Christians Have an Obligation to Support the President

Christians do not support Trump. Dumb people being deceived by satan do.

Yes, because Christianity is first and foremost political to you. I know.

Wrong. Spirituality is about life. All of it. Including the fruits of those who have been given power.

Political Power is your idol; maybe "God" will be along for the ride.

I know. I understand

You are the one that believes Christians are required to support Trump. So political power is your idol.

I do not believe Christians are "required" to support Trump. Do not put words in my mouth
I will put words in your mouth as long as you do the same to me.

Such as:

"Political Power is your idol; maybe "God" will be along for the ride."


"Oh. So I can't support sin in Donald Trump or I'm of the devil but I'm supposed to support it in endorsing gay marriage."

I don't operate under the belief that conservatives get to say what they want but everybody else has to communicate the way conservatives tell them to.
You make stuff up in your head, dear

We know this

Ah. So you don't have an answer. So how come people comment on USMB that somebody else can't be a Christian because they don't support the republican agenda or are pro-choice, or LGBT, or support equal rights for LGBTs?

It's very difficult to be Christian and lend your support to ongoing sin. You would recognize this easily if a person said, "I am a Christian and I endorse adultery, embezzlement, and theft."

But you're brainwashed, so you can't see it with gay marriage and abortion

I'm not "brainwashed" as there is no one here who would do it. According to the Christian narrative, anyone who "sins" is accountable as an individual at his or her judgment for being LGBT, having an abortion, committing adultery, embezzlement, theft, bearing false witness, etc. There is no one specific "sin" that selectively merits a public battle. In any event, by your standards, your comment, coupled with your support of trump, indicates that you do lend your support to "ongoing sin."

Moreover, you are not just involving Christians of any and every stripe in this, you are also involving people outside of Christianity, those who adhere to other faiths, and those who choose atheism or agnosticism, to which Christian rules do not apply.

Sue has been indoctrinated by right wing extremism. She has a set of assumptions about people who are "liberal." And liberal is anyone not holding closed minded bigoted views and thinks the only important issues are abortion and gays. But she is ignorant.

There is nothing Christian about Trump or most of the policies conservatives calling themselves Christians support. Plain and simple.

I love to hear you spout off what you think you know about me, it's pretty funny. But do keep it up. The things I did and believed in my youth, you have no idea where I've been. I'm a mole, sweetheart. Not a troll, absolutely not. I'm always honest. But there's a reason I know what you believe so very, very well. I'll just leave it at that.

Like I sad, I will do to you what you do to me. At this point, you're a person being misled by a false prophet. But you are the only one who can change that. No Sue, you don't know what I believe. You've been radicalized into a belief that has you mentally screwed up.
Ah. So you don't have an answer. So how come people comment on USMB that somebody else can't be a Christian because they don't support the republican agenda or are pro-choice, or LGBT, or support equal rights for LGBTs?

It's very difficult to be Christian and lend your support to ongoing sin. You would recognize this easily if a person said, "I am a Christian and I endorse adultery, embezzlement, and theft."

But you're brainwashed, so you can't see it with gay marriage and abortion

I'm not "brainwashed" as there is no one here who would do it. According to the Christian narrative, anyone who "sins" is accountable as an individual at his or her judgment for being LGBT, having an abortion, committing adultery, embezzlement, theft, bearing false witness, etc. There is no one specific "sin" that selectively merits a public battle. In any event, by your standards, your comment, coupled with your support of trump, indicates that you do lend your support to "ongoing sin."

Moreover, you are not just involving Christians of any and every stripe in this, you are also involving people outside of Christianity, those who adhere to other faiths, and those who choose atheism or agnosticism, to which Christian rules do not apply.

Sue has been indoctrinated by right wing extremism. She has a set of assumptions about people who are "liberal." And liberal is anyone not holding closed minded bigoted views and thinks the only important issues are abortion and gays. But she is ignorant.

There is nothing Christian about Trump or most of the policies conservatives calling themselves Christians support. Plain and simple.

I love to hear you spout off what you think you know about me, it's pretty funny. But do keep it up. The things I did and believed in my youth, you have no idea where I've been. I'm a mole, sweetheart. Not a troll, absolutely not. I'm always honest. But there's a reason I know what you believe so very, very well. I'll just leave it at that.

Like I sad, I will do to you what you do to me. At this point, you're a person being misled by a false prophet. But you are the only one who can change that. No Sue, you don't know what I believe. You've been radicalized into a belief that has you mentally screwed up.

I am far from mentally screwed up and you know it, which is why you keep repeating it to me. In reality I'm smart and savvy. And not sorry for it in the least. Moreover, political power is the idol of the Left.
Close-minded as to what? I find it close-minded that people who self-identify as Christians attack the faith of any Christian who does not support the republican political party and its agenda. They also attack people of other faiths depending on how much or how little these people of other faiths support the republican agenda.

You make stuff up in your head, dear

We know this

Ah. So you don't have an answer. So how come people comment on USMB that somebody else can't be a Christian because they don't support the republican agenda or are pro-choice, or LGBT, or support equal rights for LGBTs?

It's very difficult to be Christian and lend your support to ongoing sin. You would recognize this easily if a person said, "I am a Christian and I endorse adultery, embezzlement, and theft."

But you're brainwashed, so you can't see it with gay marriage and abortion

I'm not "brainwashed" as there is no one here who would do it. According to the Christian narrative, anyone who "sins" is accountable as an individual at his or her judgment for being LGBT, having an abortion, committing adultery, embezzlement, theft, bearing false witness, etc. There is no one specific "sin" that selectively merits a public battle. In any event, by your standards, your comment, coupled with your support of trump, indicates that you do lend your support to "ongoing sin."

Moreover, you are not just involving Christians of any and every stripe in this, you are also involving people outside of Christianity, those who adhere to other faiths, and those who choose atheism or agnosticism, to which Christian rules do not apply.

Yes, sins that society calls "Good" merit a public battle. No one calls adultery "good". No one calls theft "good". But we are absolutely supposed to celebrate homosexual marriage AND abortion, a "woman's right to choose". THAT is why Christians seem to "pick on" those sins. Not that they are worse than others, but that they are supposed to be celebrated. They're not worth celebrating. They are sins.

You are not a Christian.
You make stuff up in your head, dear

We know this

Ah. So you don't have an answer. So how come people comment on USMB that somebody else can't be a Christian because they don't support the republican agenda or are pro-choice, or LGBT, or support equal rights for LGBTs?

It's very difficult to be Christian and lend your support to ongoing sin. You would recognize this easily if a person said, "I am a Christian and I endorse adultery, embezzlement, and theft."

But you're brainwashed, so you can't see it with gay marriage and abortion

I'm not "brainwashed" as there is no one here who would do it. According to the Christian narrative, anyone who "sins" is accountable as an individual at his or her judgment for being LGBT, having an abortion, committing adultery, embezzlement, theft, bearing false witness, etc. There is no one specific "sin" that selectively merits a public battle. In any event, by your standards, your comment, coupled with your support of trump, indicates that you do lend your support to "ongoing sin."

Moreover, you are not just involving Christians of any and every stripe in this, you are also involving people outside of Christianity, those who adhere to other faiths, and those who choose atheism or agnosticism, to which Christian rules do not apply.

Yes, sins that society calls "Good" merit a public battle. No one calls adultery "good". No one calls theft "good". But we are absolutely supposed to celebrate homosexual marriage AND abortion, a "woman's right to choose". THAT is why Christians seem to "pick on" those sins. Not that they are worse than others, but that they are supposed to be celebrated. They're not worth celebrating. They are sins.

You are not a Christian.

You are not the Judge of that. Sorry, you are not on par with Jesus Christ, nor are you Jesus Christ, no matter how high and lofty you feel you are.

That must be a huge disappointment to you, I know.
It's very difficult to be Christian and lend your support to ongoing sin. You would recognize this easily if a person said, "I am a Christian and I endorse adultery, embezzlement, and theft."

But you're brainwashed, so you can't see it with gay marriage and abortion

I'm not "brainwashed" as there is no one here who would do it. According to the Christian narrative, anyone who "sins" is accountable as an individual at his or her judgment for being LGBT, having an abortion, committing adultery, embezzlement, theft, bearing false witness, etc. There is no one specific "sin" that selectively merits a public battle. In any event, by your standards, your comment, coupled with your support of trump, indicates that you do lend your support to "ongoing sin."

Moreover, you are not just involving Christians of any and every stripe in this, you are also involving people outside of Christianity, those who adhere to other faiths, and those who choose atheism or agnosticism, to which Christian rules do not apply.

Sue has been indoctrinated by right wing extremism. She has a set of assumptions about people who are "liberal." And liberal is anyone not holding closed minded bigoted views and thinks the only important issues are abortion and gays. But she is ignorant.

There is nothing Christian about Trump or most of the policies conservatives calling themselves Christians support. Plain and simple.

I love to hear you spout off what you think you know about me, it's pretty funny. But do keep it up. The things I did and believed in my youth, you have no idea where I've been. I'm a mole, sweetheart. Not a troll, absolutely not. I'm always honest. But there's a reason I know what you believe so very, very well. I'll just leave it at that.

Like I sad, I will do to you what you do to me. At this point, you're a person being misled by a false prophet. But you are the only one who can change that. No Sue, you don't know what I believe. You've been radicalized into a belief that has you mentally screwed up.

I am far from mentally screwed up and you know it, which is why you keep repeating it to me. In reality I'm smart and savvy. And not sorry for it in the least. Moreover, political power is the idol of the Left.

Sue, you are ignorant. I say that to you after reading your own words. You talk about political power being the idol of the left while supporting everything the most crooked president in modern history does. If political power was not your idol, you find another republican to support. But you've been radicalized to believe things about the so called left while your side does everything it can do to make certain they control power.
Ah. So you don't have an answer. So how come people comment on USMB that somebody else can't be a Christian because they don't support the republican agenda or are pro-choice, or LGBT, or support equal rights for LGBTs?

It's very difficult to be Christian and lend your support to ongoing sin. You would recognize this easily if a person said, "I am a Christian and I endorse adultery, embezzlement, and theft."

But you're brainwashed, so you can't see it with gay marriage and abortion

I'm not "brainwashed" as there is no one here who would do it. According to the Christian narrative, anyone who "sins" is accountable as an individual at his or her judgment for being LGBT, having an abortion, committing adultery, embezzlement, theft, bearing false witness, etc. There is no one specific "sin" that selectively merits a public battle. In any event, by your standards, your comment, coupled with your support of trump, indicates that you do lend your support to "ongoing sin."

Moreover, you are not just involving Christians of any and every stripe in this, you are also involving people outside of Christianity, those who adhere to other faiths, and those who choose atheism or agnosticism, to which Christian rules do not apply.

Yes, sins that society calls "Good" merit a public battle. No one calls adultery "good". No one calls theft "good". But we are absolutely supposed to celebrate homosexual marriage AND abortion, a "woman's right to choose". THAT is why Christians seem to "pick on" those sins. Not that they are worse than others, but that they are supposed to be celebrated. They're not worth celebrating. They are sins.

You are not a Christian.

You are not the Judge of that. Sorry, you are not on par with Jesus Christ, nor are you Jesus Christ, no matter how high and lofty you feel you are.

That must be a huge disappointment to you, I know.

I am a sinner seeking the kingdom. I don't pretend to be Jesus like you do. But Jesus tells us to stay vigilant so we do not get deceived. Then he tells us how we can discern and that discernment is based on works. You support ungodly policies and works, therefore I say you are not a Christian.
It's very difficult to be Christian and lend your support to ongoing sin. You would recognize this easily if a person said, "I am a Christian and I endorse adultery, embezzlement, and theft."

But you're brainwashed, so you can't see it with gay marriage and abortion

I'm not "brainwashed" as there is no one here who would do it. According to the Christian narrative, anyone who "sins" is accountable as an individual at his or her judgment for being LGBT, having an abortion, committing adultery, embezzlement, theft, bearing false witness, etc. There is no one specific "sin" that selectively merits a public battle. In any event, by your standards, your comment, coupled with your support of trump, indicates that you do lend your support to "ongoing sin."

Moreover, you are not just involving Christians of any and every stripe in this, you are also involving people outside of Christianity, those who adhere to other faiths, and those who choose atheism or agnosticism, to which Christian rules do not apply.

Yes, sins that society calls "Good" merit a public battle. No one calls adultery "good". No one calls theft "good". But we are absolutely supposed to celebrate homosexual marriage AND abortion, a "woman's right to choose". THAT is why Christians seem to "pick on" those sins. Not that they are worse than others, but that they are supposed to be celebrated. They're not worth celebrating. They are sins.

You are not a Christian.

You are not the Judge of that. Sorry, you are not on par with Jesus Christ, nor are you Jesus Christ, no matter how high and lofty you feel you are.

That must be a huge disappointment to you, I know.

I am a sinner seeking the kingdom. I don't pretend to be Jesus like you do. But Jesus tells us to stay vigilant so we do not get deceived. Then he tells us how we can discern and that discernment is based on works. You support ungodly policies and works, therefore I say you are not a Christian.

Well you support candidates who support abortion, as we have talked about before. But that's fine because they prop up your need for earthly power, so you live with it. BTW, they are killing black babies by the millions but we don't pay any attention to that. It's inconvenient. SO nevermind
I'm not "brainwashed" as there is no one here who would do it. According to the Christian narrative, anyone who "sins" is accountable as an individual at his or her judgment for being LGBT, having an abortion, committing adultery, embezzlement, theft, bearing false witness, etc. There is no one specific "sin" that selectively merits a public battle. In any event, by your standards, your comment, coupled with your support of trump, indicates that you do lend your support to "ongoing sin."

Moreover, you are not just involving Christians of any and every stripe in this, you are also involving people outside of Christianity, those who adhere to other faiths, and those who choose atheism or agnosticism, to which Christian rules do not apply.

Yes, sins that society calls "Good" merit a public battle. No one calls adultery "good". No one calls theft "good". But we are absolutely supposed to celebrate homosexual marriage AND abortion, a "woman's right to choose". THAT is why Christians seem to "pick on" those sins. Not that they are worse than others, but that they are supposed to be celebrated. They're not worth celebrating. They are sins.

You are not a Christian.

You are not the Judge of that. Sorry, you are not on par with Jesus Christ, nor are you Jesus Christ, no matter how high and lofty you feel you are.

That must be a huge disappointment to you, I know.

I am a sinner seeking the kingdom. I don't pretend to be Jesus like you do. But Jesus tells us to stay vigilant so we do not get deceived. Then he tells us how we can discern and that discernment is based on works. You support ungodly policies and works, therefore I say you are not a Christian.

Well you support candidates who support abortion, as we have talked about before. But that's fine because they prop up your need for earthly power, so you live with it. BTW, they are killing black babies by the millions but we don't pay any attention to that. It's inconvenient. SO nevermind

Everyone: Now watch IM2 lose his mind because I brought up the black babies being lost to abortion. Watch him: he's about to lose his mind. It's not my business; I can't speak to that, yadda yadda

He has to turn his head to the atrocity because they serve his needs, these murderers, in other venues. Uh huh
Close-minded as to what? I find it close-minded that people who self-identify as Christians attack the faith of any Christian who does not support the republican political party and its agenda. They also attack people of other faiths depending on how much or how little these people of other faiths support the republican agenda.

You make stuff up in your head, dear

We know this

Ah. So you don't have an answer. So how come people comment on USMB that somebody else can't be a Christian because they don't support the republican agenda or are pro-choice, or LGBT, or support equal rights for LGBTs?

It's very difficult to be Christian and lend your support to ongoing sin. You would recognize this easily if a person said, "I am a Christian and I endorse adultery, embezzlement, and theft."

But you're brainwashed, so you can't see it with gay marriage and abortion

I'm not "brainwashed" as there is no one here who would do it. According to the Christian narrative, anyone who "sins" is accountable as an individual at his or her judgment for being LGBT, having an abortion, committing adultery, embezzlement, theft, bearing false witness, etc. There is no one specific "sin" that selectively merits a public battle. In any event, by your standards, your comment, coupled with your support of trump, indicates that you do lend y
your support to "ongoing sin."

Moreover, you are not just involving Christians of any and every stripe in this, you are also involving people outside of Christianity, those who adhere to other faiths, and those who choose atheism or agnosticism, to which Christian rules do not apply.

Yes, sins that society calls "Good" merit a public battle. No one calls adultery "good". No one calls theft "good". But we are absolutely supposed to celebrate homosexual marriage AND abortion, a "woman's right to choose". THAT is why Christians seem to "pick on" those sins. Not that they are worse than others, but that they are supposed to be celebrated. They're not worth celebrating. They are sins.

Your concept of celebration is flawed. What in society is called "Good" rather than something that is acceptable in keeping with the principle that, as individuals, we have the freedom to decide for ourselves. I would, and have, celebrated same-sex marriage so that the people who enter into them are granted the same legal rights and responsibilities as anyone else and may be happy with the person of their choosing. A person may choose to have an abortion or not, depending on her faith and philosophical choices, granting her full freedom of conscience, without the interference of government/politicians who may have made other religious and philosophical choices that suit them.
You make stuff up in your head, dear

We know this

Ah. So you don't have an answer. So how come people comment on USMB that somebody else can't be a Christian because they don't support the republican agenda or are pro-choice, or LGBT, or support equal rights for LGBTs?

It's very difficult to be Christian and lend your support to ongoing sin. You would recognize this easily if a person said, "I am a Christian and I endorse adultery, embezzlement, and theft."

But you're brainwashed, so you can't see it with gay marriage and abortion

I'm not "brainwashed" as there is no one here who would do it. According to the Christian narrative, anyone who "sins" is accountable as an individual at his or her judgment for being LGBT, having an abortion, committing adultery, embezzlement, theft, bearing false witness, etc. There is no one specific "sin" that selectively merits a public battle. In any event, by your standards, your comment, coupled with your support of trump, indicates that you do lend y
your support to "ongoing sin."

Moreover, you are not just involving Christians of any and every stripe in this, you are also involving people outside of Christianity, those who adhere to other faiths, and those who choose atheism or agnosticism, to which Christian rules do not apply.

Yes, sins that society calls "Good" merit a public battle. No one calls adultery "good". No one calls theft "good". But we are absolutely supposed to celebrate homosexual marriage AND abortion, a "woman's right to choose". THAT is why Christians seem to "pick on" those sins. Not that they are worse than others, but that they are supposed to be celebrated. They're not worth celebrating. They are sins.

Your concept of celebration is flawed. What in society is called "Good" rather than something that is acceptable in keeping with the principle that, as individuals, we have the freedom to decide for ourselves. I would, and have, celebrated same-sex marriage so that the people who enter into them are granted the same legal rights and responsibilities as anyone else and may be happy with the person of their choosing. A person may choose to have an abortion or not, depending on her faith and philosophical choices, granting her full freedom of conscience, without the interference of government/politicians who may have made other religious and philosophical choices that suit them.

An abortion strips away, FOREVER, the "rights and responsibilities" of the life in the womb. So that's a non-starter. You cannot grant "rights" to one while forever stripping rights from another. This is nonsensical.

As to rights and responsibilities for gay marriage: when you're in one of you DIFFERENT sorts of moods (or off your meds maybe) you rail on and on about people thinking homosexuality is a sin. So guess what: I have a right, in America, to believe homosexuality is a sin. And I do not believe the SC was justified in redefining marriage, and I look forward to the time when marriage will be a son and father, or a mother and son, or five people. Because why not? It will have to be.

Also, I agree with you on LEGAL rights, and that is why I was in favor of civil partnerships. But not marriage. But that's water under the bridge now.
This argument is further proof God does NOT approve of Democrats nor republicans use of religion to gain political power. I've been a practicing Christian my entire life. I've never seen our two political parties so far away from gods teachings. We have two sides trying to justify their positions and neither has done anything to show they are the party of Jesus Christ who is the true salvation. Jesus was about helping the least among us. He did not preach about having money or power. Both sides list.
This argument is further proof God does NOT approve of Democrats nor republicans use of religion to gain political power. I've been a practicing Christian my entire life. I've never seen our two political parties so far away from gods teachings. We have two sides trying to justify their positions and neither has done anything to show they are the party of Jesus Christ who is the true salvation. Jesus was about helping the least among us. He did not preach about having money or power. Both sides list.
You might want to look at what democrats are standing for before you talk about both sides.
I see both sides clearly. The republicans are certainly no representation of morals. The Dems are way far gone. I agree. But the republicans are about the $$$, and say things like social security and Medicare are bad. Since Jesus was all about helping the poor and destitute I'd say Ssand medicate are two things he would highly approve of as they help millions and millions of older retired people survive. GOP candidates have enough baggage such that this white Christian simply cannot vote for them.
Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians. So, my statement that most liberals are anti-Christian bigots, is fits the observable facts quite nicely.

Hey, you a Christian? How did you feel when Obama contemptuously dismissed, Rust Belt voters as "clinging to their bibles"?

But you love MLK, don't you? Because that was "different" because of "reasons".

Save your race baiting for you leftard friends. Don't do that again. You are old, so I am trying to show some respect. Earn it, or lose it.

But you love MLK, don't you? THat was "different" because of "reasons".

It is impressive the skill you libs hav developed, to frame everything you want, as "love" or a "right", so that any disagreement is spinnable as "hate" or "discrimination".

If you put all the effort into actually making the case for your positions?

Well, we will never know.

Got it. BLah, blah, blah, hate. Blah, blah blah, bigotry.


And you libs are jumping ugly just from THAT, when we don't have anything on what his arguments ARE?

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

You complain that "Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians." You forget that a lot of this "ridicule" comes from people who are themselves Christian.

I forgot nothing. My point stands. They are anti-Christina bigots, regardless of how they self identify.

How can a Christian be an anti-Christian bigot? You make three mistakes. The first is using the generic umbrella term "Christian" when you are actually referring to differences between the various denominations of Christianity. Secondly, you seek to define the entire Christian faith according to the group that you individually identify with, which is incredibly arrogant on your part. Third, you are trying to identify the entire Christian faith, all denominations and variations, with a particular political party.

1. By holding bigoted opinions about Christians.

2. The lib comments I refer to, generally do not distinguish between "Christians" and right leaning Evangelicals. So, I dont' either, when I discuss liberal bigotry.

3. I do not seek to define the entire Christian faith as anything. THe sloppiness of liberal bigotry, is not relevant to my point, so I dont' address it, and it is something THEY do anyways.

4. I do not attempt to identify all of Christianity with the GOP. I am well aware of the sloppiness of the liberal bigots I refer to. I don't see how mentioning it is relevant.

With your usual silly attempt to marry the Christian faith with a political ideology, you persist in skirting the issue as to how a Christian could be "bigoted against Christians." There is no evidence of it. You now claim a difference between Christians and "right leaning Evangelicals," yet these "right leaning Evangelicals" constantly refer to themselves only as "Christians" without differentiating themselves. Moreover, who ever these people whom you refer to as "liberals" (undefined), I've not heard anyone, regardless of their own faith, criticize the entire Christian faith.

1. I have made no effort to "marry" the Christian Faith with a political ideology.

2. Some liberals, identify as Christians, yet hold very bigoted views against Christians as a group. Your denial of this obvious fact, is silly. Repeatedly stating your confusion on that, is not an argument.

3. People are somtimes sloppy in their use of language. Normally, people can make sense of it, by the context of the statement. If not, simple clarifying questions are usually the next step. Your attempt to make something of that, is nonsense.
I forgot nothing. My point stands. They are anti-Christina bigots, regardless of how they self identify.

How can a Christian be an anti-Christian bigot? You make three mistakes. The first is using the generic umbrella term "Christian" when you are actually referring to differences between the various denominations of Christianity. Secondly, you seek to define the entire Christian faith according to the group that you individually identify with, which is incredibly arrogant on your part. Third, you are trying to identify the entire Christian faith, all denominations and variations, with a particular political party.

1. By holding bigoted opinions about Christians.

2. The lib comments I refer to, generally do not distinguish between "Christians" and right leaning Evangelicals. So, I dont' either, when I discuss liberal bigotry.

3. I do not seek to define the entire Christian faith as anything. THe sloppiness of liberal bigotry, is not relevant to my point, so I dont' address it, and it is something THEY do anyways.

4. I do not attempt to identify all of Christianity with the GOP. I am well aware of the sloppiness of the liberal bigots I refer to. I don't see how mentioning it is relevant.

When you can’t dazzle them with brains, you try to baffle people with bullshit.

Every one of your arguments against Christian Democrats has been dismantled to you’re trying to move he goal posts.

The only Christian bigots I see are evangelicals who refuse service to some sinners but not others. Who send their children to all white, all straight schools where they learn the earth is 6000 years old and science lies.

Your claims that Democrats are anti-Christian bigots has been shot out of the water. You don’t get to set new parameters to the discussions now that you’ve lost the debate.

Each point I made, was in response to a specific point or question Lysistrata made or asked.

I moved nothing. Nor has my point been refuted.

Many times over. Evangelicals are a conservative political action group masquerading as churches Nothing more.

You have done nothing to support your conclusion that these churches, are not sincere churches, that have valid reasons for engaging in political activity.

When questioned on MLK, you had no problem with his historical political activities.

YOu seem to be motivated by partisan opposition and bias, not principle or truth.
So they have an obligation to support a criminal, cheater and adultar? Christians have losed their moral compass if they vote trump.
They've made their choice, they've exposed their priorities.

Despite his personal failings, Trump is not their enemy the way Hillary was/is.

There is nothing unreasonable or wrong about that.

Your inability to respect their decision, does not reflect well on you.
That's horrible. I feel so bad now.

I don't want you to feel bad, I want you to not be a snide jerk.

My point, which was completely reasonable, and which you utterly failed to address, stands.

Despite his personal failings, Trump is not their enemy the way Hillary was/is.

There is nothing unreasonable or wrong about that.
Just goes to show you what phonies religious folk are . Following a godless , man whore , womanizing , greedy , lying , boorish , con man like Trump is God’s will?!
They follow that guy from the 700 club why not trump?

Religion makes people dumb and controllable of course trumps tapping into that.

Ahhhhhh, shut up, you atheist squint, you leftist, statist bootlick of a socialist nitwit of a baby-murdering monster of a pathological liar. You know very well why Christians support Trump and that it has nothing to do with his personal foibles or hypocrisy. They are quite rightly, quite intelligently, voting their best interests.
Christians do not support Trump. Dumb people being deceived by satan do.

Yes, because Christianity is first and foremost political to you. I know.

And there we just saw the lefty, doing what Lysis, said that right wing Christians do, ie claiming that someone can't be Christian is they support the other side of the political divide.

But she won't call IM2 on his actions.
Christians are suppose to follow Christ and what he taught us, and no one else.... and that seems to be hard to do, for Trump followers...

you can not support Trump and his actions and mouth,

if you follow Jesus Christ.

Trump, and everything he does and says,

is anti Christ.

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