Christianity Defined

I think we may be closer to the same page than it appears. I'm not looking for a government program to micromanage us... for day to day living most of us understand minding our own business.

Most of us.

Not all of us. Some Monkeys are broken.

Hence the need for rules and a system of enforcement that most of us perceive as fair.

Whose list of ten commandments do we follow? Why?
I think we may be closer to the same page than it appears. I'm not looking for a government program to micromanage us... for day to day living most of us understand minding our own business.

Most of us.

Not all of us. Some Monkeys are broken.

Hence the need for rules and a system of enforcement that most of us perceive as fair.

Whose list of ten commandments do we follow? Why? don't have to necessarily follow the 10 Commandments.

If you wish, there is a shorter list called the 7 Noahide Commandments.

Either way, they both say the same thing, and both are a good way for keeping alive. And.................most other religions have some form of them as part of their framework.
So who decides?

What shall be the standard against which Americans will be measured?

Obviously, if we are to remain a free and pluralistic society, the standard can't follow any one religion or philosophy in lock-step, but I think that we can assume that every religion or philosophy worth following at all would have similar basic standards of behavior.

Thou shall not steal...
Thou shall not kill...
Don't be a dick...

What we need to take from religion and philosophy is basic standards of behavior that we can codify in to enforceable laws that we can agree on enough to get through congress and update as needed... the rest, from tithing to Sharia Law, should be left to individual choice.

Who decides? We, The People decide, that's who. With final determination up to the duly elected and appointed officers of the courts.
This is what I think.

Either don't believe in God; or
Believe in God and that he's perfect.

There is no other choice
There's at least one other:

Believe in the possibility of God, knowing full well that the only thing that can be known of God is that everything of God is unknowable.

that's the irony though, there are things that are mysteries of God we won't know on this side of life -- but, people that don't believe use this saying that it is "lack of proof" - an excuse to NOT believe. Double edged sword....

Let's just say that if God is, She seems little concerned with the day-to-day life on a wet rock in space we call Earth.

He's been especially absent ever since the age of miracles crossed paths on the Timeline with the technology to document them. ;)

Not true. Miracles happen all the time, even Drs. can't explain many of them.
If you do some research, you will find them.
People just don't WANT to believe them..
Morgan Lake's story dramatic reminder that God is real, miracles happen | Fox News

Has a God ever taken credible credit for one?

Miracles are supposed to give credibility to both self-declared and appointed spokesmen for God.

If Ezekiel and some of the other ancient stories are to be believed, discerning who was a true spokesman for God was as easy as following the miracles.

It's difficult to put all the nuances of living a life into a Bible (or any book) - we are to search our hearts and minds for God and revelation of truth. I think there are things we "can't not know" and I think that there is a God that loves us unconditionally is one of them. I think people become very skilled at making excuses and relying on their own (and others) limited intellect and pushing God and Christianity off to the side calling it a "fairy tale" because it's easier to do that than to acknowledge a truth that they can not (necessarily) prove by certain criteria (also created by man)....

Bottom line. We don't want to answer to anyone and if we do, we want to on OUR terms.
That is NOT how God works.
If God is our Father, He doesn't seem to be interested in our day to day development as a Sentient World. If Time is our Daddy, I suppose we're lucky to have the gift we get.

Either way, Mamma's little bastards are here and we seem to be on our own figuring out how to grow between a dog-eat-dog world of survival on a living planet and a truly Sentient World.

We just have to decide between living for our ancestors and living for our children.

To us, this world, this life, it FOREMOST
And that is where things go wrong..........

It's life AFTER this one that matters.
If our focus was on THAT (God's Kingdom) it would completely change your outlook.

80 years here vs. Eternity.

What should be your priority?
Christianity is finding god through a book. No book, no god. Can't read? Too bad.

Not true. You can also HEAR the word of God.
... and there is always Braille also....
God is a God of miracles; there is always a way.......
Like I said, no book, no god.

God existed long before there was a Bible. anyway.........
But he didn't have anyone to worship him, so some people wrote a book. Ya, that makes sense. :D

No, he had men write a book as a means of communicating his plan with us.
Ya, because god has no other way to communicate with us. Geez, you're getting dumber by the post. :D
So god gives us cancer, then we get the blame. You're an idiot.

This is what I think.

Either don't believe in God; or
Believe in God and that he's perfect.

There is no other choice
There's at least one other:

Believe in the possibility of God, knowing full well that the only thing that can be known of God is that everything of God is unknowable.

that's the irony though, there are things that are mysteries of God we won't know on this side of life -- but, people that don't believe use this saying that it is "lack of proof" - an excuse to NOT believe. Double edged sword....

Believing in what you want to in a truly free society is the easy part... it's truly giving everyone else in the world that simple freedom that appears to be the hink-up.


When I was an atheist, I felt annoyed that people would not "leave me alone" - I didn't feel they were forcing me to believe or even their beliefs on me.

As a Christian, I feel I would not be a good Christian if I didn't talk to people about God/Jesus and stand up for Him as his ambassador here on earth. He doesn't NEED me to, he's perfect, but, it's how I serve him.
Because god can't do shit without simpletons to do it for him?
This is what I think.

Either don't believe in God; or
Believe in God and that he's perfect.

There is no other choice
There's at least one other:

Believe in the possibility of God, knowing full well that the only thing that can be known of God is that everything of God is unknowable.

that's the irony though, there are things that are mysteries of God we won't know on this side of life -- but, people that don't believe use this saying that it is "lack of proof" - an excuse to NOT believe. Double edged sword....

Believing in what you want to in a truly free society is the easy part... it's truly giving everyone else in the world that simple freedom that appears to be the hink-up.


When I was an atheist, I felt annoyed that people would not "leave me alone" - I didn't feel they were forcing me to believe or even their beliefs on me.

As a Christian, I feel I would not be a good Christian if I didn't talk to people about God/Jesus and stand up for Him as his ambassador here on earth. He doesn't NEED me to, he's perfect, but, it's how I serve him.
Because god can't do shit without simpletons to do it for him?

No, because God created us for a purpose.
He could come down and order us around and we could be like robots.
Maybe that's what you would want..........
Not true. You can also HEAR the word of God.
... and there is always Braille also....
God is a God of miracles; there is always a way.......
Like I said, no book, no god.

God existed long before there was a Bible. anyway.........
But he didn't have anyone to worship him, so some people wrote a book. Ya, that makes sense. :D

No, he had men write a book as a means of communicating his plan with us.
Ya, because god has no other way to communicate with us. Geez, you're getting dumber by the post. :D

God can do anything
His ways are perfect - what makes you think you know better?
If you think what I am saying is dumb, you are calling God dumb, not me....
There's at least one other:

Believe in the possibility of God, knowing full well that the only thing that can be known of God is that everything of God is unknowable.

that's the irony though, there are things that are mysteries of God we won't know on this side of life -- but, people that don't believe use this saying that it is "lack of proof" - an excuse to NOT believe. Double edged sword....

Believing in what you want to in a truly free society is the easy part... it's truly giving everyone else in the world that simple freedom that appears to be the hink-up.


When I was an atheist, I felt annoyed that people would not "leave me alone" - I didn't feel they were forcing me to believe or even their beliefs on me.

As a Christian, I feel I would not be a good Christian if I didn't talk to people about God/Jesus and stand up for Him as his ambassador here on earth. He doesn't NEED me to, he's perfect, but, it's how I serve him.
Because god can't do shit without simpletons to do it for him?

No, because God created us for a purpose.
He could come down and order us around and we could be like robots.
Maybe that's what you would want..........
Isn't it robotic to blindly follow a book? Me, I'm free, I can do what I want.
Like I said, no book, no god.

God existed long before there was a Bible. anyway.........
But he didn't have anyone to worship him, so some people wrote a book. Ya, that makes sense. :D

No, he had men write a book as a means of communicating his plan with us.
Ya, because god has no other way to communicate with us. Geez, you're getting dumber by the post. :D

God can do anything
His ways are perfect - what makes you think you know better?
If you think what I am saying is dumb, you are calling God dumb, not me....
You keep saying that god is perfect, then why all the diseases, cancer, Downs syndrome, children with terminal afflictions or born deformed, poverty, famine...? And no, it's not because some naked guy with a leaf on his dick ate an apple.
God existed long before there was a Bible. anyway.........
But he didn't have anyone to worship him, so some people wrote a book. Ya, that makes sense. :D

No, he had men write a book as a means of communicating his plan with us.
Ya, because god has no other way to communicate with us. Geez, you're getting dumber by the post. :D

God can do anything
His ways are perfect - what makes you think you know better?
If you think what I am saying is dumb, you are calling God dumb, not me....
You keep saying that god is perfect, then why all the diseases, cancer, Downs syndrome, children with terminal afflictions or born deformed, poverty, famine...? And no, it's not because some naked guy with a leaf on his dick ate an apple.

Actually, Eve was the instigator (well Satan was actually) but anyway - Adam was guilty for not being a man and keeping Eve in line (ahem) - but yes, that is why there is all that stuff... but like I told Average Joe, our existence is eternal. People place too much emphasis on our limited time here on Earth/in these bodies that don't last....
You keep saying that god is perfect, then why all the diseases, cancer, Downs syndrome, children with terminal afflictions or born deformed, poverty, famine...? And no, it's not because some naked guy with a leaf on his dick ate an apple.
It would be great if HaShev explained to you what "ADAM" means but he, instead of teaching, engages in petty attacks on other's beliefs… ...well, the Talmud cannot be taught to everybody though, so he keeps things according to the restrictions about teaching it...
But he didn't have anyone to worship him, so some people wrote a book. Ya, that makes sense. :D

No, he had men write a book as a means of communicating his plan with us.
Ya, because god has no other way to communicate with us. Geez, you're getting dumber by the post. :D

God can do anything
His ways are perfect - what makes you think you know better?
If you think what I am saying is dumb, you are calling God dumb, not me....
You keep saying that god is perfect, then why all the diseases, cancer, Downs syndrome, children with terminal afflictions or born deformed, poverty, famine...? And no, it's not because some naked guy with a leaf on his dick ate an apple.

Actually, Eve was the instigator (well Satan was actually) but anyway - Adam was guilty for not being a man and keeping Eve in line (ahem) - but yes, that is why there is all that stuff... but like I told Average Joe, our existence is eternal. People place too much emphasis on our limited time here on Earth/in these bodies that don't last....
So in other words, your life is shit, but that's ok because there's much better to come when you're dead. That's so lame.
No, he had men write a book as a means of communicating his plan with us.
Ya, because god has no other way to communicate with us. Geez, you're getting dumber by the post. :D

God can do anything
His ways are perfect - what makes you think you know better?
If you think what I am saying is dumb, you are calling God dumb, not me....
You keep saying that god is perfect, then why all the diseases, cancer, Downs syndrome, children with terminal afflictions or born deformed, poverty, famine...? And no, it's not because some naked guy with a leaf on his dick ate an apple.

Actually, Eve was the instigator (well Satan was actually) but anyway - Adam was guilty for not being a man and keeping Eve in line (ahem) - but yes, that is why there is all that stuff... but like I told Average Joe, our existence is eternal. People place too much emphasis on our limited time here on Earth/in these bodies that don't last....
So in other words, your life is shit, but that's ok because there's much better to come when you're dead. That's so lame.

Opinions (and beliefs) vary. Only God can change you.........
Ya, because god has no other way to communicate with us. Geez, you're getting dumber by the post. :D

God can do anything
His ways are perfect - what makes you think you know better?
If you think what I am saying is dumb, you are calling God dumb, not me....
You keep saying that god is perfect, then why all the diseases, cancer, Downs syndrome, children with terminal afflictions or born deformed, poverty, famine...? And no, it's not because some naked guy with a leaf on his dick ate an apple.

Actually, Eve was the instigator (well Satan was actually) but anyway - Adam was guilty for not being a man and keeping Eve in line (ahem) - but yes, that is why there is all that stuff... but like I told Average Joe, our existence is eternal. People place too much emphasis on our limited time here on Earth/in these bodies that don't last....
So in other words, your life is shit, but that's ok because there's much better to come when you're dead. That's so lame.

Opinions (and beliefs) vary. Only God can change you.........
So why doesn't he? :dunno:
God can do anything
His ways are perfect - what makes you think you know better?
If you think what I am saying is dumb, you are calling God dumb, not me....
You keep saying that god is perfect, then why all the diseases, cancer, Downs syndrome, children with terminal afflictions or born deformed, poverty, famine...? And no, it's not because some naked guy with a leaf on his dick ate an apple.

Actually, Eve was the instigator (well Satan was actually) but anyway - Adam was guilty for not being a man and keeping Eve in line (ahem) - but yes, that is why there is all that stuff... but like I told Average Joe, our existence is eternal. People place too much emphasis on our limited time here on Earth/in these bodies that don't last....
So in other words, your life is shit, but that's ok because there's much better to come when you're dead. That's so lame.

Opinions (and beliefs) vary. Only God can change you.........
So why doesn't he? :dunno:

Do you WANT him to change you?
You keep saying that god is perfect, then why all the diseases, cancer, Downs syndrome, children with terminal afflictions or born deformed, poverty, famine...? And no, it's not because some naked guy with a leaf on his dick ate an apple.

Actually, Eve was the instigator (well Satan was actually) but anyway - Adam was guilty for not being a man and keeping Eve in line (ahem) - but yes, that is why there is all that stuff... but like I told Average Joe, our existence is eternal. People place too much emphasis on our limited time here on Earth/in these bodies that don't last....
So in other words, your life is shit, but that's ok because there's much better to come when you're dead. That's so lame.

Opinions (and beliefs) vary. Only God can change you.........
So why doesn't he? :dunno:

Do you WANT him to change you?
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D
Actually, Eve was the instigator (well Satan was actually) but anyway - Adam was guilty for not being a man and keeping Eve in line (ahem) - but yes, that is why there is all that stuff... but like I told Average Joe, our existence is eternal. People place too much emphasis on our limited time here on Earth/in these bodies that don't last....
So in other words, your life is shit, but that's ok because there's much better to come when you're dead. That's so lame.

Opinions (and beliefs) vary. Only God can change you.........
So why doesn't he? :dunno:

Do you WANT him to change you?
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
So in other words, your life is shit, but that's ok because there's much better to come when you're dead. That's so lame.

Opinions (and beliefs) vary. Only God can change you.........
So why doesn't he? :dunno:

Do you WANT him to change you?
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

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