Christians Have an Obligation to Support the President

to our moron-in-chief: .@realDonaldTrump It's clear you've never read our nation's Constitution or learned how to use Google:

"The House of Representatives shall chose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment." Article 1, Section 2.

You do a coup, you destroy democracy. Have you really thought this through, lefty?
Have you read the constitution that you republicans are trying to bastardize?

My point stands. You fuckers do a coup, you destroy democracy.

Getting this pos this MF out of our WH is the most important thing our nation can do AND FUK all republicans who can support this POS

Yeah, you people made your position clear. Gaining power is more important that respecting elections or our form of government.

I got that.

That is why I said, " you do a coup, you destroy democracy"

My question stands, lefty,

you see trump lover I can use profanity BUT the AH in our WH NOW should be setting an example ,,,He is ,to garbage like you
So they have an obligation to support a criminal, cheater and adultar? Christians have losed their moral compass if they vote trump.
to our moron-in-chief: .@realDonaldTrump It's clear you've never read our nation's Constitution or learned how to use Google:

"The House of Representatives shall chose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment." Article 1, Section 2.

You do a coup, you destroy democracy. Have you really thought this through, lefty?
Have you read the constitution that you republicans are trying to bastardize?

My point stands. You fuckers do a coup, you destroy democracy.

Getting this pos this MF out of our WH is the most important thing our nation can do AND FUK all republicans who can support this POS

Yeah, you people made your position clear. Gaining power is more important that respecting elections or our form of government.

I got that.

That is why I said, " you do a coup, you destroy democracy"

My question stands, lefty,

yes I have ,and there's no room for that foul pos to represent the greatest nation on earth
You do a coup, you destroy democracy. Have you really thought this through, lefty?
Have you read the constitution that you republicans are trying to bastardize?

My point stands. You fuckers do a coup, you destroy democracy.

Getting this pos this MF out of our WH is the most important thing our nation can do AND FUK all republicans who can support this POS

Yeah, you people made your position clear. Gaining power is more important that respecting elections or our form of government.

I got that.

That is why I said, " you do a coup, you destroy democracy"

My question stands, lefty,

yes I have ,and there's no room for that foul pos to represent the greatest nation on earth

Maybe that “greatest nation on earth” mindfuck slogan is bullshit and he is indeed a very typical representative for who we are now.

He did run against another well known crook you know.
Have you read the constitution that you republicans are trying to bastardize?

My point stands. You fuckers do a coup, you destroy democracy.

Getting this pos this MF out of our WH is the most important thing our nation can do AND FUK all republicans who can support this POS

Yeah, you people made your position clear. Gaining power is more important that respecting elections or our form of government.

I got that.

That is why I said, " you do a coup, you destroy democracy"

My question stands, lefty,

yes I have ,and there's no room for that foul pos to represent the greatest nation on earth

Maybe that “greatest nation on earth” mindfuck slogan is bullshit and he is indeed a very typical representative for who we are now.
Hope you're wrong He is bringing it down

He did run against another well known crook you know.
You do a coup, you destroy democracy. Have you really thought this through, lefty?
Have you read the constitution that you republicans are trying to bastardize?

My point stands. You fuckers do a coup, you destroy democracy.

Getting this pos this MF out of our WH is the most important thing our nation can do AND FUK all republicans who can support this POS

Yeah, you people made your position clear. Gaining power is more important that respecting elections or our form of government.

I got that.

That is why I said, " you do a coup, you destroy democracy"

My question stands, lefty,

yes I have ,and there's no room for that foul pos to represent the greatest nation on earth

That is still you looking at what you can't deal with NOW, ie you lost.

Have you thought what happens, once you end democracy?
So they have an obligation to support a criminal, cheater and adultar? Christians have losed their moral compass if they vote trump.
They've made their choice, they've exposed their priorities.

Despite his personal failings, Trump is not their enemy the way Hillary was/is.

There is nothing unreasonable or wrong about that.

Your inability to respect their decision, does not reflect well on you.
Generally speaking 60% of liberals ARE Christians, so your statement that most liberals are anti-Christian bigots is patently FALSE.

Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians. So, my statement that most liberals are anti-Christian bigots, is fits the observable facts quite nicely.

Hey, you a Christian? How did you feel when Obama contemptuously dismissed, Rust Belt voters as "clinging to their bibles"?

I am a Presbyterian elder and if my minister ever told me who to vote for, I’d leave the congregation. I attend Church to feed my spirituality, not to align my politics.

But you love MLK, don't you? Because that was "different" because of "reasons".

If you are putting your children in religious schools so they can attend an “all-white” school, you are not obeying Jesus’ teachings.

Save your race baiting for you leftard friends. Don't do that again. You are old, so I am trying to show some respect. Earn it, or lose it.

When you are mixing politics and religion, it is the antithesis of His teachings. No different that bringing money-changers into the Temple.

But you love MLK, don't you? THat was "different" because of "reasons".

When you use the Bible to justify bigotry and abuse, you are violating His commandment to love one another.

It is impressive the skill you libs hav developed, to frame everything you want, as "love" or a "right", so that any disagreement is spinnable as "hate" or "discrimination".

If you put all the effort into actually making the case for your positions?

Well, we will never know.

When you are willing to put MY religious beliefs into law, I’d be a lot more willing to mix religion and politics that the religion of hate, bigotry, misogyny and division I see in the right wing evangelical movement. Evangelicals are a political party masquerading as a religion to avoid the laws against hate.

These people give Christianity a bad name and their incursions into politics should be shut down as the Founders intended.

Got it. BLah, blah, blah, hate. Blah, blah blah, bigotry.


And you libs are jumping ugly just from THAT, when we don't have anything on what his arguments ARE?

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

You complain that "Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians." You forget that a lot of this "ridicule" comes from people who are themselves Christian.

I forgot nothing. My point stands. They are anti-Christina bigots, regardless of how they self identify.

How can a Christian be an anti-Christian bigot? You make three mistakes. The first is using the generic umbrella term "Christian" when you are actually referring to differences between the various denominations of Christianity. Secondly, you seek to define the entire Christian faith according to the group that you individually identify with, which is incredibly arrogant on your part. Third, you are trying to identify the entire Christian faith, all denominations and variations, with a particular political party.

1. By holding bigoted opinions about Christians.

2. The lib comments I refer to, generally do not distinguish between "Christians" and right leaning Evangelicals. So, I dont' either, when I discuss liberal bigotry.

3. I do not seek to define the entire Christian faith as anything. THe sloppiness of liberal bigotry, is not relevant to my point, so I dont' address it, and it is something THEY do anyways.

4. I do not attempt to identify all of Christianity with the GOP. I am well aware of the sloppiness of the liberal bigots I refer to. I don't see how mentioning it is relevant.

When you can’t dazzle them with brains, you try to baffle people with bullshit.

Every one of your arguments against Christian Democrats has been dismantled so you’re trying to move the goal posts.

The only Christian bigots I see are evangelicals who refuse service to some sinners but not others. Who send their children to all white, all straight schools where they learn the earth is 6000 years old and science lies.

Your claims that Democrats are anti-Christian bigots has been shot out of the water. You don’t get to set new parameters to the discussions now that you’ve lost the debate.
Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians. So, my statement that most liberals are anti-Christian bigots, is fits the observable facts quite nicely.

Hey, you a Christian? How did you feel when Obama contemptuously dismissed, Rust Belt voters as "clinging to their bibles"?

But you love MLK, don't you? Because that was "different" because of "reasons".

Save your race baiting for you leftard friends. Don't do that again. You are old, so I am trying to show some respect. Earn it, or lose it.

But you love MLK, don't you? THat was "different" because of "reasons".

It is impressive the skill you libs hav developed, to frame everything you want, as "love" or a "right", so that any disagreement is spinnable as "hate" or "discrimination".

If you put all the effort into actually making the case for your positions?

Well, we will never know.

Got it. BLah, blah, blah, hate. Blah, blah blah, bigotry.


And you libs are jumping ugly just from THAT, when we don't have anything on what his arguments ARE?

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

You complain that "Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians." You forget that a lot of this "ridicule" comes from people who are themselves Christian.

I forgot nothing. My point stands. They are anti-Christina bigots, regardless of how they self identify.

How can a Christian be an anti-Christian bigot? You make three mistakes. The first is using the generic umbrella term "Christian" when you are actually referring to differences between the various denominations of Christianity. Secondly, you seek to define the entire Christian faith according to the group that you individually identify with, which is incredibly arrogant on your part. Third, you are trying to identify the entire Christian faith, all denominations and variations, with a particular political party.

1. By holding bigoted opinions about Christians.

2. The lib comments I refer to, generally do not distinguish between "Christians" and right leaning Evangelicals. So, I dont' either, when I discuss liberal bigotry.

3. I do not seek to define the entire Christian faith as anything. THe sloppiness of liberal bigotry, is not relevant to my point, so I dont' address it, and it is something THEY do anyways.

4. I do not attempt to identify all of Christianity with the GOP. I am well aware of the sloppiness of the liberal bigots I refer to. I don't see how mentioning it is relevant.

When you can’t dazzle them with brains, you try to baffle people with bullshit.

Every one of your arguments against Christian Democrats has been dismantled to you’re trying to move he goal posts.

The only Christian bigots I see are evangelicals who refuse service to some sinners but not others. Who send their children to all white, all straight schools where they learn the earth is 6000 years old and science lies.

Your claims that Democrats are anti-Christian bigots has been shot out of the water. You don’t get to set new parameters to the discussions now that you’ve lost the debate.

Each point I made, was in response to a specific point or question Lysistrata made or asked.

I moved nothing. Nor has my point been refuted.
Generally speaking 60% of liberals ARE Christians, so your statement that most liberals are anti-Christian bigots is patently FALSE.

Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians. So, my statement that most liberals are anti-Christian bigots, is fits the observable facts quite nicely.

Hey, you a Christian? How did you feel when Obama contemptuously dismissed, Rust Belt voters as "clinging to their bibles"?

I am a Presbyterian elder and if my minister ever told me who to vote for, I’d leave the congregation. I attend Church to feed my spirituality, not to align my politics.

But you love MLK, don't you? Because that was "different" because of "reasons".

If you are putting your children in religious schools so they can attend an “all-white” school, you are not obeying Jesus’ teachings.

Save your race baiting for you leftard friends. Don't do that again. You are old, so I am trying to show some respect. Earn it, or lose it.

When you are mixing politics and religion, it is the antithesis of His teachings. No different that bringing money-changers into the Temple.

But you love MLK, don't you? THat was "different" because of "reasons".

When you use the Bible to justify bigotry and abuse, you are violating His commandment to love one another.

It is impressive the skill you libs hav developed, to frame everything you want, as "love" or a "right", so that any disagreement is spinnable as "hate" or "discrimination".

If you put all the effort into actually making the case for your positions?

Well, we will never know.

When you are willing to put MY religious beliefs into law, I’d be a lot more willing to mix religion and politics that the religion of hate, bigotry, misogyny and division I see in the right wing evangelical movement. Evangelicals are a political party masquerading as a religion to avoid the laws against hate.

These people give Christianity a bad name and their incursions into politics should be shut down as the Founders intended.

Got it. BLah, blah, blah, hate. Blah, blah blah, bigotry.


And you libs are jumping ugly just from THAT, when we don't have anything on what his arguments ARE?

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

You complain that "Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians." You forget that a lot of this "ridicule" comes from people who are themselves Christian.

I forgot nothing. My point stands. They are anti-Christina bigots, regardless of how they self identify.

How can a Christian be an anti-Christian bigot? You make three mistakes. The first is using the generic umbrella term "Christian" when you are actually referring to differences between the various denominations of Christianity. Secondly, you seek to define the entire Christian faith according to the group that you individually identify with, which is incredibly arrogant on your part. Third, you are trying to identify the entire Christian faith, all denominations and variations, with a particular political party.

1. By holding bigoted opinions about Christians.

2. The lib comments I refer to, generally do not distinguish between "Christians" and right leaning Evangelicals. So, I dont' either, when I discuss liberal bigotry.

3. I do not seek to define the entire Christian faith as anything. THe sloppiness of liberal bigotry, is not relevant to my point, so I dont' address it, and it is something THEY do anyways.

4. I do not attempt to identify all of Christianity with the GOP. I am well aware of the sloppiness of the liberal bigots I refer to. I don't see how mentioning it is relevant.

With your usual silly attempt to marry the Christian faith with a political ideology, you persist in skirting the issue as to how a Christian could be "bigoted against Christians." There is no evidence of it. You now claim a difference between Christians and "right leaning Evangelicals," yet these "right leaning Evangelicals" constantly refer to themselves only as "Christians" without differentiating themselves. Moreover, who ever these people whom you refer to as "liberals" (undefined), I've not heard anyone, regardless of their own faith, criticize the entire Christian faith.
You complain that "Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians." You forget that a lot of this "ridicule" comes from people who are themselves Christian.

I forgot nothing. My point stands. They are anti-Christina bigots, regardless of how they self identify.

How can a Christian be an anti-Christian bigot? You make three mistakes. The first is using the generic umbrella term "Christian" when you are actually referring to differences between the various denominations of Christianity. Secondly, you seek to define the entire Christian faith according to the group that you individually identify with, which is incredibly arrogant on your part. Third, you are trying to identify the entire Christian faith, all denominations and variations, with a particular political party.

1. By holding bigoted opinions about Christians.

2. The lib comments I refer to, generally do not distinguish between "Christians" and right leaning Evangelicals. So, I dont' either, when I discuss liberal bigotry.

3. I do not seek to define the entire Christian faith as anything. THe sloppiness of liberal bigotry, is not relevant to my point, so I dont' address it, and it is something THEY do anyways.

4. I do not attempt to identify all of Christianity with the GOP. I am well aware of the sloppiness of the liberal bigots I refer to. I don't see how mentioning it is relevant.

When you can’t dazzle them with brains, you try to baffle people with bullshit.

Every one of your arguments against Christian Democrats has been dismantled to you’re trying to move he goal posts.

The only Christian bigots I see are evangelicals who refuse service to some sinners but not others. Who send their children to all white, all straight schools where they learn the earth is 6000 years old and science lies.

Your claims that Democrats are anti-Christian bigots has been shot out of the water. You don’t get to set new parameters to the discussions now that you’ve lost the debate.

Each point I made, was in response to a specific point or question Lysistrata made or asked.

I moved nothing. Nor has my point been refuted.

Many times over. Evangelicals are a conservative political action group masquerading as churches Nothing more.
So they have an obligation to support a criminal, cheater and adultar? Christians have losed their moral compass if they vote trump.
They've made their choice, they've exposed their priorities.

Despite his personal failings, Trump is not their enemy the way Hillary was/is.

There is nothing unreasonable or wrong about that.

Your inability to respect their decision, does not reflect well on you.
That's horrible. I feel so bad now.
Trump isn’t being impeached because he beat Hillary. He’s being impeached because he’s using the office of the President to extort personal favours from world leaders, and corrupting the foreign service in service of those goals.

Trump is being impeached for betraying his country.
Just goes to show you what phonies religious folk are . Following a godless , man whore , womanizing , greedy , lying , boorish , con man like Trump is God’s will?!
Jesus isn't running.

Its Trump or someone that wants innocent children slaughtered by the millions, wants to deprive Americans of religious freedom, and wants to continue the destruction of a free and civil society.

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