Christians blast Trump in new ad: ‘The days of using our faith for your benefit are over’

They like to blame liberal indoctrination but the horrible behavior of the Christian right is the greatest contributing factor in Americans abandoning religion. No truly compassionate person would want to join what is essentially to club for judgemental hypocrites. Where is their love for humanity? Where is their grace and humility? I grew up going to church every time the doors opened and what we have now is practically unrecognizable because they decided a political agenda was more important than anything else.
Precisely. They soil something dear to them, and then whine when other alternatives are examined.

They've done exactly the same thing with capitalism.

This is what happens when you exist in a closed universe of shallow talking points. People see the bullshit.
Very quickly after Falwell launched his moral majority bullshit and people started talking politics at church I found somewhere else to be on Sunday. I never really left Christianity, it left me.

You went to the gay bar

Its a bit late but better late than never. As trump falters in the polls his evangelical base is drifting away. When is "man of God" Jerry Falwell going to speak up in support of his soiled hero ?

Christianity isn't really unified, and really hasn't been. The "Not Our Faith" cultists believe in Partial Birth Abortion and have the belief that Almighty God put Adam and Steve (not Eve) into the Garden. If they get a chance they will burn you as a heretic if you don't believe in Gay Marriage, and they glorify men taking it in the caboose.

They really don't have much use for those who are tolerant of people with more traditional morals.
You have a point. IF Christians were to unite then abortion would soon get over turned, but it's like the Christians of Nazi Germany who seemed to like the swell socialist policies of the Nazi party more instead. Shrug, they liked the free stuff more.

And as for burning people as a heretic, the reason that occurred was because the state assumed the role of the church. The state has murdered and enslaved far more people than any entity in the history of man, which is why we need to support candidates who won't further empower them like those on the Left who think government does not have enough control over us as it is. These loons actually believe that taxation will save them.
As a lifelong practicing Christian I have alit of trouble voting for either major candidate. Seems as though they are both interested in being very wealthy. That isn't a part of christianity.
I think you will find that those of faith are overwhelmingly conservative and those on the Left are mostly areligious.

Ever wonder why?

But its the same old bull. Those on the right will always be told, "How can you vote for so and so cuz they are bad people who lie, etc.? Trouble is, everyone lies and does bad things so I reckon we should never vote

Isn't that right Lefty loons?
You guys soil Christianity, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

You guys soil Capitalism, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

You guys soil the Presidency, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

I'm sensing a trend here. And I'm absolutely certain that you are not.
The only people soiling me here is people like you.

I'm sure society will soon cancel me for it.

Soon I'm sure they will censor what I say here as well.

Its a bit late but better late than never. As trump falters in the polls his evangelical base is drifting away. When is "man of God" Jerry Falwell going to speak up in support of his soiled hero ?
Evangelicals, Christian conservatives, and the like supported Trump for one reason and one reason only: abortion.

Now that the battle is won and Roe/Casey is soon to be overturned, the Christian right can cut Trump lose.

So this isn’t about Christians ‘seeing the light’ or ‘coming to their senses’ concerning Trump – it’s about authoritarian Christian conservatives willing to do anything to codify their religious dogma into secular law, expanding their influence in governance and public policy, and increasing the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

There are a lot more issues than just the Pro-life issue for Christians.

Gay Marriage, example given, and the glorification of sodomy. Christians are against atheistic communism, in favor of School Prayer. I remember hearing a sermon on TV during the 2004 campaign by renown theologian John Hagee where the entire Liberal Idea of "cutting and running" was shown to be unbiblical.
As a lifelong practicing Christian I have alit of trouble voting for either major candidate. Seems as though they are both interested in being very wealthy. That isn't a part of christianity.
I think you will find that those of faith are overwhelmingly conservative and those on the Left are mostly areligious.

Ever wonder why?

But its the same old bull. Those on the right will always be told, "How can you vote for so and so cuz they are bad people who lie, etc.? Trouble is, everyone lies and does bad things so I reckon we should never vote

Isn't that right Lefty loons?
You guys soil Christianity, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

You guys soil Capitalism, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

You guys soil the Presidency, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

I'm sensing a trend here. And I'm absolutely certain that you are not.
The only people soiling me here is people like you.

I'm sure society will soon cancel me for it.

Soon I'm sure they will censor what I say here as well.
And you'll never, ever look in the mirror.
As a lifelong practicing Christian I have alit of trouble voting for either major candidate. Seems as though they are both interested in being very wealthy. That isn't a part of christianity.
I think you will find that those of faith are overwhelmingly conservative and those on the Left are mostly areligious.

Ever wonder why?

But its the same old bull. Those on the right will always be told, "How can you vote for so and so cuz they are bad people who lie, etc.? Trouble is, everyone lies and does bad things so I reckon we should never vote

Isn't that right Lefty loons?
You guys soil Christianity, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

You guys soil Capitalism, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

You guys soil the Presidency, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

I'm sensing a trend here. And I'm absolutely certain that you are not.
The only people soiling me here is people like you.

I'm sure society will soon cancel me for it.

Soon I'm sure they will censor what I say here as well.
And you'll never, ever look in the mirror.
Pot met kettle, you don't even have a mirror Mac.
Why would anyone want to remove God from our great country, including but not limited to the Bill of Rights, Declaration, etc... ?
Why is the left trying to destroy America and its values ?

Its a bit late but better late than never. As trump falters in the polls his evangelical base is drifting away. When is "man of God" Jerry Falwell going to speak up in support of his soiled hero ?
Evangelicals, Christian conservatives, and the like supported Trump for one reason and one reason only: abortion.

Now that the battle is won and Roe/Casey is soon to be overturned, the Christian right can cut Trump lose.

So this isn’t about Christians ‘seeing the light’ or ‘coming to their senses’ concerning Trump – it’s about authoritarian Christian conservatives willing to do anything to codify their religious dogma into secular law, expanding their influence in governance and public policy, and increasing the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

There are a lot more issues than just the Pro-life issue for Christians.

Gay Marriage, example given, and the glorification of sodomy. Christians are against atheistic communism, in favor of School Prayer. I remember hearing a sermon on TV during the 2004 campaign by renown theologian John Hagee where the entire Liberal Idea of "cutting and running" was shown to be unbiblical.
It is more than that. Children are now being taught that there are a gazillion genders. Now gender confusion is more prevalent than it ever has been in history. Now you have Third Graders, who have not even undergone puberty, wanting to change their sex. Or you have kids being pulled from class time to go protest guns or climate change. How many here think pulling third graders out of school to go protest guns accomplished anything other than child abuse?

Then there is all this censorship and canceling and PC Nazis running round. The brown shirts are taking over folks. Time to fight or die.
As a lifelong practicing Christian I have alit of trouble voting for either major candidate. Seems as though they are both interested in being very wealthy. That isn't a part of christianity.
I think you will find that those of faith are overwhelmingly conservative and those on the Left are mostly areligious.

Ever wonder why?

But its the same old bull. Those on the right will always be told, "How can you vote for so and so cuz they are bad people who lie, etc.? Trouble is, everyone lies and does bad things so I reckon we should never vote

Isn't that right Lefty loons?
You guys soil Christianity, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

You guys soil Capitalism, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

You guys soil the Presidency, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

I'm sensing a trend here. And I'm absolutely certain that you are not.
The only people soiling me here is people like you.

I'm sure society will soon cancel me for it.

Soon I'm sure they will censor what I say here as well.
And you'll never, ever look in the mirror.
Pot met kettle, you don't even have a mirror Mac.
If Biden wins, it'll be amusing to see how you guys react when I'm back to squabbling with the Regressive Lefties, just as I did when Obama was in office.

My mirror is clear. Yours is gone.
As a lifelong practicing Christian I have alit of trouble voting for either major candidate. Seems as though they are both interested in being very wealthy. That isn't a part of christianity.
I think you will find that those of faith are overwhelmingly conservative and those on the Left are mostly areligious.

Ever wonder why?

But its the same old bull. Those on the right will always be told, "How can you vote for so and so cuz they are bad people who lie, etc.? Trouble is, everyone lies and does bad things so I reckon we should never vote

Isn't that right Lefty loons?
You guys soil Christianity, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

You guys soil Capitalism, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

You guys soil the Presidency, then you whine when it makes people look at other alternatives.

I'm sensing a trend here. And I'm absolutely certain that you are not.
The only people soiling me here is people like you.

I'm sure society will soon cancel me for it.

Soon I'm sure they will censor what I say here as well.
And you'll never, ever look in the mirror.
Pot met kettle, you don't even have a mirror Mac.
If Biden wins, it'll be amusing to see how you guys react when I'm back to squabbling with the Regressive Lefties, just as I did when Obama was in office.

My mirror is clear. Yours is gone.
Yes Mac, you alone have the perfect mirror.

I reckon you win a cookie now.

Trump has delivered for Christians. You can bet your sweet ass we will vote for him.
Which Christians? Who is "we"?

He's referring to traditional Christians, not those who are anti-Life and glorify sodomy.

Remember how Trump is the first President to address the March for Life, and is a firm supporter of Christian outfits like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby.
If Biden wins, it'll be amusing to see how you guys react when I'm back to squabbling with the Regressive Lefties, just as I did when Obama was in office.
Obama is one of, if not the biggest reason Trump is in office now, and will continue to be for four more glorious years.
If Biden wins, it'll be amusing to see how you guys react when I'm back to squabbling with the Regressive Lefties, just as I did when Obama was in office.
Obama is one of, if not the biggest reason Trump is in office now, and will continue to be for four more glorious years.

Actually, its not just B Hussein O, but Romney, McCain and the Bush Family as well who are responsible for Trump's presidency. Has the GOP Establishment actually delivered when they won, the rank and file wouldn't have turned to an outsider.

Its a bit late but better late than never. As trump falters in the polls his evangelical base is drifting away. When is "man of God" Jerry Falwell going to speak up in support of his soiled hero ?
Evangelicals, Christian conservatives, and the like supported Trump for one reason and one reason only: abortion.

Now that the battle is won and Roe/Casey is soon to be overturned, the Christian right can cut Trump lose.

So this isn’t about Christians ‘seeing the light’ or ‘coming to their senses’ concerning Trump – it’s about authoritarian Christian conservatives willing to do anything to codify their religious dogma into secular law, expanding their influence in governance and public policy, and increasing the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
I fear that you are correct. American evangelicalism seems to be based on a narrowly based authoritarian agenda and assumes that they alone have all of the answers. It is a cult that follows a doctrine I do not recognise as Christian.

In the UK our evangelists basically wave tambourines and write awful modern hymns. They are a lot more palatable.
Pro life doesn't end at birth. That's why social security and Medicare are so great. Talk about Christian those programs are two of the absolute greatest things america has ever done.
Actually, its not just B Hussein O, but Romney, McCain and the Bush Family as well who are responsible for Trump's presidency. Has the GOP Establishment actually delivered when they won, the rank and file wouldn't have turned to an outsider.
True statement, as I obviously agree. However my words were " Obama is one of, if not the biggest reason", so while I agree with your statement, and while its obvious that neither side was delivering for many years, it was Obama, his policies, and the setup they were ensuring for Hillarys victory, is the proverbial straw that broke the camels back imo. America said enough is enough. And I hope that nobody says that people didnt know about the corruption while Obama/Biden was in office, because you better believe Trump knew prior to running, its just he had to have a plan to expose it, and thank goodness it worked and continues to do so.
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