Christian men are more manly and virile than atheist men

Everything which is possible to exist will exist eventually.

And that's the reason I don't believe in a god....
Why is that?

Because everything is random. It's nature at work. I believe it is the world and universe doing its thing. You think some sort of supernatural being is responsible....shrug...
God has a plan!!!! You know, like letting children starve and letting children die from horrific cancers. :)
Hmmmm.... His plan is a little too complex to fully understand but I do get the big picture of it. Are you familiar with the evolution of matter? Are you familiar with the technology cycle? Are you familiar with the conflict and confusion process and how it relates to objective truth which is just another way of saying reality? Do you believe that error can stand?
Then don't. I couldn't care less. Seriously. But I am here to tell you that nothing is random. Everything happens for a reason. Now don't go all ridiculous on me over this without first understanding what I have really said.

Oh, I think things happen for a reason too. I just don't believe a god is responsible for it. It's just nature....

Are you a Christian? I assume so...
. Everything happens for a reason. .......
Scientific Humanism doesn't bring forward any particular god because if "everything happens for a REASON" then god slaughtered 240,000 innocent people in the Aceh Tsunami in 2004 FOR A REASON. That just seems too barbaric - we love people too much to be able to buy into that thinking. I'd give my life for those people - it's really sad that so many died.

If Scientific Humanists had god's allegedy super-powers, we'd of course have WARNED those people that this act of god was about to take place - thereby saving many of them. I'm not sure if Christians will agree with us that they'd do that, however. I believe in Christians, and maybe we can be good enough role models for them to agree with us on that someday. I. Have. Faith. :)
Excitement as GIANT dinosaur eggs unearthed after 70 MILLION years in Argentina

was that aborted

not all eggs are meant to hatch. not all pregnancies are meant to produce babies
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.
The Bible doesn't mention abortion at all - can we agree that if you were god that you'd of course have spoken up enough, enough so that your (god's) words of wisdom on abortion would be in the Bible and be very very clear? I would, because I care about humanity. What about you?

Take care.

>>“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. May this water enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”<<
Question: "What does the Bible say about abortion?"

The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion.
From What does the Bible say about abortion?
We have to read between the lines to try to decipher it. It would have been best if god just told us his view on abortion - but he didn't. So we're not convinced that the Bible is the world of an actual god, unfortunately.
Thou shall not kill.
"Follow the laws of the democracy you are in" is better than "thou shall not kill", because we DO kill ISIS, we do kill Nazis, we do kill Saddam's goons that attack us, we do kill death-row inmates, we did kill Anwar Al-Alacki, etc.
Again, would you like for me to explain this to you? Specifically why no one should ever rationalize that it is good and just to kill another human being... no matter what. No matter if he is trying to kill you. No matter if he is raping your wife. No matter what. Do I need to explain why?
Then don't. I couldn't care less. Seriously. But I am here to tell you that nothing is random. Everything happens for a reason. Now don't go all ridiculous on me over this without first understanding what I have really said.

Oh, I think things happen for a reason too. I just don't believe a god is responsible for it. It's just nature....

Are you a Christian? I assume so...
He created the laws of nature. It is through the laws of nature that the law of compensation is at work. Shaping us. Progressing us. Pruning us. Molding us. Not everyone is aware that it is working in their lives, but it is. Those people won't get as much out of the lesson as people who do understand it. The law of compensation will continue to bring us back to our lessons until we figure out what it was that we were supposed to learn. Everything is upside down, inside out and backwards. What we think is good is really bad, what we think as bad is really good, what we think is important, isn't. What we think is unimportant, is. At the end of the day, consciousness like every other phase of evolution before it is progressing to make the next leap. I like to look at it this way.... the beatings will continue until morale improves.
The Bible doesn't mention abortion at all - can we agree that if you were god that you'd of course have spoken up enough, enough so that your (god's) words of wisdom on abortion would be in the Bible and be very very clear? I would, because I care about humanity. What about you?

Take care.

>>“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. May this water enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”<<
Question: "What does the Bible say about abortion?"

The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion.
From What does the Bible say about abortion?
We have to read between the lines to try to decipher it. It would have been best if god just told us his view on abortion - but he didn't. So we're not convinced that the Bible is the world of an actual god, unfortunately.
Thou shall not kill.
"Follow the laws of the democracy you are in" is better than "thou shall not kill", because we DO kill ISIS, we do kill Nazis, we do kill Saddam's goons that attack us, we do kill death-row inmates, we did kill Anwar Al-Alacki, etc.
Again, would you like for me to explain this to you? Specifically why no one should ever rationalize that it is good and just to kill another human being... no matter what. No matter if he is trying to kill you. No matter if he is raping your wife. No matter what. Do I need to explain why?
Uh, we do need to kill ISIS! Come on! We, long-term, need to show them a better belief system, but today we also need to kill them....but that's only a short-term solution, partly because it causes more terrorists in the long-run. We can't live under the Muslims' Sharia Law (just read Q5:33 for starters!) of course, so we do have to kill if they try to kill our allies to impose the Sharia. I wish that wasn't the case.
At conception, arguably.
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.

Excitement as GIANT dinosaur eggs unearthed after 70 MILLION years in Argentina

was that aborted

not all eggs are meant to hatch. not all pregnancies are meant to produce babies
When does science say that human life begins?
At conception, arguably.
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.
The Bible doesn't mention abortion at all - can we agree that if you were god that you'd of course have spoken up enough, enough so that your (god's) words of wisdom on abortion would be in the Bible and be very very clear? I would, because I care about humanity. What about you?

Take care.

>>“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. May this water enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”<<
Question: "What does the Bible say about abortion?"

The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion.
From What does the Bible say about abortion?
We have to read between the lines to try to decipher it. It would have been best if god just told us his view on abortion - but he didn't. So we're not convinced that the Bible is the world of an actual god, unfortunately.

Till this last century it has been the woman's private initiative. now we have people who want to interfere and turn women in to slaves

Cultures and religions, including tribal healers or medicine men have created potions for women

Sheep guts were used as condoms.

Migrant tribes would limit child birth to certain times of the year. If pregnant it would have been aborted.

other faiths permit abortions or have nothing to say about them one way or the other, yet abortions have been carried out through most of recorded history

Ebers Papyrus (ca. 1550 BCE) but it draw on information from third millennium BCE

If you object............ don't have one

If others don't have moral objection and want an abortion, the woman should have access to safe abortions for what ever reason she wants

Before the third trimester a fetus cannot live without medical intervention and even then the odds are not good.

Strangers should not dictate what happens in a woman's womb. It is her body
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.

Excitement as GIANT dinosaur eggs unearthed after 70 MILLION years in Argentina

was that aborted

not all eggs are meant to hatch. not all pregnancies are meant to produce babies
At conception, arguably.
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.
The Bible doesn't mention abortion at all - can we agree that if you were god that you'd of course have spoken up enough, enough so that your (god's) words of wisdom on abortion would be in the Bible and be very very clear? I would, because I care about humanity. What about you?

Take care.

>>“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. May this water enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”<<
Question: "What does the Bible say about abortion?"

The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion.
From What does the Bible say about abortion?
We have to read between the lines to try to decipher it. It would have been best if god just told us his view on abortion - but he didn't. So we're not convinced that the Bible is the world of an actual god, unfortunately.
Thou shall not kill.

Before the third trimester it can not live out side the womb. You are not killing a person.

It is up to the woman to decide what happens to or in her body. She should not be forced to keep it if she does not want to.

Before the third trimester it can not live out side the womb. You are not killing a person.
An adult in a coma in a hospital can not live w/out the assistance of others (of course), so is that also "not killing a person"?
He created the laws of nature. It is through the laws of nature that the law of compensation is at work. Shaping us. Progressing us. Pruning us. Molding us. Not everyone is aware that it is working in their lives, but it is. Those people won't get as much out of the lesson as people who do understand it. The law of compensation will continue to bring us back to our lessons until we figure out what it was that we were supposed to learn. Everything is upside down, inside out and backwards. What we think is good is really bad, what we think as bad is really good, what we think is important, isn't. What we think is unimportant, is. At the end of the day, consciousness like every other phase of evolution before it is progressing to make the next leap. I like to look at it this way.... the beatings will continue until morale improves.

And I believe it is nature not a super being....shrug....We can't prove either's point, although I would say there is a lot more evidence backing my POV than yours. There is no tangible evidence of a god (and no, looking at a beautiful sunset is not tangible evidence of anything)...

Before the third trimester it can not live out side the womb. You are not killing a person.
An adult in a coma in a hospital can not live w/out the assistance of others (of course), so is that also "not killing a person"?

It was a person before the coma

Many people have health directives because they don't want to be on machine long term or not at all

After my stroke, I made sure every doctor or hospital I use has a copy of my DNR

I can't speak above a whisper and half my body is weak or twitches

I'd rather have not been kept alive for two days in a coma. It won't happen again

my parent had directives and my in-laws opted for hospice when they each had cancer
>>“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. May this water enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”<<
Question: "What does the Bible say about abortion?"

The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion.
From What does the Bible say about abortion?
We have to read between the lines to try to decipher it. It would have been best if god just told us his view on abortion - but he didn't. So we're not convinced that the Bible is the world of an actual god, unfortunately.
Thou shall not kill.
"Follow the laws of the democracy you are in" is better than "thou shall not kill", because we DO kill ISIS, we do kill Nazis, we do kill Saddam's goons that attack us, we do kill death-row inmates, we did kill Anwar Al-Alacki, etc.
Again, would you like for me to explain this to you? Specifically why no one should ever rationalize that it is good and just to kill another human being... no matter what. No matter if he is trying to kill you. No matter if he is raping your wife. No matter what. Do I need to explain why?
Uh, we do need to kill ISIS! Come on! We, long-term, need to show them a better belief system, but today we also need to kill them....but that's only a short-term solution, partly because it causes more terrorists in the long-run. We can't live under the Muslims' Sharia Law (just read Q5:33 for starters!) of course, so we do have to kill if they try to kill our allies to impose the Sharia. I wish that wasn't the case.
So what? The problem is one of rationalization. Evil does not happen overnight. Evil is a process of incrementalization. If you rationalize that you are doing good when in reality you are doing bad, even though it is the lessor of two evils, the goal post moves slightly. Over time you could end up putting Christians in ovens and rationalizing it is right. I'd rather choose to do wrong, feel bad for doing, not rationalize that I am doing right and keep my goal posts where they are. Now do you understand?
Excitement as GIANT dinosaur eggs unearthed after 70 MILLION years in Argentina

was that aborted

not all eggs are meant to hatch. not all pregnancies are meant to produce babies
There is no arguing about it. Have you ever heard of DNA? If I were to take a cell from a fetus and place it on the murder weapon, the police would be looking for that person because he would be the only person in the world that it would match. So not only is a human being created at conception, a specific person is created at conception. It isn't a potential person, it is a person with potential. And that person has all of the human characteristics he is supposed to have at that stage of his human life cycle. How do I know? Because science tells me so.
The Bible doesn't mention abortion at all - can we agree that if you were god that you'd of course have spoken up enough, enough so that your (god's) words of wisdom on abortion would be in the Bible and be very very clear? I would, because I care about humanity. What about you?

Take care.

>>“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. May this water enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”<<
Question: "What does the Bible say about abortion?"

The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion.
From What does the Bible say about abortion?
We have to read between the lines to try to decipher it. It would have been best if god just told us his view on abortion - but he didn't. So we're not convinced that the Bible is the world of an actual god, unfortunately.
Thou shall not kill.

Before the third trimester it can not live out side the womb. You are not killing a person.

It is up to the woman to decide what happens to or in her body. She should not be forced to keep it if she does not want to.
DNA and science say it is. You are rationalizing your evil.
The Bible doesn't mention abortion at all - can we agree that if you were god that you'd of course have spoken up enough, enough so that your (god's) words of wisdom on abortion would be in the Bible and be very very clear? I would, because I care about humanity. What about you?

Take care.

>>“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. May this water enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”<<
Question: "What does the Bible say about abortion?"

The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion.
From What does the Bible say about abortion?
We have to read between the lines to try to decipher it. It would have been best if god just told us his view on abortion - but he didn't. So we're not convinced that the Bible is the world of an actual god, unfortunately.
Thou shall not kill.
"Follow the laws of the democracy you are in" is better than "thou shall not kill", because we DO kill ISIS, we do kill Nazis, we do kill Saddam's goons that attack us, we do kill death-row inmates, we did kill Anwar Al-Alacki, etc.
Again, would you like for me to explain this to you? Specifically why no one should ever rationalize that it is good and just to kill another human being... no matter what. No matter if he is trying to kill you. No matter if he is raping your wife. No matter what. Do I need to explain why?

Well, for starters, you could get what the original language was saying when that commandment was given. Incidentally, did you know that they (the Romans) sacked Jerusalem and took their religion, when it was translated from Hebrew to Greek, they screwed up in the translation?

That particular commandment doesn't say "thou shalt not kill", it actually says "thou shalt not MURDER". Killing someone in a fair fight when they attack you first is actually allowed. Same with killing others in war.

But, murder is actually taking the life of someone who is innocent and hasn't done anything.

I get that you want to defend your religion Dingbat, but you also need to realize that your religion is flawed in the first place.
I consider a man to be "manly" when he is a good husband to his wife and a good father to his children.

By this criteria, the only one that matters, Christians make better men then atheist men.
>>"manly" when he is a good husband to his wife and a good father to his children."manly" when he is a good husband to his wife and a good father to his children.<<

could apply to any one regardless of culture or religion

Nothing to do with christianity
I consider a man to be "manly" when he is a good husband to his wife and a good father to his children.

By this criteria, the only one that matters, Christians make better men then atheist men.

Was Trump being "manly" when he cheated on his wives? Is that what makes a good husband? Is he being a good father and setting an example for his sons by that?

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