Christianity more dangerous than Atheism.

Life is lived forward but often understood backwards. One thing I have learned, is that religion is more of a threat to human salvation than any kind of unbelief in God. If you receive a perverted form of truth, you would be better off if you received nothing at all. I grow tired of reading some Christians complaining about Atheist , as if an Atheist is a treat to human salvation. More Christians hold a condemning view of other humans than any group of unbelievers have. Christianity holds a monopoly on condemning others, and using the bible to do so. Using a book of salvation, to pronounce damnation on people; its unbelievable! In my view, Christianity is one of the largest roadblocks to human salvation on earth. They condemn far more humans than Atheist do. And its simply incredible how Christianity gets away with this daily. Christianity has muddied the resume of God.

An Atheist, is an Atheist, because they are supposed to be Atheist; we are what we are, because we should be that way. Atheism is just " Anti-religion", it is not " The Anti-Christ." I believe Anti Christ are believers in Christ who just spread a perverted form of a messed up gospel. And they don't even know they are doing that, which is what makes them so dangerous. They think they are serving God, when actually satan is leading them like a blind sheep. They have incredible large super ego's and a stunning form of self righteousness; a very dangerous people because there are over 2.2 billion of them on earth; that's one third of humanity. They hold incredible influence, and satan knows that he has used that in his deception of the whole earth, Rev. 12:9. What better way to get into humanities head, than to go through a self perceived pure religion? Its simply stunning how Christianity has deceived humanity.

Wow. Where do you even begin with drivel like this? Atheism isn't a threat to humanity. This type of irrational thinking to argue for atheism, or any other ideology, on the other hand, is a huge threat to humanity.

You're atheists because you're supposed to be? That's seriously going to be your argument? So you are going to completely pretend we have no free agency and cannot choose what to believe? That's absurd, not to add you are begging the question.

And Christians think they are serving God but they are really serving Satan? You're an atheist for Pete's sake. How the heck can Christians really be serving Satan if neither he nor God exists???

And how can you say that speaking out against a Christ coming is no anti Christ? its one of the very definitions of anti Christ.

And how can anyone seriously agree or defend this nonsense? Its completely irrational.

Why do Christians even bother to speak to me?

I don't get it??
Christianity is more dangerous because the people are ripe for religious picking.
Christianity is more dangerous because they will distort your view of the bible ; Atheist will not do that.
Christianity is more dangerous because it needs things to step on in order to life itself up. And unbelievers are the main thing it stomps on.
When a religion can change one God , into three gods ; its dangerous.
Christianity thinks its more superior than the white race ;

how dare them.
Christianity gets a pass from the world , and they condemn the world in return.
Being an atheist is not dangerous. We don't want to kill gays.
Atheists have murdered over one hundred million people, in the last century, and it's still going strong. They are currently killing Christians in several countries, right now. Every atrocity that has ever been committed was the result of those who reject God.
Being an atheist is not dangerous. We don't want to kill gays.
Atheists have murdered over one hundred million people, in the last century, and it's still going strong. They are currently killing Christians in several countries, right now. Every atrocity that has ever been committed was the result of those who reject God.

Who has killed more humans ,God or Atheist?
Being an atheist is not dangerous. We don't want to kill gays.
Atheists have murdered over one hundred million people, in the last century, and it's still going strong. They are currently killing Christians in several countries, right now. Every atrocity that has ever been committed was the result of those who reject God.

Who has killed more humans ,God or Atheist?
Atheists, of course. Look it up. BTW. I assume you mean murdered.
Being an atheist is not dangerous. We don't want to kill gays.
Atheists have murdered over one hundred million people, in the last century, and it's still going strong. They are currently killing Christians in several countries, right now. Every atrocity that has ever been committed was the result of those who reject God.

Who has killed more humans ,God or Atheist?
Atheists, of course. Look it up. BTW. I assume you mean murdered.

No one has killed more humans than God. Starting from the days of Noah until now ,its not even close.
Being an atheist is not dangerous. We don't want to kill gays.
Atheists have murdered over one hundred million people, in the last century, and it's still going strong. They are currently killing Christians in several countries, right now. Every atrocity that has ever been committed was the result of those who reject God.

Who has killed more humans ,God or Atheist?
Atheists, of course. Look it up. BTW. I assume you mean murdered.

No one has killed more humans than God. Starting from the days of Noah until now ,its not even close.
OK, smart ass. How many did God kill? You must first determine that, in order to have a valid argument. So...How many?
Being an atheist is not dangerous. We don't want to kill gays.
Atheists have murdered over one hundred million people, in the last century, and it's still going strong. They are currently killing Christians in several countries, right now. Every atrocity that has ever been committed was the result of those who reject God.

Who has killed more humans ,God or Atheist?
Atheists, of course. Look it up. BTW. I assume you mean murdered.

No one has killed more humans than God. Starting from the days of Noah until now ,its not even close.
OK, smart ass. How many did God kill? You must first determine that, in order to have a valid argument. So...How many?

I don't call you out of your name , I am requesting that same respect ; if its possible with you. In Rev.9:18 God kills a third of humanity ; the world population now is around 7.4 billion, based on just that , God will kill at least 2.4 billion humans;

just on that number alone , God will have killed far more humans than all men combined.

Atheists have murdered over one hundred million people, in the last century, and it's still going strong. They are currently killing Christians in several countries, right now. Every atrocity that has ever been committed was the result of those who reject God.

Who has killed more humans ,God or Atheist?
Atheists, of course. Look it up. BTW. I assume you mean murdered.

No one has killed more humans than God. Starting from the days of Noah until now ,its not even close.
OK, smart ass. How many did God kill? You must first determine that, in order to have a valid argument. So...How many?

I don't call you out of your name , I am requesting that same respect ; if its possible with you. In Rev.9:18 God kills a third of humanity ; the world population now is around 7.4 billion, based on just that , God will kill at least 2.4 billion humans;

just on that number alone , God will have killed far more humans than all men combined.

That is a future event. And everyone who dies will deserve to die. And I believe we were talking about murder anyway. The simple fact is that atheists have murdered far more people than Christians. Also, why are you arguing about how many God killed? I thought you didn't believe in Him. Rather silly, if you ask me.
Who has killed more humans ,God or Atheist?
Atheists, of course. Look it up. BTW. I assume you mean murdered.

No one has killed more humans than God. Starting from the days of Noah until now ,its not even close.
OK, smart ass. How many did God kill? You must first determine that, in order to have a valid argument. So...How many?

I don't call you out of your name , I am requesting that same respect ; if its possible with you. In Rev.9:18 God kills a third of humanity ; the world population now is around 7.4 billion, based on just that , God will kill at least 2.4 billion humans;

just on that number alone , God will have killed far more humans than all men combined.

That is a future event. And everyone who dies will deserve to die. And I believe we were talking about murder anyway. The simple fact is that atheists have murdered far more people than Christians. Also, why are you arguing about how many God killed? I thought you didn't believe in Him. Rather silly, if you ask me.

What is more silly , is your assumption that I am not a believer. Oh I believe in God , Christ and the bible with all my heart ; I just don't believe in Christianity.

I know how God is really using Christianity , to confuse this world. To corrupt his word and the gospel. So I have no use for Christian opinion.
Atheists, of course. Look it up. BTW. I assume you mean murdered.

No one has killed more humans than God. Starting from the days of Noah until now ,its not even close.
OK, smart ass. How many did God kill? You must first determine that, in order to have a valid argument. So...How many?

I don't call you out of your name , I am requesting that same respect ; if its possible with you. In Rev.9:18 God kills a third of humanity ; the world population now is around 7.4 billion, based on just that , God will kill at least 2.4 billion humans;

just on that number alone , God will have killed far more humans than all men combined.

That is a future event. And everyone who dies will deserve to die. And I believe we were talking about murder anyway. The simple fact is that atheists have murdered far more people than Christians. Also, why are you arguing about how many God killed? I thought you didn't believe in Him. Rather silly, if you ask me.

What is more silly , is your assumption that I am not a believer. Oh I believe in God , Christ and the bible with all my heart ; I just don't believe in Christianity.

I know how God is really using Christianity , to confuse this world. To corrupt his word and the gospel. So I have no use for Christian opinion.
And you know this, how? And even the Devil believes in God. He can quote Scripture with the best of them. Satan has blinded you to Gods truth. If you really do believe in God, then you need to do some serious praying, and ask for his guidance. A belief in God, without believing that Jesus is the Son of God, is worthless. It's like a peanut butter sandwich without the peanut butter. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
No one has killed more humans than God. Starting from the days of Noah until now ,its not even close.
OK, smart ass. How many did God kill? You must first determine that, in order to have a valid argument. So...How many?

I don't call you out of your name , I am requesting that same respect ; if its possible with you. In Rev.9:18 God kills a third of humanity ; the world population now is around 7.4 billion, based on just that , God will kill at least 2.4 billion humans;

just on that number alone , God will have killed far more humans than all men combined.

That is a future event. And everyone who dies will deserve to die. And I believe we were talking about murder anyway. The simple fact is that atheists have murdered far more people than Christians. Also, why are you arguing about how many God killed? I thought you didn't believe in Him. Rather silly, if you ask me.

What is more silly , is your assumption that I am not a believer. Oh I believe in God , Christ and the bible with all my heart ; I just don't believe in Christianity.

I know how God is really using Christianity , to confuse this world. To corrupt his word and the gospel. So I have no use for Christian opinion.
And you know this, how? And even the Devil believes in God. He can quote Scripture with the best of them. Satan has blinded you to Gods truth. If you really do believe in God, then you need to do some serious praying, and ask for his guidance. A belief in God, without believing that Jesus is the Son of God, is worthless. It's like a peanut butter sandwich without the peanut butter. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

I believe Jesus is the Son of God , and you can't produce me saying otherwise. Your just misjudging me , as is common for Christians. You get off on judging people.

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