Christian Views on Homosexuality

This is you: "I know that God made stuff. Bring me evidence that evolution is real."

You see, you really will refuse to see scientific evidence for evolution, yet you accept this "supernatural" explanation without a shred of evidence. Isn't that a hoot?

Below is an excellant link to PBS and the Dover trial. They show different examples of "transitional creatures" and explain why "irreducable complexity" is simply made up. Since this is a court case, people had to speak "under oath". Even Behe, the father of the ID movement, a man who said, in court, under oath (and I paraphrase) "Using the same criteria that makes ID a science, then Alchemy and Astrology would also have to be considered science".

No one can bring information to the ignorant if they are determined to BE ignorant. Better you study "the science of evoltuion" with an open mind and then, if you still feel it's "made up" and only a "theory", then at least you are do so from a position that's not of ignorance.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial | PBS

Good luck.

Interestingly enough, alchemy is the science that gave birth to chemistry. By the way, even the alchemists spent enough time to research cause and effect, and see if the results were consistent and repeatable.

Astrology is the science that gave birth to astronomy. Ancient people watched the sky, using it to tell time and determine when the best time was to plant, harvest and hunt. It was also noted during that time that there was a correlation between a person, and the time/place/date that person was born under a certain sign. Now, most people will tell you that the stars don't exert enough influence to be felt by mankind, and that is true. Mankind cannot feel the effects of faraway heavenly bodies.

However........the Earth can.

Now, when a certain zodiac sign is in the sky, aligned with certain planets in our solar system, it exerts a certain influence on the planet (see the moon and tides for that one), which in turn, affect the magnetics of the earth (the magnetic fields of the earth change daily, depending upon the influences of our Solar system), which is why astrologers need the time/place/and date of birth to cast your charts.

But see........those 2 disciplines have had verifiable, repeatable proof which is why they are now recognized as full fledged sciences (astronomy and chemistry), ID has yet to try to prove ANYTHING that they theorize.

And that is why ID should not yet be allowed in schools.

And that's my point exactly. The religious will not stop with evolution. They will want to teach Astrology and Alchemy. What's next? Sand bump reading in place of geology? Tea leaves in place of biology? Will there be a class on "chants" and "spells"? The ins and outs of "voodoo"? They won't stop untill we become Afghanistan.
rdean, this is one of the most idiotic and retarded posts I have ever read.
Hold up rdean............Alchemy as well as Astrology ARE sciences. Much more than ID, as at least alchemy and astrology like to look for verifiable, repeatable proof.

ID doesn't, so therefore, ID cannot yet be considered a science until they can prove things mathematically, that can be verified and repeated by independent research.

ID IS NOT A SCIENCE, because even though they throw out statements "God made it (which He did, as I do believe in a Creator)", they are not willing to do anything other than discount science to prove their point.

Personally? If they can come up with some mathematical proof (and they can, all they have to do is talk to the Jews), and their results can be verified by others, then, and only then, should ID be allowed in schools.

i realize that AstrOLOGY and AstrONOMY sound similar but astrOLOGY is not a science.

Actually, 3,500 years ago, it was considered such by the Hebrews after they'd received the Torah.
It's vague and ridiculous and no argument. Each of your posts has simply been to say, "you're wrong and ignorant" without pointing out specifically how so.
To reiterate why you are wrong about "freedom of religion":
  1. the purpose of public schools is education, not religion
  2. public schools in no way influence or dictate what religion you may or may not follow (thus they do not violate constituional rights)
  3. students can still pray during school if not being disruptive, though at the expense of not learning the material being taught at the time (see point #1 above)
  4. constitutional freedoms do not imply you have the right to use them whenever and wherever you want (bringing guns to schools, shouting "bomb" in a crowded theater, etc)
  5. constitutional freedoms do not preclude your actions from consequences (getting fired for using your "freedom" of speech to curse off your boss)

This is a very clear list as to why your claim regarding prayer in schools is ignorant and debunked. If you still call that vague, I can only assume my remarks about you praying in school instead of learning were correct.

Before presenting all of the evidence that proves evolution, I wanted to first dismiss the myths about it. Instead of responding to the false rumors I posted as I asked (to ensure we were both on the same page before I presented those facts), you just decided to flip out with the same garbage. Well done. And then you wonder why I call you ignorant.

Now, if you want to engage me in a debate, be a dear and reread that post and let me know if there is any point in that list that you disagree with or otherwise don't understand. Once we have those cleared up, I will present the evidence.

I agree with your definition of what evolution is what, IYO, is it?
Excellent question, Missourian. I beg your patience for just a bit longer until I can get Allie on the same page as you, at which point I will go on to explain just that. :)

You keep saying "evolution has been proven" as if that is the argument. I've said repeatedly evolution is a valid far as it goes. There is no valid theory for creation. Evolution is no more valid than God.

Humongous error on your part to continue with the faulty reasoning.
I disagree, Allie. Evolution has ample data supporting it as a theory. I don't know of any data supporting the existence (or the nonexistence) of God.
Listen, EVERYBODY: Evolution is NOT a theory!


Natural Selection and Sexual Selection are two of a number of different theories that attempt to explain evolution which is an observable, everyday, scientific FACT. These theories tend to work hand-in-hand in explaining very well biological phenomena as we observe them today.

Just like Einstein's theories attempt to explain space/time, gravity, energy, etc. which are all facts but the Special and General theories of Relativity are THEORIES to explain the aforementioned facts.

Cancer is evolution. Animal breeding is evolution. The fact that we are all different from each other genetically is evolution. That is not a theory.

Ok. Carry on.
Listen, EVERYBODY: Evolution is NOT a theory!


Natural Selection and Sexual Selection are two of a number of different theories that attempt to explain evolution which is an observable, everyday, scientific FACT. These theories tend to work hand-in-hand in explaining very well biological phenomena as we observe them today.

Just like Einstein's theories attempt to explain space/time, gravity, energy, etc. which are all facts but the Special and General theories of Relativity are THEORIES to explain the aforementioned facts.

Cancer is evolution. Animal breeding is evolution. The fact that we are all different from each other genetically is evolution. That is not a theory.

Ok. Carry on.
Science is theory. You are aware that nothing is proven in science, only disproven. Theories with ample supporting data are accepted as true until falsified. That is the basis of scientific discovery.
Listen, EVERYBODY: Evolution is NOT a theory!


Natural Selection and Sexual Selection are two of a number of different theories that attempt to explain evolution which is an observable, everyday, scientific FACT. These theories tend to work hand-in-hand in explaining very well biological phenomena as we observe them today.

Just like Einstein's theories attempt to explain space/time, gravity, energy, etc. which are all facts but the Special and General theories of Relativity are THEORIES to explain the aforementioned facts.

Cancer is evolution. Animal breeding is evolution. The fact that we are all different from each other genetically is evolution. That is not a theory.

Ok. Carry on.
Science is theory. You are aware that nothing is proven in science, only disproven. Theories with ample supporting data are accepted as true until falsified. That is the basis of scientific discovery.

I see your point, however, evolution is even more fundamental than science: its OBSERVABLE. Like gravity.
Listen, EVERYBODY: Evolution is NOT a theory!


Natural Selection and Sexual Selection are two of a number of different theories that attempt to explain evolution which is an observable, everyday, scientific FACT. These theories tend to work hand-in-hand in explaining very well biological phenomena as we observe them today.

Just like Einstein's theories attempt to explain space/time, gravity, energy, etc. which are all facts but the Special and General theories of Relativity are THEORIES to explain the aforementioned facts.

Cancer is evolution. Animal breeding is evolution. The fact that we are all different from each other genetically is evolution. That is not a theory.

Ok. Carry on.
Science is theory. You are aware that nothing is proven in science, only disproven. Theories with ample supporting data are accepted as true until falsified. That is the basis of scientific discovery.

I see your point, however, evolution is even more fundamental than science: its OBSERVABLE. Like gravity.
When? Where?? Where was it observed???
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Evolution is just a theory.

It has never be observed by any scientist in nature or in any lab.

Then why are there flu shots every year and new vaccines? How come malaria and other diseases are becoming more resistance to medicine? Why do we develop cancer? Why are there different breeds of dogs, horses and cats? Why is corn today so different from maize of centuries ago? Why do you look different from me? And how come scientists have observed evolution in fruit flies in laboratories?
the problem is that christians (who arent perfect) have their own struggles with obeying God and somehow r ripped to shreds and called hypocrites for being sinners when no1 can achieve perfection....but we understand that we r sinners and try to live our life as God wants us to....the gay community (not all but some) say they believe in the bible....but somehow completely skip over the condemnation of homosexuality...and then get mad at us for not agreeing with it....i personally do not agree with that lifestyle at all...i think its perverted and immoral....real christians believe ALL of the bible not just parts of it...God wouldnt appoint men to write things about him or other people that were false
who said nething about it dictating US law? going by what the bible says...not what stupid politicians do to screw up our law system
Evolution is just a theory.

It has never be observed by any scientist in nature or in any lab.

Then why are there flu shots every year and new vaccines? How come malaria and other diseases are becoming more resistance to medicine? Why do we develop cancer? Why are there different breeds of dogs, horses and cats? Why is corn today so different from maize of centuries ago? Why do you look different from me? And how come scientists have observed evolution in fruit flies in laboratories?
Adapting or mutating to the environment is not evolution.

Even if a bacteria mutates to become resistant to a drug.

It hasn't evolved. It's still a bacteria.

You can breed a horse or a dog to exibit certain physical characteristics; shorter legs, different colors, etc.

But they will still remain a horse or dog.

No scientist has ever breed or evolved a cat into a dog. Or a fish into a bird.

Evolution is quack science being passed off as legitimate science.
allie have you read the "NOT evolution" points and are ready to go with what it is? people are waiting here!
I think you have more questions about the Bible than about how Christians feel about it. You clearly need to do some Bible study, though, because there is a very large number of verses that can address homosexuality, from various perspectives. For example, The Bible is very clear on what marriage is according to God. Marriage is between one man and one woman. (Clearest in the NT) It is clear that sex outside of marriage is sin. Therefore, when a person has sex outside of marriage, they are in sin. This would clearly mean that since gay marriage is not God's plan, it is outside of marriage, according to God. Thus it is sin.

One must study the Bible in more ways than just topical. one has to look at various angles of an issue.

There is not a difference in the God of the OT and of the NT. Because of what God was doing in the OT, establishing a kingdom, and designing the boundaries, He worked in some really radical ways. In the NT, The kingdom was established by definition, and design, and Jesus was the King of that Kingdom. God began to work in a different way. However, God did not change in character. In the NT God became more personal with the people of the Kingdom, because He designed the Kingdom as a body who has a real and personal relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit.

The OT was elementary school, and now we are in high school. We can take in more, but, by design, the reason we can is because the Holy Spirit enables us to do so. God gave the laws of the OT to show mankind that they were not able to abide by a righteous standard. We would violate His laws. Once He established that, He made a way, because of His awesome love, to be forgiven. He showed that all through the OT, but in the NT He gave the true Lamb for the eternal, once needed sacrifice for all who will accept it.

The OT is as significant as the NT. One must learn to walk before they can learn to run. In the NT it is like this, as babies in Christ we need the milk of the word, but when we mature it is the meat that will be our strength. The OT is the milk, and the NT is the meat.

Yeah, I believe that when Jesus came, the Old Testament laws (linen and wool mixed/ pigs' hooves) were fulfilled and no longer needed. As smart said, condemnation of homosexuality is not only an Old Testament law. The law has to do with how marriage is defined. Even modern gay "marriage" is not true in God's eyes. Therefore, homosexual acts are considered adultery, addressed in the Ten Commandments, which applied and still apply through all of time.
Yeah, I believe that when Jesus came, the Old Testament laws (linen and wool mixed/ pigs' hooves) were fulfilled and no longer needed. As smart said, condemnation of homosexuality is not only an Old Testament law. The law has to do with how marriage is defined. Even modern gay "marriage" is not true in God's eyes. Therefore, homosexual acts are considered adultery, addressed in the Ten Commandments, which applied and still apply through all of time.

can you please quote the passage that says marriage is between a man and a woman? People keep saying it, I keep asking for it, and I'd very much like to read it.

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