Christian churches MUST change their teachings on homosexuality

Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2:10
Amen. Deaths are going to happen, I think very soon.
Christians have had to die for their faith in different places and different times, just not here in the United States. We have been blessed by God to live in a country that respects religious freedom. But it looks like leftists want to break that tradition, and use the government to persecute the religious. The healthcare mandate for birth control and the same-sex wedding cakes are the beginning of widespread persecution. Who knows where this will lead.
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. ...
If you are truly Christian you would follow his lead.
It should be noted that the op is a white supremacist fuck up.
When he yammers about Christians , he means WHITE CHRISTIANS ONLY.
The rest are sub humans.
Jesus made it clear that marriage was between a man and a woman. That's good enough. Don't fix what isn't broken.
Read it. It's all there.

John 3:16 says that all you have to do is believe in Jesus and you will get everlasting life.

It is not merely faith that saves, but living faith, for even the devils believe and shudder.
Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2:10
Amen. Deaths are going to happen, I think very soon.
Christians have had to die for their faith in different places and different times, just not here in the United States. We have been blessed by God to live in a country that respects religious freedom. But it looks like leftists want to break that tradition, and use the government to persecute the religious. The healthcare mandate for birth control and the same-sex wedding cakes are the beginning of widespread persecution. Who knows where this will lead.
. I know where it's headed...
“THE drama in Indiana last week and the larger debate over so-called religious freedom laws in other states portray homosexuality and devout Christianity as forces in fierce collision.

They’re not — at least not in several prominent denominations, which have come to a new understanding of what the Bible does and doesn’t decree, of what people can and cannot divine in regard to God’s will.

And homosexuality and Christianity don’t have to be in conflict in any church anywhere.”

As already correctly noted: the thread premise is in fact a lie – nowhere in the article does the writer ‘advocate’ that churches ‘must’ change their teachings on homosexuality.
What do you think the author is talking about when he refers to "freeing" the church from its prejudices? has nothing to do with freedom.
Why did the Catholic Church stop condemning heretics, and why don't governments any longer kill heretics in compliance with the Catholic Church's dictates?

When did God change his mind about the sin of heresy?

Why do you think He did?

Protestants BORN in their denominations by definition are no longer heretics as they have never left the One True Church.
that there is a supernatural being.

And, if you claim it's your 'God' of the Bible, then give us credible evidence that he is the only God.

The Infinite Regression fallacy proves that there must be something beyond the flow of time that initiated it at some point.

The flow of time cannot be eterneal and this necessitates a Creator for many reasons.
Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2:10
Amen. Deaths are going to happen, I think very soon.
Christians have had to die for their faith in different places and different times, just not here in the United States. We have been blessed by God to live in a country that respects religious freedom. But it looks like leftists want to break that tradition, and use the government to persecute the religious. The healthcare mandate for birth control and the same-sex wedding cakes are the beginning of widespread persecution. Who knows where this will lead.
The only 'religious freedom' that so-called 'Christians' are being persecuted over is the freedom to persecute others.
Same thing happened with women's rights.

According to "God", only the man could speak in the Church.

Turns out God was wrong. Turns out women have a voice.

Progress is a bitch.

I wish we would stop bitching about the Christians considering Islam has much worse. Why do we only focus on Christianity? Don't other religions also have similar things about men and women? It is like the left has made a list of sins that the christian churches are guilty of but allow every other religion to break them.

All religion is pre-modern garbage written by people who didn't have the advantage of modern science. The Bible and Koran were written before we knew what bacteria was. These barbaric texts were written by people who bathed down stream of their toilets.

The best thing for the world would be if both Christianity and Islam were recognized as deeply flawed historical documents. Call them first attempts at knowing the world. People who defend the Koran but denounce Christianity or visa versa are idiots.
Nor can you find it in most of the marriage laws created long ago, but that's because nobody even considered it back then.

Lol, yes they did and many societies had fag marriage, dude.

Look up the Greek city of Thebes and the 'Sacred Band' I think it was called.

You think these modern perversions something new and made safe by science and modern medicine.

The Truth is the ancient perversions are dark and demonic and threaten to destroy all who embrace it as if it were the plague itself.
All religion is pre-modern garbage written by people who didn't have the advantage of modern science. The Bible and Koran were written before we knew what bacteria was. These barbaric texts were written by people who bathed down stream of their toilets.

The best thing for the world would be if both Christianity and Islam were recognized as deeply flawed historical documents. Call them first attempts at knowing the world. People who defend the Koran but denounce Christianity or visa versa are idiots.

Lol, you dont know the first thing about the subject and yet you ballyhoo your ignorance as though it were something special.

No, you are just another typical ignoramus who thinks he found sumpin.
Same thing happened with women's rights.

According to "God", only the man could speak in the Church.

Turns out God was wrong. Turns out women have a voice.

Progress is a bitch.

I wish we would stop bitching about the Christians considering Islam has much worse. Why do we only focus on Christianity? Don't other religions also have similar things about men and women? It is like the left has made a list of sins that the christian churches are guilty of but allow every other religion to break them.
Because they are afraid of the Muslims.
Christian churches ‘must be made’ to affirm homosexuality, says New York Times columnist

It begins. I told you all a few days ago they would come for the churches.
That sounds pretty alarmist.

You can't stone adulterers anymore either, but that doesn't mean they'll be "coming for the churches"

Dude, Christians have NEVER stoned adulterers based on Biblical teachings. Sometimes various christian states have done that, but not because of the teachings of the church

They stoned them because of the fear and ignorance fomented by religious authoritarianism.

And adulterers were killed as a consequence of Christian religious dogma, whether or not it was based on the bible doesn’t mitigate the fact that innocent people were kill for no good reason.
Leviticus is old testament not anything Jesus taught.
It's homophobic quote mining
No, it shows the CONSISTENCY of the Bible, from what was taught in the Old Testament to what was taught in the New Testament.
It shows how the culture at times felt and believed. However, Jesus never supports that cultural belief. He never condemns, he never attacks. So, yes, homophobic quote mining is senseless here.
All gays have to do is call their beliefs about homosexuality religious beliefs,

and then where does that leave you anti-gays who claim your religious beliefs are protected by the Constitution?
Homosexuality is a religion to you freaks. And it leaves us exactly where we are.with you trying to force your religion into the religion of others...with you trying to dictate the religion of others.

We could care less what you do at your orgies. But we won't be having orgies in church. And we won't be participating in yours, and we won't preach that perrsion is AOK with God.

Orgies? What planet are you on?
The point being, I could give a shit what sort of weird garbage you engage in with your fag friends.
But we won't be engaging in it in our churches, we won't teach that it's anything but depravity and sinful excess, and we won't be letting you infect our teachings or pulipits.

Nobody is stopping you.
And nobody will.

Focus, fag. Read the op.
Who said otherwise, shakey.
Christian churches ‘must be made’ to affirm homosexuality, says New York Times columnist

It begins. I told you all a few days ago they would come for the churches.

This is nothing "unexpected". I remember a line in the movie "Braveheart" where Longshanks remarks "If we can't weed them out - we'll BREED them out" and that's the thing fags are counting on today. Folks my age (by a LARGE majority) will always be against the perverts. That. however, doesn't matter. With these kids currently being taught in public schools that this perversion is "perfectly normal" it is only a matter of time before Churches either change (to accomodate) the perverts (and goes against the Bible) or they will eventually close their doors (which is what the fags have been about from day one). In essence - this country is doomed.

The average estimates among male respondents are that 16% of men and 21% of women are homosexual. Among female respondents, the average estimates are that 26% of men and 23% of women are homosexual. Somewhat interestingly, both sexes believe there are more homosexuals in the opposite sex than in their own sex.

And in all seriousness - I believe that the estimates are incorrect. I believe that 2% of Men "might" be fags and 4% of women "might" be lesbians.

For such a small percentage - you wonder how it is that the world has went ape-shit accommodating them...

Better question is if those numbers are accurate why the hysterical homophobia out there?
Who gives a rat's ass what a couple of unqualified and biased opinion-baiters think about what churches must do?

A few years of GOP domination, and a better-structured Supreme Court, and the country can sweep this accommodation of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) aside.

Hell, there's probably even enough support at the State level for shoving them back into the closet, so that a related Constitutional Amendment might actually be practicable.

It would be like turning a high-pressure hose on a foul, stinking pile of donkey shit, littering the road.

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