Christian men are more manly and virile than atheist men

SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. ........
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. ........
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
Given that you reject science when it suits your purpose, I hope you don't mind if I don't believe your claim.
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. ........
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
When does science say that human life begins?
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. ........
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
When does science say the laws of nature came into existence?

Does science tell us that we live in a universe where the laws of nature are such that given enough time and the right conditions that beings that know and create will eventually arise?
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. ........
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
When does science say that human life begins?
At conception, arguably.
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. ........
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
Given that you reject science when it suits your purpose, I hope you don't mind if I don't believe your claim.
Christians clearly don't believe in science, enough, enough that is to remove the unscientific stuff from the Bible (talking donkeys, locust creatures in Revelation, invisible "angels" flying around with wings on, invisible "demons" and "satan", etc.) They are no more scientific than Muslims are ("angels", "jinns", etc.) Scientific Humanism on the other hand is, is, well....SCIENTIFIC!! :)
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. ........
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
Given that you reject science when it suits your purpose, I hope you don't mind if I don't believe your claim.
Christians clearly don't believe in science, enough, enough that is to remove the unscientific stuff from the Bible (talking donkeys, locust creatures in Revelation, invisible "angels" flying around with wings on, invisible "demons" and "satan", etc.) They are no more scientific than Muslims are ("angels", "jinns", etc.) Scientific Humanism on the other hand is, is, well....SCIENTIFIC!! :)
That hasn't been my experience. I'm an engineer and I work with many talented engineers who are Christians. In fact, if one understands what Jesus was teaching he cannot help but to have his intelligence sharpened. I speak from personal experience on this one. But putting that aside, the NT tells us to study Creation. God loves science. He created it. In fact, science, math and music existed before time and were only waiting for time to catch up to it to be discovered. Everything which is possible to exist will exist eventually.
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. ........
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
When does science say that human life begins?
At conception, arguably.
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. ........
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
You have been told that since the systems of proof are different for faith and science, that the contest cannot be held. You can never disprove that God exists, because you have neither the language the logic and the symbols.
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
When does science say that human life begins?
At conception, arguably.
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.

Excitement as GIANT dinosaur eggs unearthed after 70 MILLION years in Argentina

was that aborted

not all eggs are meant to hatch. not all pregnancies are meant to produce babies
...... You can never disprove that God exists, ......
We can't prove that Krishna does not exist (see how that works?), so we'll just wait for a court-room level of evidence before we'd believe that Jesus exists. If Jesus loves us then we are confident that he'd provide said court-room level of evidence. We are patient. If Jesus provides that, then great - if not, no problem - then that would mean that the "hell" in the Bible is just not something that we can believe in. No evidence, AND it's immoral (no Hindus, Buddhists in heaven, etc.), so we can't believe in it. Jesus, the ball is in your court. In the mean time, we love "love your neighbor", and the Golden Rule (the philosopher Jesus, but not the divine/unscientific/unproven Jesus.)
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
When does science say that human life begins?
At conception, arguably.
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.

Excitement as GIANT dinosaur eggs unearthed after 70 MILLION years in Argentina

was that aborted

not all eggs are meant to hatch. not all pregnancies are meant to produce babies
If aborted fetuses automatically go to heaven, then shouldn't Christians WANT more abortions, just to make sure those souls get to heaven? :banana:
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
When does science say that human life begins?
At conception, arguably.
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.

Excitement as GIANT dinosaur eggs unearthed after 70 MILLION years in Argentina

was that aborted

not all eggs are meant to hatch. not all pregnancies are meant to produce babies
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
When does science say that human life begins?
At conception, arguably.
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.
The Bible doesn't mention abortion at all - can we agree that if you were god that you'd of course have spoken up enough, enough so that your (god's) words of wisdom on abortion would be in the Bible and be very very clear? I would, because I care about humanity. What about you?

Take care.
........ God loves science. He created it. .....
If an all-powerful god exists, then that's arguably true.
So why not believe in his science, and therefore not believe in unscientific things like "walking on water", and "unicorns", and "dragons", and "angels", and "demons", and "satan", and a talking snake, and a talking donkey, and a man living inside a big fish for 3 days, etc.? We Scientific Humanists believe in science, AND in intellectual consistency, mi amigo.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
When does science say that human life begins?
At conception, arguably.
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.

Excitement as GIANT dinosaur eggs unearthed after 70 MILLION years in Argentina

was that aborted

not all eggs are meant to hatch. not all pregnancies are meant to produce babies
And humans aren't meant to kill them and rationalize that they are doing them a favor.
Not faith, but rather a court-room level of evidence, mi amigo. We do have more faith in science than Christians do, however.
When does science say that human life begins?
At conception, arguably.
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.

Excitement as GIANT dinosaur eggs unearthed after 70 MILLION years in Argentina

was that aborted

not all eggs are meant to hatch. not all pregnancies are meant to produce babies
If aborted fetuses automatically go to heaven, then shouldn't Christians WANT more abortions, just to make sure those souls get to heaven? :banana:
That is a pretty stupid argument. The Gnostic had the same view. They don't exist anymore. The reality is that we have been granted the rarest and greatest gift in the universe. We are the pinnacle of Creation. We are beings that know and create. Creating is supposed to be so much fun that we had to be told to take a day off. Unfortunately many people see creating a choir, a drag a burden. Something they do to get money. Something they do to get to the weekend. When in reality we were made to create. We are happiest when we create. When we treat every act as a sacred act two things happen, we are happy and all the learning centers of our brain turn on. That too is from science. In fact, that is the original meaning of worship. We worship God by becoming the best versions of ourself that we can be. It is a far more effective means of worship than anything we can do.

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