Christian Views on Homosexuality

No, we have freedom of speech and religion on our side.

We don't want religion taught in schools. We want children who are religious to be allowed to pray in school, we don't want schools that pray punished, and we want the mysticism of the evolution of man to be taught as a THEORY alongside other theories, including the theory that God created man, or eliminated as the others have been.
It's clear to me you neither understand the constitutional freedoms, nor evolution, yet draw conclusions and speak as if you do. There's a term for that: ignorance.

You see, you have *freedom* of religion, which refers to the right to believe any religious practice. That does not, by extension, grant you the right to practice any religious event as you see fit whenever and wherever you'd like. For example, take the Hawaiian case where a man insisted smoking marijuana was part of his religion. Guess what happened to him? The Supreme Court ruled "the free exercise clause of the First Amendment is not a viable defense".

The *purpose* of public school is education. If you enroll your child in public school, expect them to be there for education, not praying. Similarly, you should not expect them to be able to bring guns to school, despite their constitutional right.

Far easier for some. Not for all. And it's never been proven, so exists only as a theory. Just like the biblical theory.

Teach all theories or none.
Now that we've established that schools are for learning, I will extend that to say learning things that are true or otherwise supported. The bible is not supportive evidence of creationism. Your "theory" is a layperson theory, equivalent to a hunch or a guess. A scientific THEORY, on the other hand, is as close as you can get to fact. Gravity, for example, is also a scientific theory, holding the same weight as evolution. Nothing in your book can possible dissuade intelligent teachers from believing in either evolution nor gravity.

The fact that YOU don't understand evolution but believe it to be incorrect, doesn't mean that future generations should be as equally blindly ignorant. If you'd like to enter into a discussion on what evolution is, I'll start by shooting down all the things you believe it is which are completely incorrect (for example, evolution has nothing to do with creation from nothing - one myth you already brought up).

So after every ruling board has thoroughly dismissed ignorant hick attempts to get creationism in the classroom, the only question remains is: Do you want your children to be smarter than you or not?

You of course have some evidence to back up your ridiculous posturing?

No, you don't. I'm not ignorant, you condescending asswad. The constitution gives us freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, to protect us from dumbfucks like you and most of the liberals on this board, who keep carping that freedom of religion has somehow been superceded by "separation of religion and state".

But never mind that...the truth is, BOTH of those freedoms are meant to protect our right to PUBLICLY worship as we please, and PREVENT the government from telling us whether or not we must believe a certain way, in order to run for office or walk in the park or whatever.
You aren't the only one; that's definite. The odd thing is, I think you and I are on the same page on a lot of this (beliefs or lack of aside). No offense, but I think I am a lot calmer about it all. So, where does this all go from here?

It's difficult. The religious believe their religion is being attacked if you ask them to just stop throwing it in my face. They insist this is a Christian nation. They tell people, "If you don't like it, move to another country", as if they have that right.

When you point out supremely obvious facts, such as, those in Iran are undergoing a revolution because they are trying to get religion out of government, they can't see the connection between what the government of that country is doing and what they want to do here.

When you point out that many religious and political leaders in this country have talked about "rounding up the gays" and "gays are the fault of Katrina and 9/11" and attempts to keep gays from teaching or having any type of protections. The problems with gays not being allowed to visit a partner in the hospital or create a binding will. If you bring any of this up, the same right wing leaders will say, "Oh, you're making me cry. Boo hoo".

When you are a veteran, you can get VA benefits, including a guaranteed housing or loan or education benefits. Things denied to gays. Even when we have gay soldiers from other countries who have secret clearances walking through our Pentagon. We can't ban them because they are our allies. Isn't that funny?

All of it. the gay hatred, wanting to teach mysticism in public schools. It's all based on that crappy occult. There is no reason there. There is nothing there to reason with. They have God on their side.

No, we have freedom of speech and religion on our side.

We don't want religion taught in schools. We want children who are religious to be allowed to pray in school, we don't want schools that pray punished, and we want the mysticism of the evolution of man to be taught as a THEORY alongside other theories, including the theory that God created man, or eliminated as the others have been.

And that is where this "determined ignorance" comes in. The science of evolution is no longer a few paragraph, kind of nebulous theory that was taught 50 years ago. Now, there are dozens of evolution related sciences that are taught in reputable universities. Entire fields of science. You can spend an entire semester on "Ocular evolution". And that science is supported by dozens of other fields.

So, what could those screwy religious do to "prove" its only a meaningless theory? Why, they could go to school. If they believe this mystical crap so vehemently, they could go to school and learn about evolution and then point out why it's so weak. But they can't. Because deep down, they know it's for real. And they are afraid. They have to believe that Bible crap is "literal" or they will believe none of it is true. The truth is, "None of it is true". It's all crap just made up by primitive people. I can't understand how these people could be so gullible.

But they can't. They want to drag the country down into this cesspool of ignorant superstition. These people are just awful.

And finally, what is even worse, there is not a reputable medical doctor anywhere in the United States that doesn't believe in the science of evolution and understands that it's the foundation science for botany, biology and physiology. And yet, these religious jerks will go to a medical doctor AND take their children. If they firmly believed in that crap they spew, they would stop gong to doctors and go to faith healers. And stop taking vaccinations that evolve every season, because it's a lie. And stop with the macro and microevolutionary crap. It's all crap. Ask your doctor. And quit being a hypocrite. These people disgust me.
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Back in 1997, there was a panel ID/Evolution debate, including William F. Buckley, Jr. All sides brought up good points, but IMO, the moderate voice prevailed in these. Anyone interested in looking at all sides in this debate, should find the series interesting. It's eight parts on YouTube and here is the first of eight (the remaining seven parts are availble right there as well):

[ame=]YouTube - Intelligent Design/Evolution Debate (1 of 8)[/ame]
You of course have some evidence to back up your ridiculous posturing?
Sure - what would you like backed up?

Allie said:
I'm not ignorant, you condescending asswad. The constitution gives us freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, to protect us from dumbfucks like you and most of the liberals on this board, who keep carping that freedom of religion has somehow been superceded by "separation of religion and state".
So far you've proven (on multiple occasions) to not understand either evolution, nor your constitutional rights. So yeah, you're pretty ignorant.

You ignore my point about how other constitutional rights, such as bearing arms, do not translate to schools. Let's look at speech, since you seem so focused on that as well. This constitutional "right" similarly has it's limitations. For example, you can not use your freedom in public to cause a panic. Similarly, cursing off your boss at work can get you fired. The point: your actions, even those that are governed as constitutional freedoms, have consequences.

Your child is allowed to pray throughout the entire day at school - no one is stopping them so long as it's not disruptive (i.e. silent prayer). But when they fail basic courses because they weren't paying attention, or when they are removed from the classroom for being disruptive, don't blame anyone but yourself.

If you disagree, you tell me the purpose of school.
More blathering, both about evolution and the constitution, and my alleged ignorance, but no specifics about 1. what I'm wrong about, or 2. what the correct version is (with sources other than your own highly esteemed self, of course).
I have pointed out where you are wrong several times. You've ignored it twice now. Perhaps you prayed through introductory Language Arts?

What specifically would you like to know about evolution? I'm giving you an open avenue here. Demanding that I explain everything at once is rather silly.

How bout I start with what evolution is not, and you can ask questions to clarify your misinterpretations.

  • Evolution is NOT proof, evidence, or support that life randomly started on this planet.
  • Evolution is NOT proof of how DNA came into existence. If aliens, deities, or sasquatch came to earth and made DNA, the principles of evolution would not be changed.
  • Evolution is NOT about one animal species randomly changing into another, totally different animal species. This is perhaps the largest fallacy running through ignorant America.
  • Evolution is NOT about contradicting religion.

So, if there's any part of the above you didn't realize, please point it out and ask clarifying questions. If you agree with all of the above, we can move on to what evolution is, and the things that support it.
I don't see why evolution can't be part of your god's plan? I mean, aside from making all your religious books blatantly wrong. But still, the earth isn't flat either. Get over it and move on.
So tell me what is going to happen when Hispanics become the MAJORITY and then Catholocism becomes the dominant religion? According to you "Christians" then they will be able to ENFORCE through legislation on the rest of Americans. Some pretty strict doctrines in Catholocism. Like NO CONTRACEPTION, NO DIVORCE, and any host of other RELIGIOUS LAW. I often try to get people to think about what happens when the OTHER side gets to legislate THEIR laws.

Hopefully that will not happen. I am very sure that the rest of the Christian faith is not trying to take over the government, so I doubt the Catholics will. However, they do seem to have some political power. The ones I am worried about taking over is the Muslims.
I have pointed out where you are wrong several times. You've ignored it twice now. Perhaps you prayed through introductory Language Arts?

What specifically would you like to know about evolution? I'm giving you an open avenue here. Demanding that I explain everything at once is rather silly.

How bout I start with what evolution is not, and you can ask questions to clarify your misinterpretations.

  • Evolution is NOT proof, evidence, or support that life randomly started on this planet.
  • Evolution is NOT proof of how DNA came into existence. If aliens, deities, or sasquatch came to earth and made DNA, the principles of evolution would not be changed.
  • Evolution is NOT about one animal species randomly changing into another, totally different animal species. This is perhaps the largest fallacy running through ignorant America.
  • Evolution is NOT about contradicting religion.

So, if there's any part of the above you didn't realize, please point it out and ask clarifying questions. If you agree with all of the above, we can move on to what evolution is, and the things that support it.

It's vague and ridiculous and no argument. Each of your posts has simply been to say, "you're wrong and ignorant" without pointing out specifically how so.

You're STILL doing that.

My language arts are fine. As are my debating skills. Sadly, you lack those.

You make the attack, but the attack is just a vague insult. There's nothing for me to prove. I'm not going to provide you with evidence against me. If you're going to say "You're wrong and evolution is right" then, turdbucket, it's up to you to provide some evidence, which I can then refute.

However, being given no evidence, there is no argument. Which is what I said in the beginning.
I don't see why evolution can't be part of your god's plan? I mean, aside from making all your religious books blatantly wrong. But still, the earth isn't flat either. Get over it and move on.

I believe evolution is part of God's plan, myself. I don't know how or over what time period, but I see the hand of God in science.

But that doesn't explain the existence of beings upon which evolution works. Evolution doesn't explain creation. Evolution can't explain creation. Which is why it shouldn't be offered up as a substitute FOR creation.
Which is why we have laws telling people they can't shout "fire" in a crowed theater or make threats.
How is it that shouting fire in a theater equates to another speaking about their religion in your mind?

Ask the gays.

This country is technologically the greatest nation on earth. However, we are losing that edge. Those with a mystical background are convincing Americans to turn away from science. How many Einsteins and Curies have we lost because of those turning off their children to science? Less than 6% of scientists are Republicans. They used to be in the majority. For a country such as ours, this is devastation.
Key being "their children" not yours you creep.
Allie you are such an ignorant piece of shit it is unbelievable. You neg rep me because of a post I made well tell you what go FUCK yourself you Nazi mother fucker. KEEP YOU PIECE OF SHIT RELIGION THE FUCK OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!!! You religion has NO place in our laws.
She got a nice thank you note from the system for that neg rep to you. The system is neat that away. It is called freedom of choice. The same way we all have a choice to help determine the laws in this country by vote.
What sick is that the Homo agenda wants to indoctrinate and control the children of hetero people.

Since homos can't reproduce with their perverted sex acts.

They need to keep filling their ranks with people who were taught as children, that homosexuality is normal and good.

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