Christianity Defined

Christianity is the religion of following a book of fables and an invisible god who'll burn you for all eternity if you don't follow said book of fiction.

Wrong. Christianity is the religion of turning away from wrong-doing, discerning the will of God and following it.

Everything else is either embroidery or people jumping to wrong conclusions.
Christianity is also the religion of the god who gives believers cancer and a horrible painful death.

That is of our own doing.

If we had obeyed Him from day one, we would not have introduced sin and everything that that comes along with it.....
So god gives us cancer, then we get the blame. You're an idiot.

This is what I think.

Either don't believe in God; or
Believe in God and that he's perfect.

There is no other choice
I can believe that god is an asshole, after all, we're made in his image, right?
Christianity is also the religion of the god who gives believers cancer and a horrible painful death.

That is of our own doing.

If we had obeyed Him from day one, we would not have introduced sin and everything that that comes along with it.....
So god gives us cancer, then we get the blame. You're an idiot.

This is what I think.

Either don't believe in God; or
Believe in God and that he's perfect.

There is no other choice
There's at least one other:

Believe in the possibility of God, knowing full well that the only thing that can be known of God is that everything of God is unknowable.

that's the irony though, there are things that are mysteries of God we won't know on this side of life -- but, people that don't believe use this saying that it is "lack of proof" - an excuse to NOT believe. Double edged sword....

Let's just say that if God is, She seems little concerned with the day-to-day life on a wet rock in space we call Earth.

He's been especially absent ever since the age of miracles crossed paths on the Timeline with the technology to document them. ;)
the bible was clearly written by jews to benefit jews...not a bad thing realize that jesus states he came only for the you live as the bible instructs ....i doubt that...i am always amused by your great christian act ....i simpy cannot reason why you do it? you seem to as president carter said...'lust in your heart' a wee when i drank i could put away some liquor and i never ask anyone if they wanted their asshole licked.....and i didnt have to be a christian not to not be a slut....and asshole licking is slutty in my book...
Christianity is finding god through a book. No book, no god. Can't read? Too bad.

Not true. You can also HEAR the word of God.
... and there is always Braille also....
God is a God of miracles; there is always a way.......
Like I said, no book, no god.

God existed long before there was a Bible. anyway.........
But he didn't have anyone to worship him, so some people wrote a book. Ya, that makes sense. :D
the bible was clearly written by jews to benefit jews...not a bad thing realize that jesus states he came only for the you live as the bible instructs ....i doubt that...i am always amused by your great christian act ....i simpy cannot reason why you do it? you seem to as president carter said...'lust in your heart' a wee when i drank i could put away some liquor and i never ask anyone if they wanted their asshole licked.....and i didnt have to be a christian not to not be a slut....and asshole licking is slutty in my book...

Might want to re-check that Bones, because Jesus (on his way to cast the demons out of a man and into some pigs that He sent over a cliff), was recognized by a Jewish person and he told the man to be quiet, because He didn't come for the Jews, He came for everyone else. And, after He'd cast the demons out of the man, He then told the man to tell everyone what God had done for him via Jesus.
A friend of mine told me something that has stuck with me ever since he'd said it.........

I'm not a human being in search of a spiritual experience, I'm a spiritual being having a human experience.

And.................I also believe that God is way too big to be contained in just one belief system or dogma. I also believe something that I read in a book called "Illusions". "The original sin is to limit the Is. Don't".

Basically meaning that I shouldn't put limits on God or how He speaks to others, just be concerned with what He says to me and listen.

When I was younger, due to various circumstances, I ended up in a lot of churches. Was baptized Lutheran, but also was exposed to other churches like Methodist, Baptist and Catholic. Most of them told me that the previous church I'd attended was wrong, and I had to believe as they did or be condemned to Hell forever. Pretty heavy trip for a foster kid who just showed up in your family.

After I left foster care, I turned my back on Christianity, because they couldn't agree on what the Bible said or what Jesus actually meant, because each faction was too busy arguing dogma with each other.

However...................I never stopped believing in God, and I kept looking for a way to possibly understand Him better.

He heard my request, and sent me a teacher who was a Taoist, who then taught me principles of Tao.

Interestingly enough, that led me back to Christianity, because it opened me up to all belief systems, and it also led me to Judaism and Buddhism.

Now? I'm a spiritual person who believes in God and I follow the 10 Commandments because they're a pretty good idea, but I really don't adhere to one single dogma, because as I said, God is too big to be defined by just one religion or dogma.

And...............if you look at the similarities in the various religions rather than just staring at the differences, you'd see that all of them have some form of Commandments, all of them have some form of the Golden Rule, and all of them point to something beyond this reality called life.
Christianity is finding god through a book. No book, no god. Can't read? Too bad.

Not true. You can also HEAR the word of God.
... and there is always Braille also....
God is a God of miracles; there is always a way.......
Like I said, no book, no god.

God existed long before there was a Bible. anyway.........
But he didn't have anyone to worship him, so some people wrote a book. Ya, that makes sense. :D

No, he had men write a book as a means of communicating his plan with us.
Christianity is also the religion of the god who gives believers cancer and a horrible painful death.

That is of our own doing.

If we had obeyed Him from day one, we would not have introduced sin and everything that that comes along with it.....
So god gives us cancer, then we get the blame. You're an idiot.

This is what I think.

Either don't believe in God; or
Believe in God and that he's perfect.

There is no other choice
There's at least one other:

Believe in the possibility of God, knowing full well that the only thing that can be known of God is that everything of God is unknowable.

that's the irony though, there are things that are mysteries of God we won't know on this side of life -- but, people that don't believe use this saying that it is "lack of proof" - an excuse to NOT believe. Double edged sword....

Believing in what you want to in a truly free society is the easy part... it's truly giving everyone else in the world that simple freedom that appears to be the hink-up.

That is of our own doing.

If we had obeyed Him from day one, we would not have introduced sin and everything that that comes along with it.....
So god gives us cancer, then we get the blame. You're an idiot.

This is what I think.

Either don't believe in God; or
Believe in God and that he's perfect.

There is no other choice
There's at least one other:

Believe in the possibility of God, knowing full well that the only thing that can be known of God is that everything of God is unknowable.

that's the irony though, there are things that are mysteries of God we won't know on this side of life -- but, people that don't believe use this saying that it is "lack of proof" - an excuse to NOT believe. Double edged sword....

Believing in what you want to in a truly free society is the easy part... it's truly giving everyone else in the world that simple freedom that appears to be the hink-up.


When I was an atheist, I felt annoyed that people would not "leave me alone" - I didn't feel they were forcing me to believe or even their beliefs on me.

As a Christian, I feel I would not be a good Christian if I didn't talk to people about God/Jesus and stand up for Him as his ambassador here on earth. He doesn't NEED me to, he's perfect, but, it's how I serve him.
That is of our own doing.

If we had obeyed Him from day one, we would not have introduced sin and everything that that comes along with it.....
So god gives us cancer, then we get the blame. You're an idiot.

This is what I think.

Either don't believe in God; or
Believe in God and that he's perfect.

There is no other choice
There's at least one other:

Believe in the possibility of God, knowing full well that the only thing that can be known of God is that everything of God is unknowable.

that's the irony though, there are things that are mysteries of God we won't know on this side of life -- but, people that don't believe use this saying that it is "lack of proof" - an excuse to NOT believe. Double edged sword....

Believing in what you want to in a truly free society is the easy part... it's truly giving everyone else in the world that simple freedom that appears to be the hink-up.


Also, I don't think people HAVE to live a certain way.
I think they should for their own good, no really how they live, but, to be saved and have relationship with God.
What they do is between them and God.
Are some Christians defining themselves rather than the entire faith? Some Christians are behaving in a decidedly in-Christian manner. They want to impose their narrow template of morality on the wider, secular world. It's an old tradition for the zealous. Inquisitions, purges, witch hunts are all part of the history of religious fundamentalists and zealots.

These Christians rail about what they perceive as a War on Christmas as if their observance of the holiday is the one and true way to celebrate. The seasonal exchange of "Happy Holidays" offends them. They seem to forget that late December is chock full of holidays celebrated by other faiths. But "Happy Holidays" has enough of a barb as perceived by these Christians as to deeply offend.

Some Christians insist that the myth of Genesis be taught as scientific fact. The insecurity these Christians feel over being classified as other mammals scares them silly. Therefore the eschew science and embrace the musings of a Bronze Age philosopher as incontrovertible fact.

Now, some Christians insist that their interpretation of scripture includes a get out of jail free card, a waiver, if. You will, to ignore the basic tenets of the faith; love thy neighbor as you would be loved, judge not lest he be judged and, cast not the first stone for you are with sin. Somehow they found a scrap of scripture allowing them to forget those beautiful and deep teachings whenever homosexuals are concerned.

It is given that such Christians are fundamentalists. As with all religious fundamentalism, whenever it rears its intolerant head, open minds, open hearts, forgiveness and brotherhood are lost. Even for those who profess a faith that is loving, forgiving and full of spiritual grace.

For the record, I am a Christian. In my 59 years on this earth loving and worshipping the risen Christ, I have never been told that deviance from Christ's teaching is acceptable when facing homosexuals.

Frankly, I am embarrassed by fundamentalism at best, frightened by their judgmental zealotry at worst.

I have a cousin living in rural West Virginia. This summer, she told me about the missionary work her daughter had done in sub-Saharan Africa. I was intrigued. I expected to hear stories of her and her church group digging wells or building hospitals and schools. Instead, she told me that their mission in Africa was to combat witchcraft. With all the true problems of the world's poorest people, they thought that they could ride into an African village and excerises witches. How disappointing it was to listen to talented people forego their gifts of tangible help and focus, like 17th century residents of Salem Mass. on something as banal as witches.
That is of our own doing.

If we had obeyed Him from day one, we would not have introduced sin and everything that that comes along with it.....
So god gives us cancer, then we get the blame. You're an idiot.

This is what I think.

Either don't believe in God; or
Believe in God and that he's perfect.

There is no other choice
There's at least one other:

Believe in the possibility of God, knowing full well that the only thing that can be known of God is that everything of God is unknowable.

that's the irony though, there are things that are mysteries of God we won't know on this side of life -- but, people that don't believe use this saying that it is "lack of proof" - an excuse to NOT believe. Double edged sword....

Let's just say that if God is, She seems little concerned with the day-to-day life on a wet rock in space we call Earth.

He's been especially absent ever since the age of miracles crossed paths on the Timeline with the technology to document them. ;)

Not true. Miracles happen all the time, even Drs. can't explain many of them.
If you do some research, you will find them.
People just don't WANT to believe them..
Morgan Lake's story dramatic reminder that God is real, miracles happen | Fox News
Christianity is the religion of following a book of fables and an invisible god who'll burn you for all eternity if you don't follow said book of fiction.

Wrong. Christianity is the religion of turning away from wrong-doing, discerning the will of God and following it.

Everything else is either embroidery or people jumping to wrong conclusions.
Christianity is also the religion of the god who gives believers cancer and a horrible painful death.

That is of our own doing.

If we had obeyed Him from day one, we would not have introduced sin and everything that that comes along with it.....

Do you really think that there were options other than 'survival of the most fit' when planet earth was introduced to homo sapiens?

The good news is that no matter how the spark we know as 'human' came to be here, here we are. Whether Mother Earth was fertilized by Father Time or God the Father, Mamma's little semiSentient Monkeys are crawling all over her and wondering how we got here.

If God is our Father, He doesn't seem to be interested in our day to day development as a Sentient World. If Time is our Daddy, I suppose we're lucky to have the gift we get.

Either way, Mamma's little bastards are here and we seem to be on our own figuring out how to grow between a dog-eat-dog world of survival on a living planet and a truly Sentient World.

We just have to decide between living for our ancestors and living for our children.
So god gives us cancer, then we get the blame. You're an idiot.

This is what I think.

Either don't believe in God; or
Believe in God and that he's perfect.

There is no other choice
There's at least one other:

Believe in the possibility of God, knowing full well that the only thing that can be known of God is that everything of God is unknowable.

that's the irony though, there are things that are mysteries of God we won't know on this side of life -- but, people that don't believe use this saying that it is "lack of proof" - an excuse to NOT believe. Double edged sword....

Let's just say that if God is, She seems little concerned with the day-to-day life on a wet rock in space we call Earth.

He's been especially absent ever since the age of miracles crossed paths on the Timeline with the technology to document them. ;)

Not true. Miracles happen all the time, even Drs. can't explain many of them.
If you do some research, you will find them.
People just don't WANT to believe them..
Morgan Lake's story dramatic reminder that God is real, miracles happen | Fox News

Has a God ever taken credible credit for one?

Miracles are supposed to give credibility to both self-declared and appointed spokesmen for God.

If Ezekiel and some of the other ancient stories are to be believed, discerning who was a true spokesman for God was as easy as following the miracles.
Try clearing your cache.

It's about the joy of doing God's good work:
"Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."--Psalm 137:9
Are those the Babylonians' little ones or the jews' little ones who need to be dashed against the stones?
Thank you for your insight. We all have a long journey ahead of us but a lot of "kids" around here have an even longer journey ahead of them yet as I see from their spiteful responses, mocking and blasphemy in a believer's eyes.
We learn every time we have another "task" to improve ourselves; some people are ahead of us, some are with us and some are behind us.
HaShev apparently is a student of the Talmud and understands more about the OT than many of us but then why would he engage in a quarrel with Christianity?
Bonzi you put out a good "fight" according to your belief and understanding while keeping your composure.
I myself support all peaceful religions and have no issues with pagans either….
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Might want to re-check that Bones, because Jesus (on his way to cast the demons out of a man and into some pigs that He sent over a cliff), was recognized by a Jewish person and he told the man to be quiet, because He didn't come for the Jews, He came for everyone else. And, after He'd cast the demons out of the man, He then told the man to tell everyone what God had done for him via Jesus.

:clap: Now that's a miracle!​
Christianity is also the religion of the god who gives believers cancer and a horrible painful death.

Tis true. God created a world where everyone dies, often horribly, leaving behind grief stricken friends and family to soldier on. Anything else?
You've done an EXCELLENT job of dancing around the question with your "personal responsibility" off-ramp, so I'll ask it straight up and personal.

In the 21st Century reality we share, who do you think should decide what is and what is not 'acceptable behavior'?​

Monkeys prove every day that trusting Monkeys to decide for themselves between right and wrong results in innocent Monkeys being hurt.

Monkeys need rules.​

Somewhere between an anarchy where the psychos with the deepest pockets to hire thugs with use the rest of us at their pleasure and Sharia Law lay a reasonable set of rules which, if enforced without prejudice, will result in peace.

Who decides? :dunno:

Let's try again. We are speaking of personal decisions in personal lives. I don't see how I can be more direct in stating that personal decisions in personal lives should be determined by the individual.

Do you really want to put together a committee to decide on what an individual should or should not do in his/her personal life? You want government to run individual lives?

As I said, I am favor of government telling its citizens, "Figure out your personal lives on your own. Government business is running the country not your life, so get over yourself and the thinking your decisions deserve government attention."

This is my direct answer. If you label any answer other than "Form a committee!" as dancing, so be it. But my final answer is let people run their own lives; the government runs the country, not personal issues.

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