Christians fear world will end in 2 weeks

None of
The bible said a bunch of blood moons will cause an asteroid to blow up the Earth. We must believe the bible. For it is the world of the Lord!
Please provide Book Chapter and Verse.
Acts 2:20: "The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord."

Revelation 6:12: "[...] and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood".

And from one of the so called "minor prophets:"

Joel 2:31 which reads: "And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come."
None of which has happened --------------- YET!
None of
The bible said a bunch of blood moons will cause an asteroid to blow up the Earth. We must believe the bible. For it is the world of the Lord!
Please provide Book Chapter and Verse.
Acts 2:20: "The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord."

Revelation 6:12: "[...] and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood".

And from one of the so called "minor prophets:"

Joel 2:31 which reads: "And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come."
None of which has happened --------------- YET!
Clearly you don't have a strong grasp on biblical matters! Tuck your head between your legs and kiss your ass good bye! We're screwed!
Granny ain't worried...

... she got the 23rd psalm bookmarked in her Bible...

... so she ready fer the Rapture.
"Christians fear world will end in 2 weeks"

The problem is that when the world doesn't end in two weeks these Christians won't admit that they're wrong.
One thing. As a Christian, I would be very happy if the world ended today. I would go to be with the LORD. I have no fear of the World's End.
The rationale of the suicide bomber:

One thing. As a Christian, I would be very happy if the world ended today. I would go to be with the LORD. I have no fear of the World's End.
Congrats on being deluded enough to surrender real world comforts in favor of "laying up treasures" in some metaphysical land that exists nowhere outside of your diseased imagination. :clap:
The rationale of the suicide bomber:

One thing. As a Christian, I would be very happy if the world ended today. I would go to be with the LORD. I have no fear of the World's End.
Congrats on being deluded enough to surrender real world comforts in favor of "laying up treasures" in some metaphysical land that exists nowhere outside of your diseased imagination. :clap:
It is the man who fears man more than he fears God that becomes the slave to the machine. Whether it be the atheist communist or the godless capitalist it is a man who knows not God that knows not comforts.
Later this month there will be a fourth consecutive blood moon. This makes it a "tetrad." The Bible refers to this in "Acts" and "Revelations." The story is on Drudge right now and a book about this reached #9 on the best seller list last year.

So it looks like probably we're all gonna die by an asteroid.
Why didn't I get the memo?
Who knows? Who knows what law from what religion you violated? What matters is your guilty. Now pay the tithe and repent!
Later this month there will be a fourth consecutive blood moon. This makes it a "tetrad." The Bible refers to this in "Acts" and "Revelations." The story is on Drudge right now and a book about this reached #9 on the best seller list last year.

So it looks like probably we're all gonna die by an asteroid.
Why didn't I get the memo?
Who knows? Who knows what law from what religion you violated? What matters is your guilty. Now pay the tithe and repent!
Ya see, tho?
My price has been paid for me.
There are no deeds for me to works sufficient.
It is finished.

So, whether it's in 2wks or tomorrow, my admission is covered
Later this month there will be a fourth consecutive blood moon. This makes it a "tetrad." The Bible refers to this in "Acts" and "Revelations." The story is on Drudge right now and a book about this reached #9 on the best seller list last year.

So it looks like probably we're all gonna die by an asteroid.

Fuck! Right in the middle of my Italy trip.
Gets me out of an employee's wedding

I have standards!


Yeah, you can't exceed them.. understood :)

Yup, not worth destroying the trust of a 41 year relationship for a flash in a the pan.

Wow that was a jump from harmless joking/flirting to that...? hmmmm... maybe you WERE flirting!!!

Only in your wet dreams.

I was busting on you. That is not flirting.


He ends on the defensive and you clap for him... (whatever!) :confused-84:
It is the man who fears man more than he fears God that becomes the slave to the machine. ...
It is the person who fears imaginary consequences that becomes the charlatan's fool. Christianity, in particular, has distinguished itself as the most fertile breeding ground for 'easy marks' ever tilled by the shyster element of society.

On top of that, Christian culture has provided a ready-made rationale (commonly known as 'political Zionism') for undending military adventurism to the lowest form of life on the planet, namely the scumbags of the 'military industrial complex' who profit so richly from death and destruction.

randomvariable said: is a man who knows not God that knows not comforts.
Well, if the bulk of the real world consequences of Christianity-based actions are any indication, it's the hapless Christian that knows neither God nor comfort.
Later this month there will be a fourth consecutive blood moon. This makes it a "tetrad." The Bible refers to this in "Acts" and "Revelations." The story is on Drudge right now and a book about this reached #9 on the best seller list last year.

So it looks like probably we're all gonna die by an asteroid.

Amusingly, evcentually all the crying wolf threats will be correct and something bad will happen. But no one will likely be prepared for it due to millenia of the sky is falling.

Apophis is still coming in 2029 and again in 2036, the 2036 is the worrisome one. Though not a planet-killer sized asteroid, it's definitely a mass-extinction type one.

Checking the NEO site here, nothing known around the two week point. Course there could be and they just aren't telling anyone to avoid panic. ;)
Later this month there will be a fourth consecutive blood moon. This makes it a "tetrad." The Bible refers to this in "Acts" and "Revelations." The story is on Drudge right now and a book about this reached #9 on the best seller list last year.

So it looks like probably we're all gonna die by an asteroid.

It's a lot of nonsense, TOS. First of all, Christians who are living by faith do not worry. The King James Bible teaches the Christian clearly that worry is a sin. The Christian is to trust in God, make our requests known to God and believe God for the answer. There is no room for "worry". Those who want people to focus on their doubts, fears, will use crafty devices to draw them into the worry game. Why? They are trying to rob people of their faith in God. It's a satanic agenda. Have nothing to do with them.

As for Jonathan Cahn? Quite a few Christians (including myself) have carefully looked at what he has said. Guess what? He has said nothing! If something happens? It's because of the Blood moons and if something doesn't happen? It's because of the Blood moons. Where is the prophetic in that?

Anything that is trying to draw your attention away from God and His Word is of the wicked one. We are to focus on the Word of God and believe what God says. Not what man says.
Later this month there will be a fourth consecutive blood moon. This makes it a "tetrad." The Bible refers to this in "Acts" and "Revelations." The story is on Drudge right now and a book about this reached #9 on the best seller list last year.

So it looks like probably we're all gonna die by an asteroid.
Comet asteroid already passed in July

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It is the man who fears man more than he fears God that becomes the slave to the machine. ...
It is the person who fears imaginary consequences that becomes the charlatan's fool. Christianity, in particular, has distinguished itself as the most fertile breeding ground for 'easy marks' ever tilled by the shyster element of society.

On top of that, Christian culture has provided a ready-made rationale (commonly known as 'political Zionism') for undending military adventurism to the lowest form of life on the planet, namely the scumbags of the 'military industrial complex' who profit so richly from death and destruction.

randomvariable said: is a man who knows not God that knows not comforts.
Well, if the bulk of the real world consequences of Christianity-based actions are any indication, it's the hapless Christian that knows neither God nor comfort.
Did born-again evangelical Christians go to war to remove Saddam from power? Yes. Was that the wrong thing to do? Saddam was Sunni and either a Sunni or a Shi'ite was going to be the next leader. It was a no-win situation. Just as it is in Syria. You want to blame people believing in god for war? Go for it. People speak of wanting democracy and peace but as long as people either deny God or seek a false god what they think they want and what they are going to get will never match up.
The reason why GOD would purge this world. Ask your self the amorality of this world stagnantes the waters(thoughts) greed and envy have stopped so many innovations and to many religions have keep it in a constant state of struggle for who is right and who is wrong. To many governments warring over power. The queens are over the Kings because of the Kings are ignorant of what control they have over them and the Kings not understanding what and why they feel the way they do struggle for dominance and treat females with out respect and equality. The corruption of the U.S. Law is so great that we have no idea who's on top any more organized crime or the law. You figure out the rest.

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Btw I have to add. There is no reason to be afraid even if the world was to end. 1000 years of peace and righteousness is going to be great not terrifying.

Only reason to worry is if you haven't used the atonement to clean up your life yet.

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