Christians blast Trump in new ad: ‘The days of using our faith for your benefit are over’

The Christian right is absolutely fine with insincere lip service and despise any politician who might cite a Christian motive for not treating people like garbage.
His presidency has really exposed them for what they are.
Mac1958 occupied MarcATL

I don't really understand this perspective by any of you.

Look at this my perspective for a just moment. I've tried looking at it from your perspective, so just try and attempt to look at it from my point of view, just once.

I'm a voter. I see two parties.

On one party:
They make up false claims against Bret Kavanough because he's Catholic.
They make up false claims against the Covington kids.
They tell people they are going to destroy their businesses if they don't serve people they want.
They try and boycott Chic-fil-a because they have Christian values.
They shut down churches, while leaving casinos open.
They refuse to stop riots during a pandemic, because protest is a constitutional right they claim, but they won't let churches open, even though.... religious freedom is a constitutional right.
They lie about absolutely everything.
They want to defund the police.
They support murdering babies.
They want to allow chaos and lawlessness.
They want to control freedom of speech.

So those of us who are Christian... we examine the evidence, compare the parties, and then we vote Republican.

Then you come along and scream "HOW CAN YOU VOTE FOR TRUMP? HE IS NOT CHRIST LIKE!".....

Do you not see, that nearly the entire stated platform of the Democrats is anti-Christian, anti-God? And you want want to know how we can possibly vote for someone else?

Why is that hard for any of you? What part of that, is ambiguous?
The Christian right is absolutely fine with insincere lip service and despise any politician who might cite a Christian motive for not treating people like garbage.
His presidency has really exposed them for what they are.
Mac1958 occupied MarcATL

I don't really understand this perspective by any of you.

Look at this my perspective for a just moment. I've tried looking at it from your perspective, so just try and attempt to look at it from my point of view, just once.

I'm a voter. I see two parties.

On one party:
They make up false claims against Bret Kavanough because he's Catholic.
They make up false claims against the Covington kids.
They tell people they are going to destroy their businesses if they don't serve people they want.
They try and boycott Chic-fil-a because they have Christian values.
They shut down churches, while leaving casinos open.
They refuse to stop riots during a pandemic, because protest is a constitutional right they claim, but they won't let churches open, even though.... religious freedom is a constitutional right.
They lie about absolutely everything.
They want to defund the police.
They support murdering babies.
They want to allow chaos and lawlessness.
They want to control freedom of speech.

So those of us who are Christian... we examine the evidence, compare the parties, and then we vote Republican.

Then you come along and scream "HOW CAN YOU VOTE FOR TRUMP? HE IS NOT CHRIST LIKE!".....

Do you not see, that nearly the entire stated platform of the Democrats is anti-Christian, anti-God? And you want want to know how we can possibly vote for someone else?

Why is that hard for any of you? What part of that, is ambiguous?

Because they only hear what they want to hear, they only read what they want to read, and want the rest of us to do the same!
The aim is to quash oppositional thought and, as a result, eventually eradicate critical thinking.
Mao and Stalin and Chavez pulled off the same trick!
And it worked!!, for a long time.
No FACTS are in this video, just Bias Opinions. The country is divided mainly because of FAKE NEWS.

"DEVIL" understanding the etymology of a word gives us a close look at its meaning.

The Late Latin word is from Ecclesiastical Greek diabolos, which in Jewish and Christian use was "the Devil, Satan," and which in general use meant "accuser, slanderer" (thus it was a scriptural loan-translation of Hebrew satan; see Satan). It is an agent noun from Greek diaballein "to slander, attack,"

I think we know who is behind this video.
The Christian right is absolutely fine with insincere lip service and despise any politician who might cite a Christian motive for not treating people like garbage.
His presidency has really exposed them for what they are.
Mac1958 occupied MarcATL

I don't really understand this perspective by any of you.

Look at this my perspective for a just moment. I've tried looking at it from your perspective, so just try and attempt to look at it from my point of view, just once.

I'm a voter. I see two parties.

On one party:
They make up false claims against Bret Kavanough because he's Catholic.
They make up false claims against the Covington kids.
They tell people they are going to destroy their businesses if they don't serve people they want.
They try and boycott Chic-fil-a because they have Christian values.
They shut down churches, while leaving casinos open.
They refuse to stop riots during a pandemic, because protest is a constitutional right they claim, but they won't let churches open, even though.... religious freedom is a constitutional right.
They lie about absolutely everything.
They want to defund the police.
They support murdering babies.
They want to allow chaos and lawlessness.
They want to control freedom of speech.

So those of us who are Christian... we examine the evidence, compare the parties, and then we vote Republican.

Then you come along and scream "HOW CAN YOU VOTE FOR TRUMP? HE IS NOT CHRIST LIKE!".....

Do you not see, that nearly the entire stated platform of the Democrats is anti-Christian, anti-God? And you want want to know how we can possibly vote for someone else?

Why is that hard for any of you? What part of that, is ambiguous?
The difference here is that the left does not think it owns the moral high ground while being everything Jesus preached against. When you engage in moral absolutism you open yourself to being called a hypocrite. Either live with it or quit being horrible, hateful, holier-than-thou people.
Mac1958 occupied MarcATL

I don't really understand this perspective by any of you.

Look at this my perspective for a just moment. I've tried looking at it from your perspective, so just try and attempt to look at it from my point of view, just once.

I'm a voter. I see two parties.

On one party:
They make up false claims against Bret Kavanough because he's Catholic.
They make up false claims against the Covington kids.
They tell people they are going to destroy their businesses if they don't serve people they want.
They try and boycott Chic-fil-a because they have Christian values.
They shut down churches, while leaving casinos open.
They refuse to stop riots during a pandemic, because protest is a constitutional right they claim, but they won't let churches open, even though.... religious freedom is a constitutional right.
They lie about absolutely everything.
They want to defund the police.
They support murdering babies.
They want to allow chaos and lawlessness.
They want to control freedom of speech.

So those of us who are Christian... we examine the evidence, compare the parties, and then we vote Republican.

Then you come along and scream "HOW CAN YOU VOTE FOR TRUMP? HE IS NOT CHRIST LIKE!".....

Do you not see, that nearly the entire stated platform of the Democrats is anti-Christian, anti-God? And you want want to know how we can possibly vote for someone else?

Why is that hard for any of you? What part of that, is ambiguous?
Did you watch the video?

Clearly you didn't.
If you don't vote for Trump, you ain't Christian.

If you're a Christian and a Democrat, you're either not a very good Christian, or you're not a very good Democrat.

Jesus was actually pretty clear. You will be judged by how you treat the least among us. Tell me, how to Republican's treat the least among us. Republican, Christian--pretty damn rare.
No FACTS are in this video, just Bias Opinions. The country is divided mainly because of FAKE NEWS.

"DEVIL" understanding the etymology of a word gives us a close look at its meaning.

The Late Latin word is from Ecclesiastical Greek diabolos, which in Jewish and Christian use was "the Devil, Satan," and which in general use meant "accuser, slanderer" (thus it was a scriptural loan-translation of Hebrew satan; see Satan). It is an agent noun from Greek diaballein "to slander, attack,"

I think we know who is behind this video.
Anyone who believes in God cannot deny the devil's presence as well.

"If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing; but he has a morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words, out of which arise envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, and constant friction between men of depraved mind and deprived of the truth
1 Timothy 6:1-5
Looks like real Christians have had enough of Trump using them for his nefarious deeds.

“Christians don’t need Trump to save them,” the spot adds. “The truth is that Trump needs Christians to save his flailing campaign.”

This rings true. If self-professed evangelicals weren't a political group masquerading as a Christian group, this would be convincing to them. However, that's not the case.

Powerful ad just the same though.

What say you?

Religious Freedom Restoration Act, dembot.
The Christian right is absolutely fine with insincere lip service and despise any politician who might cite a Christian motive for not treating people like garbage.
His presidency has really exposed them for what they are.
Mac1958 occupied MarcATL

I don't really understand this perspective by any of you.

Look at this my perspective for a just moment. I've tried looking at it from your perspective, so just try and attempt to look at it from my point of view, just once.

I'm a voter. I see two parties.

On one party:
They make up false claims against Bret Kavanough because he's Catholic.
They make up false claims against the Covington kids.
They tell people they are going to destroy their businesses if they don't serve people they want.
They try and boycott Chic-fil-a because they have Christian values.
They shut down churches, while leaving casinos open.
They refuse to stop riots during a pandemic, because protest is a constitutional right they claim, but they won't let churches open, even though.... religious freedom is a constitutional right.
They lie about absolutely everything.
They want to defund the police.
They support murdering babies.
They want to allow chaos and lawlessness.
They want to control freedom of speech.

So those of us who are Christian... we examine the evidence, compare the parties, and then we vote Republican.

Then you come along and scream "HOW CAN YOU VOTE FOR TRUMP? HE IS NOT CHRIST LIKE!".....

Do you not see, that nearly the entire stated platform of the Democrats is anti-Christian, anti-God? And you want want to know how we can possibly vote for someone else?

Why is that hard for any of you? What part of that, is ambiguous?
The difference here is that the left does not think it owns the moral high ground while being everything Jesus preached against. When you engage in moral absolutism you open yourself to being called a hypocrite. Either live with it or quit being horrible, hateful, holier-than-thou people.
"The difference here is that the left does not think it owns the moral high ground"

"Of course it does."

Question? Why is CHRISTIANITY the only religion being attacked with FAKE NEWS.
Because the left sees Christianity as the enemy.
How do you know this group is "Christian," just because they claim they are?
Is Trump Christian?
Only JESUS knows for sure; I can only give you my personal opinion which is, I believe he is.

Isaiah 64:6
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

To be a Christian, one must accept their own imperfections and then believe that GOD sent HIS SON to pay for those imperfections thru HIS Sacrifice. That is why JESUS is commonly referred to as the LAMB OF GOD.
#68: the either-or logic is understandable. 'When religion is used as a political weapon, it becomes weakened and tainted. And this is the flip side of the church-state separation coin.'
(Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American)
I find the question of how best to use faith in politics an interesting one. I'm really uneasy about questioning somebody else's Christianity. Hated seeing judgment of Obama's Christianity challenged throughout his presidency and this Trump ad struck almost a similar feeling within me. Which made me wonder why that is? I'm settling on the opinion that such a political tactic is most divisive in its nature.
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

To be a Christian, one must accept their own imperfections and then believe that GOD sent HIS SON to pay for those imperfections thru HIS Sacrifice. That is why JESUS is commonly referred to as the LAMB OF GOD.
Well, this group stated that they are.

I have no reason to not believe them.

Why do you allow Trump, who I've never seen in church, the leeway of claiming Christianity and not them?

Speaking of which, when did you see Trump in church?
Looks like real Christians have had enough of Trump using them for his nefarious deeds.

“Christians don’t need Trump to save them,” the spot adds. “The truth is that Trump needs Christians to save his flailing campaign.”

This rings true. If self-professed evangelicals weren't a political group masquerading as a Christian group, this would be convincing to them. However, that's not the case.

Powerful ad just the same though.

What say you?

The irony is that Christian conservatives and the social right don't need Trump anymore.

They supported Trump for one reason and one reason only: abortion.

Now that Trump has packed the Court with justices hostile to privacy rights jurisprudence – a majority of conservative ideologues who will gleefully overturn Roe/Casey – the Christian right is at liberty to kick Trump to the curb.

Abortion is the only issue Democrats care I think you are confused.
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

To be a Christian, one must accept their own imperfections and then believe that GOD sent HIS SON to pay for those imperfections thru HIS Sacrifice. That is why JESUS is commonly referred to as the LAMB OF GOD.
Well, this group stated that they are.

I have no reason to not believe them.

Why do you allow Trump, who I've never seen in church, the leeway of claiming Christianity and not them?

Speaking of which, when did you see Trump in church?
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

To be a Christian, one must accept their own imperfections and then believe that GOD sent HIS SON to pay for those imperfections thru HIS Sacrifice. That is why JESUS is commonly referred to as the LAMB OF GOD.
Well, this group stated that they are.

I have no reason to not believe them.

Why do you allow Trump, who I've never seen in church, the leeway of claiming Christianity and not them?

Speaking of which, when did you see Trump in church?
A Christian, somebody saved by faith in JESUS, would be hesitant to criticize somebody's faith since that would make them equal to JESUS and that is not humanly possible.

Now if they disagree with somebody's behavior, that is fine, BUT the video ONLY contains accusations, suppositions and opinions.

In any case, the divisions in this country are because of left-wing mobs, left-wing "reporters" and left-wing educators.

As to going to church, that is his decision, but if he did go to church, he would be accused of faking it. I am more impressed that he has not involved the US in military actions like Biden supported in Syria, Kosovo, Serbia, Iraq and Libya.

I can understand Afghanistan since they housed a terrorist that ACTUALLY attacked the United States.
Mac1958 occupied MarcATL

I don't really understand this perspective by any of you.

Look at this my perspective for a just moment. I've tried looking at it from your perspective, so just try and attempt to look at it from my point of view, just once.

I'm a voter. I see two parties.

On one party:
They make up false claims against Bret Kavanough because he's Catholic.
They make up false claims against the Covington kids.
They tell people they are going to destroy their businesses if they don't serve people they want.
They try and boycott Chic-fil-a because they have Christian values.
They shut down churches, while leaving casinos open.
They refuse to stop riots during a pandemic, because protest is a constitutional right they claim, but they won't let churches open, even though.... religious freedom is a constitutional right.
They lie about absolutely everything.
They want to defund the police.
They support murdering babies.
They want to allow chaos and lawlessness.
They want to control freedom of speech.

So those of us who are Christian... we examine the evidence, compare the parties, and then we vote Republican.

Then you come along and scream "HOW CAN YOU VOTE FOR TRUMP? HE IS NOT CHRIST LIKE!".....

Do you not see, that nearly the entire stated platform of the Democrats is anti-Christian, anti-God? And you want want to know how we can possibly vote for someone else?

Why is that hard for any of you? What part of that, is ambiguous?
Did you watch the video?

Clearly you didn't.

Did you read and enough of an open mind to consider a perspective other than your own? Clearly you didn't.

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