Christianity Defined

Define "serving God". Please.

If that's too broad, please define it just in the relevant context of this post.

And remember... 'serving' is a verb... be as specific as possible.

I view serving God as living for him.
His 2 greatest commands are to love him and to love each other.
He also wants to be glorified (part of our loving him) and that's by giving him credit in all we do.
To be pleasing in his sight, by telling others about Jesus, and opening doors for God to draw others to himself, so that he might have relationship with them (other humans).
It is God's will that all be saved, but, we have to do our part by opening our minds and hearts to Him.
If that is not really what you were looking for or if I misunderstood your question - let me know.

Your image appears broken.... I can't see it...
"Best" according to who? :dunno:

Best according to you! Take responsibility! :smile:

In any situation, people can usually identify what is best. The problem is convincing ourselves that yes, the best really is worth our time and effort. Personally, I could use a drill sergeant constantly at my side, looking at me with his steely eyes and insisting I with it and do it right!

What's that mean? :dunno:

Who defines and describes what 'walking in the Spirit' is? :eusa_eh:

I use the Bible and scripture as my guide and "dictionary" in a case like this....

Christian's should strive to in the Spirit daily. Walking in the Spirit is done by consciously choosing by faith to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide in thought, word, and deed (Romans 6:11-14). Failure to rely on the Holy Spirit's guidance will result in a believer not living up to the calling that salvation provides (Philippians 1:27). We can know that we are walking in the Spirit if our lives are showing the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22,23). Being filled (walking) with the Spirit is the same as allowing the word of God/Christ (the Bible) to live in us (Colossians 3:16).
"Best" according to who? :dunno:

Best according to you! Take responsibility! :smile:

In any situation, people can usually identify what is best. The problem is convincing ourselves that yes, the best really is worth our time and effort. Personally, I could use a drill sergeant constantly at my side, looking at me with his steely eyes and insisting I with it and do it right!

According to me, gay marriage is just as valid as straight marriage.

According to me, abortion is a technology that isn't going to go away, so it should remain safe, legal and accessible to the families and individuals agonizing over a decision that involves that particular technology as an option, but it should never have been allowed to be come a for profit industry.

The problem with most things religious comes when you come to the inevitable conclusion that my drill Sargent is, in your humble opinion, lazy, and I aught to be taking orders from yours.

Either we're all free to fail or we're wasting our time.
According to me, gay marriage is just as valid as straight marriage.
Are you gay? If not, why are you weighing in on what gays should or should not do?

According to me, abortion is a technology that isn't going to go away, so it should remain safe, legal and accessible to the families and individuals agonizing over a decision that involves that particular technology as an option, but it should never have been allowed to be come a for profit industry.

Are you a pregnant woman? Then why are you weighing in on what a pregnant woman should or should not do?

It seems to me that you get ticked when you see religion advising people what they should or should not do, but then are quick to rush in yourself to advise others what they should or should not do.

The fact is, that society, saw that religion did not approve of certain things, so, they went along. Now, society sees that government is approving certain things and...they go along.

What if world leadership, be it in the form of government or religion, told simply told the people, "Do what is right, do what is best."
What if world leadership, be it in the form of government or religion, told simply told the people, "Do what is right, do what is best."

That would leave a LOT of power in the hands of those who get to decide what is 'right' and those who get to decide what is 'best'.
That would leave a LOT of power in the hands of those who get to decide what is 'right' and those who get to decide what is 'best'.

I am speaking of individual conscience formation. The government doesn't get to decide what is right or wrong. You don't get to decide what is right or wrong. Popular vote doesn't decide it.

Government is supposed to defend the country from any enemies. It is not in place to tell people what to do with their personal lives.

What's that mean? :dunno:

Who defines and describes what 'walking in the Spirit' is? :eusa_eh:

I use the Bible and scripture as my guide and "dictionary" in a case like this....

Christian's should strive to in the Spirit daily. Walking in the Spirit is done by consciously choosing by faith to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide in thought, word, and deed (Romans 6:11-14). Failure to rely on the Holy Spirit's guidance will result in a believer not living up to the calling that salvation provides (Philippians 1:27). We can know that we are walking in the Spirit if our lives are showing the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22,23). Being filled (walking) with the Spirit is the same as allowing the word of God/Christ (the Bible) to live in us (Colossians 3:16).

Thank you. A source at last.

I don't hold those ancient stories in the same esteem. I don't believe that I should have to abide by Christian Law any more than I should have to abide by Sharia Law.

I believe that I should only have to abide by the rules we all agree to abide by with our participation, or lack there of, at the ballot box.

What's next?
Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."--Psalm 137:9

The Psalmist is in exile and had probably witnessed the atrocities committed against his people, babies included. In the revenge-style that was common at the time, he wishes the same upon his enemy. Nowhere does it say that God approves of the Psalmist’s request or that he fulfilled it. Just because it is recorded that the Psalmist wrote about this "wish" or curse, doesn’t mean it was approved by God.

What's that mean? :dunno:

Who defines and describes what 'walking in the Spirit' is? :eusa_eh:

I use the Bible and scripture as my guide and "dictionary" in a case like this....

Christian's should strive to in the Spirit daily. Walking in the Spirit is done by consciously choosing by faith to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide in thought, word, and deed (Romans 6:11-14). Failure to rely on the Holy Spirit's guidance will result in a believer not living up to the calling that salvation provides (Philippians 1:27). We can know that we are walking in the Spirit if our lives are showing the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22,23). Being filled (walking) with the Spirit is the same as allowing the word of God/Christ (the Bible) to live in us (Colossians 3:16).

Thank you. A source at last.

I don't hold those ancient stories in the same esteem. I don't believe that I should have to abide by Christian Law any more than I should have to abide by Sharia Law.

I believe that I should only have to abide by the rules we all agree to abide by with our participation, or lack there of, at the ballot box.

What's next?

Obviously, our Government doesn't believe that either (that we HAVE to live by Christian principles).
I certainly don't support "forced" Christianity! It's impossible to force Christianity on someone anyway.....

I can't speak for all Christians, only myself, and I can only say that I believe we, as a nation, would be much better of if we lived by Godly principles. Again, I don't mean "forcing" people to be Christians.... but, I do mean honoring and thanking God for all we have. Just because the Government chooses to do this, doesn't mean the inhabitants of said-Country need to (freedom of religion).

Rest assured, this is NOT the way it will be, so, the world and the US will continue in the direction it is going, and things will wax worse and worse (I understand if you or others don't believe that....)

I guess time will tell.....

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