Christian Views on Homosexuality

I think you have more questions about the Bible than about how Christians feel about it. You clearly need to do some Bible study, though, because there is a very large number of verses that can address homosexuality, from various perspectives. For example, The Bible is very clear on what marriage is according to God. Marriage is between one man and one woman. (Clearest in the NT) It is clear that sex outside of marriage is sin. Therefore, when a person has sex outside of marriage, they are in sin. This would clearly mean that since gay marriage is not God's plan, it is outside of marriage, according to God. Thus it is sin.

One must study the Bible in more ways than just topical. one has to look at various angles of an issue.

There is not a difference in the God of the OT and of the NT. Because of what God was doing in the OT, establishing a kingdom, and designing the boundaries, He worked in some really radical ways. In the NT, The kingdom was established by definition, and design, and Jesus was the King of that Kingdom. God began to work in a different way. However, God did not change in character. In the NT God became more personal with the people of the Kingdom, because He designed the Kingdom as a body who has a real and personal relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit.

The OT was elementary school, and now we are in high school. We can take in more, but, by design, the reason we can is because the Holy Spirit enables us to do so. God gave the laws of the OT to show mankind that they were not able to abide by a righteous standard. We would violate His laws. Once He established that, He made a way, because of His awesome love, to be forgiven. He showed that all through the OT, but in the NT He gave the true Lamb for the eternal, once needed sacrifice for all who will accept it.

The OT is as significant as the NT. One must learn to walk before they can learn to run. In the NT it is like this, as babies in Christ we need the milk of the word, but when we mature it is the meat that will be our strength. The OT is the milk, and the NT is the meat.

Yeah, I believe that when Jesus came, the Old Testament laws (linen and wool mixed/ pigs' hooves) were fulfilled and no longer needed. As smart said, condemnation of homosexuality is not only an Old Testament law. The law has to do with how marriage is defined. Even modern gay "marriage" is not true in God's eyes. Therefore, homosexual acts are considered adultery, addressed in the Ten Commandments, which applied and still apply through all of time.

You're about a dumb fucker ain't ya Uber Ben Dover. Talking out your ass isn't the way to go. Adultery ISN'T about gay sex, it's about taking the love that someone gives you in a relationship, and giving that love to someone else, without the first one knowing. And, furthermore, adultery isn't just about sex.

Incidentally, wanna explain to me why Christians are using a manual for Jewish Priests (which is what the book of Leviticus is)? Would you have Catholic High Mass in a Baptist church? No? Well then why is it that all Christians want to use the guidebook for JEWISH PRIESTS to back up their condemnation of homosexuality?

Furthermore..........if the NT really did replace the OT (as you've stated), why the fuck are you using an OT book to justify things in NT times?

Your logic, much like most of your posts, sucks ass. Surprised you're still alive asshole, you're obviously too stupid to remember to breathe.
can you please quote the passage that says marriage is between a man and a woman? People keep saying it, I keep asking for it, and I'd very much like to read it.

First Corinthians 7:2-3 says: " let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. Let the husband fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband."
doesn't really appear to outlaw gay marriage, so much as allow for ("let") heterosexual marriage. the writer even clarifies with "But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment". meh. seems silly to me
Yeah, I believe that when Jesus came, the Old Testament laws (linen and wool mixed/ pigs' hooves) were fulfilled and no longer needed. As smart said, condemnation of homosexuality is not only an Old Testament law. The law has to do with how marriage is defined. Even modern gay "marriage" is not true in God's eyes. Therefore, homosexual acts are considered adultery, addressed in the Ten Commandments, which applied and still apply through all of time.

can you please quote the passage that says marriage is between a man and a woman? People keep saying it, I keep asking for it, and I'd very much like to read it.

There is not a particular scripture that states that "marriage is between one man and one woman." There is, however, the principle throughout the Bible, based on the terms husband and wife. Also based on the marriages in the Bible. There is also the scripture which qualifies deacons for their position, that they be married to one "wife." I Timothy 3. Read that scripture, and any that are referred to from it.
Nowhere in the Bible will you find a homosexual marriage, homosexuals married, or even living together. The principle is clear, marriage is between a man and a woman.
I think you have more questions about the Bible than about how Christians feel about it. You clearly need to do some Bible study, though, because there is a very large number of verses that can address homosexuality, from various perspectives. For example, The Bible is very clear on what marriage is according to God. Marriage is between one man and one woman. (Clearest in the NT) It is clear that sex outside of marriage is sin. Therefore, when a person has sex outside of marriage, they are in sin. This would clearly mean that since gay marriage is not God's plan, it is outside of marriage, according to God. Thus it is sin.

One must study the Bible in more ways than just topical. one has to look at various angles of an issue.

There is not a difference in the God of the OT and of the NT. Because of what God was doing in the OT, establishing a kingdom, and designing the boundaries, He worked in some really radical ways. In the NT, The kingdom was established by definition, and design, and Jesus was the King of that Kingdom. God began to work in a different way. However, God did not change in character. In the NT God became more personal with the people of the Kingdom, because He designed the Kingdom as a body who has a real and personal relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit.

The OT was elementary school, and now we are in high school. We can take in more, but, by design, the reason we can is because the Holy Spirit enables us to do so. God gave the laws of the OT to show mankind that they were not able to abide by a righteous standard. We would violate His laws. Once He established that, He made a way, because of His awesome love, to be forgiven. He showed that all through the OT, but in the NT He gave the true Lamb for the eternal, once needed sacrifice for all who will accept it.

The OT is as significant as the NT. One must learn to walk before they can learn to run. In the NT it is like this, as babies in Christ we need the milk of the word, but when we mature it is the meat that will be our strength. The OT is the milk, and the NT is the meat.

Yeah, I believe that when Jesus came, the Old Testament laws (linen and wool mixed/ pigs' hooves) were fulfilled and no longer needed. As smart said, condemnation of homosexuality is not only an Old Testament law. The law has to do with how marriage is defined. Even modern gay "marriage" is not true in God's eyes. Therefore, homosexual acts are considered adultery, addressed in the Ten Commandments, which applied and still apply through all of time.

You're about a dumb fucker ain't ya Uber Ben Dover. Talking out your ass isn't the way to go. Adultery ISN'T about gay sex, it's about taking the love that someone gives you in a relationship, and giving that love to someone else, without the first one knowing. And, furthermore, adultery isn't just about sex.

Incidentally, wanna explain to me why Christians are using a manual for Jewish Priests (which is what the book of Leviticus is)? Would you have Catholic High Mass in a Baptist church? No? Well then why is it that all Christians want to use the guidebook for JEWISH PRIESTS to back up their condemnation of homosexuality?

Furthermore..........if the NT really did replace the OT (as you've stated), why the fuck are you using an OT book to justify things in NT times?

Your logic, much like most of your posts, sucks ass. Surprised you're still alive asshole, you're obviously too stupid to remember to breathe.

The Levetical laws are not the only place where the idea is written in the Scriptures. It is in the NT as well in Romans 1. However, I have never posted this to a homosexual who ever responded about it. They always complain about using the Lev. Law. Well, the Romans Word is not just about gay prostitutes, it is about gay sex. It is about fornication. It is about unnatural relationships, and called same sex sexual beuavior unnatural. You cannot get around it without personal rationalizations. The truth is not adjusted by personal rationalizations.
Every marriage discussed or talked about in the Bible is between a man and a woman.

There is not even one same sex marriage mentioned in the Bible.

Really? Not one?

David and Jonathan

There is an extensive and very sympathetic description of a same-sex relationship in the Bible, the story of David and Jonathan, e.g.: 1 Samuel 18:1-5, 1 Samuel 19:1-7, 1 Samuel 20:30-42, 2 Samuel 1:25-6. While their bond is described as non-sexual, it is difficult to characterize it as purely one of friendship.

Jonathan was the son of Saul, David's nemesis. Their souls are described as 'knit together'. David and Jonathan 'made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.' The word convenant is significant, because in the Tanach this word always implies a formal legal agreement. To mark this convenant, Jonathan literally gives David the clothes off of his back, as well as other gifts such as weapons.

Later in the narrative, Jonathan successfully intercedes with Saul to spare David's life. At their last meeing, 1 Samuel 20:41, they are described as kissing one another and weeping together. David's grief at Jonathan's death is profound and moving. In Davids lament for Jonathan he describes their friendship as '(sur)passing the love of women'. This elegy, 2 Samuel 1:18-27. known as 'the Bow,' is one of the most beloved passages in the Hebrew Bible.

This narrative far outweighs the two trivial aspersions against same-sex love in Leviticus. The bigots who use the Bible to assault gays are apparently blind to it.

LGBT Texts

And there is this also........

The Bible

There are about half a dozen direct references to what we today term homosexuality in the Tanach and NT, and a few others which are relevant but not direct. Two of the most negative passages are found in the book of Leviticus, alongside a mass of ancient Jewish food and incest taboos, purification rituals and medical protocols. In the New Testament, there are several instances in the Epistles where Paul disparages homosexuality. Notably, at no point in the Gospel narrative does Jesus condemn homosexuality.

Another point to note is that there was no word for homosexuality, in the sense that we now use the term, in ancient Hebrew or Greek. So the text of the Tanach and NT uses circumlocutions or eumphemisms in these passages.

As far as lesbianism goes, the Bible is silent. There is no explicit mention (or condemnation) of female homosexuality in the Tanach, and it turns up only once (very tangentially) in the NT.
The King James Version

King James I, who commissioned the King James Version translation, was undoubtedly homosexual. It was whispered that "Elizabeth was King: Now James is Queen."

James I was responsible for reaffirming the Buggery Act of 1533, which criminalized sodomy in the UK. However, James I had several well-documented homosexual relationships. Although he had eight children with his wife, Anne of Denmark, they eventually decided to live apart. In 1607 he met Robert Carr, then age 17, at a joust, and had an on-going relationship with him for nearly a decade, which ended in a messy breakup. In 1614, he started a relationship with George Villiers, a commoner, eventually making him Duke of Buckingham in 1623. In 1624, James wrote Villiers a letter in which he asked "whether you loved me now...better than at the time I shall never forget at Farham, where the bed's head could not be found between the master and his dog."

LGBT Texts

Try again Sunnidiot.
There is not a particular scripture that states that "marriage is between one man and one woman." There is, however, the principle throughout the Bible, based on the terms husband and wife. Also based on the marriages in the Bible. There is also the scripture which qualifies deacons for their position, that they be married to one "wife." I Timothy 3. Read that scripture, and any that are referred to from it.
Nowhere in the Bible will you find a homosexual marriage, homosexuals married, or even living together. The principle is clear, marriage is between a man and a woman.
You refer to the word/term "marriage", of course, yes? Tell me, what language were these passages originally written in? What is the original word used for that union between a man and a woman?

I bet it wasn't "marriage". The term doesn't belong to you.
There is not a particular scripture that states that "marriage is between one man and one woman." There is, however, the principle throughout the Bible, based on the terms husband and wife. Also based on the marriages in the Bible. There is also the scripture which qualifies deacons for their position, that they be married to one "wife." I Timothy 3. Read that scripture, and any that are referred to from it.
Nowhere in the Bible will you find a homosexual marriage, homosexuals married, or even living together. The principle is clear, marriage is between a man and a woman.
You refer to the word/term "marriage", of course, yes? Tell me, what language were these passages originally written in? What is the original word used for that union between a man and a woman?

I bet it wasn't "marriage". The term doesn't belong to you.

If you really wanted answers rather than just an argument, you would have brought the scriptures up and shown me where I was wrong. However, I will address it anyway.

The only union mentioned in the Bible is between man and woman. That union is a union by God's design, and "what God has joined together... “Is it lawful for a MAN to divorce...” (Matthew 19:3). “Therefore what God has joined together, let no MAN put asunder [ apart ]” (Matthew 19:6b).
With that said, It is a "marriage" that God has designed that matters. Any other marriage may happen, but God is not in it. So, do whatever you want about your marriage, or about gay marriage, I believe the Bible is clear on the matter, and I know God is clear on it.
If you really wanted answers rather than just an argument, you would have brought the scriptures up and shown me where I was wrong. However, I will address it anyway.

The only union mentioned in the Bible is between man and woman. That union is a union by God's design, and "what God has joined together... “Is it lawful for a MAN to divorce...” (Matthew 19:3). “Therefore what God has joined together, let no MAN put asunder [ apart ]” (Matthew 19:6b).
With that said, It is a "marriage" that God has designed that matters. Any other marriage may happen, but God is not in it. So, do whatever you want about your marriage, or about gay marriage, I believe the Bible is clear on the matter, and I know God is clear on it.
So just to make sure I got this right. The bible doesn't actually use the word "marriage" (that is, neglecting the fact that it wasn't written in English anyway), and so therefore there is no legal reason why that term can't be used for gay marriage? That is what you essentially said, right? The scripture doesn't forbid the use of the term "marriage" with other things, but instead just sets "union" (or whatever word it was in the original language) as a man and woman in Christianity.

Great! So do you have any complaints as to why America can't have gay marriage from a legal (note, legal is not religious) standpoint?
Anyone that professes to be a Christian confesses to accept God as our Creator and Sustainer of our life then they also must profess to implicitly declare that same God has the divine right as our LORD to instruct mankind on everything that pertains to said life and godliness....aka, righteousness.

First of all the question or query that remains as a point of argument of whether or not the "homosexual" lifestyle is a matter of birth or choice will be answered by the same source that is to JUDGE EVERY MAN on the last day, "He (she) who rejects ME, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him(her).....the WORD that I have spoken will judge him on the last day." -- John 12:48

And of course, the Holy Scriptures are those WORDS, as all scripture is inspired by God -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17. Thus we are admonished to orientate our lives to the path of righteousness proclaimed in that word....not the path of "personal expression" and/or "sexual orientation"...that abandons the divine truth delivered by the inspiration of God in order to readily accept human will and experience in its steed. -- Jer. 10:23. Man is not capable of guiding his/her own a righteous manner, without divine guidance. That divine truth does not evolve in order to meet the dogmatic traditions or social mores' of man. Truth does not evolve, what was true in the 1st century is just as true today...if not, it was not truth in the first instance.

God's word was revealed to be "unchangeable" or incorruptible by men. -- Matthew 24:35, Isaiah 40:48..among many passages which declares that God's word will never be corrupted.

God has been clear and quite unambiguous concerning the sin of homosexuality in both the Old and New Covenant. ( 1 Cor. 6:9-10, Lev. 18:22, Romans 1:27).

But there is only one sin or sinner that can not be forgiven, and that is the siner that remains "unrepentant". For if you do not do what you know to be are no longer the servant of God and His righteousness, but rather the servant of that continually engaged sin -- Romans 6:16
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that's all wonderful, Ralphy, but we're not talking about Christian righteousness. we're talking about American legality, which is not determined by the bible.

do you have any non-biblical reason against gay marriage?
Wrong, as you would know if you looked at the title of the thread.

The discussion IS about Christian views on homosexuality.
sorry - i get this bigoted thread mixed up with all the others sometimes.

so does that mean you agree that outside of Christianity there's no reason why America shouldn't legally have gay marriage?
sorry - i get this bigoted thread mixed up with all the others sometimes.

so does that mean you agree that outside of Christianity there's no reason why America shouldn't legally have gay marriage?
I see nothing productive in making such snide remarks ('bigoted') to another. In fact, given the rhetoric of so many here, I am getting the strong, dare I say solid, impression that these sorts of threads are created for the sole purpose of heckling anyone who even hints that they are not 'atheist'. Heckling is intellecutally lazy.

If anyone is genuinely interested in the views of another in the hopes of better understanding where real homophobia and discrimation are rooted, for example - and not in lazy heckling - the tone of these threads would be much different.

Just my two cents, and not even worth that. And that goes for almost all of you, not just the one I quoted. Grrrrrrrr. Hell, I can't get a good idea where anyone (well, a few...not many) is coming from through all the heckling, trolling, assinine assumptions, and just plain nonsense.

[edit] As a preempt to the assinine trolls, I am in favor of gay marriage (or in favor of getting the goverment out of ALL marriages). So keep your strawmen in your buttholes where they belong. [/edit]

Grrrrrrrrr. Just a request.
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do you know how many pages it took me to get the chapter that even mentioned marriage (despite that word not even being used) was between a man and a woman? And the person who finally gave it was NOT one of the crazy Christians who inhabit this thread, but rather the forum troll.

So no, you lost your chance to claim this thread should have been about understanding when the people who should have understood that point of view stood clueless and hoped someone else knew the answer to the really basic questions that were being asked. Cuz let's face it, half of these people haven't even read all the bible, let alone understand it. They rely on other people to tell them how to understand it, bigotry included or not.
do you know how many pages it took me to get the chapter that even mentioned marriage (despite that word not even being used) was between a man and a woman? And the person who finally gave it was NOT one of the crazy Christians who inhabit this thread, but rather the forum troll.

So no, you lost your chance to claim this thread should have been about understanding when the people who should have understood that point of view stood clueless and hoped someone else knew the answer to the really basic questions that were being asked. Cuz let's face it, half of these people haven't even read all the bible, let alone understand it. They rely on other people to tell them how to understand it, bigotry included or not.
I apologize to you for singling you out. I keep looking at these religion threads and the majority of those who participate are clearly not at all interested in listening to others - just in heckling. And that's fucking lazy and boring to read. Your post just happened to pop up at the time when I was at the limit.

I have no intention of "claiming" this thread or any for that matter. I also KNOW that I do not understand others, so of course I read others' input and I learn from them.

I rarely enter into thread topics where I take the attitude that I know all. I enter in to better understand others, to learn from others' experience and knowledge, and maybe to let others know a bit in areas where I know something.
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