Christian men are more manly and virile than atheist men

Blackrook is more evil and homosexual than most any men will ever be.

He lives to suck Satan's cock and swallow.

What a fag.
I forgive you for your hatred of innocent people - you are probably just not aware that a more loving belief system exists (versus the Bible.)
One of the top 5 "Commandments" of this belief system says this:
"5. Treat people equally, regardless of gender, race, “caste”, sexual-orientation, etc."

If you could embrace this "commandment", my friend, then the world would be a more loving/caring place than if you embrace the Bible/Jesus. I believe in you - I believe in your innate goodness - you've just been corrupted by a belief system that teaches hatred for innocent people (gays, non-believers, women, etc.) Find your compassion.
Blackrook is more evil and homosexual than most any men will ever be.

He lives to suck Satan's cock and swallow.

What a fag.
A prayer to Jesus: "Jesus, please find your moral courage to finally tell humanity that saying gays are so bad that they should be killed (Lev 20:13), and that you won't let gays in to heaven (in Romans), is morally wrong. Thanks"
If Jesus can find his moral courage, then people like Marion (who I love, and is probably well-intended) will be educated by Jesus that gays are innocent people who are unfairly persecuted by god/Jesus/Allah/Bible/Qur'an.

Can anyone else join me in saying this loving prayer (regardless of whether you believe it will be answered - it's at least the thought that counts)?

You know, when talking to Christians, when you bring up gays, the first 2 verses they go to is Leviticus (which is a book for Jewish priests), and Romans (which was written by Peter). Neither of those two verses is about anything that Jesus ever talked about.

And..............if you check the Bible really close, Jesus never said anything about homosexuals, either good or bad.

I had the same discussion yesterday with some Christian who came up to my door and wanted to have me come to their church. When I asked why I would want to go to a church that excludes people because of their sexuality, he went straight to those two verses. When I explained that Leviticus was a manual for Jewish priests and that Romans was written by Peter, the next words out of his mouth that everything in the Bible was Jesus' words, from Genesis to Revelation.

When I explained that the Old Testament didn't mention Jesus specifically, and the only place He appeared was the New Testament, he got pissed and stormed off.

If that is an example of Christian virility, he sure as hell failed. Not only did he get pissed and start yelling, but he stomped off like a 3 year old after a tantrum.
Scientific Humanism is the most gay-loving overall belief system, so I love gays.
Here is a list of many many famous gays, including Leonardo da Vinci, etc., so if Christians would look down this list I bet they'd realize that LGBT have contributed greatly to the world, and they might even find one of their favorite people on this list: List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people - Wikipedia

Blackrook is more evil and homosexual than most any men will ever be.

He lives to suck Satan's cock and swallow.

What a fag.
A prayer to Jesus: "Jesus, please find your moral courage to finally tell humanity that saying gays are so bad that they should be killed (Lev 20:13), and that you won't let gays in to heaven (in Romans), is morally wrong. Thanks"
If Jesus can find his moral courage, then people like Marion (who I love, and is probably well-intended) will be educated by Jesus that gays are innocent people who are unfairly persecuted by god/Jesus/Allah/Bible/Qur'an.

Can anyone else join me in saying this loving prayer (regardless of whether you believe it will be answered - it's at least the thought that counts)?

You know, when talking to Christians, when you bring up gays, the first 2 verses they go to is Leviticus (which is a book for Jewish priests), and Romans (which was written by Peter). Neither of those two verses is about anything that Jesus ever talked about.

And..............if you check the Bible really close, Jesus never said anything about homosexuals, either good or bad.

I had the same discussion yesterday with some Christian who came up to my door and wanted to have me come to their church. When I asked why I would want to go to a church that excludes people because of their sexuality, he went straight to those two verses. When I explained that Leviticus was a manual for Jewish priests and that Romans was written by Peter, the next words out of his mouth that everything in the Bible was Jesus' words, from Genesis to Revelation.

When I explained that the Old Testament didn't mention Jesus specifically, and the only place He appeared was the New Testament, he got pissed and stormed off.

If that is an example of Christian virility, he sure as hell failed. Not only did he get pissed and start yelling, but he stomped off like a 3 year old after a tantrum.
Scientific Humanism is the most gay-loving overall belief system, so I love gays.
Here is a list of many many famous gays, including Leonardo da Vinci, etc., so if Christians would look down this list I bet they'd realize that LGBT have contributed greatly to the world, and they might even find one of their favorite people on this list: List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people - Wikipedia


You know, it's been said that the German that Washington put in charge of his army to train them and teach them was gay.

Tell people that without gays we might have lost the Revolution and watch them come all unglued.
Blackrook is more evil and homosexual than most any men will ever be.

He lives to suck Satan's cock and swallow.

What a fag.
A prayer to Jesus: "Jesus, please find your moral courage to finally tell humanity that saying gays are so bad that they should be killed (Lev 20:13), and that you won't let gays in to heaven (in Romans), is morally wrong. Thanks"
If Jesus can find his moral courage, then people like Marion (who I love, and is probably well-intended) will be educated by Jesus that gays are innocent people who are unfairly persecuted by god/Jesus/Allah/Bible/Qur'an.

Can anyone else join me in saying this loving prayer (regardless of whether you believe it will be answered - it's at least the thought that counts)?

You know, when talking to Christians, when you bring up gays, the first 2 verses they go to is Leviticus (which is a book for Jewish priests), and Romans (which was written by Peter). Neither of those two verses is about anything that Jesus ever talked about.

And..............if you check the Bible really close, Jesus never said anything about homosexuals, either good or bad.

I had the same discussion yesterday with some Christian who came up to my door and wanted to have me come to their church. When I asked why I would want to go to a church that excludes people because of their sexuality, he went straight to those two verses. When I explained that Leviticus was a manual for Jewish priests and that Romans was written by Peter, the next words out of his mouth that everything in the Bible was Jesus' words, from Genesis to Revelation.

When I explained that the Old Testament didn't mention Jesus specifically, and the only place He appeared was the New Testament, he got pissed and stormed off.

If that is an example of Christian virility, he sure as hell failed. Not only did he get pissed and start yelling, but he stomped off like a 3 year old after a tantrum.
Scientific Humanism is the most gay-loving overall belief system, so I love gays.
Here is a list of many many famous gays, including Leonardo da Vinci, etc., so if Christians would look down this list I bet they'd realize that LGBT have contributed greatly to the world, and they might even find one of their favorite people on this list: List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people - Wikipedia


You know, it's been said that the German that Washington put in charge of his army to train them and teach them was gay.

Tell people that without gays we might have lost the Revolution and watch them come all unglued.
"Gay is ok" - Scientific Humanism.

Since Jesus never corrected the parts of the Bible that say to KILL gays, and never corrected Romans that says that gays won't get into heaven (in 2000 years, no less), by saying "gay is ok" people can actually be more loving/caring on this important non-trivial issue than even someone as great as Jesus.
Now THAT'S something to be proud of! I'm so proud that I've found the love to say "gay is ok". I can be a role model to Jesus, by saying that.
Blackrook is more evil and homosexual than most any men will ever be.

He lives to suck Satan's cock and swallow.

What a fag.
A prayer to Jesus: "Jesus, please find your moral courage to finally tell humanity that saying gays are so bad that they should be killed (Lev 20:13), and that you won't let gays in to heaven (in Romans), is morally wrong. Thanks"
If Jesus can find his moral courage, then people like Marion (who I love, and is probably well-intended) will be educated by Jesus that gays are innocent people who are unfairly persecuted by god/Jesus/Allah/Bible/Qur'an.

Can anyone else join me in saying this loving prayer (regardless of whether you believe it will be answered - it's at least the thought that counts)?

You know, when talking to Christians, when you bring up gays, the first 2 verses they go to is Leviticus (which is a book for Jewish priests), and Romans (which was written by Peter). Neither of those two verses is about anything that Jesus ever talked about.

And..............if you check the Bible really close, Jesus never said anything about homosexuals, either good or bad.

I had the same discussion yesterday with some Christian who came up to my door and wanted to have me come to their church. When I asked why I would want to go to a church that excludes people because of their sexuality, he went straight to those two verses. When I explained that Leviticus was a manual for Jewish priests and that Romans was written by Peter, the next words out of his mouth that everything in the Bible was Jesus' words, from Genesis to Revelation.

When I explained that the Old Testament didn't mention Jesus specifically, and the only place He appeared was the New Testament, he got pissed and stormed off.

If that is an example of Christian virility, he sure as hell failed. Not only did he get pissed and start yelling, but he stomped off like a 3 year old after a tantrum.
Scientific Humanism is the most gay-loving overall belief system, so I love gays.
Here is a list of many many famous gays, including Leonardo da Vinci, etc., so if Christians would look down this list I bet they'd realize that LGBT have contributed greatly to the world, and they might even find one of their favorite people on this list: List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people - Wikipedia


You know, it's been said that the German that Washington put in charge of his army to train them and teach them was gay.

Tell people that without gays we might have lost the Revolution and watch them come all unglued.
"Gay is ok" - Scientific Humanism.

Since Jesus never corrected the parts of the Bible that say to KILL gays, and never corrected Romans that says that gays won't get into heaven (in 2000 years, no less), by saying "gay is ok" people can actually be more loving/caring on this important non-trivial issue than even someone as great as Jesus.
Now THAT'S something to be proud of! I'm so proud that I've found the love to say "gay is ok". I can be a role model to Jesus, by saying that.

Here's something from a scholarly site called "Sacred Texts Archive", which is a wonderful research tool for reviewing ALL things that are religious, everything from A to Z, and everything in between.

Did you know?

* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

Here is the link for the LGBT section of the site where I got the above information............LGBT Texts

And here is a link to the general page. The index on the left hand side is indexed, so that whatever you are interested in looking up, you can.

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
So of course a more ethical belief system (Scientific Humanism) would not bring forward this part of the Bible. It brings forward the Golden Rule, but not the unscientific, nor unethical, nor ridiculous, nor fairy-tale sounding parts of the Bible - too much GOOD stuff from other belief systems to bring forward the bad parts of the Bible. Our children are also so creative that they can come up with better, more loving, wording than the bad parts of the Bible. Believe in your children THAT much, guys!
You know Joy, one of the biggest spiritual awakenings I've ever had was when a friend of mine named Owen and I were talking about God, and I was bitching about how all the religions were arguing over who had the best God.

Well, Owen said something to me that night that made a HUGE impact on me. He said that instead of looking at all the differences, look for the similarities, because it would get me much further.

Well, I started to do that and found out some interesting things. ALL religions have some form of a Higher Power, and ALL religions teach some form of the Golden Rule, and ALL religions have some sort of structure that must be followed.

When I saw that, I started to see where there are some remarkable similarities between them. What Judaism and Taoism teach are pretty much the same thing, as well as what Jesus taught is remarkably similar to what Buddha taught.

Besides..................either God is everything or He is nothing, and if He is everything, then just one religion is way too small to contain Him. I mean, most religions say that He is Eternal, and you can't contain eternity in just one belief system.
You know Joy, one of the biggest spiritual awakenings I've ever had was when a friend of mine named Owen and I were talking about God, and I was bitching about how all the religions were arguing over who had the best God.

Well, Owen said something to me that night that made a HUGE impact on me. He said that instead of looking at all the differences, look for the similarities, because it would get me much further.

Well, I started to do that and found out some interesting things. ALL religions have some form of a Higher Power, and ALL religions teach some form of the Golden Rule, and ALL religions have some sort of structure that must be followed.

When I saw that, I started to see where there are some remarkable similarities between them. What Judaism and Taoism teach are pretty much the same thing, as well as what Jesus taught is remarkably similar to what Buddha taught.

Besides..................either God is everything or He is nothing, and if He is everything, then just one religion is way too small to contain Him. I mean, most religions say that He is Eternal, and you can't contain eternity in just one belief system.
I'm growing more impressed with you after each post you make.
Yes, Scientific Humanism has, unlike the Bible, a form of the Golden Rule in it's top 4 "commandments"!:
"4. Have love and compassion for everyone in the world brother/sisterhood, even people of different religious/political/societal beliefs, and your “enemies”. Treat others as you would want to be treated."

Having the "Golden Rule" in it's top 4 commandments shows that SH is a better belief system than the Bible which does not have the Golden Rule even in its 10 Commandments, of course.
You know Joy, one of the biggest spiritual awakenings I've ever had was when a friend of mine named Owen and I were talking about God, and I was bitching about how all the religions were arguing over who had the best God.

Well, Owen said something to me that night that made a HUGE impact on me. He said that instead of looking at all the differences, look for the similarities, because it would get me much further.

Well, I started to do that and found out some interesting things. ALL religions have some form of a Higher Power, and ALL religions teach some form of the Golden Rule, and ALL religions have some sort of structure that must be followed.

When I saw that, I started to see where there are some remarkable similarities between them. What Judaism and Taoism teach are pretty much the same thing, as well as what Jesus taught is remarkably similar to what Buddha taught.

Besides..................either God is everything or He is nothing, and if He is everything, then just one religion is way too small to contain Him. I mean, most religions say that He is Eternal, and you can't contain eternity in just one belief system.
That's one reason why SH is better than any other belief system, because it attempts to bring forward the best parts of the top 10 (well, all, actually) belief systems/religions in the world. The Bible ignores, completely, the Sikh teachings, or the Islamic teachings, and even ignores beliefs that came before it such as Buddhism and Hinduism - unlike Scientific Humanism.
.....what Jesus taught is remarkably similar to what Buddha taught.......
Did Buddha teach that those that don't follow Buddha will burn in hell like Jesus taught about himself (or was Buddha more like Scientific Humanism is)?
The Scientific Humanist has turned to hate of belief systems different than hers. That was inevitable.
The Scientific Humanist has turned to hate of belief systems different than hers. That was inevitable.
SH brings forward into SH the best of the top 10 belief systems (religions and New Atheism), so there is not hatred, just love. Because we love so much, Jesus saying that the only way to the father is through him is not brought forward in to SH. SH is a hate-free belief system. Your children deserve a hate-free belief system, we believe....does that make sense, Jake? Do your children deserve a hate-free belief system? Believe in them ENOUGH so that you can answer "yes!" to that question, mi amigo.

Have a great night.
The Scientific Humanist has turned to hate of belief systems different than hers. That was inevitable.
SH brings forward into SH the best of the top 10 belief systems (religions and New Atheism), so there is not hatred, just love. Because we love so much, Jesus saying that the only way to the father is through him is not brought forward in to SH. SH is a hate-free belief system. Your children deserve a hate-free belief system, we believe....does that make sense, Jake? Do your children deserve a hate-free belief system? Believe in them ENOUGH so that you can answer "yes!" to that question, mi amigo. Have a great night.
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. Do practice your faith as best you can according to the Golden Rule. Peace.
The Scientific Humanist has turned to hate of belief systems different than hers. That was inevitable.
SH brings forward into SH the best of the top 10 belief systems (religions and New Atheism), so there is not hatred, just love. Because we love so much, Jesus saying that the only way to the father is through him is not brought forward in to SH. SH is a hate-free belief system. Your children deserve a hate-free belief system, we believe....does that make sense, Jake? Do your children deserve a hate-free belief system? Believe in them ENOUGH so that you can answer "yes!" to that question, mi amigo. Have a great night.
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system.
Which is more loving, my friend?
A. "Gay is ok". "Love gays as equals". SH would let gays into heaven if it was up to us.
B. Kill gays (Lev 20:13). Gays can't get into heaven (no matter how ethical they might be), in Romans. Jesus never approved of gays in 2000 years and counting. Christians approve of these things, or they'd have changed/improved the texts over 2000 years or so.

It would appear that Scientific Humanism is more loving than even god/Jesus. But we forgive god/Jesus.
We believe that an after-life judge (if any), would look very very favorably on those that have a belief system that says to love gays, and be very very harsh to those that followed a belief system (Bible/Islam) that teaches hatred towards gays.

Scientific Humanists believe that heterosexual supremacism is just as bad as racial supremacism....and so would a loving, caring after-life judge ("god", if he exists.) So to play it safe, you'd want to err on the side of love, and be a Scientific Humanist rather than a Christian/Muslim/Jew/Hindu - your fate in the after-life might depend on it? It's an after-life risk to embrace a belief system that teaches hatred towards innocent people, we argue, now that one that loves them is available (SH.)
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. ........
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say.

Have a great night.
The Scientific Humanist has turned to hate of belief systems different than hers. That was inevitable.
SH brings forward into SH the best of the top 10 belief systems (religions and New Atheism), so there is not hatred, just love. Because we love so much, Jesus saying that the only way to the father is through him is not brought forward in to SH. SH is a hate-free belief system. Your children deserve a hate-free belief system, we believe....does that make sense, Jake? Do your children deserve a hate-free belief system? Believe in them ENOUGH so that you can answer "yes!" to that question, mi amigo. Have a great night.
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. Do practice your faith as best you can according to the Golden Rule. Peace.
If I can show you hatred in the Bible, will you agree with me that that hatred should not be brought forward from here on out (the Scientific Humanist way) - since you and I love our children so much and desire to give them a hate-free belief system?
I think it's pretty safe to say that dingbat gets mediocre pussy, and not that often, if at all. :cool:
SH is obviously a hate-filled system. Anyone, including all children, do not deserve such a system. ........
Like your evidence that your god is real, I'm afraid that you don't have evidence for that claim either, I'm afraid to say. Have a great night.
Thank you for admitting that you operate on the faith of a belief system for SH. That is good to be objective.

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