Christian Views on Homosexuality

I don't see why evolution can't be part of your god's plan? I mean, aside from making all your religious books blatantly wrong. But still, the earth isn't flat either. Get over it and move on.

I believe evolution is part of God's plan, myself. I don't know how or over what time period, but I see the hand of God in science.

But that doesn't explain the existence of beings upon which evolution works. Evolution doesn't explain creation. Evolution can't explain creation. Which is why it shouldn't be offered up as a substitute FOR creation.

This is you: "I know that God made stuff. Bring me evidence that evolution is real."

You see, you really will refuse to see scientific evidence for evolution, yet you accept this "supernatural" explanation without a shred of evidence. Isn't that a hoot?

Below is an excellant link to PBS and the Dover trial. They show different examples of "transitional creatures" and explain why "irreducable complexity" is simply made up. Since this is a court case, people had to speak "under oath". Even Behe, the father of the ID movement, a man who said, in court, under oath (and I paraphrase) "Using the same criteria that makes ID a science, then Alchemy and Astrology would also have to be considered science".

No one can bring information to the ignorant if they are determined to BE ignorant. Better you study "the science of evoltuion" with an open mind and then, if you still feel it's "made up" and only a "theory", then at least you are do so from a position that's not of ignorance.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial | PBS

Good luck.
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I have pointed out where you are wrong several times. You've ignored it twice now. Perhaps you prayed through introductory Language Arts?

What specifically would you like to know about evolution? I'm giving you an open avenue here. Demanding that I explain everything at once is rather silly.

How bout I start with what evolution is not, and you can ask questions to clarify your misinterpretations.

  • Evolution is NOT proof, evidence, or support that life randomly started on this planet.
  • Evolution is NOT proof of how DNA came into existence. If aliens, deities, or sasquatch came to earth and made DNA, the principles of evolution would not be changed.
  • Evolution is NOT about one animal species randomly changing into another, totally different animal species. This is perhaps the largest fallacy running through ignorant America.
  • Evolution is NOT about contradicting religion.

So, if there's any part of the above you didn't realize, please point it out and ask clarifying questions. If you agree with all of the above, we can move on to what evolution is, and the things that support it.

I agree with your definition of what evolution is what, IYO, is it?
I don't see why evolution can't be part of your god's plan? I mean, aside from making all your religious books blatantly wrong. But still, the earth isn't flat either. Get over it and move on.

I believe evolution is part of God's plan, myself. I don't know how or over what time period, but I see the hand of God in science.

But that doesn't explain the existence of beings upon which evolution works. Evolution doesn't explain creation. Evolution can't explain creation. Which is why it shouldn't be offered up as a substitute FOR creation.

This is you: "I know that God made stuff. Bring me evidence that evolution is real." ....
Where are you seeing that from Allie? I haven't seen that from her at all, so I'm curious where I may have missed it.
I believe evolution is part of God's plan, myself. I don't know how or over what time period, but I see the hand of God in science.

But that doesn't explain the existence of beings upon which evolution works. Evolution doesn't explain creation. Evolution can't explain creation. Which is why it shouldn't be offered up as a substitute FOR creation.

This is you: "I know that God made stuff. Bring me evidence that evolution is real." ....
Where are you seeing that from Allie? I haven't seen that from her at all, so I'm curious where I may have missed it.

Read the other posts. That ID should be taught along side evoltuion because evolution is "just a theory" among others. "Just a theory" in that context is EXACTLY the same as, "just a wild guess pulled out of someones....". You get the picture. Just that one statement, "Evolution doesn't explain creation" says that person has no clue what evolution is. And they don't want to, otherwise, they could go and "LEARN" about it. This person does not want to learn. Not about the true meaning of "scientific theory" as opposed to "theory". And certainly not about evolution.

Check out this statement:

"If you want to teach the THEORY that we are somehow descended from nothing, then by all means. So long as you spend equal time and give equal serious attention to all the creation theories."

First of all, where does "decended from nothing" come from? The religious would rather believe that we were "shimmered" into being from a pile of dirt than we "evolved" from simpler forms of life. It may have worked two hundred years ago, but come on, get real.
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This is you: "I know that God made stuff. Bring me evidence that evolution is real." ....
Where are you seeing that from Allie? I haven't seen that from her at all, so I'm curious where I may have missed it.

Read the other posts. That ID should be taught along side evoltuion because evolution is "just a theory" among others. "Just a theory" in that context is EXACTLY the same as, "just a wild guess pulled out of someones....". You get the picture. Just that one statement, "Evolution doesn't explain creation" says that person has no clue what evolution is. And they don't want to, otherwise, they could go and "LEARN" about it. This person does not want to learn. Not about the true meaning of "scientific theory" as opposed to "theory". And certainly not about evolution.
I'm sorry, but your use of the quotes is confusing. The double quotes (") mean that what is contained in them is exactly what the other said. The single quote (') means a paraphrasing and/or interpretation. So, I'm not following which are your words and which are Allie's actual words. I prefer to do my own interpretations of her exact words. Yes, she has said "just a theory" but that does not equate to her asking for evidence that evolution is real. I could have missed that, and that is what I am asking for. Her words to that effect.
Why do christians even have a bible with such negative views on homos? Was there an epidemic of assfucking back then?
Si modo:

I'm gonna guess John McCain spoke the quote you posted earlier. Did I get it right?

Secondly, I admire your political position on religion. Good for you.

The rest of this post is not directed at you, but is just general stuff.

Evolution is NOT a theory. Let me repeat: Evolution is NOT a theory. It is a scientific fact which can be observed daily in every aspect of biological life: vaccines, cancer, differentiation between individuals of the same species (i.e. you and I are different and not identical twins), animal breeding, the farming of crops, birth defects, and many other examples.

The Theory of Evolution THROUGH NATURAL SELECTION or SEXUAL SELECTION are two of the theories derived to explain evolution.

The reason why creationism isn't taught in science class is because there is no science involved in it. However, the reason evolution is taught in science class is because its a fact. The reason The Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection is taught in science class is because of all of the many many many cases of physical evidence, the studies, the logic, the volumes of research, and science which support (not prove, just support) that theory. Creationism isn't science, nor is it a theory. Theories are science.

Also, there is a lot of scientific data that supports that life developed from a primordial ooze. There is no scientific evidence which supports that man was created from dust and that the female of the species was created from his rib.

Also, there is A LOT of scientific evidence which supports the Big Bang Theory. That's why its a theory. Theories are not hypotheses. Hypotheses are educated guesses based on observations. What observations can you make from real world evidence that suggests hypotheses such as: God created it. Then what scientific facts can you use to support that hypothesis so that the hypothesis can become a theory.

These are taught in school as theories and not fact. If someone believes these theories and claims that they are, in fact, facts, then that is stupid and that person didn't learn what they were supposed to. If that happens, it has nothing to do with science class in public schools.

Freedom of religion is: the government can not be involved in your religion. If the government tells you how to worship, your freedom of religion has been violated. Separation of Church and State means that the government can not be outwardly influenced by religious belief. If you government tells you that you can't get married cause your gay because of some religious beliefs, then separation of church and state has not occurred. If the government tells you you can't get married because the majority voted for it, then that's tyranny of the majority. If the government tell you you can't get married because its harmful in the real world, then its that society gives science and government legitimacy.

How many atheists have come to your house and knocked on the door at eight o'clock on a Saturday morning? None? How many Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, 7th Day Adventists, and other Protestant sects have knocked on your door at eight o'clock in the morning on your day off? It just happened to me a couple of weekends ago, and that was the second time in the last 3 months. Its called disrespect. I call it trespassing.
I have pointed out where you are wrong several times. You've ignored it twice now. Perhaps you prayed through introductory Language Arts?

What specifically would you like to know about evolution? I'm giving you an open avenue here. Demanding that I explain everything at once is rather silly.

How bout I start with what evolution is not, and you can ask questions to clarify your misinterpretations.

  • Evolution is NOT proof, evidence, or support that life randomly started on this planet.
  • Evolution is NOT proof of how DNA came into existence. If aliens, deities, or sasquatch came to earth and made DNA, the principles of evolution would not be changed.
  • Evolution is NOT about one animal species randomly changing into another, totally different animal species. This is perhaps the largest fallacy running through ignorant America.
  • Evolution is NOT about contradicting religion.

So, if there's any part of the above you didn't realize, please point it out and ask clarifying questions. If you agree with all of the above, we can move on to what evolution is, and the things that support it.

It's vague and ridiculous and no argument. Each of your posts has simply been to say, "you're wrong and ignorant" without pointing out specifically how so.

You're STILL doing that.

My language arts are fine. As are my debating skills. Sadly, you lack those.

You make the attack, but the attack is just a vague insult. There's nothing for me to prove. I'm not going to provide you with evidence against me. If you're going to say "You're wrong and evolution is right" then, turdbucket, it's up to you to provide some evidence, which I can then refute.

However, being given no evidence, there is no argument. Which is what I said in the beginning.

So your idea of DEBATE is to neg rep people who you disagree with? How about you post FACTS rather than resorting to neg rep?
I don't see why evolution can't be part of your god's plan? I mean, aside from making all your religious books blatantly wrong. But still, the earth isn't flat either. Get over it and move on.

I believe evolution is part of God's plan, myself. I don't know how or over what time period, but I see the hand of God in science.

But that doesn't explain the existence of beings upon which evolution works. Evolution doesn't explain creation. Evolution can't explain creation. Which is why it shouldn't be offered up as a substitute FOR creation.

This is you: "I know that God made stuff. Bring me evidence that evolution is real."

You see, you really will refuse to see scientific evidence for evolution, yet you accept this "supernatural" explanation without a shred of evidence. Isn't that a hoot?

Below is an excellant link to PBS and the Dover trial. They show different examples of "transitional creatures" and explain why "irreducable complexity" is simply made up. Since this is a court case, people had to speak "under oath". Even Behe, the father of the ID movement, a man who said, in court, under oath (and I paraphrase) "Using the same criteria that makes ID a science, then Alchemy and Astrology would also have to be considered science".

No one can bring information to the ignorant if they are determined to BE ignorant. Better you study "the science of evoltuion" with an open mind and then, if you still feel it's "made up" and only a "theory", then at least you are do so from a position that's not of ignorance.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial | PBS

Good luck.

Interestingly enough, alchemy is the science that gave birth to chemistry. By the way, even the alchemists spent enough time to research cause and effect, and see if the results were consistent and repeatable.

Astrology is the science that gave birth to astronomy. Ancient people watched the sky, using it to tell time and determine when the best time was to plant, harvest and hunt. It was also noted during that time that there was a correlation between a person, and the time/place/date that person was born under a certain sign. Now, most people will tell you that the stars don't exert enough influence to be felt by mankind, and that is true. Mankind cannot feel the effects of faraway heavenly bodies.

However........the Earth can.

Now, when a certain zodiac sign is in the sky, aligned with certain planets in our solar system, it exerts a certain influence on the planet (see the moon and tides for that one), which in turn, affect the magnetics of the earth (the magnetic fields of the earth change daily, depending upon the influences of our Solar system), which is why astrologers need the time/place/and date of birth to cast your charts.

But see........those 2 disciplines have had verifiable, repeatable proof which is why they are now recognized as full fledged sciences (astronomy and chemistry), ID has yet to try to prove ANYTHING that they theorize.

And that is why ID should not yet be allowed in schools.
Si modo:

I'm gonna guess John McCain spoke the quote you posted earlier. Did I get it right? ....
It was Barry Goldwater. Thanks for asking.

.... Secondly, I admire your political position on religion. Good for you. ...
Thanks. Personally, I think for those who value the Constitution, it is the only way to be.

And, the only comments on the rest of your post is to organize a neighborhood group to limit solicitation, or just tell them to go away. They annoy me, too, but if there is no local ordinance against solicitation, they can do so. I have no comment on the rest of your post but to say it's good input and nice to see.
It's vague and ridiculous and no argument. Each of your posts has simply been to say, "you're wrong and ignorant" without pointing out specifically how so.
To reiterate why you are wrong about "freedom of religion":
  1. the purpose of public schools is education, not religion
  2. public schools in no way influence or dictate what religion you may or may not follow (thus they do not violate constituional rights)
  3. students can still pray during school if not being disruptive, though at the expense of not learning the material being taught at the time (see point #1 above)
  4. constitutional freedoms do not imply you have the right to use them whenever and wherever you want (bringing guns to schools, shouting "bomb" in a crowded theater, etc)
  5. constitutional freedoms do not preclude your actions from consequences (getting fired for using your "freedom" of speech to curse off your boss)

This is a very clear list as to why your claim regarding prayer in schools is ignorant and debunked. If you still call that vague, I can only assume my remarks about you praying in school instead of learning were correct.

Allie said:
You make the attack, but the attack is just a vague insult. There's nothing for me to prove. I'm not going to provide you with evidence against me. If you're going to say "You're wrong and evolution is right" then, turdbucket, it's up to you to provide some evidence, which I can then refute.

However, being given no evidence, there is no argument. Which is what I said in the beginning.
Before presenting all of the evidence that proves evolution, I wanted to first dismiss the myths about it. Instead of responding to the false rumors I posted as I asked (to ensure we were both on the same page before I presented those facts), you just decided to flip out with the same garbage. Well done. And then you wonder why I call you ignorant.

Now, if you want to engage me in a debate, be a dear and reread that post and let me know if there is any point in that list that you disagree with or otherwise don't understand. Once we have those cleared up, I will present the evidence.

I agree with your definition of what evolution is what, IYO, is it?
Excellent question, Missourian. I beg your patience for just a bit longer until I can get Allie on the same page as you, at which point I will go on to explain just that. :)
I believe evolution is part of God's plan, myself. I don't know how or over what time period, but I see the hand of God in science.

But that doesn't explain the existence of beings upon which evolution works. Evolution doesn't explain creation. Evolution can't explain creation. Which is why it shouldn't be offered up as a substitute FOR creation.

This is you: "I know that God made stuff. Bring me evidence that evolution is real."

You see, you really will refuse to see scientific evidence for evolution, yet you accept this "supernatural" explanation without a shred of evidence. Isn't that a hoot?

Below is an excellant link to PBS and the Dover trial. They show different examples of "transitional creatures" and explain why "irreducable complexity" is simply made up. Since this is a court case, people had to speak "under oath". Even Behe, the father of the ID movement, a man who said, in court, under oath (and I paraphrase) "Using the same criteria that makes ID a science, then Alchemy and Astrology would also have to be considered science".

No one can bring information to the ignorant if they are determined to BE ignorant. Better you study "the science of evoltuion" with an open mind and then, if you still feel it's "made up" and only a "theory", then at least you are do so from a position that's not of ignorance.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial | PBS

Good luck.

Interestingly enough, alchemy is the science that gave birth to chemistry. By the way, even the alchemists spent enough time to research cause and effect, and see if the results were consistent and repeatable.

Astrology is the science that gave birth to astronomy. Ancient people watched the sky, using it to tell time and determine when the best time was to plant, harvest and hunt. It was also noted during that time that there was a correlation between a person, and the time/place/date that person was born under a certain sign. Now, most people will tell you that the stars don't exert enough influence to be felt by mankind, and that is true. Mankind cannot feel the effects of faraway heavenly bodies.

However........the Earth can.

Now, when a certain zodiac sign is in the sky, aligned with certain planets in our solar system, it exerts a certain influence on the planet (see the moon and tides for that one), which in turn, affect the magnetics of the earth (the magnetic fields of the earth change daily, depending upon the influences of our Solar system), which is why astrologers need the time/place/and date of birth to cast your charts.

But see........those 2 disciplines have had verifiable, repeatable proof which is why they are now recognized as full fledged sciences (astronomy and chemistry), ID has yet to try to prove ANYTHING that they theorize.

And that is why ID should not yet be allowed in schools.

And that's my point exactly. The religious will not stop with evolution. They will want to teach Astrology and Alchemy. What's next? Sand bump reading in place of geology? Tea leaves in place of biology? Will there be a class on "chants" and "spells"? The ins and outs of "voodoo"? They won't stop untill we become Afghanistan.
Why do christians even have a bible with such negative views on homos? Was there an epidemic of assfucking back then?

Christian didn't choose the bible. The bible is the word of God, mandated by God. God has negative views of homosexuality. Not of the ppl themselves. He condemns the act itself.
I believe evolution is part of God's plan, myself. I don't know how or over what time period, but I see the hand of God in science.

But that doesn't explain the existence of beings upon which evolution works. Evolution doesn't explain creation. Evolution can't explain creation. Which is why it shouldn't be offered up as a substitute FOR creation.

This is you: "I know that God made stuff. Bring me evidence that evolution is real."

You see, you really will refuse to see scientific evidence for evolution, yet you accept this "supernatural" explanation without a shred of evidence. Isn't that a hoot?

Below is an excellant link to PBS and the Dover trial. They show different examples of "transitional creatures" and explain why "irreducable complexity" is simply made up. Since this is a court case, people had to speak "under oath". Even Behe, the father of the ID movement, a man who said, in court, under oath (and I paraphrase) "Using the same criteria that makes ID a science, then Alchemy and Astrology would also have to be considered science".

No one can bring information to the ignorant if they are determined to BE ignorant. Better you study "the science of evoltuion" with an open mind and then, if you still feel it's "made up" and only a "theory", then at least you are do so from a position that's not of ignorance.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial | PBS

Good luck.

Interestingly enough, alchemy is the science that gave birth to chemistry. By the way, even the alchemists spent enough time to research cause and effect, and see if the results were consistent and repeatable. ....
Just a point of accuracy: Alchemy was a mystical pursuit. It wasn't until Europe became aware of the work of 9th century Muslim scholars, was chemistry actually intermigled with the existing mysticism of alchemy, thus falsifying it and leading to a complete differentiation of alchemy from any label as a science. Thus, chemistry was born in the Mideast, not Europe.
I have pointed out where you are wrong several times. You've ignored it twice now. Perhaps you prayed through introductory Language Arts?

What specifically would you like to know about evolution? I'm giving you an open avenue here. Demanding that I explain everything at once is rather silly.

How bout I start with what evolution is not, and you can ask questions to clarify your misinterpretations.

  • Evolution is NOT proof, evidence, or support that life randomly started on this planet.
  • Evolution is NOT proof of how DNA came into existence. If aliens, deities, or sasquatch came to earth and made DNA, the principles of evolution would not be changed.
  • Evolution is NOT about one animal species randomly changing into another, totally different animal species. This is perhaps the largest fallacy running through ignorant America.
  • Evolution is NOT about contradicting religion.

So, if there's any part of the above you didn't realize, please point it out and ask clarifying questions. If you agree with all of the above, we can move on to what evolution is, and the things that support it.

It's vague and ridiculous and no argument. Each of your posts has simply been to say, "you're wrong and ignorant" without pointing out specifically how so.

You're STILL doing that.

My language arts are fine. As are my debating skills. Sadly, you lack those.

You make the attack, but the attack is just a vague insult. There's nothing for me to prove. I'm not going to provide you with evidence against me. If you're going to say "You're wrong and evolution is right" then, turdbucket, it's up to you to provide some evidence, which I can then refute.

However, being given no evidence, there is no argument. Which is what I said in the beginning.

So your idea of DEBATE is to neg rep people who you disagree with? How about you post FACTS rather than resorting to neg rep?

No, you get neg repped because you won't debate. Plus you're an asshole.
Hold up rdean............Alchemy as well as Astrology ARE sciences. Much more than ID, as at least alchemy and astrology like to look for verifiable, repeatable proof.

ID doesn't, so therefore, ID cannot yet be considered a science until they can prove things mathematically, that can be verified and repeated by independent research.

ID IS NOT A SCIENCE, because even though they throw out statements "God made it (which He did, as I do believe in a Creator)", they are not willing to do anything other than discount science to prove their point.

Personally? If they can come up with some mathematical proof (and they can, all they have to do is talk to the Jews), and their results can be verified by others, then, and only then, should ID be allowed in schools.
And that's my point exactly. The religious will not stop with evolution. They will want to teach Astrology and Alchemy. What's next? Sand bump reading in place of geology? Tea leaves in place of biology? Will there be a class on "chants" and "spells"? The ins and outs of "voodoo"? They won't stop untill we become Afghanistan.
This is an extremely idiotic and retarded post :cuckoo:
Actually, it's a slippery slope logical fallacy. That's a fact. Now, if one wishes to think that those who use logical fallacies are idiotic, that would be an opinion. ;)
It's vague and ridiculous and no argument. Each of your posts has simply been to say, "you're wrong and ignorant" without pointing out specifically how so.

You're STILL doing that.

My language arts are fine. As are my debating skills. Sadly, you lack those.

You make the attack, but the attack is just a vague insult. There's nothing for me to prove. I'm not going to provide you with evidence against me. If you're going to say "You're wrong and evolution is right" then, turdbucket, it's up to you to provide some evidence, which I can then refute.

However, being given no evidence, there is no argument. Which is what I said in the beginning.

So your idea of DEBATE is to neg rep people who you disagree with? How about you post FACTS rather than resorting to neg rep?

No, you get neg repped because you won't debate. Plus you're an asshole.
I'll debate you as soon as you can make some conscious acknowledgment of the things which evolution is NOT before I start talking about what it IS. btw, you do realize you responded to cold fusion there, not me, right?
It's vague and ridiculous and no argument. Each of your posts has simply been to say, "you're wrong and ignorant" without pointing out specifically how so.
To reiterate why you are wrong about "freedom of religion":
  1. the purpose of public schools is education, not religion
  2. public schools in no way influence or dictate what religion you may or may not follow (thus they do not violate constituional rights)
  3. students can still pray during school if not being disruptive, though at the expense of not learning the material being taught at the time (see point #1 above)
  4. constitutional freedoms do not imply you have the right to use them whenever and wherever you want (bringing guns to schools, shouting "bomb" in a crowded theater, etc)
  5. constitutional freedoms do not preclude your actions from consequences (getting fired for using your "freedom" of speech to curse off your boss)

This is a very clear list as to why your claim regarding prayer in schools is ignorant and debunked. If you still call that vague, I can only assume my remarks about you praying in school instead of learning were correct.

Allie said:
You make the attack, but the attack is just a vague insult. There's nothing for me to prove. I'm not going to provide you with evidence against me. If you're going to say "You're wrong and evolution is right" then, turdbucket, it's up to you to provide some evidence, which I can then refute.

However, being given no evidence, there is no argument. Which is what I said in the beginning.
Before presenting all of the evidence that proves evolution, I wanted to first dismiss the myths about it. Instead of responding to the false rumors I posted as I asked (to ensure we were both on the same page before I presented those facts), you just decided to flip out with the same garbage. Well done. And then you wonder why I call you ignorant.

Now, if you want to engage me in a debate, be a dear and reread that post and let me know if there is any point in that list that you disagree with or otherwise don't understand. Once we have those cleared up, I will present the evidence.

I agree with your definition of what evolution is what, IYO, is it?
Excellent question, Missourian. I beg your patience for just a bit longer until I can get Allie on the same page as you, at which point I will go on to explain just that. :)

You keep saying "evolution has been proven" as if that is the argument. I've said repeatedly evolution is a valid far as it goes. There is no valid theory for creation. Evolution is no more valid than God.

Humongous error on your part to continue with the faulty reasoning.
Hold up rdean............Alchemy as well as Astrology ARE sciences. Much more than ID, as at least alchemy and astrology like to look for verifiable, repeatable proof.

ID doesn't, so therefore, ID cannot yet be considered a science until they can prove things mathematically, that can be verified and repeated by independent research.

ID IS NOT A SCIENCE, because even though they throw out statements "God made it (which He did, as I do believe in a Creator)", they are not willing to do anything other than discount science to prove their point.

Personally? If they can come up with some mathematical proof (and they can, all they have to do is talk to the Jews), and their results can be verified by others, then, and only then, should ID be allowed in schools.

i realize that AstrOLOGY and AstrONOMY sound similar but astrOLOGY is not a science.

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