Christian churches MUST change their teachings on homosexuality

Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. ...
If you are truly Christian you would follow his lead.
It should be noted that the op is a white supremacist fuck up.
When he yammers about Christians , he means WHITE CHRISTIANS ONLY.
The rest are sub humans.

Jesus condemned sexual immortality.
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. ...
If you are truly Christian you would follow his lead.
It should be noted that the op is a white supremacist fuck up.
When he yammers about Christians , he means WHITE CHRISTIANS ONLY.
The rest are sub humans.

Jesus condemned sexual immortality.
False !
Taking God at ddesperatBible and Homosexuality

Don't hurt yourself moving that golf post.
what's a golf post?
good thing I speak gibberish..
I did not move anything .

Spell Nazism! The ultimate act of desperation.
What needs to change is 21st century people believing in cave man mythology
Cave men didn't believe in God. It was God that brought them out of the caves.
false !

Prehistoric religion is a general term for the religious beliefs and practices of prehistoric peoples. More specifically it encompasses Paleolithic religion, Mesolithic religion, Neolithic religion and Bronze Age religion.


Main article: Paleolithic religion
Intentional burial, particularly with grave goods, may be one of the earliest detectable forms of religious practice (the onset of burial itself being a canonical indicator of behavioral modernity) since, as Philip Lieberman suggests, it may signify a "concern for the dead that transcends daily life".[1]

Picture of a half-animal half-human being in a Paleolithic cave painting in Dordogne, France which archeologists believe may provide evidence for early shamanic practices
A number of archeologists propose that Middle Paleolithic societies such as Neanderthal societies may also have practiced early forms of totemism or of animal worship. Emil Bächler in particular suggests (based on archeological evidence from Middle Paleolithic caves) that a widespread Middle Paleolithic Neanderthal bear-cult existed (Wunn, 2000, p. 434-435). A claim that evidence was found for Middle Paleolithic animal worship c 70,000 BCE (originating from the Tsodilo Hills in the African Kalahari desert) has been denied by the original investigators of the site.[2][3] Animal cults in the following Upper Paleolithic period, such as the bear cult, may have had their origins in these hypothetical Middle Paleolithic animal cults.[4]

Animal worship during the Upper Paleolithic intertwined with hunting rites.[4] For instance, archeological evidence from Paleolithic art and from bear remains reveals that the bear cult apparently had a type of sacrificial bear ceremonialism in which a bear was shot with arrows, then finished off with a shot in the lungs and ritualistically buried near a clay bear-statue covered by a bear fur, with the skull and the body of the bear buried separately.[4]

There are no extant textual sources from the Neolithic era, the most recent available dating from the Bronze Age, and therefore all statements about any belief systems Neolithic societies may have possessed are glimpsed from archaeology.

Jacques Cauvin suggested that the Neolithic Revolution was influenced by an important theme he termed the "Revolution of the Symbols", suggesting the birth of "religion" in the Neolithic. He argued that Neolithic humans were influenced by a change in thinking as much as changes in the environment and noted a series of stages in this process.[5] His work suggested important concepts in the evolution of human thinking, by examining figurines and early art depicting first women as goddesses and bulls as gods, he suggested several important ideas about the evolution of perception and duality.[6]

The structures known as Circular Enclosures built in Central Europe during the 5th millennium BCE have been interpreted as serving a cultic function. In the case of the Goseck circle, remains of human sacrifice were found. Many of these structures had openings aligned with sunset and/or sunrise at the solstices, suggesting that they served as a means of maintaining a lunisolar calendar. The construction of Megalithic monuments in Europe also began to in the 5th millennium, and continued throughout the Neolithic and in some areas well into the early Bronze Age.

Marija Gimbutas, pioneer of feminist archaeology, put forward a notion of a "woman-centered" society surrounding "goddess worship" in Neolithic Europe. The Neolithic "matristic" cultures would have been replaced by patriarchy only with the arrival of the Bronze Age. Gimbutas' views do not have widespread support today.[7]
Prehistoric religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. ...
If you are truly Christian you would follow his lead.
It should be noted that the op is a white supremacist fuck up.
When he yammers about Christians , he means WHITE CHRISTIANS ONLY.
The rest are sub humans.

Jesus condemned sexual immortality.
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. ...
If you are truly Christian you would follow his lead.
It should be noted that the op is a white supremacist fuck up.
When he yammers about Christians , he means WHITE CHRISTIANS ONLY.
The rest are sub humans.

Jesus condemned sexual immortality.
False !
Taking God at ddesperatBible and Homosexuality

Don't hurt yourself moving that golf post.
what's a golf post?
good thing I speak gibberish..
I did not move anything .

Spell Nazism! The ultimate act of desperation.
false accusation .
I didn't accuse you of spelling anything wrong.
answer the question what goal /golf post did I move .?
The Mormons believed in polygamy not just as being permissible but as being a core tenet of their Christian faith.

Then the government came along and attached some dire consequences to the Mormons continuing that practice,

and magically! the Mormon head honcho got a message from God Himself! saying that polygamy is no longer okay. is that possible?

If it were true, you should ask the Mormons.
But since you said it, we know it isn't true, so meh.
what sect of Mormons would you ask .
not all Mormons are polygamists.
love it when you exaggerate .
No one should be persecuted for refusing to assimilate / adopt the christian view, not in this country, and not through force / punishment

In the headlines the last since Benghazi:

1. Obama administration arrests film maker of the movie Obama / Hillary falsely claimed caused the 'riot' that ended up with 4 Dead Americans.
- Arrest of a film maker - buh-bye 1st Amendment.

2. Obama institutes a monetary punishment to FORCE tax payers to buy a govt-defined minimum health care policy

3. DOJ and now several State AGs talking / planning on judiciously punishing anyone who does not believe in Global warming.

4. Obama sent out his DOJ to threaten / intimidate citizens who exercised their 1st amendment rights through 'negative speech' against against Islamic Extremists after the terrorist to whom Obama gave a visa and welcomed into the country killed 12 Aemricans in a terrorist attaclk...

Today's Stories:
5. Obama's FEC going after FILM MAKER of 'Anti-Obama film

6. 'Christians MUST change their teaching about homosexuality

This shit happening here in the United States, in direct opposition / violation of the 1st Amendment is scary as hell and should be a wake-up call to the newly adopted ISIS/Russia/Hitler-esque behavior of Liberals / the Obama administration. Their lack of tolerance is beyond scary.

Obama - not Christians - has used the IRS, FEC, DOJ, and others to 'go after' political enemies, which includes Conservatives as well as anyone else who does not agree with his agenda.
What needs to change is 21st century people believing in cave man mythology
Cave men didn't believe in God. It was God that brought them out of the caves.
false !

Prehistoric religion is a general term for the religious beliefs and practices of prehistoric peoples. More specifically it encompasses Paleolithic religion, Mesolithic religion, Neolithic religion and Bronze Age religion.


Main article: Paleolithic religion
Intentional burial, particularly with grave goods, may be one of the earliest detectable forms of religious practice (the onset of burial itself being a canonical indicator of behavioral modernity) since, as Philip Lieberman suggests, it may signify a "concern for the dead that transcends daily life".[1]

Picture of a half-animal half-human being in a Paleolithic cave painting in Dordogne, France which archeologists believe may provide evidence for early shamanic practices
A number of archeologists propose that Middle Paleolithic societies such as Neanderthal societies may also have practiced early forms of totemism or of animal worship. Emil Bächler in particular suggests (based on archeological evidence from Middle Paleolithic caves) that a widespread Middle Paleolithic Neanderthal bear-cult existed (Wunn, 2000, p. 434-435). A claim that evidence was found for Middle Paleolithic animal worship c 70,000 BCE (originating from the Tsodilo Hills in the African Kalahari desert) has been denied by the original investigators of the site.[2][3] Animal cults in the following Upper Paleolithic period, such as the bear cult, may have had their origins in these hypothetical Middle Paleolithic animal cults.[4]

Animal worship during the Upper Paleolithic intertwined with hunting rites.[4] For instance, archeological evidence from Paleolithic art and from bear remains reveals that the bear cult apparently had a type of sacrificial bear ceremonialism in which a bear was shot with arrows, then finished off with a shot in the lungs and ritualistically buried near a clay bear-statue covered by a bear fur, with the skull and the body of the bear buried separately.[4]

There are no extant textual sources from the Neolithic era, the most recent available dating from the Bronze Age, and therefore all statements about any belief systems Neolithic societies may have possessed are glimpsed from archaeology.

Jacques Cauvin suggested that the Neolithic Revolution was influenced by an important theme he termed the "Revolution of the Symbols", suggesting the birth of "religion" in the Neolithic. He argued that Neolithic humans were influenced by a change in thinking as much as changes in the environment and noted a series of stages in this process.[5] His work suggested important concepts in the evolution of human thinking, by examining figurines and early art depicting first women as goddesses and bulls as gods, he suggested several important ideas about the evolution of perception and duality.[6]

The structures known as Circular Enclosures built in Central Europe during the 5th millennium BCE have been interpreted as serving a cultic function. In the case of the Goseck circle, remains of human sacrifice were found. Many of these structures had openings aligned with sunset and/or sunrise at the solstices, suggesting that they served as a means of maintaining a lunisolar calendar. The construction of Megalithic monuments in Europe also began to in the 5th millennium, and continued throughout the Neolithic and in some areas well into the early Bronze Age.

Marija Gimbutas, pioneer of feminist archaeology, put forward a notion of a "woman-centered" society surrounding "goddess worship" in Neolithic Europe. The Neolithic "matristic" cultures would have been replaced by patriarchy only with the arrival of the Bronze Age. Gimbutas' views do not have widespread support today.[7]
Prehistoric religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh lord mot this again you remember when you thought the 1600s were the height of the Bronze Age?

You poor, sad halfwit. We are talking about the Judaeo/Christian religion, and it was that religion that the dumbass was trying to disparage. Do try to keep up dear.
No one should be persecuted for refusing to assimilate / adopt the christian view, not in this country, and not through force / punishment

In the headlines the last since Benghazi:

1. Obama administration arrests film maker of the movie Obama / Hillary falsely claimed caused the 'riot' that ended up with 4 Dead Americans.
- Arrest of a film maker - buh-bye 1st Amendment.

2. Obama institutes a monetary punishment to FORCE tax payers to buy a govt-defined minimum health care policy

3. DOJ and now several State AGs talking / planning on judiciously punishing anyone who does not believe in Global warming.

4. Obama sent out his DOJ to threaten / intimidate citizens who exercised their 1st amendment rights through 'negative speech' against against Islamic Extremists after the terrorist to whom Obama gave a visa and welcomed into the country killed 12 Aemricans in a terrorist attaclk...

Today's Stories:
5. Obama's FEC going after FILM MAKER of 'Anti-Obama film

6. 'Christians MUST change their teaching about homosexuality

This shit happening here in the United States, in direct opposition / violation of the 1st Amendment is scary as hell and should be a wake-up call to the newly adopted ISIS/Russia/Hitler-esque behavior of Liberals / the Obama administration. Their lack of tolerance is beyond scary.

Obama - not Christians - has used the IRS, FEC, DOJ, and others to 'go after' political enemies, which includes Conservatives as well as anyone else who does not agree with his agenda.
I never said that , you are quoting the wrong poster .
and again you are totally off topic.
Have the Liberals demanded that Islam / Muslims embrace homosexuality yet?
Have the Liberals demanded that Islam / Muslims STOP murdering homosexuals yet?
Has Hillary and other Liberals stopped taking millions in contributions from the Islamic nations that oppress and murder homosexuals yet?

According to Libs, it's the peaceful Christians and their opinions / teachings that are the real threats to homosexuals, not those who are openly persecuting and butchering homosexuals around the world....

Yeah....why don't the liberals hold off their persecution of Christians until they've got around to ironing those things out with the terrorists / murderers who are teaching homosexuality is a sin punishable by death, should not be tolerated, and that all homosexuals should be killed?

Let me know how that goes....

In the headlines the last since Benghazi:

1. Obama administration arrests film maker of the movie Obama / Hillary falsely claimed caused the 'riot' that ended up with 4 Dead Americans.
- Arrest of a film maker - buh-bye 1st Amendment.

2. Obama institutes a monetary punishment to FORCE tax payers to buy a govt-defined minimum health care policy

3. DOJ and now several State AGs talking / planning on judiciously punishing anyone who does not believe in Global warming.

4. Obama sent out his DOJ to threaten / intimidate citizens who exercised their 1st amendment rights through 'negative speech' against against Islamic Extremists after the terrorist to whom Obama gave a visa and welcomed into the country killed 12 Aemricans in a terrorist attaclk...

Today's Stories:
5. Obama's FEC going after FILM MAKER of 'Anti-Obama film

6. 'Christians MUST change their teaching about homosexuality

This shit happening here in the United States, in direct opposition / violation of the 1st Amendment is scary as hell and should be a wake-up call to the newly adopted ISIS/Russia/Hitler-esque behavior of Liberals / the Obama administration. Their lack of tolerance is beyond scary.

Obama - not Christians - has used the IRS, FEC, DOJ, and others to 'go after' political enemies, which includes Conservatives as well as anyone else who does not agree with his agenda."


This is ME making a point of how Liberals have adopted a Nazi/ISIS-esque intolerance towards Christians and anyone who does not agree with them, how they demand that everyone adopt their views or be punished, persecuted, or chastised.

They are trying to villainize anyone who does not agree with them, but by their own actions and intolerance they are the ones who should be 'demonized'.

In a country where freedom of Speech and Religion is protected by our Constitution Liberals have threatened, arrested, and 'gone after' citizens for creating films, disagreeing with political agendas, disagreed with disputed (and sometimes out-right proven false) science, and now who disagree with their opinions on such issues as religion / homosexuality. The threat is Christians? Really? Not the political party / nuts trying to outlaw free speech and freedom of religion, who are trying to end tolerance, who are demanding others think and act like them or be punished?

What needs to change is 21st century people believing in cave man mythology
Cave men didn't believe in God. It was God that brought them out of the caves.
false !

Prehistoric religion is a general term for the religious beliefs and practices of prehistoric peoples. More specifically it encompasses Paleolithic religion, Mesolithic religion, Neolithic religion and Bronze Age religion.


Main article: Paleolithic religion
Intentional burial, particularly with grave goods, may be one of the earliest detectable forms of religious practice (the onset of burial itself being a canonical indicator of behavioral modernity) since, as Philip Lieberman suggests, it may signify a "concern for the dead that transcends daily life".[1]

Picture of a half-animal half-human being in a Paleolithic cave painting in Dordogne, France which archeologists believe may provide evidence for early shamanic practices
A number of archeologists propose that Middle Paleolithic societies such as Neanderthal societies may also have practiced early forms of totemism or of animal worship. Emil Bächler in particular suggests (based on archeological evidence from Middle Paleolithic caves) that a widespread Middle Paleolithic Neanderthal bear-cult existed (Wunn, 2000, p. 434-435). A claim that evidence was found for Middle Paleolithic animal worship c 70,000 BCE (originating from the Tsodilo Hills in the African Kalahari desert) has been denied by the original investigators of the site.[2][3] Animal cults in the following Upper Paleolithic period, such as the bear cult, may have had their origins in these hypothetical Middle Paleolithic animal cults.[4]

Animal worship during the Upper Paleolithic intertwined with hunting rites.[4] For instance, archeological evidence from Paleolithic art and from bear remains reveals that the bear cult apparently had a type of sacrificial bear ceremonialism in which a bear was shot with arrows, then finished off with a shot in the lungs and ritualistically buried near a clay bear-statue covered by a bear fur, with the skull and the body of the bear buried separately.[4]

There are no extant textual sources from the Neolithic era, the most recent available dating from the Bronze Age, and therefore all statements about any belief systems Neolithic societies may have possessed are glimpsed from archaeology.

Jacques Cauvin suggested that the Neolithic Revolution was influenced by an important theme he termed the "Revolution of the Symbols", suggesting the birth of "religion" in the Neolithic. He argued that Neolithic humans were influenced by a change in thinking as much as changes in the environment and noted a series of stages in this process.[5] His work suggested important concepts in the evolution of human thinking, by examining figurines and early art depicting first women as goddesses and bulls as gods, he suggested several important ideas about the evolution of perception and duality.[6]

The structures known as Circular Enclosures built in Central Europe during the 5th millennium BCE have been interpreted as serving a cultic function. In the case of the Goseck circle, remains of human sacrifice were found. Many of these structures had openings aligned with sunset and/or sunrise at the solstices, suggesting that they served as a means of maintaining a lunisolar calendar. The construction of Megalithic monuments in Europe also began to in the 5th millennium, and continued throughout the Neolithic and in some areas well into the early Bronze Age.

Marija Gimbutas, pioneer of feminist archaeology, put forward a notion of a "woman-centered" society surrounding "goddess worship" in Neolithic Europe. The Neolithic "matristic" cultures would have been replaced by patriarchy only with the arrival of the Bronze Age. Gimbutas' views do not have widespread support today.[7]
Prehistoric religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh lord mot this again you remember when you thought the 1600s were the height of the Bronze Age?

You poor, sad halfwit. We are talking about the Judaeo/Christian religion, and it was that religion that the dumbass was trying to disparage. Do try to keep up dear.
classic kosher hag dodge
we are talking about religion and the belief in god or gods
you made the false claim the prehistoric people didn't believe in god.
I proved that to be, like all you shit a blatant lie .
the word god is not exclusive to you twisted version of faith.
as to this " do you remember when you thought the 1600s were the height of the Bronze Age?"-kosherhag
that is also a lie or at best a willful misrepresentation of what I actually said.
we were discussing Saint Nicholas ( btw it was the 1300 's not the 1600's another lie you are telling in this post .)
I made the mistake of saying the 1300's
were the bronze age (not the height of anything )
I freely admitted my mistake .
end of story .
now shut the fuck up and quit rationalizing.

btw just for laughs
Last edited:

In the headlines the last since Benghazi:

1. Obama administration arrests film maker of the movie Obama / Hillary falsely claimed caused the 'riot' that ended up with 4 Dead Americans.
- Arrest of a film maker - buh-bye 1st Amendment.

2. Obama institutes a monetary punishment to FORCE tax payers to buy a govt-defined minimum health care policy

3. DOJ and now several State AGs talking / planning on judiciously punishing anyone who does not believe in Global warming.

4. Obama sent out his DOJ to threaten / intimidate citizens who exercised their 1st amendment rights through 'negative speech' against against Islamic Extremists after the terrorist to whom Obama gave a visa and welcomed into the country killed 12 Aemricans in a terrorist attaclk...

Today's Stories:
5. Obama's FEC going after FILM MAKER of 'Anti-Obama film

6. 'Christians MUST change their teaching about homosexuality

This shit happening here in the United States, in direct opposition / violation of the 1st Amendment is scary as hell and should be a wake-up call to the newly adopted ISIS/Russia/Hitler-esque behavior of Liberals / the Obama administration. Their lack of tolerance is beyond scary.

Obama - not Christians - has used the IRS, FEC, DOJ, and others to 'go after' political enemies, which includes Conservatives as well as anyone else who does not agree with his agenda."


This is ME making a point of how Liberals have adopted a Nazi/ISIS-esque intolerance towards Christians and anyone who does not agree with them, how they demand that everyone adopt their views or be punished, persecuted, or chastised.

They are trying to villainize anyone who does not agree with them, but by their own actions and intolerance they are the ones who should be 'demonized'.

In a country where freedom of Speech and Religion is protected by our Constitution Liberals have threatened, arrested, and 'gone after' citizens for creating films, disagreeing with political agendas, disagreed with disputed (and sometimes out-right proven false) science, and now who disagree with their opinions on such issues as religion / homosexuality. The threat is Christians? Really? Not the political party / nuts trying to outlaw free speech and freedom of religion, who are trying to end tolerance, who are demanding others think and act like them or be punished?

classic kosher hag dodge...we are talking about religion and the belief in god or gods

Actually we are talking about, despite freedom of religion and speech being protected under the Constitution / Law, liberals trying to declare Christians MUST alter their teachings, based on their religion and practice thereof, and adopt the liberally accepted views and practices regarding homosexuality....
classic kosher hag dodge...we are talking about religion and the belief in god or gods

Actually we are talking about, despite freedom of religion and speech being protected under the Constitution / Law, liberals trying to declare Christians MUST alter their teachings, based on their religion and practice thereof, and adopt the liberally accepted views and practices regarding homosexuality....
no that's what you've been desperately attempting to inject in to the thread since you jumped in with your ass on fire.
no that's what you've been desperately attempting to inject in to the thread since you jumped in with your ass on fire.

Ummm...the title of the tread reads:

"Christian churches MUST change their teachings on homosexuality"


"religion and the belief in god or gods"

:lmao: You lose!
no that's what you've been desperately attempting to inject in to the thread since you jumped in with your ass on fire.

Ummm...the title of the tread reads:

"Christian churches MUST change their teachings on homosexuality"


"religion and the belief in god or gods"

:lmao: You lose!
nope chief you as always it's you ,the thread had already morphed from the subject when you jumped in ...
that's why my first post to you said you were off topic.
thanks for playing.
nope chief you as always it's you ,the thread had already morphed from the subject when you jumped in ...that's why my first post to you said you were off topic....thanks for playing.

1. OK, thank you for admitting you and others 'hijacked the thread's topic' while others were talking about liberals intolerantly demanding Christians change their beliefs / teachings to fall in line with the only acceptable views - those of Liberals.

2. Nice display of Liberal arrogance / narcissism in declaring once you and yours have hijacked /
'morphed' (Saul Alynski would have loved the use of that term in describing how you used his techniques to distract and change the topic of discussion away from the REAL topic of discussion) no one else was allowed to do so or return the discussion back to the original discussion!

:lmao: :clap:

AGAIN...I don't care what YOU were talking about, 'Saul', the title of the tread reads:

"Christian churches MUST change their teachings on homosexuality"


"religion and the belief in god or gods"

:lmao: You lose!
nope chief you as always it's you ,the thread had already morphed from the subject when you jumped in ...that's why my first post to you said you were off topic....thanks for playing.

1. OK, thank you for admitting you and others 'hijacked the thread's topic' while others were talking about liberals intolerantly demanding Christians change their beliefs / teachings to fall in line with the only acceptable views - those of Liberals.

2. Nice display of Liberal arrogance / narcissism in declaring once you and yours have hijacked /
'morphed' (Saul Alynski would have loved the use of that term in describing how you used his techniques to distract and change the topic of discussion away from the REAL topic of discussion) no one else was allowed to do so or return the discussion back to the original discussion!

:lmao: :clap:

AGAIN...I don't care what YOU were talking about, 'Saul', the title of the tread reads:

"Christian churches MUST change their teachings on homosexuality"


"religion and the belief in god or gods"

:lmao: You lose!

It's an opinion. Like saying 'we must elect a conservative president'.

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