Christian churches MUST change their teachings on homosexuality

Who gives a rat's ass what a couple of unqualified and biased opinion-baiters think about what churches must do?

A few years of GOP domination, and a better-structured Supreme Court, and the country can sweep this accommodation of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) aside.

Hell, there's probably even enough support at the State level for shoving them back into the closet, so that a related Constitutional Amendment might actually be practicable.

It would be like turning a high-pressure hose on a foul, stinking pile of donkey shit, littering the road.

That'll never happen. I hope you enjoy your misery as much as I will.
Who gives a rat's ass what a couple of unqualified and biased opinion-baiters think about what churches must do?

A few years of GOP domination, and a better-structured Supreme Court, and the country can sweep this accommodation of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) aside.

Hell, there's probably even enough support at the State level for shoving them back into the closet, so that a related Constitutional Amendment might actually be practicable.

It would be like turning a high-pressure hose on a foul, stinking pile of donkey shit, littering the road.

Who gives a rat's ass what a couple of unqualified and biased opinion-baiters think about what churches must do?

A few years of GOP domination, and a better-structured Supreme Court, and the country can sweep this accommodation of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) aside.

Hell, there's probably even enough support at the State level for shoving them back into the closet, so that a related Constitutional Amendment might actually be practicable.

It would be like turning a high-pressure hose on a foul, stinking pile of donkey shit, littering the road.

That'll never happen. I hope you enjoy your misery as much as I will.
The more you-and-yours believe that, the easier it will be to actually make it happen.

In the final analysis, people will not sit still for the normalization of such filth and perversion, for very long.

And... where there's a will, there's a way.

We're seeing the opening salvos of the next round, as we speak.

From your citation:

"Gold told me that church leaders must be made “to take homosexuality off the sin list.”

How do yo propose this be facilitated if not by force of government?

The same exact way churches have always been "forced" their congregation. How were the Mormons "forced" to accept blacks into their church and then into their clergy? Was it by the big old mean government? How about churches and interracial couples? Who "forced" them to start marrying interracial couples? Was it the big old mean government that did it?
Christian churches ‘must be made’ to affirm homosexuality, says New York Times columnist

It begins. I told you all a few days ago they would come for the churches.
That sounds pretty alarmist.

You can't stone adulterers anymore either, but that doesn't mean they'll be "coming for the churches"

Dude, Christians have NEVER stoned adulterers based on Biblical teachings. Sometimes various christian states have done that, but not because of the teachings of the church

They stoned them because of the fear and ignorance fomented by religious authoritarianism.

And adulterers were killed as a consequence of Christian religious dogma, whether or not it was based on the bible doesn’t mitigate the fact that innocent people were kill for no good reason.
This is similar to cultural honor killings in Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Islamic societies.
New York Times should not say anything about what Christian churches can teach or say
At least until this newspaper will have Stoya Doll its "columnists" :nono:
Same thing happened with women's rights.

According to "God", only the man could speak in the Church.

Turns out God was wrong. Turns out women have a voice.

Progress is a bitch.

I wish we would stop bitching about the Christians considering Islam has much worse. Why do we only focus on Christianity? Don't other religions also have similar things about men and women? It is like the left has made a list of sins that the christian churches are guilty of but allow every other religion to break them.

Do you live in the United States because I do...

If a church preaches against homosexuality and you are a queer and offended? Don't go to that tough is that? Why should people change their belief system because a bunch of candy asses that get all butt hurt that some might disagree with their lifestyle?

Tell that to the Christians who want to trump the Constitution with their religion trump card.

There are no examples because it's a complete fabrication, lol.

KIm Davis didn't?

Kim Davis tried to re-write the Constitution? How fucking stupid was your comment? She stood her ground...the queers were free to find some other clerk so they could get a license in order to merge their two corporate entities under admiralty law making the state a third party to their unholy union. Big supporter of the queer faction, are ya? It figures.......

So you think a Muslim DMV clerk should be able to deny driver's licenses to women and not be fired from his government job?
Tell that to the Christians who want to trump the Constitution with their religion trump card.

There are no examples because it's a complete fabrication, lol.

KIm Davis didn't?

Kim Davis tried to re-write the Constitution? How fucking stupid was your comment? She stood her ground...the queers were free to find some other clerk so they could get a license in order to merge their two corporate entities under admiralty law making the state a third party to their unholy union. Big supporter of the queer faction, are ya? It figures.......

So you think a Muslim DMV clerk should be able to deny driver's licenses to women and not be fired from his government job?
Dale wanders in some pretend "sovereign pre-14th Amendment world" that exists only in his mind. Who knows what he thinks?
Christian churches don't have to do squat....the homos really need to get past this nonsense

No, they don't "have to"...but they are anyway. :lol:

National Congregations Study finds more church acceptance of gays and lesbians

The survey found that between 2006 and 2012, the share of congregations allowing an openly gay or lesbian couple to become full-fledged members grew from 37% to 48%. In addition, the number of congregations that allowed openly gay and lesbian members to assume any lay leadership position also increased – from 18% in 2006 to 26% in 2012.
This opinion piece is over a year old. How many churches have been forced to change their teachings on gays? Or anything for that matter?
It shows how the culture at times felt and believed. However, Jesus never supports that cultural belief. He never condemns, he never attacks. So, yes, homophobic quote mining is senseless here.
Christians believe the Bible ids the word of God and is as relevant / factual today as it was then. It does not 'change with the times'. Jesus also taught to love the sinner but hate the sin. He did not, however, contradict the Bible's teaching that homosexuality was / is a sin. YOU can try to impose your own interpretations of what Jesus thought (there Liberals go trying to speak for others again, even Jesus) and what the Bible 'really' meant if you want.

If that is what you believe then so be it - that's your right. DON'T, however, try to impose YOUR beliefs on others / Christians, which is what this thread is about. not everyone 'MUST' forfeit their beliefs to accept what you, Liberals, ISIS, or anyone else believes. Unless we have been 'fundamentally changed' into a Nazi-Germany / Saudi / Dictatorship-type regime where the Constitution has been ruled 'Null and Void', it is ok for Christians to believe and teach whatever they want - it is ok to 'agree to disagree'.
Evangelicals love to whine.
As this entire thread - especially to include the title - points out, it is not the Evangelicals who are doing the whining. It's the liberals who are whining and demanding Christians change their beliefs and teachings to match their views.

If you libs disagree, then walk on by. Don't stop, whine, complain, and demand everyone believe what you do...ain't going to happen. Get used to it.
Au contraire, little easyt. Most liberals don't give a flying fuck as long as evangelicals mind their own business.

The evangelicals' problem is that they want to mind everyone else's business.

Jesus is the reason and the Bible is an inspired guide only.

Evangelicals are only a small portion of Christianity and certainly do not dictate what are Christian morals for everybody.

Don't mistake your place in the Christian world, easyt; it is much less than what you think.
Au contraire, little easyt. Most liberals don't give a flying fuck as long as evangelicals mind their own business.

The evangelicals' problem is that they want to mind everyone else's business.

Jesus is the reason and the Bible is an inspired guide only.

Evangelicals are only a small portion of Christianity and certainly do not dictate what are Christian morals for everybody.

Don't mistake your place in the Christian world, easyt; it is much less than what you think.
You have quite a few interesting opinions here, Jake.

Liberals don't care about what Evangelicals believe, huh? There are quite a few examples that prove that to be wrong. Take the bakery owner forced to bake the cake for a same-sex wedding despite his religious convictions. That sure wouldn't have happened if a Muslim bakery owner had rejected on religious principles. We see our govt making concessions of allowing / providing prayer rugs for Muslims to pray because it is part of their belief / religion but the same concessions are not being made for Christians. So, on the contrary, Jake, you can not say Christians are being treated equally / as Liberals are treating other religions - specifically Islam. (I guess you COULD say it despite it being wrong....)

Your claim that JESUS is the ONLY reason the Bible is an 'inspired guide' is also 'interesting'...and your opinion.

I am not saying Evangelicals make up Christianity, and I do not dare try to dictate anything about anyone's beliefs - that, as we can tell from this thread, is what Liberals are trying to do.

I have also never claimed to be any significantly large part of the Christian world, Jake. Only Liberals believe they are such a large part of the world that they have the authority to declare what is so, what others should believe, and think they have the right / authority to threaten others with punishment if they do not agree with Liberal 'reality' / agenda....such as threatening to punish anyone who does not believe Global Warming is real, who threatens citizens for exercising their freedom of speech by making movies or speaking out against Islamic Extremism, or demanding Christians change their views / teaching. THAT, again based on what we have seen lately, is ALL Liberals.

If you really don't care, Jakey, just walk on by. This thread should not interest you. According to you Christians can believe whatever they want, they can exercise their religion as they see fit, and they should not be bothered as they do so as long as they do not try to force their beliefs on we have seen Liberals try to do recently. Then we agree...

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