.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

That was because Trump supporters lied to the pollsters.
Its been that way for many years as people were demeaned for voting Republican. It actually came to violence under Obama.
Most people are getting wise to his lies, but Russia and Israel want him to win, so I expect massive cheating, watch Florida.
Most people are getting wise to his lies, but Russia and Israel want him to win, so I expect massive cheating, watch Florida.

Penny in case you're not up on the news, please do keep your eyes on it. The only cheating going on was Obama, Clinton, the DOJ and the FBI. God willing, the piper is about be paid.
Trump won Florida during the mid terms by having his strong supporters winning

This is about 5 swing states and trump has nearly got all 5 locked up

Does not matter how much he loses New York
Or California

Trump getting the Midwest jobs going will lock up those 5 swing states
There is no way the orange pig won without a fraud....hos 20% or so base of dumb ass racists isn'tt enough to get him elected it.
He himself wasnt counting on winning....that was the weirdest shit ever. Garbage in the WH.
Black unemployment is at a record low and all of the despicable democrat attempts to smear and brand Trump as a "racist" have backfired Wyle E Coyote like. Genuine Hispanic legal immigrants ADORE Trump. This is why the Socialist democrat Party needs illegals on top of the nonliving and absentee ballot double voter

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