Christianity more dangerous than Atheism.

OK, smart ass. How many did God kill? You must first determine that, in order to have a valid argument. So...How many?

I don't call you out of your name , I am requesting that same respect ; if its possible with you. In Rev.9:18 God kills a third of humanity ; the world population now is around 7.4 billion, based on just that , God will kill at least 2.4 billion humans;

just on that number alone , God will have killed far more humans than all men combined.

That is a future event. And everyone who dies will deserve to die. And I believe we were talking about murder anyway. The simple fact is that atheists have murdered far more people than Christians. Also, why are you arguing about how many God killed? I thought you didn't believe in Him. Rather silly, if you ask me.

What is more silly , is your assumption that I am not a believer. Oh I believe in God , Christ and the bible with all my heart ; I just don't believe in Christianity.

I know how God is really using Christianity , to confuse this world. To corrupt his word and the gospel. So I have no use for Christian opinion.
And you know this, how? And even the Devil believes in God. He can quote Scripture with the best of them. Satan has blinded you to Gods truth. If you really do believe in God, then you need to do some serious praying, and ask for his guidance. A belief in God, without believing that Jesus is the Son of God, is worthless. It's like a peanut butter sandwich without the peanut butter. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

I believe Jesus is the Son of God , and you can't produce me saying otherwise. Your just misjudging me , as is common for Christians. You get off on judging people.
I was simply going by what you told me in your last reply. You said you believe in God and the Bible, yet you don't believe in Christianity.
I don't call you out of your name , I am requesting that same respect ; if its possible with you. In Rev.9:18 God kills a third of humanity ; the world population now is around 7.4 billion, based on just that , God will kill at least 2.4 billion humans;

just on that number alone , God will have killed far more humans than all men combined.

That is a future event. And everyone who dies will deserve to die. And I believe we were talking about murder anyway. The simple fact is that atheists have murdered far more people than Christians. Also, why are you arguing about how many God killed? I thought you didn't believe in Him. Rather silly, if you ask me.

What is more silly , is your assumption that I am not a believer. Oh I believe in God , Christ and the bible with all my heart ; I just don't believe in Christianity.

I know how God is really using Christianity , to confuse this world. To corrupt his word and the gospel. So I have no use for Christian opinion.
And you know this, how? And even the Devil believes in God. He can quote Scripture with the best of them. Satan has blinded you to Gods truth. If you really do believe in God, then you need to do some serious praying, and ask for his guidance. A belief in God, without believing that Jesus is the Son of God, is worthless. It's like a peanut butter sandwich without the peanut butter. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

I believe Jesus is the Son of God , and you can't produce me saying otherwise. Your just misjudging me , as is common for Christians. You get off on judging people.
I was simply going by what you told me in your last reply. You said you believe in God and the Bible, yet you don't believe in Christianity.

I don't believe in any religion. God is not a Christian, Jesus is not a Christian. Believing in Christianity is not a requirement for salvation.
I don't believe in any religion. God is not a Christian, Jesus is not a Christian. Believing in Christianity is not a requirement for salvation.
When you get to hell, remember, don't pass Adolf the salt.
The world is fooled by Christianity , but not me. They are not the generate of God.
That is a future event. And everyone who dies will deserve to die. And I believe we were talking about murder anyway. The simple fact is that atheists have murdered far more people than Christians. Also, why are you arguing about how many God killed? I thought you didn't believe in Him. Rather silly, if you ask me.

What is more silly , is your assumption that I am not a believer. Oh I believe in God , Christ and the bible with all my heart ; I just don't believe in Christianity.

I know how God is really using Christianity , to confuse this world. To corrupt his word and the gospel. So I have no use for Christian opinion.
And you know this, how? And even the Devil believes in God. He can quote Scripture with the best of them. Satan has blinded you to Gods truth. If you really do believe in God, then you need to do some serious praying, and ask for his guidance. A belief in God, without believing that Jesus is the Son of God, is worthless. It's like a peanut butter sandwich without the peanut butter. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

I believe Jesus is the Son of God , and you can't produce me saying otherwise. Your just misjudging me , as is common for Christians. You get off on judging people.
I was simply going by what you told me in your last reply. You said you believe in God and the Bible, yet you don't believe in Christianity.

I don't believe in any religion. God is not a Christian, Jesus is not a Christian. Believing in Christianity is not a requirement for salvation.

Maybe it would help if you knew what Christianity is. It is a belief that Jesus is the Son of God. That He was born to a Virgin, had an Earthly ministry, was crucified and rose from the dead, to save us from sin.

It is also the belief that Jesus is the only way to make it to Heaven. We cannot earn our way. The only way is to renounce sin, repent, and ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you.

That's it, in a nut shell. What do you believe? How do you plan on meeting God someday?
What is more silly , is your assumption that I am not a believer. Oh I believe in God , Christ and the bible with all my heart ; I just don't believe in Christianity.

I know how God is really using Christianity , to confuse this world. To corrupt his word and the gospel. So I have no use for Christian opinion.
And you know this, how? And even the Devil believes in God. He can quote Scripture with the best of them. Satan has blinded you to Gods truth. If you really do believe in God, then you need to do some serious praying, and ask for his guidance. A belief in God, without believing that Jesus is the Son of God, is worthless. It's like a peanut butter sandwich without the peanut butter. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

I believe Jesus is the Son of God , and you can't produce me saying otherwise. Your just misjudging me , as is common for Christians. You get off on judging people.
I was simply going by what you told me in your last reply. You said you believe in God and the Bible, yet you don't believe in Christianity.

I don't believe in any religion. God is not a Christian, Jesus is not a Christian. Believing in Christianity is not a requirement for salvation.

Maybe it would help if you knew what Christianity is. It is a belief that Jesus is the Son of God. That He was born to a Virgin, had an Earthly ministry, was crucified and rose from the dead, to save us from sin.

It is also the belief that Jesus is the only way to make it to Heaven. We cannot earn our way. The only way is to renounce sin, repent, and ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you.

That's it, in a nut shell. What do you believe? How do you plan on meeting God someday?

I know what Christianity is, its just a belief , like all other beliefs, it just has the most followers. I agree with God , not Christians. In my view , God gets his way , not Christians. In Job 23:13" God is of one mind , and nobody can change that; what his soul desires , that he does!"

Well what does God desire? Because that is what he will do.

1 Tim. 2:3-4 , " For this is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE to God our Savior , who DESIRES that ALL men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth."

This is what God desires ; and what he desires , that he does.

THAT is what I believe , that ALL humans are saved! I do not believe what Christianity is teaching.
And you know this, how? And even the Devil believes in God. He can quote Scripture with the best of them. Satan has blinded you to Gods truth. If you really do believe in God, then you need to do some serious praying, and ask for his guidance. A belief in God, without believing that Jesus is the Son of God, is worthless. It's like a peanut butter sandwich without the peanut butter. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

I believe Jesus is the Son of God , and you can't produce me saying otherwise. Your just misjudging me , as is common for Christians. You get off on judging people.
I was simply going by what you told me in your last reply. You said you believe in God and the Bible, yet you don't believe in Christianity.

I don't believe in any religion. God is not a Christian, Jesus is not a Christian. Believing in Christianity is not a requirement for salvation.

Maybe it would help if you knew what Christianity is. It is a belief that Jesus is the Son of God. That He was born to a Virgin, had an Earthly ministry, was crucified and rose from the dead, to save us from sin.

It is also the belief that Jesus is the only way to make it to Heaven. We cannot earn our way. The only way is to renounce sin, repent, and ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you.

That's it, in a nut shell. What do you believe? How do you plan on meeting God someday?

I know what Christianity is, its just a belief , like all other beliefs, it just has the most followers. I agree with God , not Christians. In my view , God gets his way , not Christians. In Job 23:13" God is of one mind , and nobody can change that; what his soul desires , that he does!"

Well what does God desire? Because that is what he will do.

1 Tim. 2:3-4 , " For this is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE to God our Savior , who DESIRES that ALL men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth."

This is what God desires ; and what he desires , that he does.

THAT is what I believe , that ALL humans are saved! I do not believe what Christianity is teaching.
What you refuse to believe is exactly what the Bible teaches. You said you believe in the Bible. If this were true, you would believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. I'll say it again. You lack understanding. Satan has blinded you to Gods truth. That truth is that He loved us so much, He sent His only Son to save us from eternal death and separation from God. I'll no longer reply to you, since it's obvious that you won't change your mind. Goodbye.
I believe Jesus is the Son of God , and you can't produce me saying otherwise. Your just misjudging me , as is common for Christians. You get off on judging people.
I was simply going by what you told me in your last reply. You said you believe in God and the Bible, yet you don't believe in Christianity.

I don't believe in any religion. God is not a Christian, Jesus is not a Christian. Believing in Christianity is not a requirement for salvation.

Maybe it would help if you knew what Christianity is. It is a belief that Jesus is the Son of God. That He was born to a Virgin, had an Earthly ministry, was crucified and rose from the dead, to save us from sin.

It is also the belief that Jesus is the only way to make it to Heaven. We cannot earn our way. The only way is to renounce sin, repent, and ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you.

That's it, in a nut shell. What do you believe? How do you plan on meeting God someday?

I know what Christianity is, its just a belief , like all other beliefs, it just has the most followers. I agree with God , not Christians. In my view , God gets his way , not Christians. In Job 23:13" God is of one mind , and nobody can change that; what his soul desires , that he does!"

Well what does God desire? Because that is what he will do.

1 Tim. 2:3-4 , " For this is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE to God our Savior , who DESIRES that ALL men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth."

This is what God desires ; and what he desires , that he does.

THAT is what I believe , that ALL humans are saved! I do not believe what Christianity is teaching.
What you refuse to believe is exactly what the Bible teaches. You said you believe in the Bible. If this were true, you would believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. I'll say it again. You lack understanding. Satan has blinded you to Gods truth. That truth is that He loved us so much, He sent His only Son to save us from eternal death and separation from God. I'll no longer reply to you, since it's obvious that you won't change your mind. Goodbye.

Peace on your journey.
Sin exist , evil exist , because God created it. Religions and Christianity are confused , because God wanted them confused.


Isaiah 45:7 , "I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create evil ; I the Lord DO all these things."

Christians can't handle this truth.
Christianity is white faced terrorist in holy garb who are systematically stealing the free salvation of the world and locking unbelievers up in their jail hell.
Christianity is white faced terrorist in holy garb who are systematically stealing the free salvation of the world and locking unbelievers up in their jail hell.
For you, we'll throw away the key. :D
You can tell Christianity is not being used by God to help anyone's salvation but their own ,by the way they think about Atheist and unbelievers.
You can tell Christianity is not being used by God to help anyone's salvation but their own ,by the way they think about Atheist and unbelievers.

Look at the threads Christians are posting here; " Are only Christians saved?" That is what they teach , its what they been taught ; a selfish limited salvation.

That's not how God is. Don't you believe that about God.
Remember Christianity wants to put Atheism down , only to lift up their perverted view of God. They NEED humans under their feet in order to be "Spiritual."
The Christian mindset is a total sweeping of their own consciousness into a preset pattern of thinking ; they view themselves as right and they NEED to have " An enemy" in order to fulfill their self righteous mission of being a holy example to the world. Atheist fill that need in their minds. They need someone to crucify because they think the crucifixion of Christ gives them the right to crucify all unbelievers.

This thinking is far more dangerous than any perverted thinking on earth.
Theism and Atheism are intertwined ; they really need each other. One created the other. I personally am not connected to either ; and hold absolutely no interest in becoming either one. But the war they have with each other has influenced humanity for years.

In my personal view , God has used both groups to spread confusion on this earth.

And that is exactly what has occurred. And remember , nothing happens on this earth that God does not want to happen. You need to really think about that. Trying to understand what God is doing , cannot be explained by any religion ; they are part of the confusion.
Again Jesus teaching in Matt. 24: 5 " For MANY , ( Christianity is over 2.2 billion members), shall come" In my name", ( Christ-tians), saying I am Christ,( the Christians teach that Jesus is Christ), and DECEIVE MANY!"

There it is right there from Jesus own mouth. Who do you think " The many coming in Jesus name is?" How many religions do you know that are in Christ name and teach that Jesus is the Christ? And can reach "Many?"

Its academic! Christianity!

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