Christy bans gay conversion "therapy"

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Chris Christie To Sign Gay Conversion Therapy Ban

Gov. Chris Christie plans to sign a bill Monday barring licensed therapists from trying to turn gay teenagers straight, making New Jersey the second state to ban so-called conversion therapy, along with California.

The bill passed both houses of the New Jersey Legislature with bipartisan support in June. Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly gay, described the therapy as "an insidious form of child abuse."

Well ............ its a start.

And, looks more and ore like he's running for prez.

About his stomach stapling surgery - does it look like he's lost weight?
Glad it was banned. It amounts to child abuse, and any parent who takes their kid to these quacks needs to be charged.
Chris Christie To Sign Gay Conversion Therapy Ban

Gov. Chris Christie plans to sign a bill Monday barring licensed therapists from trying to turn gay teenagers straight, making New Jersey the second state to ban so-called conversion therapy, along with California.

The bill passed both houses of the New Jersey Legislature with bipartisan support in June. Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly gay, described the therapy as "an insidious form of child abuse."

Well ............ its a start.

And, looks more and ore like he's running for prez.

About his stomach stapling surgery - does it look like he's lost weight?


And it’s going to be a real headache for social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists.
I wonder why it took him so long? Regardless it's about damned time somebody stopped that crap. As far as him running for pres....I don't think he will do too good.
Wow, nothing like a good old government crackdown on people just trying to cure a mental illness.

I guess Christie really is another moderate Repub looking to appease the progressive shitbags, as if they would ever choose him over Hitlery.

God help us if the Repubs nominate another McCain/Romney type....
Chris Christie To Sign Gay Conversion Therapy Ban

Gov. Chris Christie plans to sign a bill Monday barring licensed therapists from trying to turn gay teenagers straight, making New Jersey the second state to ban so-called conversion therapy, along with California.

The bill passed both houses of the New Jersey Legislature with bipartisan support in June. Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly gay, described the therapy as "an insidious form of child abuse."

Well ............ its a start.

And, looks more and ore like he's running for prez.

About his stomach stapling surgery - does it look like he's lost weight?

Bad spot for him to be in. If he didn't sign it, then it would be used against him in the general election should he become the Republican nominee in 2016. Of course, the bigger problem is that by signing it, he pretty much doused his chances of winning the Republican nomination because the Religious Right Whack Jobs will never support him since he is against God and for Gays.
Chris Christie To Sign Gay Conversion Therapy Ban

Gov. Chris Christie plans to sign a bill Monday barring licensed therapists from trying to turn gay teenagers straight, making New Jersey the second state to ban so-called conversion therapy, along with California.

The bill passed both houses of the New Jersey Legislature with bipartisan support in June. Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly gay, described the therapy as "an insidious form of child abuse."

Well ............ its a start.

And, looks more and ore like he's running for prez.

About his stomach stapling surgery - does it look like he's lost weight?

Bad spot for him to be in. If he didn't sign it, then it would be used against him in the general election should he become the Republican nominee in 2016. Of course, the bigger problem is that by signing it, he pretty much doused his chances of winning the Republican nomination because the Religious Right Whack Jobs will never support him since he is against God and for Gays.

Whoaa.. I'm supposing you're not interested in showing tolerance, yet you oddly expect it..
He's made a great start at running for the democrat nominee for Prez in 2016. He wouldn't get elected as a fatazz dog catcher on the conservative side. If it walks like a twinkie, talks like a twinkie, it's a fatazz librul twinkie.
Christy is now a god to liberals...he is into using government to ban things they don't like...maybe they will vote for him as President now eh?

what a awful man banning ANYTHING....

scratch a liberal find a FASCIST
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Christy should take the next step and just BAN all therapy...If he finds this one should be banned none of them can be good for a person


lets give a clue to ban abortion, call him folks suggest it
the only place I see he's lost weight is in his head

what a nice guy making decisions what therapies are good or not...who needs choice when we have dictators...

so lets work on that woman's choice next Christy....we don't want choice, get on with banning ABORTION
It's threads like this that show you how far out of touch with reality the far right has become. Look at the whack jobs in this thread who can't understand how someone with an (R) next to their name would ever do something reasonable like this.

And you people wonder why your candidates keep losing major elections.

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