Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

Am I free to level consequences on you for believing a page designed to make someone look bad? Shouldn't you apologize for believing that people are hateful racists when they weren't?

Nice defense. Please provide proof that that page is fake....including any denial of the couple that that is their page. (would be a good start)
I can't verify, so that is why I said purported to be...

He had his own Facebook page as well (which links the Sweet Cakes page)

He seems to be the right-wing Blaze 'n Fox loving knuckle-dragger birther type, who even on a political rant about Obama can't help but hate them gheys.

"Send him back to his socialist utopian gay rights loving homeland. And all the people that think like him can go too."


A 2012 post from his own page. Not likely hacked.



The story from February 6th detailed here:

Aaron Klein's homophobic Obama rant (Photos) - Las Vegas Democrat |

So when do you propose his trial for Thoughtcrime take place?
Nice defense. Please provide proof that that page is fake....including any denial of the couple that that is their page. (would be a good start)
I can't verify, so that is why I said purported to be...

He had his own Facebook page as well (which links the Sweet Cakes page)

He seems to be the right-wing Blaze 'n Fox loving knuckle-dragger birther type, who even on a political rant about Obama can't help but hate them gheys.

"Send him back to his socialist utopian gay rights loving homeland. And all the people that think like him can go too."


A 2012 post from his own page. Not likely hacked.



The story from February 6th detailed here:

Aaron Klein's homophobic Obama rant (Photos) - Las Vegas Democrat |

So when do you propose his trial for Thoughtcrime take place?
Hey captain Hyperbole, he's free to say any damn thing he wants, I'm free to call him out on it and show the readers just how Jesusy he publicly extolls his faith.
Simple question.

What if this was a homosexual bakery refusing service to Christians? Would any of you pro equality liberals be squealing your heads off right now? I highly think not. Think about it. And then think about how hypocritical you are.

Good night.

They wouldn't do that, having been on the receiving end of such bullshit for so long.
"whatever you do unto the yeast of my brethren, you do unto me"

Nice defense. Please provide proof that that page is fake....including any denial of the couple that that is their page. (would be a good start)
I can't verify, so that is why I said purported to be...

He had his own Facebook page as well (which links the Sweet Cakes page)

He seems to be the right-wing Blaze 'n Fox loving knuckle-dragger birther type, who even on a political rant about Obama can't help but hate them gheys.

"Send him back to his socialist utopian gay rights loving homeland. And all the people that think like him can go too."


A 2012 post from his own page. Not likely hacked.



The story from February 6th detailed here:

Aaron Klein's homophobic Obama rant (Photos) - Las Vegas Democrat |

So when do you propose his trial for Thoughtcrime take place?

So...he's been arrested?

(Why is it that some are confused about freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences when those around you realize you are a jerk by your own words out of your own mouth...or computer?)
The homosexual couple were not in the wrong here. The bakers were.


Their faith in God informs them that homosexuality is filthy and unholy and perverse and sinful and unclean and degenerate and emasculating and that association with homosexuals is either prohibited or otherwise condemned as consorting with those in whom God is greatly displeased.

And they live in a country whose history is steeped in the influence of that faith, and whose majority population adhere to such belief-systems.

Perhaps they saw it as a matter of Man's Law in conflict with God's Law, and chose God over Man?

Having children out of wedlock is a sin, and human cloning is immoral. Tattoos are clearly forbidden. Yet they are happy to support all of those things, just not the gays.

Do we know that the Christian Bakery Owners support such things?

And even if they did...

So, they cherry-picked the Bible for the parts that THEY want to believe-in or to consider operative as God's Law or Moral Law...

Big deal...

Some parts of ancient sacred texts are still relevant today...

Some parts are not...

Most folks hold that the ancient prohibitions against homosexuality still hold true...

Some folks do not...

And our secular government has - very recently- begun issuing rulings and laws and regulations as if those ancient prohibitions against homosexuality do not still hold true...

To the displeasure of much of the population - in contravention to the Consent of the Governed...

A thoroughly Conservative President and Congress, and a sizable Conservative contingent within the Supreme Court, may end-up reversing some of that recent social engineering...

Just as we now see Roe v Wade being slowly eroded in State after State after State, so many years after it first became operative...

Time will tell...


You really can't fault normal, decent people for shunning fudge-packers and carpet-to-carpet munchers, and being grossed-out by them, and wanting nothing to do with them...

Their faith tells them that such folks are deviants and unclean and an abomination in the eyes of God and Nature and Man...

And a lot of good folks who do NOT have such strong beliefs, also perceive Gays in that manner...

Generally speaking, Hate is an evil and unworthy thing, but there is ONE kind of Hate (or, at least, revulsion) which most of us are taught from childhood to be acceptable... ONE kind of Hate that is supposed to be OK...

The Hatred of Evil...

And, if homosexuality is tagged as Evil, or if its perception as an Evil Thing is valid, well...

The hating of EVIL things is considered a GOOD thing, right?


The People will sort this out in their own good time...
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I can't verify, so that is why I said purported to be...

He had his own Facebook page as well (which links the Sweet Cakes page)

He seems to be the right-wing Blaze 'n Fox loving knuckle-dragger birther type, who even on a political rant about Obama can't help but hate them gheys.

"Send him back to his socialist utopian gay rights loving homeland. And all the people that think like him can go too."


A 2012 post from his own page. Not likely hacked.



The story from February 6th detailed here:

Aaron Klein's homophobic Obama rant (Photos) - Las Vegas Democrat |

So when do you propose his trial for Thoughtcrime take place?

So...he's been arrested?

(Why is it that some are confused about freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences when those around you realize you are a jerk by your own words out of your own mouth...or computer?)

I accept them having to deal with the consquences of thier actions, if said consequences are from actual people boycotting or letting thier displeasure be known in a civil and proper manner. (picketing, mailing adverts, boycotts are all civil and proper).

What I do not accept is said aggrived parties being able to run to the government to force these people to do business with someone they do not want to, or not be a part of that buisness at all. What I also do not accept is any form of threat towards said people merely expressing thier own rights to thier opinions.
I can't verify, so that is why I said purported to be...

He had his own Facebook page as well (which links the Sweet Cakes page)

He seems to be the right-wing Blaze 'n Fox loving knuckle-dragger birther type, who even on a political rant about Obama can't help but hate them gheys.

"Send him back to his socialist utopian gay rights loving homeland. And all the people that think like him can go too."


A 2012 post from his own page. Not likely hacked.



The story from February 6th detailed here:

Aaron Klein's homophobic Obama rant (Photos) - Las Vegas Democrat |

So when do you propose his trial for Thoughtcrime take place?
Hey captain Hyperbole, he's free to say any damn thing he wants, I'm free to call him out on it and show the readers just how Jesusy he publicly extolls his faith.

In this case the aggrived parties have run to big momma government to make the bad people do what said aggrived parties want. Thats where the thoughtcrime comes in.
Well, they're telling the queers, fags, and lezzies to go f**k themselves by working out of their home. Good for them!!!!!
Well, they're telling the queers, fags, and lezzies to go f**k themselves by working out of their home. Good for them!!!!!

Christians should learn a lesson from these recent lawsuits and stop offering certain services to the public. Instead put up a disclaimer "State and federal law prohibits my sale of wedding cakes" or "State and federal law prohibits my photography services at weddings".

It's easy enough. There can be no complaints then.
What if this was a homosexual bakery refusing service to Christians?
If I were in that spot, I would either go to another bakery or make what I needed myself. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Out of them two choices, I would make what I needed myself because doing so would then give this Christian girl something to be proud of. :) :) :)
What if this was a homosexual bakery refusing service to Christians?
If I were in that spot, I would either go to another bakery or make what I needed myself. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Out of them two choices, I would make what I needed myself because doing so would then give this Christian girl something to be proud of. :) :) :)

How many bakeries refuse to make hot cross buns at Easter? If people really want one, they go to a different bakery.
Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop - Washington Times

A year ago I would have said 'good.' But actually seeing that it happened, - I don't like how this feels. They shouldn't have been treated as they have been treated, not in my estimation.

Some of those threats were shocking. One emailer wished for the couple’s children to fall ill. Another expressed hope that Mr. Klein should be shot and even raped, The Blaze reported.

And yet another wrote: “Here’s hoping you go out of business, you bigot.”
The couple said on top of that, their vendors were “badgered and harassed” into stopping all associations with the bakery.

The Kleins say they’re now closing up their doors and moving their operations to their home. Their business, they say, has suffered a serious revenue hit from the unexpected activism and backlash.

Looks like they need a Chik-Fil-A-type support system.

Threats of bodily harm go beyond civil protest. Those offended could have simply started a boycott the bigot campaign.
Well, they're telling the queers, fags, and lezzies to go f**k themselves by working out of their home. Good for them!!!!!

Christians should learn a lesson from these recent lawsuits and stop offering certain services to the public. Instead put up a disclaimer "State and federal law prohibits my sale of wedding cakes" or "State and federal law prohibits my photography services at weddings".

It's easy enough. There can be no complaints then.

Why would a bakery lie and say "State and federal law prohibits my sale of wedding cakes" when it doesn't or "State and federal law prohibits my photography services at weddings" when it doesn't?

Now they could post a sign that says:

State law requries that a business that provides sales to the general public requires that there be no discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. As such this establishment chooses not to provide any wedding cake service so as not be required to provide equal service to homosexuals."​

That sign would be the truth would be the truth.

Or, just put a sign "We don't do wedding cakes." If the bakery dosen't make wedding cakes at all, then there is no issue. If a photographer doesn't shoot weddings at all, then there is no issue.

If a Muslim owns a deli and doesn't have pork products on the menu, there is no issue and no requirement under the law that they add it.

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BDBoop said:
I wonder what kind of pressure the vendors were under that they chose to act against this couple.
Maybe they saw what is purported to be a facebook rant by the couple (and deleted not long after)


Well I don't know if Facebook format is different in different places, but that does not look like an authentic Facebook page to me. Nor is it easy to believe the people who run that bakery used all those hateful words on Facebook. That too just doesn't ring authentic to me. I think if it was the real deal, the more honorable leftwing media would have been all over that--and probably most of the rightwingers too.
What if this was a homosexual bakery refusing service to Christians?
If I were in that spot, I would either go to another bakery or make what I needed myself. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Out of them two choices, I would make what I needed myself because doing so would then give this Christian girl something to be proud of. :) :) :)
How many bakeries refuse to make hot cross buns at Easter? If people really want one, they go to a different bakery.
I don't even know what them things are.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My most favorite desert are plain chocolate brownies and is something that I am able to make myself. :) :) :)

Their faith in God informs them that homosexuality is filthy and unholy and perverse and sinful and unclean and degenerate and emasculating and that association with homosexuals is either prohibited or otherwise condemned as consorting with those in whom God is greatly displeased.

And they live in a country whose history is steeped in the influence of that faith, and whose majority population adhere to such belief-systems.

Perhaps they saw it as a matter of Man's Law in conflict with God's Law, and chose God over Man?

Having children out of wedlock is a sin, and human cloning is immoral. Tattoos are clearly forbidden. Yet they are happy to support all of those things, just not the gays.

Do we know that the Christian Bakery Owners support such things?

And even if they did...

So, they cherry-picked the Bible for the parts that THEY want to believe-in or to consider operative as God's Law or Moral Law...

Big deal...

Some parts of ancient sacred texts are still relevant today...

Some parts are not...

Most folks hold that the ancient prohibitions against homosexuality still hold true...

Some folks do not...

And our secular government has - very recently- begun issuing rulings and laws and regulations as if those ancient prohibitions against homosexuality do not still hold true...

To the displeasure of much of the population - in contravention to the Consent of the Governed...

A thoroughly Conservative President and Congress, and a sizable Conservative contingent within the Supreme Court, may end-up reversing some of that recent social engineering...

Just as we now see Roe v Wade being slowly eroded in State after State after State, so many years after it first became operative...

Time will tell...


You really can't fault normal, decent people for shunning fudge-packers and carpet-to-carpet munchers, and being grossed-out by them, and wanting nothing to do with them...

Their faith tells them that such folks are deviants and unclean and an abomination in the eyes of God and Nature and Man...

And a lot of good folks who do NOT have such strong beliefs, also perceive Gays in that manner...

Generally speaking, Hate is an evil and unworthy thing, but there is ONE kind of Hate (or, at least, revulsion) which most of us are taught from childhood to be acceptable... ONE kind of Hate that is supposed to be OK...

The Hatred of Evil...

And, if homosexuality is tagged as Evil, or if its perception as an Evil Thing is valid, well...

The hating of EVIL things is considered a GOOD thing, right?


The People will sort this out in their own good time...

What a very long post to say "O HAI! I'm a bigot too!"
Having children out of wedlock is a sin, and human cloning is immoral. Tattoos are clearly forbidden. Yet they are happy to support all of those things, just not the gays.

Do we know that the Christian Bakery Owners support such things?

And even if they did...

So, they cherry-picked the Bible for the parts that THEY want to believe-in or to consider operative as God's Law or Moral Law...

Big deal...

Some parts of ancient sacred texts are still relevant today...

Some parts are not...

Most folks hold that the ancient prohibitions against homosexuality still hold true...

Some folks do not...

And our secular government has - very recently- begun issuing rulings and laws and regulations as if those ancient prohibitions against homosexuality do not still hold true...

To the displeasure of much of the population - in contravention to the Consent of the Governed...

A thoroughly Conservative President and Congress, and a sizable Conservative contingent within the Supreme Court, may end-up reversing some of that recent social engineering...

Just as we now see Roe v Wade being slowly eroded in State after State after State, so many years after it first became operative...

Time will tell...


You really can't fault normal, decent people for shunning fudge-packers and carpet-to-carpet munchers, and being grossed-out by them, and wanting nothing to do with them...

Their faith tells them that such folks are deviants and unclean and an abomination in the eyes of God and Nature and Man...

And a lot of good folks who do NOT have such strong beliefs, also perceive Gays in that manner...

Generally speaking, Hate is an evil and unworthy thing, but there is ONE kind of Hate (or, at least, revulsion) which most of us are taught from childhood to be acceptable... ONE kind of Hate that is supposed to be OK...

The Hatred of Evil...

And, if homosexuality is tagged as Evil, or if its perception as an Evil Thing is valid, well...

The hating of EVIL things is considered a GOOD thing, right?


The People will sort this out in their own good time...

What a very long post to say "O HAI! I'm a bigot too!"

They abound.
"...What a very long post to say "O HAI! I'm a bigot too!"


Just someone with the courage to say 'Fuck Political Correctness', and to serve-up a more conservative and traditional perspective on one of today's hot-button topics...

To give voice to a genuine, sincere and deeply-held opinion and conviction held by vast millions, both here in the States, and around the World...

People who are growing increasingly weary and disgusted with the Gay Rights tactic of labeling as Bigot and Hate-Monger, everyone who dares to remind the audience of the Religious and Philosophical basis for Opposition to the Gay Movement...

People willing to take the brickbats, to help keep the Voice of the Opposition alive and well, to be considered alongside the otherwise-uncontested views of Latter Day Politically Correct Thought Police...

The Religious element of the Opposition does not hate Gays...

But they hate homosexuality...

They hate Evil, as they perceive it...

Hate the Sin, love the Sinner...

Nice try, though...
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"...They abound."

They do, indeed.

And, percentage-wise, you'll find just as many on the Gay side of the Straight-Gay Divide as you will on the Straight side...

Especially when somebody speaks-out in opposition to homosexuality nowadays...

More, even, under such circumstances...

Goose, meet gander...
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