Christian men are more manly and virile than atheist men

And here I thought they were supposed to be Christ-like? That explains it.

"*Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried." Gilbert K. Chesterton

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Gandhi

"Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good." H. L. Mencken
Dumbest thread title of all time? In total, in the whole history of the internet? Its def. A contender.
Blackrook is more evil and homosexual than most any men will ever be.

He lives to suck Satan's cock and swallow.

What a fag.
Is there any doubt?
I don't think there's any doubt about it.

I strongly disagree

I've met men from other cultures and reigions around the world that are far more manly than the majority of men in the US that are good church going christians.

Some take vary good care of their body and looks, Most do not.
Behavior is as bad as other.

Christians are good, everyone else in the world, 2/3 of the population are bad

What blatant racism ???

Shame on you for calling yourself christian.

My dogs better than your dog................. what nonsense

Do people that were brought up christians and reject region or convert suddenly loose their "manliness"

What warped thinking

Same applies to the other "women" post.
I don't think there's any doubt about it.
Actually, Christian men arguably have a lower self-esteem than Scientific Humanist men do, as they've been told from birth by Jesus that they are lowly "sinners" (even though Original Sin is not their fault - so Original Sin is not fair), and that they are "evil", or "wicked" (depending on the translation of Matthew 7:11.)

Let's RAISE people's self-esteem, instead - you're not a sinner, and you are not evil or wicked like Jesus said you are (ok, unless you're rotting in prison right now, maybe...other wise, no.) Yes, "love your neighbor", but don't look down on him like Jesus did - he's better than that!
I don't think there's any doubt about it.
Actually, Christian men arguably have a lower self-esteem than Scientific Humanist men do, as they've been told from birth by Jesus that they are lowly "sinners" (even though Original Sin is not their fault - so Original Sin is not fair), and that they are "evil", or "wicked" (depending on the translation of Matthew 7:11.)

Let's RAISE people's self-esteem, instead - you're not a sinner, and you are not evil or wicked like Jesus said you are (ok, unless you're rotting in prison right now, maybe...other wise, no.) Yes, "love your neighbor", but don't look down on him like Jesus did - he's better than that!
Plus they need a patriarchal religion to prop them up.
Blackrook is more evil and homosexual than most any men will ever be.

He lives to suck Satan's cock and swallow.

What a fag.
A prayer to Jesus: "Jesus, please find your moral courage to finally tell humanity that saying gays are so bad that they should be killed (Lev 20:13), and that you won't let gays in to heaven (in Romans), is morally wrong. Thanks"
If Jesus can find his moral courage, then people like Marion (who I love, and is probably well-intended) will be educated by Jesus that gays are innocent people who are unfairly persecuted by god/Jesus/Allah/Bible/Qur'an.

Can anyone else join me in saying this loving prayer (regardless of whether you believe it will be answered - it's at least the thought that counts)?
Blackrook is more evil and homosexual than most any men will ever be.

He lives to suck Satan's cock and swallow.

What a fag.
A prayer to Jesus: "Jesus, please find your moral courage to finally tell humanity that saying gays are so bad that they should be killed (Lev 20:13), and that you won't let gays in to heaven (in Romans), is morally wrong. Thanks"
If Jesus can find his moral courage, then people like Marion (who I love, and is probably well-intended) will be educated by Jesus that gays are innocent people who are unfairly persecuted by god/Jesus/Allah/Bible/Qur'an.

Can anyone else join me in saying this loving prayer (regardless of whether you believe it will be answered - it's at least the thought that counts)?

You know, when talking to Christians, when you bring up gays, the first 2 verses they go to is Leviticus (which is a book for Jewish priests), and Romans (which was written by Peter). Neither of those two verses is about anything that Jesus ever talked about.

And..............if you check the Bible really close, Jesus never said anything about homosexuals, either good or bad.

I had the same discussion yesterday with some Christian who came up to my door and wanted to have me come to their church. When I asked why I would want to go to a church that excludes people because of their sexuality, he went straight to those two verses. When I explained that Leviticus was a manual for Jewish priests and that Romans was written by Peter, the next words out of his mouth that everything in the Bible was Jesus' words, from Genesis to Revelation.

When I explained that the Old Testament didn't mention Jesus specifically, and the only place He appeared was the New Testament, he got pissed and stormed off.

If that is an example of Christian virility, he sure as hell failed. Not only did he get pissed and start yelling, but he stomped off like a 3 year old after a tantrum.

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