Christian values

We should teach American history again. Real history not PCBS.

Well, referencing 'real' American history......when was this era we should go 'back to' where Christian values held sway?

Name the year.

And please take note how uselessly vague your ilk have already gotten when asked this exact same question.
We should teach American history again. Real history not PCBS.

Well, referencing 'real' American history......when was this era we should go 'back to' where Christian values held sway?

Name the year.

And please take note how uselessly vague your ilk have already gotten when asked this exact same question.
Having nothing to do with values, the lack of ordinary education in American history due to PC is depressing.
We should teach American history again. Real history not PCBS.

Well, referencing 'real' American history......when was this era we should go 'back to' where Christian values held sway?

Name the year.

And please take note how uselessly vague your ilk have already gotten when asked this exact same question.
Having nothing to do with values, the lack of ordinary education in American history due to PC is depressing.

What portion of American history do we not know that would be relevant to this conversation. You've already abandoned any semblance of the thread's topic. So.....having nothing to do with 'values' or apparently this thread, what the fuck are you talking about?


I suspect we'll get another uselessly vague reference to 'American History' and excuse why you can't get specific about anything.
first off, you will need some natives to kill to be able to take their land, then a minority to suppress and have over for an occasional lynching

Yeah, usually when you get specific about when exactly the 'good old days' were, things get a little vague. Its usually an imaginary amalgam spanning a century, cherry picking real or perceived virtues while ignoring the truck sized flaws.

Yes... and this is because, no matter how much ya ignore the Left... they're always there to take the Foreign Perspective. And THAT dear Reader, is how we can KNOW, to a certainty, that THEY, are not with US.

You do realize that the 'Reader' you claim to be speaking just you talking to yourself, right?

Oh, and when were the 'good old days'? You know when we implemented good old Christian values. Specifically. Name the year.

The United States of America never did but the pilgrims who established a british theocratic monarchy did.

These were the same people who burned mostly women at the stake for being witches. They put people in stocks in the public square too. They also pretty much decimated the native indian populations in the areas they moved into.

They're the same people who the founders of The United States of America went to war with to become free from the theocratic monarchy in England. They won that war then went on to establish a secular nation The United States of America.

Right wingers have a problem with mixing up what the pilgrims established with what the founders of the United States of America established. They seem to believe that the revolutionary war was won by the theocrats. In reality the theocrats lost.


Yes I just adore watching the Left paint Christianity as, first: being hypocritical, because it's all about forgiveness and always eschews violence... which it does not. And Second: that we're all (Christians) guilty of mass murder because some cranks burned people at the stake.

Now the inquisition lasted something like 400 years... and world wide, the body count was south of 40k. (Which simply proves that it amounted to effectively NOTHING in terms of human significance. Sure, if it was you that were being executed it was a big deal, but, the same people executed FAR more people for crimes of murder and larceny, than they did for openly practicing the purveyance of evil, and nothing is said about THAT.)

THIS... while the Ideological Left murdered 150 MILLION people IN PEACE-TIME... in a 30 year period in the middle of the 20th Century ALONE.

Not a single one of which is counted among the 20 million others who were killed in the TWO WORLD WARS THEY CAUSED in THE SAME CENTURY!


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We should teach American history again. Real history not PCBS.

Well, referencing 'real' American history......when was this era we should go 'back to' where Christian values held sway?

Name the year.

And please take note how uselessly vague your ilk have already gotten when asked this exact same question.
Having nothing to do with values, the lack of ordinary education in American history due to PC is depressing.

What portion of American history do we not know that would be relevant to this conversation. You've already abandoned any semblance of the thread's topic. So.....having nothing to do with 'values' or apparently this thread, what the fuck are you talking about?


I suspect we'll get another uselessly vague reference to 'American History' and excuse why you can't get specific about anything.
Getting specific would, as you pointed out, be far afield from the values discussion. Some of the posts referencing a historical context are depressing in their lack of knowledge regardless of the context.

Leave this alone where it is. If you want a discussion on American history start one.
Could you imagine how boring life would be? A bunch of watered down entertainment and listening to someone read from that god awful book every Sunday? No thanks man. I like porn, football and shit that isnt lame as fuck.
There's no football in Hell.
We should teach American history again. Real history not PCBS.

Well, referencing 'real' American history......when was this era we should go 'back to' where Christian values held sway?

Name the year.

And please take note how uselessly vague your ilk have already gotten when asked this exact same question.
Having nothing to do with values, the lack of ordinary education in American history due to PC is depressing.

What portion of American history do we not know that would be relevant to this conversation. You've already abandoned any semblance of the thread's topic. So.....having nothing to do with 'values' or apparently this thread, what the fuck are you talking about?


I suspect we'll get another uselessly vague reference to 'American History' and excuse why you can't get specific about anything.
Getting specific would, as you pointed out, be far afield from the values discussion. Some of the posts referencing a historical context are depressing in their lack of knowledge regardless of the context.

Leave this alone where it is. If you want a discussion on American history start one.

So exactly as I predicted.....a uselessly vague reference to American History. And then an excuse why you can't get specific.

You're nothing if not helplessly predictable.
first off, you will need some natives to kill to be able to take their land, then a minority to suppress and have over for an occasional lynching

Yeah, usually when you get specific about when exactly the 'good old days' were, things get a little vague. Its usually an imaginary amalgam spanning a century, cherry picking real or perceived virtues while ignoring the truck sized flaws.

Yes... and this is because, no matter how much ya ignore the Left... they're always there to take the Foreign Perspective. And THAT dear Reader, is how we can KNOW, to a certainty, that THEY, are not with US.

You do realize that the 'Reader' you claim to be speaking just you talking to yourself, right?

Oh, and when were the 'good old days'? You know when we implemented good old Christian values. Specifically. Name the year.

The United States of America never did but the pilgrims who established a british theocratic monarchy did.

These were the same people who burned mostly women at the stake for being witches. They put people in stocks in the public square too. They also pretty much decimated the native indian populations in the areas they moved into.

They're the same people who the founders of The United States of America went to war with to become free from the theocratic monarchy in England. They won that war then went on to establish a secular nation The United States of America.

Right wingers have a problem with mixing up what the pilgrims established with what the founders of the United States of America established. They seem to believe that the revolutionary war was won by the theocrats. In reality the theocrats lost.


Yes I just adore watching the Left paint Christianity was first being hypocritical, because it's all about forgiveness and always eschews violence... which it does not. And Second that we're all (Christians) guilty of mass murder because some cranks burned people at the stake.

Now the inquisition lasted something like 400 years... and world wide, the body count was south of 40k.

THIS... while the Ideological Left murdered 150 MILLION people IN PEACE-TIME... in a 30 year period in the middle of the 20th Century ALONE.

Not a single one of which is counted among the 20 million others who were killed in the TWO WORLD WARS THEY CAUSED in THE SAME CENTURY!



Ah, so any Christians who kill are 'cranks', but anyone you want to call the 'ideological left' is responsible for anything done by anyone else you call the 'ideological left'.

Quite the double standard.

And when was this era of Christian values that we should 'go back to', again? Specifically. Apparently Christianity was all rainbows and kitten whiskers...... as long as we don't ask for a specific year.
Could you imagine how boring life would be? A bunch of watered down entertainment and listening to someone read from that god awful book every Sunday? No thanks man. I like porn, football and shit that isnt lame as fuck.

Anyone surprised by this?

It's Evil eschewing virtue... which is simply the nature of evil. Which is what one should reasonably expect FROM Evil.

In short, it's Evil... espousing evil.
Could you imagine how boring life would be? A bunch of watered down entertainment and listening to someone read from that god awful book every Sunday? No thanks man. I like porn, football and shit that isnt lame as fuck.

Anyone surprised by this?

It's Evil eschewing virtue... which is simply the nature of evil. Which is what one should reasonably expect FROM Evil.

In short, it's Evil... espousing evil.

With 'evil' being anything that doesn't match your subjective opinions based on your subjective beliefs. But that doesn't establish anything objective.

Subjective is not objective. You can't get around that.
In the absence of God, there is no potential for happiness, as there is no means for human rights... .

Bullshit. Most people are born with an innate sense of right and wrong. One of my best friends is an atheist and he's one of the most decent, hard working, ethical people I've ever known in my life.
So you want to just throw the Constitution and Bill of Rights out the window?

What about people who aren't christian?

I'm one of them and you have absolutely no right to force your religion on me or anyone.

Live your life according to whatever values or beliefs you want. But stop trying to force it on me and the rest of the nation.

People like you have absolutely no idea what America is about.
. I would like you people to site some concrete examples of Christians forcing their religion on you or anyone. How long have you been saying a prayer before eating or bedtime since a Christian forced that on you? Or are you forced to attend Wednesday night prayer meeting?

That bullshit excuse of Christians forcing their religion on you is just that...bullshit.
In the absence of God, there is no potential for happiness, as there is no means for human rights... .

Bullshit. Most people are born with an innate sense of right and wrong.

That's because every person is born with a soul, which is the conduit to God. It is only later in life that people turn from God and in so doing reap the unenviable consequences of 'taking the phone off the hook', in effect losing com with their soul.

One of my best friends is an atheist and he's one of the most decent, hard working, ethical people I've ever known in my life.

Then either you know no one who is hard-working and ethical; thus you have nothing by which to accurately compare them to... OR your friend is not an atheist, but feels that claiming such somehow provides him seome unstated gain.

Absent God, what would be the value of ethics? On what would such be based? What would be the measure by which a person would be held to account?

Take your time and do what you can to THINK about this, before you return in response.

You might actually come away from this having learned something and, wouldn't that be nice for all of us?
Don't you think that we should go back to our Christian values? Liberalism is a road to nowhere, it's just impossible to become absolutely 'free'. Christian way of life is the perfect way to reach happiness and protestant ethics help people to work better and earn more. It's not like we need to become religious. There are just too many good things in the Christian way of life which are almost completely forgotten nowadays.

So you want to just throw the Constitution and Bill of Rights out the window?

What about people who aren't christian?

I'm one of them and you have absolutely no right to force your religion on me or anyone.

Live your life according to whatever values or beliefs you want. But stop trying to force it on me and the rest of the nation.

People like you have absolutely no idea what America is about.

We, Christians, not only have a RIGHT to force our religion upon you, we have a duty to do so.

You see, we do not recognize a right for you to take the life of an innocent without a valid moral justification. Thus where you do so, we will kill you back; because you have, in taking the life of another, forfeited any right which you might claim to your own life.

The same is true for your desire to take the property of another without the consent of the other. Depending on what you took, we may kill you for it; if it caused serious bodily injury or the death of another, or we may just remove you from society for a predetermined period of time.

This also goes for lying about another's behavior or character... we take a dim view of this and when you're found guilty of such, we will come down on you with everything we have... .

And so it goes for many other things.

These are Christian values which we enforce through our national legal statutes... .

We have of course been rather slack over the last few generations, but we're changing our policy on that slack, because you idiots have no found it necessary to publicly license every facet of degeneracy, thus proving beyond any sense of doubt that you're incapable of sustaining freedom AT ANY LEVEL.

Therefore we'll be taking back control of the US Federal Government over the coming generations and you, the Godless are going to become irrelevant, in terms of Governance.

You aren't required to like it, approve of it, or even speak kindly of it... as a matter of fact we will encourage you to speak out in your disapproval, as THAT is how we will locate you. And after we've had a chance to discuss it with you, I'm sure that society will be just THAT MUCH better off for it.

Now... you Have a Nice Day :)
In the absence of God, there is no potential for happiness, as there is no means for human rights... .

Bullshit. Most people are born with an innate sense of right and wrong. One of my best friends is an atheist and he's one of the most decent, hard working, ethical people I've ever known in my life.

That's the conclusion ya gotta draw. Morality ain't naturally BETTER with religious practice.. But it's the PRACTICE part that matters. I look at it sort of like the "weight management" industry.. You got Jennie Craig and Weightwatchers and all those orgs to help you PRACTICE what is inherently pretty obvious.. Eat less, excersize more.

It's the DISCIPLINE and TRADITION of organized religion that is the benefit to keep folks on track. And like you respect your atheist friend -- I respect the folks that get up early on a Sunday morning, clean themselves up and go attend services or studies. Or because of Jesus or God -- make that a family discipline that can't be cheated like a tray of brownies in the fridge..
In the absence of God, there is no potential for happiness, as there is no means for human rights... .

Bullshit. Most people are born with an innate sense of right and wrong. One of my best friends is an atheist and he's one of the most decent, hard working, ethical people I've ever known in my life.

That's the conclusion ya gotta draw. Morality ain't naturally BETTER with religious practice.. But it's the PRACTICE part that matters. I look at it sort of like the "weight management" industry.. You got Jennie Craig and Weightwatchers and all those orgs to help you PRACTICE what is inherently pretty obvious.. Eat less, excersize more.

It's the DISCIPLINE and TRADITION of organized religion that is the benefit to keep folks on track. And like you respect your atheist friend -- I respect the folks that get up early on a Sunday morning, clean themselves up and go attend services or studies. Or because of Jesus or God -- make that a family discipline that can't be cheated like a tray of brownies in the fridge..

OH! Now THAT is brilliant.

Do the Board a favor and cite us a few morals which you recognize that are derived wholly separate from Christianity.

And please... this is key, explain to the board how, in the absence of God, morals are an essential element of humanity.
In the absence of God, there is no potential for happiness, as there is no means for human rights... .

Bullshit. Most people are born with an innate sense of right and wrong.

That's because every person is born with a soul, which is the conduit to God. It is only later in life that people turn from God and in so doing reap the unenviable consequences of 'taking the phone off the hook', in effect losing com with their soul.

W.R. McKeys said:
One of my best friends is an atheist and he's one of the most decent, hard working, ethical people I've ever known in my life.

Then either you know no one who is hard-working and ethical; thus you have nothing by which to accurately compare them to... OR your friend is not an atheist, but feels that claiming such somehow provides him seome unstated gain.

Absent God, what would be the value of ethics? On what would such be based? What would be the measure by which a person would be held to account?

Take your time and do what you can to THINK about this, before you return in response.

You might actually come away from this having learned something and, wouldn't that be nice for all of us?

Only in your fantasies.

Ok... so we have yet another individual who comes to claim that morality can exist in the absence of God, and who when challenged to do so cannot explain who such is even possible.

... Noted and Accepted.
In the absence of God, there is no potential for happiness, as there is no means for human rights... .

Bullshit. Most people are born with an innate sense of right and wrong.

That's because every person is born with a soul, which is the conduit to God. It is only later in life that people turn from God and in so doing reap the unenviable consequences of 'taking the phone off the hook', in effect losing com with their soul.

One of my best friends is an atheist and he's one of the most decent, hard working, ethical people I've ever known in my life.

Then either you know no one who is hard-working and ethical; thus you have nothing by which to accurately compare them to... OR your friend is not an atheist, but feels that claiming such somehow provides him seome unstated gain.

Absent God, what would be the value of ethics? On what would such be based? What would be the measure by which a person would be held to account?

Take your time and do what you can to THINK about this, before you return in response.

You might actually come away from this having learned something and, wouldn't that be nice for all of us?

Only in your fantasies.

Ok... so we have yet another individual who comes to claim that morality can exist in the absence of God, and who when challenged to do so cannot explain who such is even possible.

... Noted and Accepted.

:lol: What are you talking about, dumb ass? You need to have it explained to you that you and 7 billion other people on the planet are alive? That's pretty much indisputable.

What isn't proven is the existence of your magical sky fairy, and the 2000 other ones that people worship around the world, for which is there is zero evidence. The challenge is for you to prove your mythology, which you can't. It's not up to me prove a negative.
In the absence of God, there is no potential for happiness, as there is no means for human rights... .

Bullshit. Most people are born with an innate sense of right and wrong.

That's because every person is born with a soul, which is the conduit to God. It is only later in life that people turn from God and in so doing reap the unenviable consequences of 'taking the phone off the hook', in effect losing com with their soul.

One of my best friends is an atheist and he's one of the most decent, hard working, ethical people I've ever known in my life.

Then either you know no one who is hard-working and ethical; thus you have nothing by which to accurately compare them to... OR your friend is not an atheist, but feels that claiming such somehow provides him seome unstated gain.

Absent God, what would be the value of ethics? On what would such be based? What would be the measure by which a person would be held to account?

Take your time and do what you can to THINK about this, before you return in response.

You might actually come away from this having learned something and, wouldn't that be nice for all of us?

Only in your fantasies.

Ok... so we have yet another individual who comes to claim that morality can exist in the absence of God, and who when challenged to do so cannot explain who such is even possible.

... Noted and Accepted.

:lol: What are you talking about, dumb ass? You need to have it explained to you that you and 7 billion other people on the planet are alive? That's pretty much indisputable.
And every BIT as irrelevant.

What isn't proven is the existence of your magical sky fairy, and the 2000 other ones that people worship around the world, for which is there is zero evidence. The challenge is for you to prove your mythology, which you can't. It's not up to me prove a negative.

Again... that's all standard Atheist boilerplate, thus such is wholly irrelevant.

Now... the challenge which you've now failed twice to rise toward, is for you to explain how morality and the ethics derived from such, are possible in the absence of God.

In the absence of God:

What are morals?
What purpose do morals serve?
On what authority do they rest? (Which is to ask: From where do these would-be morals come?)
On what basis are such enforced?
What serves to enforce such?

(That's why I asked ya to at least TRY and THINk it through before ya responded. I was trying to help ya avoid the humiliation you chronically suffer when you fail to think.)

Now... once again. THINK it through and bring to the Board some sense of cogency for your 'feelings'.

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