Christian churches MUST change their teachings on homosexuality

classic kosher hag dodge...we are talking about religion and the belief in god or gods

Actually we are talking about, despite freedom of religion and speech being protected under the Constitution / Law, liberals trying to declare Christians MUST alter their teachings, based on their religion and practice thereof, and adopt the liberally accepted views and practices regarding homosexuality....
no that's what you've been desperately attempting to inject in to the thread since you jumped in with your ass on fire.
That's some funny shit right there. THAT'S THE TITLE OF THE DAMNED THREAD.
the subject had changed so you have no p0int...
No, the thread was hijacked by trolls...which is against the rules, troll. You should know, you've been time outed enough times for doing it.
classic kosher hag dodge...we are talking about religion and the belief in god or gods

Actually we are talking about, despite freedom of religion and speech being protected under the Constitution / Law, liberals trying to declare Christians MUST alter their teachings, based on their religion and practice thereof, and adopt the liberally accepted views and practices regarding homosexuality....
no that's what you've been desperately attempting to inject in to the thread since you jumped in with your ass on fire.
That's some funny shit right there. THAT'S THE TITLE OF THE DAMNED THREAD.
the subject had changed so you have no p0int...
No, the thread was hijacked by trolls...which is against the rules, troll. You should know, you've been time outed enough times for doing it.
false, you're the last who should be talking about outing of anyone .
the thread was not hijacked by anyone, it migrated from the op .
Same thing happened with women's rights.

According to "God", only the man could speak in the Church.

Turns out God was wrong. Turns out women have a voice.

Progress is a bitch.
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Same thing happened with women's rights.

According to "God", only the man could speak in the Church.

Turns out God was wrong. Turns out women have a voice.

Progress is a bitch.
So you think the churches should also be forced to have female ministers?

Lol. Mary Tudor would have loved the way you think. She also viewed it as her job to force others to worship as she dictated.
Same thing happened with women's rights.

According to "God", only the man could speak in the Church.

Turns out God was wrong. Turns out women have a voice.

Progress is a bitch.
So you think the churches should also be forced to have female ministers?

Lol. Mary Tudor would have loved the way you think. She also viewed it as her job to force others to worship as she dictated.
your whole goal in life is to force everyone to believe the twisted way you do .
Christian churches ‘must be made’ to affirm homosexuality, says New York Times columnist

It begins. I told you all a few days ago they would come for the churches.

How can we tell when Odium lies?

See if he has posted.

Nowhere in the article does the author say Churches must be made to do anything.

He makes some very good points- of course you probably still think slavery isnt' sinful and contraception is.

For a very long time, he noted, “Many Christians thought slavery wasn’t sinful, until we finally concluded that it was. People thought contraception was sinful when it began to be developed, and now very few Protestants and not that many Catholics would say that.” They hold an evolved sense of right and wrong, even though, he added, “You could find scriptural support for the idea that all sex should be procreative.”
Same thing happened with women's rights.

According to "God", only the man could speak in the Church.

Turns out God was wrong. Turns out women have a voice.

Progress is a bitch.

I wish we would stop bitching about the Christians considering Islam has much worse. Why do we only focus on Christianity? Don't other religions also have similar things about men and women? It is like the left has made a list of sins that the christian churches are guilty of but allow every other religion to break them.
Why do churches have to change? Why does anyone have to change? Isn't it enough that individuals are free to believe what they want and everyone has the freedom to believe the opposing idea. Their is no need for conflict if everyone realized this.
Same thing happened with women's rights.

According to "God", only the man could speak in the Church.

Turns out God was wrong. Turns out women have a voice.

Progress is a bitch.

I wish we would stop bitching about the Christians considering Islam has much worse. Why do we only focus on Christianity? Don't other religions also have similar things about men and women? It is like the left has made a list of sins that the christian churches are guilty of but allow every other religion to break them.
Islam and Christianity are tied when it comes to violence the only difference is Islam is doing it and Christianity is about to.
Same thing happened with women's rights.

According to "God", only the man could speak in the Church.

Turns out God was wrong. Turns out women have a voice.

Progress is a bitch.

I wish we would stop bitching about the Christians considering Islam has much worse. Why do we only focus on Christianity? Don't other religions also have similar things about men and women? It is like the left has made a list of sins that the christian churches are guilty of but allow every other religion to break them.
Islam and Christianity are tied when it comes to violence the only difference is Islam is doing it and Christianity is about to.

That's absurd....
Same thing happened with women's rights.

According to "God", only the man could speak in the Church.

Turns out God was wrong. Turns out women have a voice.

Progress is a bitch.

I wish we would stop bitching about the Christians considering Islam has much worse. Why do we only focus on Christianity? Don't other religions also have similar things about men and women? It is like the left has made a list of sins that the christian churches are guilty of but allow every other religion to break them.
Islam and Christianity are tied when it comes to violence the only difference is Islam is doing it and Christianity is about to.

That's absurd....
reality often is .....state the obvious much?
Oh, while we're on the subject, how many of you knew we had at least one President who wasn't a Christian, by his own admission?

Any guesses?
There were far more who said they were and weren't. What's your point?

I thought we were a Christian nation.

Oh, the answer is William Howard Taft:

"I do not believe in the divinity of Christ, and there are many other of the postulates of the orthodox creed to which I cannot subscribe."

Read more at: William Howard Taft Quotes at BrainyQuote

Add any more you know of.
If a church preaches against homosexuality and you are a queer and offended? Don't go to that tough is that? Why should people change their belief system because a bunch of candy asses that get all butt hurt that some might disagree with their lifestyle?

Tell that to the Christians who want to trump the Constitution with their religion trump card.

There are no examples because it's a complete fabrication, lol.

KIm Davis didn't?
Same thing happened with women's rights.

According to "God", only the man could speak in the Church.

Turns out God was wrong. Turns out women have a voice.

Progress is a bitch.

I wish we would stop bitching about the Christians considering Islam has much worse. Why do we only focus on Christianity? Don't other religions also have similar things about men and women? It is like the left has made a list of sins that the christian churches are guilty of but allow every other religion to break them.
Islam and Christianity are tied when it comes to violence the only difference is Islam is doing it and Christianity is about to.

Beware the coming of christians....THey will try to tell you to tell you about the Bible. Imagine the horror if everyone followed the teaching of Jesus.
If a church preaches against homosexuality and you are a queer and offended? Don't go to that tough is that? Why should people change their belief system because a bunch of candy asses that get all butt hurt that some might disagree with their lifestyle?

Tell that to the Christians who want to trump the Constitution with their religion trump card.

There are no examples because it's a complete fabrication, lol.

KIm Davis didn't?

Kim Davis tried to re-write the Constitution? How fucking stupid was your comment? She stood her ground...the queers were free to find some other clerk so they could get a license in order to merge their two corporate entities under admiralty law making the state a third party to their unholy union. Big supporter of the queer faction, are ya? It figures.......

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