"Chuck and Nancy" bail on meeting with Trump after his stupid tweet

I care why?
It's clear you don't care about Trump running up the debt.

You are proving my case.

Thank you very much.

How is Trump running up the debt? So, you admit then that your boy Barry doubled the national debt?
I bet you think you are clever with that "your boy Barry" lie. You probably broke your arm trying to clap yourself on your hunchback.

You just gave credit to Obama running up the debt. So Trump gets credit for continuing to run up the debt.

That's how it works, tard.

You're not a very deep thinker are you? Only Congress can run up the debt asshat... it's called facetiousness.

Oh, and BTW:

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget
I see.

When the debt runs up while Obama is President, then it is Obama's fault.

But when the debt runs up with Trump as President, it isn't Trump's fault.

Thank you for proving my last post correct so fucking quickly! I think that was a record!

CATO? Lol - Sorry, but Clinton (with much credit to Gingrich) indeed balanced the budget

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?
A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton - FactCheck.org

I care why?
It's clear you don't care about Trump running up the debt.

You are proving my case.

Thank you very much.

How is Trump running up the debt? So, you admit then that your boy Barry doubled the national debt?
I bet you think you are clever with that "your boy Barry" lie. You probably broke your arm trying to clap yourself on your hunchback.

You just gave credit to Obama running up the debt. So Trump gets credit for continuing to run up the debt.

That's how it works, tard.

You're not a very deep thinker are you? Only Congress can run up the debt asshat... it's called facetiousness.

Oh, and BTW:

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget
I see.

When the debt runs up while Obama is President, then it is Obama's fault.

But when the debt runs up with Trump as President, it isn't Trump's fault.

Thank you for proving my last post correct so fucking quickly! I think that was a record!
no, it's congress' fault. he said that. what is it you couldn't read there? sad little man.
I care why?
It's clear you don't care about Trump running up the debt.

You are proving my case.

Thank you very much.
take out 1% from every program. let's get this ball a rollin

That brainless demonstration is right up there with "nuke 'em all, let God sort 'em out". :lol:
seems you wish the debt to continue. not willing to go along with a 1% across the board cut. sad little man.
No, I have offered actual solutions that take some thought. Hundreds of times.

"Cut 1%" is a fucking stupid, brainless demonstration that you don't know a fucking thing, and have never given a second's thought to the problem.
I care why?
It's clear you don't care about Trump running up the debt.

You are proving my case.

Thank you very much.
take out 1% from every program. let's get this ball a rollin

That brainless demonstration is right up there with "nuke 'em all, let God sort 'em out". :lol:
seems you wish the debt to continue. not willing to go along with a 1% across the board cut. sad little man.
No, I have offered actual solutions that take some thought. Hundreds of times.

"Cut 1%" is a fucking stupid, brainless demonstration that you don't know a fucking thing, and have never given a second's thought to the problem.
cut 1% across the board is huge.
The government is in danger of shutting down because Trump and the Republicans still haven't figured out how not to deficit spend.

After all these years whining about our debts.

Isn't that just fascinating!
I cannot believe that a tax and spend Dumacrat is accusing the GOP of deficit spending!
Notice the reeking stench of hypocrisy:

No.....he didn't.....your source is an imbecile.....it's called "Structural Deficit"...add it to the lengthy list of things of which you were entirely ignorant before I edified you.
well yes obummer did. holy fk, we're going nowhere until you can at least admit the numbers.

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush

no, it's congress' fault. he said that. what is it you couldn't read there? sad little man.

The government is in danger of shutting down because Trump and the Republicans still haven't figured out how not to deficit spend.

After all these years whining about our debts.

Isn't that just fascinating!
I cannot believe that a tax and spend Dumacrat is accusing the GOP of deficit spending!
Of which tax and spend Democrat are you speaking?
The government is in danger of shutting down because Trump and the Republicans still haven't figured out how not to deficit spend.

After all these years whining about our debts.

Isn't that just fascinating!
I cannot believe that a tax and spend Dumacrat is accusing the GOP of deficit spending!
Of which tax and spend Democrat are you speaking?

You, dumbshit.
Just as I said.

The pseudocon tards blamed Obama for running up the debt, but you will never catch them blaming Trump for doing so.

They just proved it.

Christ, that took no time at all!
Actually I think they shot themselves in the foot by cancelling. Too bad they didn't have the backbone to stand up to Trump for the opportunity to get something done.

Instead they wimp out for the opportunity to have something else to complain about.......
And they well understand how their media cohorts will headline it to their low info dupes and ride it into the ground until the next b.s. gotcha has been dreamed up. Stupid is as stupid does, huh?

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