Christianity Defined

Opinions (and beliefs) vary. Only God can change you.........
So why doesn't he? :dunno:

Do you WANT him to change you?
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Because he wants you to reach out to him with a sincere heart... he created us with free will because he wants us to love him - he could have "made" us love him but, that's really not love when someone forces you ....
He does know, but until you are broken and contrite, he can't come to meet you - not when you are hard hearted and stubborn... willful....
So why doesn't he? :dunno:

Do you WANT him to change you?
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Because he wants you to reach out to him with a sincere heart... he created us with free will because he wants us to love him - he could have "made" us love him but, that's really not love when someone forces you ....
He does know, but until you are broken and contrite, he can't come to meet you - not when you are hard hearted and stubborn... willful....
It's not really love when someone forces you? LOL! If I don't love god, I burn for all eternity. :lol:
Do you WANT him to change you?
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Because he wants you to reach out to him with a sincere heart... he created us with free will because he wants us to love him - he could have "made" us love him but, that's really not love when someone forces you ....
He does know, but until you are broken and contrite, he can't come to meet you - not when you are hard hearted and stubborn... willful....
It's not really love when someone forces you? LOL! If I don't love god, I burn for all eternity. :lol:

You should not love God to avoid hell.
We don't really know what hell is like - but, you should come to God and salvation because it's all that matters.
It's unfortunately there is a place called Hell, but, regardless, if you say you're a Christian for the sole fact that you don't want to go to Hell when you die, that is not the right reason, and to be honest, I'm not the judge, but, if that is the only reason you are a Christian, I have to wonder....
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Because he wants you to reach out to him with a sincere heart... he created us with free will because he wants us to love him - he could have "made" us love him but, that's really not love when someone forces you ....
He does know, but until you are broken and contrite, he can't come to meet you - not when you are hard hearted and stubborn... willful....
It's not really love when someone forces you? LOL! If I don't love god, I burn for all eternity. :lol:

You should not love God to avoid hell.
We don't really know what hell is like - but, you should come to God and salvation because it's all that matters.
It's unfortunately there is a place called Hell, but, regardless, if you say you're a Christian for the sole fact that you don't want to go to Hell when you die, that is not the right reason, and to be honest, I'm not the judge, but, if that is the only reason you are a Christian, I have to wonder....
I'm also part muslim... but just for the 72 virgins. No carpet kissing for me. Well, not real carpets anyways. :D
Opinions (and beliefs) vary. Only God can change you.........
So why doesn't he? :dunno:

Do you WANT him to change you?
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Maybe He already has, you just haven't been paying attention or been too busy with your own stuff to listen.
If God is our Father, He doesn't seem to be interested in our day to day development as a Sentient World. If Time is our Daddy, I suppose we're lucky to have the gift we get.

Either way, Mamma's little bastards are here and we seem to be on our own figuring out how to grow between a dog-eat-dog world of survival on a living planet and a truly Sentient World.

We just have to decide between living for our ancestors and living for our children.

To us, this world, this life, it FOREMOST
And that is where things go wrong..........

It's life AFTER this one that matters.
If our focus was on THAT (God's Kingdom) it would completely change your outlook.

80 years here vs. Eternity.

What should be your priority?

Considering what is truly KNOWN about what happens when we die, I'll take the Time that I KNOW I get to spend.

One of the scariest moments in my life was coming to the conclusion that for all Monkeys truly know, we, both collectively and individually, are promised nothing beyond this moment in Time except memories and imagination.

First Monkey to come up with credible evidence of what lay beyond Death's door wins.

True story! :thup:
But he didn't have anyone to worship him, so some people wrote a book. Ya, that makes sense. :D

No, he had men write a book as a means of communicating his plan with us.
Ya, because god has no other way to communicate with us. Geez, you're getting dumber by the post. :D

God can do anything
His ways are perfect - what makes you think you know better?
If you think what I am saying is dumb, you are calling God dumb, not me....
You keep saying that god is perfect, then why all the diseases, cancer, Downs syndrome, children with terminal afflictions or born deformed, poverty, famine...? And no, it's not because some naked guy with a leaf on his dick ate an apple.

Actually, Eve was the instigator (well Satan was actually) but anyway - Adam was guilty for not being a man and keeping Eve in line (ahem) - but yes, that is why there is all that stuff... but like I told Average Joe, our existence is eternal. People place too much emphasis on our limited time here on Earth/in these bodies that don't last....

I hope that you're right and Sentient life somehow 'graduates' at our demise. But shame The Devil and tell the truth, nobody knows.

Statistically, The Pastafarians are just as likely to be right as are The Christians or The Muslims

If such a thing as life after death actually exists, do you really think that the ancient Arab stories starring the family of Abraham are the last word on how it all works?

Really? :eusa_eh:
So why doesn't he? :dunno:

Do you WANT him to change you?
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Maybe He already has, you just haven't been paying attention or been too busy with your own stuff to listen.
Let's see, I hear everyone who contacts who's real, by phone, internet or whatever, so... I missed his call?
You know Joe, it's not only the Abrahamic religions that believe in something after this existence, but it's also reflected in Tao, Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, and just about every other religion in the world.

Interestingly, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoist beliefs have some form of reincarnation in them. The only ones that don't are Christianity and Islam. And, to tell you the truth, I've seen documentaries and heard stories about people who believe they lived a previous life, and many of them were hard to discount because of the depth of detail provided, so because of that, I do believe there is something on the other side of this reality.

Whether or not we come back, well..........that depends on your belief system.

And no.................I don't think the Abrahamic religions are the only word on this, because God (or whatever you call a Higher Power) is going to talk to you in language you can understand and incorporate into your life, and that may mean He is going to talk to you via the verses in the Tao Te Ching, or the scriptures in the Talmud and the Torah, or possibly via the stories and legends handed down in Hindu or Native American beliefs. We all have different understandings. limit oneself to just one dogma or religion is to limit God in a sense.
Do you WANT him to change you?
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Maybe He already has, you just haven't been paying attention or been too busy with your own stuff to listen.
Let's see, I hear everyone who contacts who's real, by phone, internet or whatever, so... I missed his call?

Maybe He DID try to call, but you were busy talking to someone else, and when He got a busy tone, decided He'd try back later (maybe).
You know Joe, it's not only the Abrahamic religions that believe in something after this existence, but it's also reflected in Tao, Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, and just about every other religion in the world.

Interestingly, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoist beliefs have some form of reincarnation in them. The only ones that don't are Christianity and Islam. And, to tell you the truth, I've seen documentaries and heard stories about people who believe they lived a previous life, and many of them were hard to discount because of the depth of detail provided, so because of that, I do believe there is something on the other side of this reality.

Whether or not we come back, well..........that depends on your belief system.

And no.................I don't think the Abrahamic religions are the only word on this, because God (or whatever you call a Higher Power) is going to talk to you in language you can understand and incorporate into your life, and that may mean He is going to talk to you via the verses in the Tao Te Ching, or the scriptures in the Talmud and the Torah, or possibly via the stories and legends handed down in Hindu or Native American beliefs. We all have different understandings. limit oneself to just one dogma or religion is to limit God in a sense.

Kind of my point, Bro.
If God is our Father, He doesn't seem to be interested in our day to day development as a Sentient World. If Time is our Daddy, I suppose we're lucky to have the gift we get.

Either way, Mamma's little bastards are here and we seem to be on our own figuring out how to grow between a dog-eat-dog world of survival on a living planet and a truly Sentient World.

We just have to decide between living for our ancestors and living for our children.

To us, this world, this life, it FOREMOST
And that is where things go wrong..........

It's life AFTER this one that matters.
If our focus was on THAT (God's Kingdom) it would completely change your outlook.

80 years here vs. Eternity.

What should be your priority?

Considering what is truly KNOWN about what happens when we die, I'll take the Time that I KNOW I get to spend.

One of the scariest moments in my life was coming to the conclusion that for all Monkeys truly know, we, both collectively and individually, are promised nothing beyond this moment in Time except memories and imagination.

First Monkey to come up with credible evidence of what lay beyond Death's door wins.

True story! :thup:

So what do we know for a fact happens after we die?
But he didn't have anyone to worship him, so some people wrote a book. Ya, that makes sense. :D

No, he had men write a book as a means of communicating his plan with us.
Ya, because god has no other way to communicate with us. Geez, you're getting dumber by the post. :D

God can do anything
His ways are perfect - what makes you think you know better?
If you think what I am saying is dumb, you are calling God dumb, not me....
You keep saying that god is perfect, then why all the diseases, cancer, Downs syndrome, children with terminal afflictions or born deformed, poverty, famine...? And no, it's not because some naked guy with a leaf on his dick ate an apple.

Actually, Eve was the instigator (well Satan was actually) but anyway - Adam was guilty for not being a man and keeping Eve in line (ahem) - but yes, that is why there is all that stuff... but like I told Average Joe, our existence is eternal. People place too much emphasis on our limited time here on Earth/in these bodies that don't last....

I hope that you're right and Sentient life somehow 'graduates' at our demise. But shame The Devil and tell the truth, nobody knows.

Statistically, The Pastafarians are just as likely to be right as are The Christians or The Muslims

If such a thing as life after death actually exists, do you really think that the ancient Arab stories starring the family of Abraham are the last word on how it all works?

Really? :eusa_eh:

I didn't for a very long time (38 years or so) - I'm not an ignorant person - I'm not fat or ugly, I'm not a Christian because I'm ugly or dumb - but, because I was drawn.... and when faced with a truth I could not deny, had to confess before God my fallen state. Unless you experience that, something you just can't explain or "make" make sense to someone that is not save and/or is hard hearted and with closed eyes and ears to God, you can't understand. It will just seem like foolishness (which you feel it is - and, even THAT is addressed in the Bible...)
Do you WANT him to change you?
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Maybe He already has, you just haven't been paying attention or been too busy with your own stuff to listen.
Let's see, I hear everyone who contacts who's real, by phone, internet or whatever, so... I missed his call?

Taz, I like that you just challenge with simple sentences (thank you) - God can contact you in many ways, even (and many times) through people. I have heard many times of people having spoken to people about the Gospel and words just came to them - God inspired. God is working all around us, but, only those in relationship with Him are able to see it.
Christianity is the religion of following a book of fables and an invisible god who'll burn you for all eternity if you don't follow said book of fiction.

Wrong. Christianity is the religion of turning away from wrong-doing, discerning the will of God and following it.

Everything else is either embroidery or people jumping to wrong conclusions.

Christianity is not the only religion that holds those principles.
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Maybe He already has, you just haven't been paying attention or been too busy with your own stuff to listen.
Let's see, I hear everyone who contacts who's real, by phone, internet or whatever, so... I missed his call?

Taz, I like that you just challenge with simple sentences (thank you) - God can contact you in many ways, even (and many times) through people. I have heard many times of people having spoken to people about the Gospel and words just came to them - God inspired. God is working all around us, but, only those in relationship with Him are able to see it.
So only those who think they can see god, can see god? They have meds for that. :D
If God is our Father, He doesn't seem to be interested in our day to day development as a Sentient World. If Time is our Daddy, I suppose we're lucky to have the gift we get.

Either way, Mamma's little bastards are here and we seem to be on our own figuring out how to grow between a dog-eat-dog world of survival on a living planet and a truly Sentient World.

We just have to decide between living for our ancestors and living for our children.

To us, this world, this life, it FOREMOST
And that is where things go wrong..........

It's life AFTER this one that matters.
If our focus was on THAT (God's Kingdom) it would completely change your outlook.

80 years here vs. Eternity.

What should be your priority?

Considering what is truly KNOWN about what happens when we die, I'll take the Time that I KNOW I get to spend.

One of the scariest moments in my life was coming to the conclusion that for all Monkeys truly know, we, both collectively and individually, are promised nothing beyond this moment in Time except memories and imagination.

First Monkey to come up with credible evidence of what lay beyond Death's door wins.

True story! :thup:

So what do we know for a fact happens after we die?
We know nothing for a fact about when we die.
Sure, tell him to do it already! :D

I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Maybe He already has, you just haven't been paying attention or been too busy with your own stuff to listen.
Let's see, I hear everyone who contacts who's real, by phone, internet or whatever, so... I missed his call?

Maybe He DID try to call, but you were busy talking to someone else, and when He got a busy tone, decided He'd try back later (maybe).
Ya, your god is thwarted by a busy signal. :lol:
I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Maybe He already has, you just haven't been paying attention or been too busy with your own stuff to listen.
Let's see, I hear everyone who contacts who's real, by phone, internet or whatever, so... I missed his call?

Taz, I like that you just challenge with simple sentences (thank you) - God can contact you in many ways, even (and many times) through people. I have heard many times of people having spoken to people about the Gospel and words just came to them - God inspired. God is working all around us, but, only those in relationship with Him are able to see it.
So only those who think they can see god, can see god? They have meds for that. :D

No, only those that God reveals himself to can see Him.
And you have to have an open heart and mind - you are so walled up it's pathetic...
I don't get to order God around, but I can pray... and will do so.....
Why would you have to pray? Doesn't he know what's in my heart and that I want him to contact me? I thought he knew everything.

Maybe He already has, you just haven't been paying attention or been too busy with your own stuff to listen.
Let's see, I hear everyone who contacts who's real, by phone, internet or whatever, so... I missed his call?

Maybe He DID try to call, but you were busy talking to someone else, and when He got a busy tone, decided He'd try back later (maybe).
Ya, your god is thwarted by a busy signal. :lol:

Well you are blocking him. Remember, free will....

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