Christopher Dorner kills three threatens more deaths.

Dont want to be seen as violent ?

stop trying to make people fear your damned gun piles
In further reading about this guy and his "case", I still come to the conclusion he is not killing due to political beliefs, he stated his beef with the LAPD several times.
The 'right' way to settle his complaints would have been to appeal his case or issue other civil suits against those he names in his manifesto.
Killing is not the proper and accepted way to handle his issues.

That said, his manifesto is chock full of statements that indicate this man considers himself a victim, and always has.

I now see a few different "versions" of his manifesto online, each "news" outlet seems to have edited it to meet their own purpose.

I see that the most often redacted portion of his manifesto is the portion where he lists the weapons he has, and then goes on to say they should be banned. That looks like a gun control advocate's dream statement, and makes it appear that perhaps this guy included his gun inventory and statement they should be banned to further a political agenda.

This is really starting to look a little fishy to me. I say this because it is starting to look like the propaganda started with this guy, Christopher Dorner, espousing his political beliefs, which appear to be unrelated to his beef with the LAPD. The disinformation seems to continue in each and every "news" outlet.

I smell bullshit, and I believe the rest of you should too.

And another thing, the police chasing him are stupid. He clearly stated his purpose and methodology in which he plans to achieve it, yet the cops are floundering so badly they shot two totally innocent civilians.

Sadly, due to this guy being a nutjob, and being enabled by the idiocy of the cops running this manhunt, I think the next time we actually know where this guy has been is when we find the bodies.
Christopher Dorner is the victim of a raging sense of entitlement and he always has been. He's been entitled since he was in the first grade. He's a victim of racial injustice, like Rodney King and OJ Simpson. He's just the next level of kids who participate in flash mobs. His victims are white people and any minorities that he feels are collaborating with the enemy. Dorner was made in the crucible of the left. He's the perfect representation of the new citizen the left is making.
It MIGHT be a race agenda, except he is killing black people and killed them FIRST. But then, they were race traitors anyway.

It isn't a race agenda. It's a victim agenda. It's an entitlement agenda.
this is about corruption in the LAPD.

if you think the LAPD is not corrupt then you dont know the LAPD.

The man is insane and is likely suffering PTSD froim the military and his police job.

Really? The whole of the LAPD is corrupt? You know this how? Please, enlighten us all. Really, put up or shut the fuck up.

Are there some corrupt cops in the LAPD? You betchya. Are they all corrupt, as you suggest in the above post?

PTSD? Huh... you a psychiatrist? Have you examined the man? Was he even deployed in his position as a Navy Reservist? Did he see combat? Do you know? Pease, enlighten us all. Really, put up or shut the fuck up.

PTSD from being a cop? Which incident? Shooting himself in the hand while in the academy or getting fired from the force for lying? Please, enlighten us all. Really, put up or shut the fuck up.
this is about corruption in the LAPD.

if you think the LAPD is not corrupt then you dont know the LAPD.

The man is insane and is likely suffering PTSD froim the military and his police job.

Really? The whole of the LAPD is corrupt? You know this how? Please, enlighten us all. Really, put up or shut the fuck up.

Are there some corrupt cops in the LAPD? You betchya. Are they all corrupt, as you suggest in the above post?

PTSD? Huh... you a psychiatrist? Have you examined the man? Was he even deployed in his position as a Navy Reservist? Did he see combat? Do you know? Pease, enlighten us all. Really, put up or shut the fuck up.

PTSD from being a cop? Which incident? Shooting himself in the hand while in the academy or getting fired from the force for lying? Please, enlighten us all. Really, put up or shut the fuck up.

And this is where TM disappears.

i wonder what the dvd he sent to anderson cooper had on it, he claimed that it was proof that he wasnt lying when he claimed that his fellow officer had kick and abused a suspect. cnn has yet to release the video.
Christopher Dorner is the victim of a raging sense of entitlement and he always has been. He's been entitled since he was in the first grade. He's a victim of racial injustice, like Rodney King and OJ Simpson. He's just the next level of kids who participate in flash mobs. His victims are white people and any minorities that he feels are collaborating with the enemy. Dorner was made in the crucible of the left. He's the perfect representation of the new citizen the left is making.

God, this stuff is just laughable. :lmao::cuckoo:
and if he was truly wronged it would of had to be a dirty cop and a superior who looked the other way, im pretty sure his first victim was the daughter of his supperior officer at the time of his discharge. I do belive he was wronged but his solution to his problem is in no way justified.
and if he was truly wronged it would of had to be a dirty cop and a superior who looked the other way, im pretty sure his first victim was the daughter of his supperior officer at the time of his discharge. I do belive he was wronged but his solution to his problem is in no way justified.

That would be wrong. His first victim was the daughter of his attorney and her black boyfriend. That would be the attorney he got through the police union.
His Manifesto was on Face Book, Learn to do a little research.
You don't know how???? :eusa_eh:


Stupid Wannabe Teabaggers

obviously you don't know how, so i'll help ya out there -
Chris Dorner manifesto |
and an excerpt for ya -
You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad. Electoral Candidates children (Romney) state they want to punch the president in the face during debates with no formal repercussions. No one even questioned the fact that the son just made a criminal threat toward the President. You call his wife a Wookie. Off the record, I love your new bangs, Mrs. Obama. A woman whose professional and educational accomplishments are second to none when compared to recent First wives. You call his supporters, whether black, brown, yellow, or white, leeches, FSA, welfare recipients, and ni$&er lovers. You say this openly without any discretion. Before you start with your argument that you believe I would vote for Obama because he has the same skin color as me, (expletive) you.
He sounds like a left wing hitman by his own making...
Well, if he's going to take some people out I hope he gets the right ones. That woman cop who kicked the suspect in the chest and face comes to mind. I don't much like cops, but women cops are often the worst.
Dorner, the ex-cop, who's on the run and threatens to add to his body count was a supporter of obama, Hillary, and the Assault Weapons Ban.

Funny, there's no mention of that in the MSM.

And so, of course, that means all left wingers are maniacal killers.

That's what you meant to imply, right? The topic title gave it away.
I took it to mean he is tired of the hypocrisy on the left, and so you were saying?

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