Christians Have an Obligation to Support the President

I must have missed the part of the Inauguration where they took a flask of olive oil and poured it on Trump's head.
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
This is what’s wrong with religion. If you’ll believe the unbelievable then you clearly can be lied to.

Blind loyalty

"In his book, Reed will “persuasively” argue evangelicals have a duty to defend the incumbent Republican leader against “the stridently anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and pro-abortion agenda of the progressive left,” according to the description."

Sounds like he is attempting to make the case for his opinion.

Nothing unreasonable about that. I don't see where you get off calling it a lie.

It is funny, that you attack the very idea of religion, putting down religious people in the process, and then assume that the only reason that religious people could oppose you, is because they are lied to.

Any minister who tells his flock to vote for a certain candidate as “God’s will” should be defrocked and his church should lose its tax exempt status.

This is the very reason why the Founders insisted on a separation of church and state. So that governance and laws weren’t based on one religion over another, and so that church leaders couldn’t become politically powerful -like the Pope.

Jesus was very clear that religious leaders should stay out of politics too.

Oh, what of the political activities of Martin Luther King? Or was that somehow different?
"In his book, Reed will “persuasively” argue evangelicals have a duty to defend the incumbent Republican leader against “the stridently anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and pro-abortion agenda of the progressive left,” according to the description."

Sounds like he is attempting to make the case for his opinion.

Nothing unreasonable about that. I don't see where you get off calling it a lie.

It is funny, that you attack the very idea of religion, putting down religious people in the process, and then assume that the only reason that religious people could oppose you, is because they are lied to.
Are you saying republicans want to ban abortion?

Then you are pro choice too.

I said nothing about abortion.

Like most liberals, you have nothing but contempt for white religious Christians. And you oppose them all nearly ever political issue.

Yet, you have to imagine self serving reasons why the people you denigrate and oppose, would organize against you and yours.

How can you be so narrow minded, that you have attack people who disagree with you, for opposing you politically?

What a dumb comment. There are many people whom you define as "liberals," whatever this actually means, who are themselves white religious Christians who have different political views. BTW: why the mention of race? Christians come in many colors. What's your racial angle?

1. THe hypocrisy of liberals, saying the most contempt filled hate filled things about Christians one day, and then next embracing other Christians is a very point. But one that does not challenge my statement about the shit you libs say and do about Christians.

2. It is not "my racial angle". lt is merely me observing that liberals treat black Christians differently than they treat white Christians. Again, if you read the hate filled contempt that liberals express about Christians, and then see them embrace black Christians, it is quite obvious that liberals are complete hypocrites, if not soulless monsters.

Your intermingling of political terminology ("liberal") with religious terminology ("Christian") is quite confusing. Christians are all over the political spectrum, so many of these "liberals" are Christian believers themselves. It comes down to Christians criticizing other Christians.

Unfortunately, there are those who try to put a Christian stamp on their hatred of others for political reasons, as if Jesus has anything to do with it, and obliterate the teaching of Jesus while retaining use of his brand name. They disgrace the Christian faith. Black Christians seem to produce exponentially less of this type of imbecile.

There is nothing confusing about pointing out that a political ideology is biased against a religious group.

You are attempting to muddy the waters, to dodge addressing my point.

From what we have seen in the OP, a certain Christian has an opinion and wrote a book that makes the case for that opinion.

Liberals have been viciously attacking him for that. WIth no information on what his argument(s) is.

Your smearing of him, based on no information offered in this thread, as "hating others", is just you justifying YOUR OWN HATRED.
I must have missed the part of the Inauguration where they took a flask of olive oil and poured it on Trump's head.

No information from the book on the actual arguments Reed has, have been offered.

I doubt it boils down to simply, The Mandate of Heaven.

If it does, I will join you in ridiculing him.

Just goes to show you what phonies religious folk are . Following a godless , man whore , womanizing , greedy , lying , boorish , con man like Trump is God’s will?!
You just described every career politician that ever lived, you silly little fucker...
Quit Falling down the well
Just goes to show you what phonies religious folk are . Following a godless , man whore , womanizing , greedy , lying , boorish , con man like Trump is God’s will?!
They follow that guy from the 700 club why not trump?

Religion makes people dumb and controllable of course trumps tapping into that.
Exactly. Like when in 2016 the Jerusalem Post editorialized that "no Jew in good conscience " could support Trump.

It is hard for Jews to see Trump alienate one group of people and then support him. They remember that's what Hitler did to them. He convinced the German people that the Jews were to blame. Sound familiar? Trump said muslims and mexicans are bad and I'm sure he thinks blacks are bad too.
No, the reason cited was that Trump supported an immigration policy that wasn't crafted for the benefit of the Jews. By the way, as you well know, it is a lie to say Trump said Muslims and Mexicans are bad. What is it about Jews and lying? And you have no idea whether Trump thinks blacks are bad. What is it about Jews and projecting?

Assuming that you identify yourself as a Christian, why are you so anti-semitic? This is the opposite of what Jesus taught. In history, the Jews never did anything, as a group, to anyone. Really, whom did they attack? Whom did they wipe out? All they have done is to stick with their own religion, which pre-dates Christianity and Islam, both of which are still angry that the Jews did not jump on their respective bandwagons.
Your orange whore actually did say that Muslims and Mexicans are bad, and his fast-friend graham-cracker-the-ass-kisser actually said that Islam is not a religion.
One has to giggle...

The Christian Right has sold their soul to this guy.

No amount of spin can fix that.
Don't try to make this about me. I was pointing out that an evangelical icon has signalled his willingness to leave the Trump train. Secondly, you don't know me. Saying I have contempt for Christians is just a sad attempt to defend the indefensible.
My point stands. You liberals have nothing but contempt for Christians, and oppose them on nearly all issues of substance,and then act as though it is beyond the pale that Christians would organize AGAINST you. There should be a term, for maximum narrow mindedness, so we could call you that.
You have no point. You don't know me and are just a prejudiced person who thinks all liberals are the same. How Christian of you! I think you really don't have a clue what the word means.
Got it. YOu are confused about the concept of speaking of groups, generally. Ironically, this is common failure of the liberal mind. Generalization, is basic stepping stone of early child development. THe child does not have to touch every fire to know that all fires are hot. The child knows that generally fire is hot. Liberals, somehow lose this.
You were the one generalizing, as if you know all liberals.. There are many liberal Christians. You obviously don't know what irony means, because your latest post is a prime example of it.

Correct. I am generalizing.

Generalizing does NOT mean that I pretend to know every individual member of a general group.

Yes, there are exceptions to generalizations. Most people learn that in the toddler stage of development. Doges are nice. But some dogs are not nice. Dont' pet until you ask the owner. ANy of this ringing a bell?

Generally speaking, liberals are anti-Christian bigots.

And they are so narrow minded, that they can't even respect that people they hate, and actively oppose on nearly everything, organize and push back.

Generally speaking 60% of liberals ARE Christians, so your statement that most liberals are anti-Christian bigots is patently FALSE.

I am a Presbyterian elder and if my minister ever told me who to vote for, I’d leave the congregation. I attend Church to feed my spirituality, not to align my politics.

If you are putting your children in religious schools so they can attend an “all-white” school, you are not obeying Jesus’ teachings.

When you are mixing politics and religion, it is the antithesis of His teachings. No different that bringing money-changers into the Temple.

When you use the Bible to justify bigotry and abuse, you are violating His commandment to love one another.

When you are willing to put MY religious beliefs into law, I’d be a lot more willing to mix religion and politics that the religion of hate, bigotry, misogyny and division I see in the right wing evangelical movement. Evangelicals are a political party masquerading as a religion to avoid the laws against hate.

These people give Christianity a bad name and their incursions into politics should be shut down as the Founders intended.
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
This is what’s wrong with religion. If you’ll believe the unbelievable then you clearly can be lied to.

Blind loyalty

"In his book, Reed will “persuasively” argue evangelicals have a duty to defend the incumbent Republican leader against “the stridently anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and pro-abortion agenda of the progressive left,” according to the description."

Sounds like he is attempting to make the case for his opinion.

Nothing unreasonable about that. I don't see where you get off calling it a lie.

It is funny, that you attack the very idea of religion, putting down religious people in the process, and then assume that the only reason that religious people could oppose you, is because they are lied to.

Any minister who tells his flock to vote for a certain candidate as “God’s will” should be defrocked and his church should lose its tax exempt status.

This is the very reason why the Founders insisted on a separation of church and state. So that governance and laws weren’t based on one religion over another, and so that church leaders couldn’t become politically powerful -like the Pope.

Jesus was very clear that religious leaders should stay out of politics too.

Oh, what of the political activities of Martin Luther King? Or was that somehow different?

Dr. King fought for justice and equal treatment for all people. Try reading his “I have a dream” speech. One of the most moving, spiritual, dissertations ever written. It is a speech about the soul of humanity. Dr. King was never a political leader. He didn’t align himself with any political party.

His goals and his beliefs were humanitarian, not political. He never said to vote for Conservatives on the bench, or the ability to discriminate against gays, being passed off as “freedom of religion”

This was quite the performance. I know who the idiot in the middle is. I wonder who the others are. There's no business like show business . . . Excuse me. I need a tissue.


They call this a woman,


but don't let people self identify their Faith.

So a handful of people do this, and it's a bit "out there," but they aren't playing in the Oval Office. Who are the idiots in the picture with the orange whore in the Oval Office doing the hand thing?

This was quite the performance. I know who the idiot in the middle is. I wonder who the others are. There's no business like show business . . . Excuse me. I need a tissue.


They call this a woman,


but don't let people self identify their Faith.

Both political sides have their “out there” members. But unlike right wing radicals, this person didn’t drive 900 miles across Texas to murder Hispanics at a Walmart, or shoot up a synagogue during services. Unlike right wing radicals, nobody is going to die, because this guy/gal doesn’t like their looks.
The Christian Right has sold their soul to this guy.

No amount of spin can fix that.

Seriously. What are you talking about?

He is willing to work with them on the issues, and they are willing to support him politically.

We have heard NOTHING of what Reed's argument is, and you are wiling to, what? Assume the worst of it?
The Christian Right has sold their soul to this guy.
Seriously. What are you talking about?
Well, there's really no way to answer this question for you.

If you truly don't know, or see, what I'm talking about already, I can't think of words that might explain it for you.

I like to think that I'm fairly good with words, but there are times that a situation is simply beyond me.
My point stands. You liberals have nothing but contempt for Christians, and oppose them on nearly all issues of substance,and then act as though it is beyond the pale that Christians would organize AGAINST you. There should be a term, for maximum narrow mindedness, so we could call you that.
You have no point. You don't know me and are just a prejudiced person who thinks all liberals are the same. How Christian of you! I think you really don't have a clue what the word means.
Got it. YOu are confused about the concept of speaking of groups, generally. Ironically, this is common failure of the liberal mind. Generalization, is basic stepping stone of early child development. THe child does not have to touch every fire to know that all fires are hot. The child knows that generally fire is hot. Liberals, somehow lose this.
You were the one generalizing, as if you know all liberals.. There are many liberal Christians. You obviously don't know what irony means, because your latest post is a prime example of it.

Correct. I am generalizing.

Generalizing does NOT mean that I pretend to know every individual member of a general group.

Yes, there are exceptions to generalizations. Most people learn that in the toddler stage of development. Doges are nice. But some dogs are not nice. Dont' pet until you ask the owner. ANy of this ringing a bell?

Generally speaking, liberals are anti-Christian bigots.

And they are so narrow minded, that they can't even respect that people they hate, and actively oppose on nearly everything, organize and push back.

Generally speaking 60% of liberals ARE Christians, so your statement that most liberals are anti-Christian bigots is patently FALSE.

Except that we see liberals daily ridicule Christians, Christianity, even the very idea of religion on this site, and we never see people like you come to the defense of Christians. So, my statement that most liberals are anti-Christian bigots, is fits the observable facts quite nicely.

Hey, you a Christian? How did you feel when Obama contemptuously dismissed, Rust Belt voters as "clinging to their bibles"?

I am a Presbyterian elder and if my minister ever told me who to vote for, I’d leave the congregation. I attend Church to feed my spirituality, not to align my politics.

But you love MLK, don't you? Because that was "different" because of "reasons".

If you are putting your children in religious schools so they can attend an “all-white” school, you are not obeying Jesus’ teachings.

Save your race baiting for you leftard friends. Don't do that again. You are old, so I am trying to show some respect. Earn it, or lose it.

When you are mixing politics and religion, it is the antithesis of His teachings. No different that bringing money-changers into the Temple.

But you love MLK, don't you? THat was "different" because of "reasons".

When you use the Bible to justify bigotry and abuse, you are violating His commandment to love one another.

It is impressive the skill you libs hav developed, to frame everything you want, as "love" or a "right", so that any disagreement is spinnable as "hate" or "discrimination".

If you put all the effort into actually making the case for your positions?

Well, we will never know.

When you are willing to put MY religious beliefs into law, I’d be a lot more willing to mix religion and politics that the religion of hate, bigotry, misogyny and division I see in the right wing evangelical movement. Evangelicals are a political party masquerading as a religion to avoid the laws against hate.

These people give Christianity a bad name and their incursions into politics should be shut down as the Founders intended.

Got it. BLah, blah, blah, hate. Blah, blah blah, bigotry.


And you libs are jumping ugly just from THAT, when we don't have anything on what his arguments ARE?

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
This is what’s wrong with religion. If you’ll believe the unbelievable then you clearly can be lied to.

Blind loyalty

"In his book, Reed will “persuasively” argue evangelicals have a duty to defend the incumbent Republican leader against “the stridently anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and pro-abortion agenda of the progressive left,” according to the description."

Sounds like he is attempting to make the case for his opinion.

Nothing unreasonable about that. I don't see where you get off calling it a lie.

It is funny, that you attack the very idea of religion, putting down religious people in the process, and then assume that the only reason that religious people could oppose you, is because they are lied to.

Any minister who tells his flock to vote for a certain candidate as “God’s will” should be defrocked and his church should lose its tax exempt status.

This is the very reason why the Founders insisted on a separation of church and state. So that governance and laws weren’t based on one religion over another, and so that church leaders couldn’t become politically powerful -like the Pope.

Jesus was very clear that religious leaders should stay out of politics too.

Oh, what of the political activities of Martin Luther King? Or was that somehow different?

Dr. King fought for justice and equal treatment for all people. Try reading his “I have a dream” speech. One of the most moving, spiritual, dissertations ever written. It is a speech about the soul of humanity. Dr. King was never a political leader. He didn’t align himself with any political party.

His goals and his beliefs were humanitarian, not political. He never said to vote for Conservatives on the bench, or the ability to discriminate against gays, being passed off as “freedom of religion”

His actions were not PARTISAN, but they were clearly POLITICAL.

You cannot sanely support his actions and support the current liberal belief in "Separation of Church and State".

Oh, and all the bit where you were arguing about how good his message was?

That was the part of your brain speaking, that knows that what you really have a problem with, is religious political activity THAT YOU DISAGREE WITH.

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