Christians blast Trump in new ad: ‘The days of using our faith for your benefit are over’

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

To be a Christian, one must accept their own imperfections and then believe that GOD sent HIS SON to pay for those imperfections thru HIS Sacrifice. That is why JESUS is commonly referred to as the LAMB OF GOD.
Well, this group stated that they are.

I have no reason to not believe them.

Why do you allow Trump, who I've never seen in church, the leeway of claiming Christianity and not them?

Speaking of which, when did you see Trump in church?

Again... I'm NOT voting for Trump, because I think Trump is Jesus Christ.

I'm voting for Trump, because the only other option, is anti-Christian. Quite frankly Trump has governed very well by any standard.

That has nothing to do with his morals. I have no idea if Trump is repentant, or Christian or not.
I didn't see the link but it seems that Christians actually need Trump to save them from the agnostic socialist agenda promoted by democrats these days. Look at what they are doing to Trump's Supreme Court nominee. They aren't attacking her on her intellectual ability or her knowledge in Constitutional law. Democrats are attacking Mrs. Barrett on the basis of her religious beliefs.
I didn't see the link but it seems that Christians actually need Trump to save them from the agnostic socialist agenda promoted by democrats these days. Look at what they are doing to Trump's Supreme Court nominee. They aren't attacking her on her intellectual ability or her knowledge in Constitutional law. Democrats are attacking Mrs. Barrett on the basis of her religious beliefs.


Christians are looking around, and seeing Democrats attacking people purely on the basis of their religious views.

And those people who are attacking Christians on the basis of their Christian views, are pretending to be shocked when we support the Republican no matter how they are.

Why is this shocking? What can't you people on the left figure out?

Left-wing "We attack and berate and smear everyone who has Christian beliefs.... and then they vote for Trump? HOW CAN THAT BE!?!?!"

Do you not see how stupid that it is to ask why we're supporting Trump?
I didn't see the link but it seems that Christians actually need Trump to save them from the agnostic socialist agenda promoted by democrats these days. Look at what they are doing to Trump's Supreme Court nominee. They aren't attacking her on her intellectual ability or her knowledge in Constitutional law. Democrats are attacking Mrs. Barrett on the basis of her religious beliefs.

Is it not telling that other religions are not ATTACKED like Christianity??

Like the blood of Christ is kryptonite to the forces of evil.
I don't know how sincere Trump is with his particular Christian beliefs but many of his actions and words, in my personal opinion, don't really resemble strong Godly convictions. Not all Christians worship the same or act the same, I get that, there are thousands of denominations of Christianity and thousands of interpretations of what it means to be a Christian, but I know for me and my particular testimonies Trump does not speak for me.
I didn't see the link but it seems that Christians actually need Trump to save them from the agnostic socialist agenda promoted by democrats these days. Look at what they are doing to Trump's Supreme Court nominee. They aren't attacking her on her intellectual ability or her knowledge in Constitutional law. Democrats are attacking Mrs. Barrett on the basis of her religious beliefs.

Is it not telling that other religions are not ATTACKED like Christianity??

Like the blood of Christ is kryptonite to the forces of evil.
You would think that NYC had enough problems but the mayor seems obsessed with arresting Orthodox Jews for violating mask laws and congregation limits. The media doesn't cover it much but throughout democrat administrations across the Country it seems that religious congregations are easy targets for arrest for a variety of charges relating to (unlawful?) covid orders.
"The difference here is that the left does not think it owns the moral high ground while being everything Jesus preached against. When you engage in moral absolutism you open yourself to being called a hypocrite. Either live with it or quit being horrible, hateful, holier-than-thou person"

Very serious here....there are 2 things that every person should consider about Christianity,

1) What is Christianity? and 2) Is it true?

1) Christianity is ALL About JESUS and what HE Accomplished for the human race.

In GOD's eyes, all of mankind falls far short of meeting HIS heavenly standards.

To reconcile that righteousness gap, GOD sends HIS SON.

JESUS states HIS primary purpose clearly.

Matthew 26:27-28

And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

And 2) Is it TRUE? That is for every person to decide for themself.
Looks like real Christians have had enough of Trump using them for his nefarious deeds.

“Christians don’t need Trump to save them,” the spot adds. “The truth is that Trump needs Christians to save his flailing campaign.”

This rings true. If self-professed evangelicals weren't a political group masquerading as a Christian group, this would be convincing to them. However, that's not the case.

Powerful ad just the same though.

What say you?

I don't know the dude in your avatar, but I'm wondering if he lives the stench-level of intellect dishonesty as you do?

Knowing how PROGS live off mislabels and misrepresentations, I'm going to educated guess not a chance.
I didn't see the link but it seems that Christians actually need Trump to save them from the agnostic socialist agenda promoted by democrats these days. Look at what they are doing to Trump's Supreme Court nominee. They aren't attacking her on her intellectual ability or her knowledge in Constitutional law. Democrats are attacking Mrs. Barrett on the basis of her religious beliefs.

Is it not telling that other religions are not ATTACKED like Christianity??

Like the blood of Christ is kryptonite to the forces of evil.
You would think that NYC had enough problems but the mayor seems obsessed with arresting Orthodox Jews for violating mask laws and congregation limits. The media doesn't cover it much but throughout democrat administrations across the Country it seems that religious congregations are easy targets for arrest for a variety of charges relating to (unlawful?) covid orders.

I realize that Jews do not think the same way I do... but our Christian faith, is based on the Jewish faith. Right? Jesus he came to fulfill the law. And he did that, by giving his life in payment of sin for all of us.

So what that means to a Christian like me, is that an attack on Jews, is an attack on Christians as well. In fact, the new testament even says that Christians should pray for the peace of Israel.

Now what I do find interesting, is that you don't see them closing down Mosques, Buddhists, Hindus, or Wiccans.

But Jews and Christians, they'll through in jail.
How do you know this group is "Christian," just because they claim they are?
Is Trump Christian?
Only the creator knows for sure. However, we know he professes to be a Christian and goes to church. What about any of the members of this so-called "christian" group?

I can't recall seeing him going to church.
It really doesn't make any difference. This "christian group" is a scam. Their isn't the slightest scintilla of evidence that they are actual christian.
I don't know how sincere Trump is with his particular Christian beliefs but many of his actions and words, in my personal opinion, don't really resemble strong Godly convictions. Not all Christians worship the same or act the same, I get that, there are thousands of denominations of Christianity and thousands of interpretations of what it means to be a Christian, but I know for me and my particular testimonies Trump does not speak for me.
No one is fooled when Biden and Piglosi claim to be Christians.
How do you know this group is "Christian," just because they claim they are?
Is Trump Christian?
Only the creator knows for sure. However, we know he professes to be a Christian and goes to church. What about any of the members of this so-called "christian" group?

I can't recall seeing him going to church.
It really doesn't make any difference. This "christian group" is a scam. Their isn't the slightest scintilla of evidence that they are actual christian.

Of course it makes a difference.
administrations across the Country it seems that religious congregations are easy targets for arrest for a variety

I realize that Jews do not think the same way I do... but our Christian faith, is based on the Jewish faith. Right? Jesus he came to fulfill the law. And he did that, by giving his life in payment of sin for all of us.

So what that means to a Christian like me, is that an attack on Jews, is an attack on Christians as well. In fact, the new testament even says that Christians should pray for the peace of Israel.

Now what I do find interesting, is that you don't see them closing down Mosques, Buddhists, Hindus, or Wiccans.

But Jews and Christians, they'll through in jail.

For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

TWO SEPERATE COVENANTS.....the First is Meritorious the Second is based of God's LOVE!

Of course Christians and Jews will be targets. The Devil only faces a single threat.
the voters won't get to decide this election, my friends, it will be the boss upstairs, and he will install Donald Trump to be God's messenger on earth

Trump is not the most famous person in the's Jesus!

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