Christians Have an Obligation to Support the President

One has to giggle...

I guess so, but first I have to get past the insult that he figures we're buying it. Then maybe I'll giggle.

This was quite the performance. I know who the idiot in the middle is. I wonder who the others are. There's no business like show business . . . Excuse me. I need a tissue.


They call this a woman,


but don't let people self identify their Faith.

So a handful of people do this, and it's a bit "out there," but they aren't playing in the Oval Office. Who are the idiots in the picture with the orange whore in the Oval Office doing the hand thing?

THe idea that gender is a choice, is mainstream liberal thought, indeed, it is the Conventional Wisdom in our society as a whole, and the basis of Law.

It is not a "handful of people".

My point stands.

This was quite the performance. I know who the idiot in the middle is. I wonder who the others are. There's no business like show business . . . Excuse me. I need a tissue.


They call this a woman,


but don't let people self identify their Faith.

Both political sides have their “out there” members. But unlike right wing radicals, this person didn’t drive 900 miles across Texas to murder Hispanics at a Walmart, or shoot up a synagogue during services. Unlike right wing radicals, nobody is going to die, because this guy/gal doesn’t like their looks.

The idea that gender is a choice, is mainstream liberal thought, that has WON the argument in our society to the point that is is the basis of law.

My point was that liberals can let an obvious MAN "identify" as a woman, yet cannot let a right leaning man, "identify" as a Christian.

That point stands. I understand why you felt the need to try to change the subject.
The Christian Right has sold their soul to this guy.
Seriously. What are you talking about?
Well, there's really no way to answer this question for you.

If you truly don't know, or see, what I'm talking about already, I can't think of words that might explain it for you.

I like to think that I'm fairly good with words, but there are times that a situation is simply beyond me.

Your assumption that your p.o.v. is the only valid point of view, is just arrogance on your part.
Just goes to show you what phonies religious folk are . Following a godless , man whore , womanizing , greedy , lying , boorish , con man like Trump is God’s will?!
If he can keep the baby-killing, sexual perversion supporting socialists out of office, then, yes, it is God's will.
The Christian Right has sold their soul to this guy.
Seriously. What are you talking about?
Well, there's really no way to answer this question for you.

If you truly don't know, or see, what I'm talking about already, I can't think of words that might explain it for you.

I like to think that I'm fairly good with words, but there are times that a situation is simply beyond me.

Your assumption that your p.o.v. is the only valid point of view, is just arrogance on your part.
Not once have I said that. Ever.

Pretty amazing, how often people here make assumptions on my positions without being able to quote me.

Just make it up as you go.
You have no point. You don't know me and are just a prejudiced person who thinks all liberals are the same. How Christian of you! I think you really don't have a clue what the word means.
Got it. YOu are confused about the concept of speaking of groups, generally. Ironically, this is common failure of the liberal mind. Generalization, is basic stepping stone of early child development. THe child does not have to touch every fire to know that all fires are hot. The child knows that generally fire is hot. Liberals, somehow lose this.
You were the one generalizing, as if you know all liberals.. There are many liberal Christians. You obviously don't know what irony means, because your latest post is a prime example of it.

Correct. I am generalizing.

Generalizing does NOT mean that I pretend to know every individual member of a general group.

Yes, there are exceptions to generalizations. Most people learn that in the toddler stage of development. Doges are nice. But some dogs are not nice. Dont' pet until you ask the owner. ANy of this ringing a bell?

Generally speaking, liberals are anti-Christian bigots.

And they are so narrow minded, that they can't even respect that people they hate, and actively oppose on nearly everything, organize and push back.

Generally speaking 60% of liberals ARE Christians, so your statement that most liberals are anti-Christian bigots is patently FALSE.

Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians. So, my statement that most liberals are anti-Christian bigots, is fits the observable facts quite nicely.

Hey, you a Christian? How did you feel when Obama contemptuously dismissed, Rust Belt voters as "clinging to their bibles"?

I am a Presbyterian elder and if my minister ever told me who to vote for, I’d leave the congregation. I attend Church to feed my spirituality, not to align my politics.

But you love MLK, don't you? Because that was "different" because of "reasons".

If you are putting your children in religious schools so they can attend an “all-white” school, you are not obeying Jesus’ teachings.

Save your race baiting for you leftard friends. Don't do that again. You are old, so I am trying to show some respect. Earn it, or lose it.

When you are mixing politics and religion, it is the antithesis of His teachings. No different that bringing money-changers into the Temple.

But you love MLK, don't you? THat was "different" because of "reasons".

When you use the Bible to justify bigotry and abuse, you are violating His commandment to love one another.

It is impressive the skill you libs hav developed, to frame everything you want, as "love" or a "right", so that any disagreement is spinnable as "hate" or "discrimination".

If you put all the effort into actually making the case for your positions?

Well, we will never know.

When you are willing to put MY religious beliefs into law, I’d be a lot more willing to mix religion and politics that the religion of hate, bigotry, misogyny and division I see in the right wing evangelical movement. Evangelicals are a political party masquerading as a religion to avoid the laws against hate.

These people give Christianity a bad name and their incursions into politics should be shut down as the Founders intended.

Got it. BLah, blah, blah, hate. Blah, blah blah, bigotry.


And you libs are jumping ugly just from THAT, when we don't have anything on what his arguments ARE?

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

You complain that "Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians." You forget that a lot of this "ridicule" comes from people who are themselves Christian.

The folks who are so loud about being "Christian" and pretend to be defenders of "Christianity" have strayed so far from the teachings of Jesus that all that they are doing is prostituting the Christian faith and abusing the name of Jesus. Scumbags like graham-cracker and jeffress are prime examples.
Just goes to show you what phonies religious folk are . Following a godless , man whore , womanizing , greedy , lying , boorish , con man like Trump is God’s will?!
If he can keep the baby-killing, sexual perversion supporting socialists out of office, then, yes, it is God's will.

God is the original “baby killer”, since 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. I don’t think that God opposes abortion at all since He made is possible, and ends 1/3 of all pregnancies on his own. Plus God also killed all of the first born children of Egypt to force them to free the Jews.

This notion that God opposes abortion is based on nothing. Certainly not scripture.

But both God and Jesus were VERY clear that God’s people were to treat others respectfully. To show kindness to strangers, to welcome them, and to live their lives as an example to others.

When you have evangelical Christian “family values” websites telling the faithful that “adultery” is defined as a man having sex with a married or betrothed woman, it shows how evangelicals have corrupted their faith. This definition gives married Christian men a free pass to have sex with single women, without them being guilty of adultery. Only their wives must remain faithful.

It is the hypocrisy of the evangelical right that is offensive.
Just goes to show you what phonies religious folk are . Following a godless , man whore , womanizing , greedy , lying , boorish , con man like Trump is God’s will?!
If he can keep the baby-killing, sexual perversion supporting socialists out of office, then, yes, it is God's will.

God is the original “baby killer”, since 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. I don’t think that God opposes abortion at all since He made is possible, and ends 1/3 of all pregnancies on his own. Plus God also killed all of the first born children of Egypt to force them to free the Jews.

This notion that God opposes abortion is based on nothing. Certainly not scripture.

But both God and Jesus were VERY clear that God’s people were to treat others respectfully. To show kindness to strangers, to welcome them, and to live their lives as an example to others.

When you have evangelical Christian “family values” websites telling the faithful that “adultery” is defined as a man having sex with a married or betrothed woman, it shows how evangelicals have corrupted their faith. This definition gives married Christian men a free pass to have sex with single women, without them being guilty of adultery. Only their wives must remain faithful.

It is the hypocrisy of the evangelical right that is offensive.

There is no denying what you have written. The flagship issues of the right-wing evangelical "Christians" have no basis in the Christian faith. But the definition of "adultery" as permitting a married man to have sex with an unmarried woman is quite ancient, permitting as it did a married man to unite his body with concubines and prostitutes, while our modern definition is centered on the breaking by one spouse or the other of their mutual vows to keep their bodies only for each other.
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
Sort of like the obligation the elite on the left believe that minorities and women have to the Democratic Party.

There is no “obligation” of women or minorities to vote Democrat. I have never heard an evangelical minister tell their congregants to vote Democrat. Or that God put Trump in office. This is strictly the purview of evangelical Christians who go to Trump and kiss his ring for favours. Like keeping pornographic pictures of themselves off the Internet.

If I found out my pastor and his wife were into homemade porn and kink, I’d find another church.
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
Sort of like the obligation the elite on the left believe that minorities and women have to the Democratic Party.

There is no “obligation” of women or minorities to vote Democrat. I have never heard an evangelical minister tell their congregants to vote Democrat. Or that God put Trump in office. This is strictly the purview of evangelical Christians who go to Trump and kiss his ring for favours. Like keeping pornographic pictures of themselves off the Internet.

If I found out my pastor and his wife were into homemade porn and kink, I’d find another church.
Bullshit any minority or women who doesn't vote Democrat is slammed by the left.
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
Sort of like the obligation the elite on the left believe that minorities and women have to the Democratic Party.

There is no “obligation” of women or minorities to vote Democrat. I have never heard an evangelical minister tell their congregants to vote Democrat. Or that God put Trump in office. This is strictly the purview of evangelical Christians who go to Trump and kiss his ring for favours. Like keeping pornographic pictures of themselves off the Internet.

If I found out my pastor and his wife were into homemade porn and kink, I’d find another church.
Bullshit any minority or women who doesn't vote Democrat is slammed by the left.
So what? Is your vote determined by what othets think of it? No? Then what makes you think you possess this magical power, when others do not? Your rant is stupid.
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
Sort of like the obligation the elite on the left believe that minorities and women have to the Democratic Party.

There is no “obligation” of women or minorities to vote Democrat. I have never heard an evangelical minister tell their congregants to vote Democrat. Or that God put Trump in office. This is strictly the purview of evangelical Christians who go to Trump and kiss his ring for favours. Like keeping pornographic pictures of themselves off the Internet.

If I found out my pastor and his wife were into homemade porn and kink, I’d find another church.
Bullshit any minority or women who doesn't vote Democrat is slammed by the left.
So what? Is your vote determined by what othets think of it? No? Then what makes you think you possess this magical power, when others do not? Your rant is stupid.
Right so the next time you hear someone call a Black person who doesn't vote Democrat an Uncle Tom I sure you will set them straight ?
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
Sort of like the obligation the elite on the left believe that minorities and women have to the Democratic Party.

There is no “obligation” of women or minorities to vote Democrat. I have never heard an evangelical minister tell their congregants to vote Democrat. Or that God put Trump in office. This is strictly the purview of evangelical Christians who go to Trump and kiss his ring for favours. Like keeping pornographic pictures of themselves off the Internet.

If I found out my pastor and his wife were into homemade porn and kink, I’d find another church.
Bullshit any minority or women who doesn't vote Democrat is slammed by the left.
So what? Is your vote determined by what othets think of it? No? Then what makes you think you possess this magical power, when others do not? Your rant is stupid.
Right so the next time you hear someone call a Black person who doesn't vote Democrat an Uncle Tom I sure you will set them straight ?
Absolutely. But...please try to pay attention this time... How does that affect their vote either way? Please explain why you think you possess the magical power of determining your own vote, when others do not. Or STFU. Your call.
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
Sort of like the obligation the elite on the left believe that minorities and women have to the Democratic Party.

There is no “obligation” of women or minorities to vote Democrat. I have never heard an evangelical minister tell their congregants to vote Democrat. Or that God put Trump in office. This is strictly the purview of evangelical Christians who go to Trump and kiss his ring for favours. Like keeping pornographic pictures of themselves off the Internet.

If I found out my pastor and his wife were into homemade porn and kink, I’d find another church.
Bullshit any minority or women who doesn't vote Democrat is slammed by the left.
So what? Is your vote determined by what othets think of it? No? Then what makes you think you possess this magical power, when others do not? Your rant is stupid.
Right so the next time you hear someone call a Black person who doesn't vote Democrat an Uncle Tom I sure you will set them straight ?

I personally have never heard of a black person who votes Republican, called an “Uncle Tom” by anyone other than conservative posters on message boards.

I imagine blacks probably respond to other blacks voting Republican, the same way I do about anyone who isn’t wealthy, white or male voting Republican, which is incredulity that so many fools can be consistently gulled into voting against their own best interests.

Fortunately, fewer and fewer are these days thanks to Donald Trump. Educated women, racial and religious minorities, principled mainstream ecumenical Christians, as well as gays, and now military members are openly saying that abusing refugees, betraying your allies, and coddling murderous despots is what they voted for.
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
Sort of like the obligation the elite on the left believe that minorities and women have to the Democratic Party.

There is no “obligation” of women or minorities to vote Democrat. I have never heard an evangelical minister tell their congregants to vote Democrat. Or that God put Trump in office. This is strictly the purview of evangelical Christians who go to Trump and kiss his ring for favours. Like keeping pornographic pictures of themselves off the Internet.

If I found out my pastor and his wife were into homemade porn and kink, I’d find another church.
True, “God” does not take sides... lol
He does not need anybody. End of story
Just goes to show you what phonies religious folk are . Following a godless , man whore , womanizing , greedy , lying , boorish , con man like Trump is God’s will?!
If he can keep the baby-killing, sexual perversion supporting socialists out of office, then, yes, it is God's will.

God is the original “baby killer”, since 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. I don’t think that God opposes abortion at all since He made is possible, and ends 1/3 of all pregnancies on his own. Plus God also killed all of the first born children of Egypt to force them to free the Jews.

This notion that God opposes abortion is based on nothing. Certainly not scripture.

But both God and Jesus were VERY clear that God’s people were to treat others respectfully. To show kindness to strangers, to welcome them, and to live their lives as an example to others.

When you have evangelical Christian “family values” websites telling the faithful that “adultery” is defined as a man having sex with a married or betrothed woman, it shows how evangelicals have corrupted their faith. This definition gives married Christian men a free pass to have sex with single women, without them being guilty of adultery. Only their wives must remain faithful.

It is the hypocrisy of the evangelical right that is offensive.

There is no denying what you have written. The flagship issues of the right-wing evangelical "Christians" have no basis in the Christian faith. But the definition of "adultery" as permitting a married man to have sex with an unmarried woman is quite ancient, permitting as it did a married man to unite his body with concubines and prostitutes, while our modern definition is centered on the breaking by one spouse or the other of their mutual vows to keep their bodies only for each other.
Political correctness has nothing to do with any sort of morality... Political correctness is all about emotion/situational shit you know basically drama. LOL

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