Christian Views on Homosexuality

do you know how many pages it took me to get the chapter that even mentioned marriage (despite that word not even being used) was between a man and a woman? And the person who finally gave it was NOT one of the crazy Christians who inhabit this thread, but rather the forum troll.

So no, you lost your chance to claim this thread should have been about understanding when the people who should have understood that point of view stood clueless and hoped someone else knew the answer to the really basic questions that were being asked. Cuz let's face it, half of these people haven't even read all the bible, let alone understand it. They rely on other people to tell them how to understand it, bigotry included or not.
I apologize to you for singling you out. I keep looking at these religion threads and the majority of those who participate are clearly not at all interested in listening to others - jsut in heckling. And that's fucking lazy and boring to read. Your post just happened to pop up at the time when I was at the limit.

I have no intention of "claiming" this thread or any for that matter. I also KNOW that I do not understand others, so of course I read others' input and I learn from them.

I rarely enter into thread topics where I take the attitude that I know all. I enter in to better understand others, to learn from others' experience and knowledge, and maybe to let others know a bit in areas where I know something.

Threads like this one (as a whole) are meant to mock and inflame. Many people here seem to enjoy it. No matter what is said, certain people will continue doing as they well. It is an exercise in futility.
do you know how many pages it took me to get the chapter that even mentioned marriage (despite that word not even being used) was between a man and a woman? And the person who finally gave it was NOT one of the crazy Christians who inhabit this thread, but rather the forum troll.

So no, you lost your chance to claim this thread should have been about understanding when the people who should have understood that point of view stood clueless and hoped someone else knew the answer to the really basic questions that were being asked. Cuz let's face it, half of these people haven't even read all the bible, let alone understand it. They rely on other people to tell them how to understand it, bigotry included or not.
I apologize to you for singling you out. I keep looking at these religion threads and the majority of those who participate are clearly not at all interested in listening to others - jsut in heckling. And that's fucking lazy and boring to read. Your post just happened to pop up at the time when I was at the limit.

I have no intention of "claiming" this thread or any for that matter. I also KNOW that I do not understand others, so of course I read others' input and I learn from them.

I rarely enter into thread topics where I take the attitude that I know all. I enter in to better understand others, to learn from others' experience and knowledge, and maybe to let others know a bit in areas where I know something.

Threads like this one (as a whole) are meant to mock and inflame. Many people here seem to enjoy it. No matter what is said, certain people will continue doing as they well. It is an exercise in futility.
Perhaps. But as one who has faith ;) in the words of Edmund Burke, I am not quite yet willing to stand by and not speak up about it.

Maybe because I'm too new here.

Again, my sincere apologies to Hick for singling him out.
I apologize to you for singling you out. I keep looking at these religion threads and the majority of those who participate are clearly not at all interested in listening to others - just in heckling. And that's fucking lazy and boring to read. Your post just happened to pop up at the time when I was at the limit.

I have no intention of "claiming" this thread or any for that matter. I also KNOW that I do not understand others, so of course I read others' input and I learn from them.

I rarely enter into thread topics where I take the attitude that I know all. I enter in to better understand others, to learn from others' experience and knowledge, and maybe to let others know a bit in areas where I know something.

eh good intentions and good idea. you're right in what you said, but just not in light of what actually happened in this thread. so, no harm done :)
that's all wonderful, Ralphy, but we're not talking about Christian righteousness. we're talking about American legality, which is not determined by the bible.

do you have any non-biblical reason against gay marriage?

Indeed......morality. The laws of the land should reflect the moral character of those that live under said law. When immoral unrighteous people are elected to legislate laws in the representative republic, immoral unrighteous laws will ensue to reflect that same character. Morality cannot be a product of legislation is nothing but a reflection of established morality or the lack thereof. Marriage is nothing but a 'tradition'....a social more' and this tradition has been defined by the majority as consisting of ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. If homosexuals are allowed to change the established precedent covering a 250 year period........other groups will be denied EQUAL ACCESS to the same. Why should the bi-sexual not be able to claim the need of having one partner from each gender to he/she was 'Born' with this LUST and need of having sex with both genders.....or the group that practices beastallity/zoophila...which is also a mediaclly defined anomality and fixation on SEX. The LEGAL SEXUAL 'slippery' slope that will be granted by the Bill of Rights to open the door to all forms of perversion is unlimited in scope. Hell, if homosexual marriage is allowed in my state.......the first thing that I will do is arrange a stable or harem of Females to marry.......stating the legal precedent established by such an outlandish law, just paying some shrink enough money to declare that I have a medical fixation through no fault of my own and simply can't "get off" if 3 or more women do not share my bedroom.

The entire homosexual lifestyle is based entirely upon the concept of SEX as being the only defining difference between the homosexual and the rest of society. What's "fair" for the goose is fair for the If not...why not? SEX....any kind of SEX is a product of CHOICE, be it Bi-Gay-Straight-or Zoophila.......if not, the crime of rape has just been realized as ACTUAL. I feel empathy for all the poor little "sheep". Just where is 'barry's" regulatory czar when he is needed.....the one that said his mission is to see that animals have access to legal representation?
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that's all wonderful, Ralphy, but we're not talking about Christian righteousness. we're talking about American legality, which is not determined by the bible.

do you have any non-biblical reason against gay marriage?

Much of American legality is determined by the Bible. Biblical reasons are all that are necessary.
There is not a particular scripture that states that "marriage is between one man and one woman." There is, however, the principle throughout the Bible, based on the terms husband and wife. Also based on the marriages in the Bible. There is also the scripture which qualifies deacons for their position, that they be married to one "wife." I Timothy 3. Read that scripture, and any that are referred to from it.
Nowhere in the Bible will you find a homosexual marriage, homosexuals married, or even living together. The principle is clear, marriage is between a man and a woman.
You refer to the word/term "marriage", of course, yes? Tell me, what language were these passages originally written in? What is the original word used for that union between a man and a woman?

I bet it wasn't "marriage". The term doesn't belong to you.

If you really wanted answers rather than just an argument, you would have brought the scriptures up and shown me where I was wrong. However, I will address it anyway.

The only union mentioned in the Bible is between man and woman. That union is a union by God's design, and "what God has joined together... “Is it lawful for a MAN to divorce...” (Matthew 19:3). “Therefore what God has joined together, let no MAN put asunder [ apart ]” (Matthew 19:6b).
With that said, It is a "marriage" that God has designed that matters. Any other marriage may happen, but God is not in it. So, do whatever you want about your marriage, or about gay marriage, I believe the Bible is clear on the matter, and I know God is clear on it.

Wrong. Check my last post. Or.......better yet as you pinheads continually ask for proof, here's some from a SCHOLARLY SITE for sacred texts of just about every religion.

Did you know?
* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

David and Jonathan

There is an extensive and very sympathetic description of a same-sex relationship in the Bible, the story of David and Jonathan, e.g.: 1 Samuel 18:1-5, 1 Samuel 19:1-7, 1 Samuel 20:30-42, 2 Samuel 1:25-6. While their bond is described as non-sexual, it is difficult to characterize it as purely one of friendship.

Jonathan was the son of Saul, David's nemesis. Their souls are described as 'knit together'. David and Jonathan 'made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.' The word convenant is significant, because in the Tanach this word always implies a formal legal agreement. To mark this convenant, Jonathan literally gives David the clothes off of his back, as well as other gifts such as weapons.

Later in the narrative, Jonathan successfully intercedes with Saul to spare David's life. At their last meeing, 1 Samuel 20:41, they are described as kissing one another and weeping together. David's grief at Jonathan's death is profound and moving. In Davids lament for Jonathan he describes their friendship as '(sur)passing the love of women'. This elegy, 2 Samuel 1:18-27. known as 'the Bow,' is one of the most beloved passages in the Hebrew Bible.

This narrative far outweighs the two trivial aspersions against same-sex love in Leviticus. The bigots who use the Bible to assault gays are apparently blind to it.

LGBT Texts

Might wanna check your Bible again there dude. Incidentally, the OT was originally written in Hebrew (as it IS the book of the Jews), and then was translated from Hebrew to Greek, then from Greek to Latin, and finally from Latin into English. Now.........if anyone has ever played the game "telephone" as a kid, you know that things definitely get lost in the translation. Same thing with the Bible.
so ur basing the translation of the bible on a kid telephone game?! wow...and if u ever talk to some1 whos actually read the english version and translated the original greek and hebrew version theyll tell u that the english version is pretty much dead on......neway......ur little point there about leviticus....if it says there should be death brought upon homosexuality....that means its wrong right? like against God?...along with those other whats the big deal that its not mentioned all over the bible? u need it spelled out for u even more?!
so ur basing the translation of the bible on a kid telephone game?! wow...and if u ever talk to some1 whos actually read the english version and translated the original greek and hebrew version theyll tell u that the english version is pretty much dead on......neway......ur little point there about leviticus....if it says there should be death brought upon homosexuality....that means its wrong right? like against God?...along with those other whats the big deal that its not mentioned all over the bible? u need it spelled out for u even more?!

Tell ya what Stinky Lips, I'm basing the translation of the KJV against an actual Torah scholar who is currently teaching the OT starting with Genesis. The man's name is Uri Harel, and the show is on God's Learning Channel. It's called "Hidden in the Hebrew". What Mr. Harel does is read the verses first in Hebrew (the original language), and then reads the same verse in English from the KJV, and then he tells you where it has been twisted, as there are many words in Hebrew that don't translate very well into English.

And..........Leviticus is a manual for Jewish Priests, namely the tribe of Levi, which is who God designated as the Priests of Israel.

So, question........would you read High Catholic Mass in a Southern Baptist or Lutheran church? Short answer, no. So why would a Christian be using a manual for Jewish priests?
so ur basing the translation of the bible on a kid telephone game?! wow...and if u ever talk to some1 whos actually read the english version and translated the original greek and hebrew version theyll tell u that the english version is pretty much dead on......neway......ur little point there about leviticus....if it says there should be death brought upon homosexuality....that means its wrong right? like against God?...along with those other whats the big deal that its not mentioned all over the bible? u need it spelled out for u even more?!

Tell ya what Stinky Lips, I'm basing the translation of the KJV against an actual Torah scholar who is currently teaching the OT starting with Genesis. The man's name is Uri Harel, and the show is on God's Learning Channel. It's called "Hidden in the Hebrew". What Mr. Harel does is read the verses first in Hebrew (the original language), and then reads the same verse in English from the KJV, and then he tells you where it has been twisted, as there are many words in Hebrew that don't translate very well into English.

And..........Leviticus is a manual for Jewish Priests, namely the tribe of Levi, which is who God designated as the Priests of Israel.

So, question........would you read High Catholic Mass in a Southern Baptist or Lutheran church? Short answer, no. So why would a Christian be using a manual for Jewish priests?

stinky lips? dont put me to sleep with ur lame insults.......well obviously there r words that cant be translated from hebrew to english....but does that make it wrong? or does that mean that the english version is no good at all?...short what ur sayin to me is that part of the bible doesnt apply to us chirstians?...that we can commit adultery and homosexual acts and claim "well its the manual for the jews so we're scott free"....gimme a break dude
Might wanna read further up the thread where I posted some material from Sacred Texts Archives (a scholar site for just about every religion).

No, Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians) never said ANYTHING against gays. And.......that's the person you guys claim to follow, right?

Does it make the KJV wrong to be in English? Short answer, no. However, you should also have a Torah scholar that is handy to translate for you, so that you can get the true intent, and not just what your, or your preacher's, interpretation is. Might wanna go directly to the source.

Try again Stinky Lips.
Might wanna read further up the thread where I posted some material from Sacred Texts Archives (a scholar site for just about every religion).

No, Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians) never said ANYTHING against gays. And.......that's the person you guys claim to follow, right?

Does it make the KJV wrong to be in English? Short answer, no. However, you should also have a Torah scholar that is handy to translate for you, so that you can get the true intent, and not just what your, or your preacher's, interpretation is. Might wanna go directly to the source.

Try again Stinky Lips.

and u fail......ok ill look at ur lil scholar list and what do i see?....leviticus....putting death to those who r homosexual....but wait oooo noooo its just a jews let me just take that part out of the bible and i dont have to worry about that part cuz im not jewish....seriously u cant just pick and choose what u want to believe out of the biblea....its clear cut and dry....God didnt specificaly say to the jews that they will die if they commit these acts....ever heard of the ten commandments? or that just for jews too?....failure
You really are stupid, ain't ya? Which is it you're going to follow, Judaic theology, or Christian theology.

Remember, Yeshua didn't come for the Jews, he came for the Gentiles (everyone NOT Jewish).

So which is it?

Did you know?
* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

LGBT Texts
You really are stupid, ain't ya? Which is it you're going to follow, Judaic theology, or Christian theology.

Remember, Yeshua didn't come for the Jews, he came for the Gentiles (everyone NOT Jewish).

So which is it?

Did you know?
* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

LGBT Texts

and ur really stupid to justify homosexual behavior because....animals practice it?....nice try fag ur a smart one..."hey if animals can do it so can we" bahahaha ur an idiot
No, Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians) never said ANYTHING against gays. And.......that's the person you guys claim to follow, right?
I always found it amusing how Christians depict their messiah. They got the name and color of his skin completely wrong. heh. :lol:

and ur really stupid to justify homosexual behavior because....animals practice it?....nice try fag ur a smart one..."hey if animals can do it so can we" bahahaha ur an idiot

I didn't realize points can fly that far above people's heads, but you gotta have won an award for missing that one...
You really are stupid, ain't ya? Which is it you're going to follow, Judaic theology, or Christian theology.

Remember, Yeshua didn't come for the Jews, he came for the Gentiles (everyone NOT Jewish).

So which is it?

Did you know?
* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

LGBT Texts

and ur really stupid to justify homosexual behavior because....animals practice it?....nice try fag ur a smart one..."hey if animals can do it so can we" bahahaha ur an idiot

Well Stinky Lips, considering that you missed the 11 points above that one, you've once again, proven yourself to be quite the idiot. the way, are you still in school? I'm wondering when you're going to learn to spell complete words.
You refer to the word/term "marriage", of course, yes? Tell me, what language were these passages originally written in? What is the original word used for that union between a man and a woman?

I bet it wasn't "marriage". The term doesn't belong to you.

If you really wanted answers rather than just an argument, you would have brought the scriptures up and shown me where I was wrong. However, I will address it anyway.

The only union mentioned in the Bible is between man and woman. That union is a union by God's design, and "what God has joined together... “Is it lawful for a MAN to divorce...” (Matthew 19:3). “Therefore what God has joined together, let no MAN put asunder [ apart ]” (Matthew 19:6b).
With that said, It is a "marriage" that God has designed that matters. Any other marriage may happen, but God is not in it. So, do whatever you want about your marriage, or about gay marriage, I believe the Bible is clear on the matter, and I know God is clear on it.

Wrong. Check my last post. Or.......better yet as you pinheads continually ask for proof, here's some from a SCHOLARLY SITE for sacred texts of just about every religion.

Did you know?
* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

David and Jonathan

There is an extensive and very sympathetic description of a same-sex relationship in the Bible, the story of David and Jonathan, e.g.: 1 Samuel 18:1-5, 1 Samuel 19:1-7, 1 Samuel 20:30-42, 2 Samuel 1:25-6. While their bond is described as non-sexual, it is difficult to characterize it as purely one of friendship.

Jonathan was the son of Saul, David's nemesis. Their souls are described as 'knit together'. David and Jonathan 'made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.' The word convenant is significant, because in the Tanach this word always implies a formal legal agreement. To mark this convenant, Jonathan literally gives David the clothes off of his back, as well as other gifts such as weapons.

Later in the narrative, Jonathan successfully intercedes with Saul to spare David's life. At their last meeing, 1 Samuel 20:41, they are described as kissing one another and weeping together. David's grief at Jonathan's death is profound and moving. In Davids lament for Jonathan he describes their friendship as '(sur)passing the love of women'. This elegy, 2 Samuel 1:18-27. known as 'the Bow,' is one of the most beloved passages in the Hebrew Bible.

This narrative far outweighs the two trivial aspersions against same-sex love in Leviticus. The bigots who use the Bible to assault gays are apparently blind to it.

LGBT Texts

Might wanna check your Bible again there dude. Incidentally, the OT was originally written in Hebrew (as it IS the book of the Jews), and then was translated from Hebrew to Greek, then from Greek to Latin, and finally from Latin into English. Now.........if anyone has ever played the game "telephone" as a kid, you know that things definitely get lost in the translation. Same thing with the Bible.

There are so many things in this post that are just incorrect. Much of what is written is twisting words, or saying words that the Bible does not say. I will only address part of it. However, Jonathan and David were not gay, but I know that is a story gays love to use because I am sure they read it a lot and read into it their fantacies, and sexual pleasures. It is about two very young people, so some gays really get off on that. They were not gay, abd their story is about an awesome friendship.

Now to tha part I want to address. I really don't care to convince anyone of anythiing (That is the task of the Holy Spirit) I just express my understanding which comes from years of study, and years in a real and awesome relationship with God in Christ.

This is your "scholarly" information, LOL. and below each statement I give you my take on it. I know you don't care, and obviously you don't quite understand what "scholarly" means.

"Did you know?
* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.

Smartt: The Bible says nothing, in specific terms, about abortion, marijuana, pornography, sexting, and many other topics. However, that does not mean those things are not sin.

* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.

Smartt: I really don't care about the Quran.

* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.

Smartt: A scholar would note that the laws in Leviticus were for a specific people at a specific time. They do not apply today, even for the Jews, even if they use some of them.

* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.

Smartt33: Just because Jesus did not mention something does not mean He doesn't condemn it. Also just because He does not mention something does not mean He condones it. However, He does mention His thoughts about sin, and other parts of the Bible address that.

* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.

Smartt: We can consider that. However, we also know what kind of people those strangers were, and it is also known that Sodom was a city full of sin, among which was a lot of homosexuality. Just takes an honest study to know that.

* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.

Smartt: The Bible never talks about it specifically. However, it does clearly ONLY talk about Unions, (marriage) between a man and a woman. It gives guidelines that are clear, and Jesus was also clear about lust.

* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.

Smartt: All I can say about that statement is, it is a lie. But I will allow for specific proof. Please.

* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.

Smartt: I agree that this is one of the greatest mysteries I have had to study. I don't have a full grasp on just what it all means, but I do have an opinion. However, that is not related to homosexuality. It is related to adultery.

* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.

Smartt: Point? Because it is not there specifically doesn't mean anything. It is there clearly in principle...throughout the Bible.

* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.

Smartt: Redundant...Why?

* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.

Smartt: OK, They have a different God.

* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals. "

Smartt: It is unnatural, and that is mentioned in Romans 1. However, just because other species do it doesn't mean it is natural. If you get right down to it, in the same meaning of natural, sin is natural. Sin is also sin, and wrong.

There is nothing scholarly about that particular portion of the site you were quoting. I suppose the rest of it is just as ignorant.
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If you really wanted answers rather than just an argument, you would have brought the scriptures up and shown me where I was wrong. However, I will address it anyway.

The only union mentioned in the Bible is between man and woman. That union is a union by God's design, and "what God has joined together... “Is it lawful for a MAN to divorce...” (Matthew 19:3). “Therefore what God has joined together, let no MAN put asunder [ apart ]” (Matthew 19:6b).
With that said, It is a "marriage" that God has designed that matters. Any other marriage may happen, but God is not in it. So, do whatever you want about your marriage, or about gay marriage, I believe the Bible is clear on the matter, and I know God is clear on it.

Wrong. Check my last post. Or.......better yet as you pinheads continually ask for proof, here's some from a SCHOLARLY SITE for sacred texts of just about every religion.

David and Jonathan

There is an extensive and very sympathetic description of a same-sex relationship in the Bible, the story of David and Jonathan, e.g.: 1 Samuel 18:1-5, 1 Samuel 19:1-7, 1 Samuel 20:30-42, 2 Samuel 1:25-6. While their bond is described as non-sexual, it is difficult to characterize it as purely one of friendship.

Jonathan was the son of Saul, David's nemesis. Their souls are described as 'knit together'. David and Jonathan 'made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.' The word convenant is significant, because in the Tanach this word always implies a formal legal agreement. To mark this convenant, Jonathan literally gives David the clothes off of his back, as well as other gifts such as weapons.

Later in the narrative, Jonathan successfully intercedes with Saul to spare David's life. At their last meeing, 1 Samuel 20:41, they are described as kissing one another and weeping together. David's grief at Jonathan's death is profound and moving. In Davids lament for Jonathan he describes their friendship as '(sur)passing the love of women'. This elegy, 2 Samuel 1:18-27. known as 'the Bow,' is one of the most beloved passages in the Hebrew Bible.

This narrative far outweighs the two trivial aspersions against same-sex love in Leviticus. The bigots who use the Bible to assault gays are apparently blind to it.

LGBT Texts

Might wanna check your Bible again there dude. Incidentally, the OT was originally written in Hebrew (as it IS the book of the Jews), and then was translated from Hebrew to Greek, then from Greek to Latin, and finally from Latin into English. Now.........if anyone has ever played the game "telephone" as a kid, you know that things definitely get lost in the translation. Same thing with the Bible.

There are so many things in this post that are just incorrect. Much of what is written is twisting words, or saying words that the Bible does not say. I will only address part of it. However, Jonathan and David were not gay, but I know that is a story gays love to use because I am sure they read it a lot and read into it their fantacies, and sexual pleasures. It is about two very young people, so some gays really get off on that. They were not gay, abd their story is about an awesome friendship.

Now to tha part I want to address. I really don't care to convince anyone of anythiing (That is the task of the Holy Spirit) I just express my understanding which comes from years of study, and years in a real and awesome relationship with God in Christ.

This is your "scholarly" information, LOL. and below each statement I give you my take on it. I know you don't care, and obviously you don't quite understand what "scholarly" means.

"Did you know?
* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.

Smartt: The Bible says nothing, in specific terms, about abortion, marijuana, pornography, sexting, and many other topics. However, that does not mean those things are not sin.

* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.

Smartt: I really don't care about the Quran.

* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.

Smartt: A scholar would note that the laws in Leviticus were for a specific people at a specific time. They do not apply today, even for the Jews, even if they use some of them.

* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.

Just because Jesus did not mention something does not mean He doesn't condemn it. Also just because He does not mention something does not mean He condones it. However, He does mention His thoughts about sin, and other parts of the Bible address that.

* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.

Smartt: We can consider that. However, we also know what kind of people those strangers were, and it is also known that Sodom was a city full of sin, among which was a lot of homosexuality. Just takes an honest study to know that.

* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.

The Bible never talks about it specifically. However, it does clearly ONLY talk about Unions, (marriage) between a man and a woman. It gives guidelines that are clear, and Jesus was also clear about lust.

* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.

Smartt: All I can say about that statement is, it is a lie. But I will allow for specific proof. Please.

* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.

Smartt: I agree that this is one of the greatest mysteries I have had to study. I don't have a full grasp on just what it all means, but I fdo have an opinion. That is not related to homosexuality. It is related to adultery.

* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.

Smartt: Point? Because it is not there epecifically doesn't mean anything. It is there clearly in principle...throughout the Bible.

* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.

Smartt: Redundant...Why?

* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.

Smartt: OK, They have a different God.

* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals. "

Smartt: It is unnatural, and that is mentioned in Romans 1. However, just because other species do it doesn't mean it is natural. If you get right down to it, in the same meaning of natural, sin is natural. Sin is also sin and wrong.

There is nothing scholarly about that particular portion of the site you were quoting. I suppose the rest of it is just as ignorant.

There is NO study of the Bible. Just memorizing passages and not questioning anything. Otherwise, you would laugh your silly ass off at stories like "Noah's Ark" and "Samson".

Drives me nuts when people claim to "speak for Jesus". I understand that he's the worlds favorite "pin-up", but enough is enough. Funny that a carpenter who supposedly made "stuff" and who people thought was a "deity" never left behind a single thing he actually made. How can that be?

Worse, his miracles are perfored today by Binny Henn. Now, if he could grow back an arm or leg or even a head, THAT would be a miracle. But making the blind see, or lame walk. Those are scams.

The Qur'an also says that if you are a martyr, you will go to heaven and be waited on by 72 virgin girls or boys. Sounds more like pedophilia than gay.

Religion is for the credulous. For people who have no structure in their lives and are looking to be told what to do and how to live.

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