Christian bakers who refused to make cake for homosexual "wedding" break gag order

They weren't forced to do anything. The damages awarded to the lesbian couple were because the Klines posted their address names and phone numbers on Facebook.

So nobody was forced to do anything at gunpoint

Damages in a civil award, or fines in a criminal case?
They aren't fined or forced to pay damages over refusing to serve a customer. They were ordered to pay damages for posting they lesbian couple's personal information on Facebook.

The Kleins weren't forced to close their business, they weren't forced to provide service they weren't even fined for not providing service.

I don't give a fuck about your analysis of what happened. The fine was excessive the homos did themselves no favors with this one. Again, be gay, I couldn't care less but keep it away from people that don't want to be around it. It's just that fucking simple. You're not special, you're not protected and you're not normal
They aren't fined or forced to pay damages over refusing to serve a customer. They were ordered to pay damages for posting they lesbian couple's personal information on Facebook.

The Kleins weren't forced to close their business, they weren't forced to provide service they weren't even fined for not providing service.

I've seen nothing that supports your contention.

A lesbian couple in Oregon received a $136,927 check from the co-owners of a bakery that refused to make their wedding cake back in January of 2013.

The co-owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa delivered the check to Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries, according to Oregon’s Local 12 news station. Aaron and Melissa Klein had refused to bake the cake for Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer, saying it went against their religious beliefs.

A judge had ordered the Kleins to pay $135,000 in damages to the couple last summer for the emotional pain the ordeal had caused, but the Kleins had refused to pay until delivering the check Monday, Dec. 28. The check they delivered on Monday included interest.}

Oregon Bakery Pays $136K for Denying Lesbian Couple a Wedding Cake
They aren't fined or forced to pay damages over refusing to serve a customer. They were ordered to pay damages for posting they lesbian couple's personal information on Facebook.

The Kleins weren't forced to close their business, they weren't forced to provide service they weren't even fined for not providing service.

I've seen nothing that supports your contention.

A lesbian couple in Oregon received a $136,927 check from the co-owners of a bakery that refused to make their wedding cake back in January of 2013.

The co-owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa delivered the check to Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries, according to Oregon’s Local 12 news station. Aaron and Melissa Klein had refused to bake the cake for Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer, saying it went against their religious beliefs.

A judge had ordered the Kleins to pay $135,000 in damages to the couple last summer for the emotional pain the ordeal had caused, but the Kleins had refused to pay until delivering the check Monday, Dec. 28. The check they delivered on Monday included interest.}

Oregon Bakery Pays $136K for Denying Lesbian Couple a Wedding Cake

He doesn't have a clue, he's making shit up
Because you say so does not make it so.
No, my saying so has nothing to do with it. It's the law saying so.
Stop trying to shove it down people's throats and leave well enough alone.
I am not doing that.

You want to be gay be gay, get pretend married, do whatever but realize many don't support you and never will.
This case has nothing to do with that.

It's life and you can't whine, bitch and moan when things don't always go your way.
The Kleins are still responsible for what they did.

There was NO REASON a fine that large was levied....none
Yes there is. The Kleins posted their information on Facebook. The lesbian couple have two foster children they are trying to adopt. They were getting death threats over the phone.

If the Kleins had thought to blur the personal info they would have saved themselves having to pay damages
They aren't fined or forced to pay damages over refusing to serve a customer. They were ordered to pay damages for posting they lesbian couple's personal information on Facebook.

The Kleins weren't forced to close their business, they weren't forced to provide service they weren't even fined for not providing service.

I've seen nothing that supports your contention.

A lesbian couple in Oregon received a $136,927 check from the co-owners of a bakery that refused to make their wedding cake back in January of 2013.

The co-owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa delivered the check to Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries, according to Oregon’s Local 12 news station. Aaron and Melissa Klein had refused to bake the cake for Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer, saying it went against their religious beliefs.

A judge had ordered the Kleins to pay $135,000 in damages to the couple last summer for the emotional pain the ordeal had caused, but the Kleins had refused to pay until delivering the check Monday, Dec. 28. The check they delivered on Monday included interest.}

Oregon Bakery Pays $136K for Denying Lesbian Couple a Wedding Cake

He doesn't have a clue, he's making shit up
No, I'm the only person that does have a clue. I'm simply cutting through propaganda.
Because you say so does not make it so.
No, my saying so has nothing to do with it. It's the law saying so.
Stop trying to shove it down people's throats and leave well enough alone.
I am not doing that.

You want to be gay be gay, get pretend married, do whatever but realize many don't support you and never will.
This case has nothing to do with that.

It's life and you can't whine, bitch and moan when things don't always go your way.
The Kleins are still responsible for what they did.

There was NO REASON a fine that large was levied....none
Yes there is. The Kleins posted their information on Facebook. The lesbian couple have two foster children they are trying to adopt. They were getting death threats over the phone.

If the Kleins had thought to blur the personal info they would have saved themselves having to pay damages

Go spew to someone that gives a fuck....and leave people alone that want nothing to do with it. Tolerate their know, like YOU want to be tolerated.
Because you say so does not make it so.
No, my saying so has nothing to do with it. It's the law saying so.
Stop trying to shove it down people's throats and leave well enough alone.
I am not doing that.

You want to be gay be gay, get pretend married, do whatever but realize many don't support you and never will.
This case has nothing to do with that.

It's life and you can't whine, bitch and moan when things don't always go your way.
The Kleins are still responsible for what they did.

There was NO REASON a fine that large was levied....none
Yes there is. The Kleins posted their information on Facebook. The lesbian couple have two foster children they are trying to adopt. They were getting death threats over the phone.

If the Kleins had thought to blur the personal info they would have saved themselves having to pay damages

Go spew to someone that gives a fuck....and leave people alone that want nothing to do with it. Tolerate their know, like YOU want to be tolerated.
Tolerance stops at Intolerance, dumbfuck. We have moved beyond the No ******* gas station. Catch up with modernity...
You cannot discriminate against people because they are gay. That is stone age thinking.
If these wretched cake people dont want to serve the public they should get into another business.
Religion doesn't give you special exemption from the law.

Being a sick, immoral pervert, doesn't give you an exemption from the First Amendment, or the right to violate other people's rights thereunder.

Again, being a Christian doesn't exempt you from the law. Your version of Christian Sharia is not nor has ever been the basis of our legal system.
Again, being a Christian doesn't exempt you from the law.

The Constitution is the basis of our entire system of government and laws.

As long as you defend and advocate blatantly violating it, you are in no position to speak of the rule of law, as if it means anything to you.

And who says that the constitution has been violated?

Your argument is the same silly fallacy every time: you insisting that you define everything. The law, the constitution, violations of the constitution, the meaning of words, and the entire institution of marriage.

But you don't define any of those things. And your subjective opinion no more factually establishes a constitutional violation than it factually establish an 'absolute' definition of marriage.

As you're nobody. Back in reality, a religious believe doesn't exempt a Christian from general law. As one of the most conservative justices on the bench made ludicriously clear years ago:

Justice Scalia said:
It is a permissible reading of the [free exercise clause] say that if prohibiting the exercise of religion is not the object of the [law] but merely the incidental effect of a generally applicable and otherwise valid provision, the First Amendment has not been offended.... To make an individual's obligation to obey such a law contingent upon the law's coincidence with his religious beliefs, except where the State's interest is "compelling"–permitting him, by virtue of his beliefs, "to become a law unto himself,"–contradicts both constitutional tradition and common sense. To adopt a true "compelling interest" requirement for laws that affect religious practice would lead towards anarchy.

No thank you to Christian Sharia.
You just have to wonder what the perverts think when they see the cake baker on the sidewalk carrying a sign calling them fags.
That would just devastate me. I mean a person in the street by my house calling me names. Oh my... The humanity.
When the person is the vendor you have contracted to perform a service for you there might be some interest to say the least.
You cannot discriminate against people because they are gay. That is stone age thinking.
If these wretched cake people dont want to serve the public they should get into another business.
So since we're talking about behaviors and not a race of people, you'd be fine with a Christian being able to legally force a gay billboard printer to print a huge highway sign that said "Homosexuality is an abomination before God"? Right? Or aren't you for equal rights applied in law? :popcorn:
You cannot discriminate against people because they are gay. That is stone age thinking.
If these wretched cake people dont want to serve the public they should get into another business.
So since we're talking about behaviors and not a race of people, you'd be fine with a Christian being able to legally force a gay billboard printer to print a huge highway sign that said "Homosexuality is an abomination before God"? Right? Or aren't you for equal rights applied in law? :popcorn:
If the law allowed such shite then they would have to do it. Civilised societies have laws preventing hate speech, most of which seems to be coming from religious extremists.

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