"Chuck and Nancy" bail on meeting with Trump after his stupid tweet

Notice the reeking stench of hypocrisy:

No.....he didn't.....your source is an imbecile.....it's called "Structural Deficit"...add it to the lengthy list of things of which you were entirely ignorant before I edified you.
well yes obummer did. holy fk, we're going nowhere until you can at least admit the numbers.

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush

no, it's congress' fault. he said that. what is it you couldn't read there? sad little man.

Just as I said.

The pseudocon tards blamed Obama for running up the debt, but you will never catch them blaming Trump for doing so.

They just proved it.

Christ, that took no time at all!

Who do you blame?

Trump or the Republican Congress??
The government is in danger of shutting down because Trump and the Republicans still haven't figured out how not to deficit spend.

After all these years whining about our debts.

Isn't that just fascinating!
I cannot believe that a tax and spend Dumacrat is accusing the GOP of deficit spending!
Of which tax and spend Democrat are you speaking?

You, dumbshit.
Ah. I was hoping you would make that unbelievably stupid mistake. :lol:

I've posted HUNDREDS of posts on this forum condemning the debt while Obama was President, along with core fiscal conservative SOLUTIONS how to not only balance the budget, but provide a surplus.

So now don't you look like a fucking retard!

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.

And people say they see no difference between Republicans and Democrats! :badgrin:

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Just sayin'.
You stupid fucks are so far gone off the fiscal conservative reservation in your devotion to a fucking New York huckster, you don't sound anything close to sane any more.
Actually I think they shot themselves in the foot by cancelling. Too bad they didn't have the backbone to stand up to Trump for the opportunity to get something done.

Instead they wimp out for the opportunity to have something else to complain about.......
And they well understand how their media cohorts will headline it to their low info dupes and ride it into the ground until the next b.s. gotcha has been dreamed up. Stupid is as stupid does, huh?

Yep and in the meantime both government and the people continue to divide even further and nothing gets done.
You stupid fucks are so far gone off the fiscal conservative reservation in your devotion to a fucking New York huckster, you don't sound anything close to sane any more.
I kinda wonder why the Democrats are even part of the discussion? The GOP has enough seats in Congress to pass any budget they want..so how can anyone blame the Democrats if the Republicans, once again, fail? There seems to be a bit of a shell game going on...blame Democrats--when the real blame has to attach to the inept GOP members who refuse to come together for the good of the party.

You know I'm right.

When our debt goes even higher, you pseudocons won't blame the New York huckster Trump.

Even though you blamed Obama.

You just proved me right.

The debt ceiling will be increased by the Republican Congress, and Trump will approve it.

And not one word of criticism will be directed at Trump by his Tard Herd.

Not. One. Word.
Trump signs Harvey aid, debt ceiling package

President Trump on Friday signed a bipartisan spending package that would provide disaster aid to victims of Hurricane Harvey, while raising the debt ceiling and funding the government for three months.

None of the pseudocons will be able to produce any post they have made which criticized Trump for raising the debt ceiling earlier this year. Even though Obama was viciously attacked every time he signed a raise of the debt ceiling.

the Debt ceiling has to be raised. Even if we kept the debt at a constant ratio of debt to gdp, or better yet had a law requiring the debt to gradually decline as a ratio to debt to gnp, the debt ceiling would have to be raised.

What just occurred was Schumer and Pelosi and Trump had some rough agreement on DACA and the debt ceiling, but Trump can't sell it to the gop. So Trump preemptively blew up the meeting to blame the dems .... who are probably quite happy to have a govt shutdown over the gop not allowing the dreamers to stay.

Schumer and Pelosi bail on White House meeting after Trump attacks them on Twitter
New debt limit deadline possible in March: Study

Trump's deal, reached with Democratic leaders last week, officially pushed the debt deadline to December 8th. But the Treasury Department has in the past extended its legal borrowing limit using loopholes it calls "extraordinary measures." The U.S. last March, for example, technically hit its debt limit, but extraordinary measures put off the true deadline for six months.

If Congress does not take action by the deadline, the U.S. would not be able to borrow in order to cover its costs, and thus default on its debt and miss other crucial government payments. Economists warn that such an eventuality would spark a global financial crisis.

But March is by no means the certain debt deadline.


If the Treasury is able to extend the extraordinary measures into mid-April, the inflow of income taxes could stretch its abilities by a few more months. Similarly, if Congress is able to pass a tax reform bill by 2018 -- one that could be applied retroactively to 2017 -- the tax revenue may be significantly lower than expected.
We would not be here talking about debt ceilings and government shutdowns unless the GOP and Trump were running deficits.

This simple fact never occurred to the brain dead pseudocons. You know why?

Because their propagandists who kept them all hot and bothered during Obama are not doing the same thing under the Trump regime. The Tard Herd only speaks in anger when told to do so by their masters. They parrot what they are told to parrot, and bleev what they are told to bleev.

The stench of hypocrisy by the mindless mob of the willfully stupid.
shut it down.
Yes, it is much easier to just continue the problem rather than live up to the fucking lip service the GOP has been making about writing a balanced budget.

In the end, they will raise the debt ceiling once again, and you tards will pretend Trump and the massive Republican majority are just awesome. For NO REASON.
So why the fuck are you still here? You don't like what President Trump is doing, get the fuck out and find a place that will satisfy you, like Venezuela...
shut it down.
Yes, it is much easier to just continue the problem rather than live up to the fucking lip service the GOP has been making about writing a balanced budget.

In the end, they will raise the debt ceiling once again, and you tards will pretend Trump and the massive Republican majority are just awesome. For NO REASON.
So why the fuck are you still here? You don't like what President Trump is doing, get the fuck out and find a place that will satisfy you, like Venezuela...
You should move to North Korea where you will be happier.

CATO? Lol - Sorry, but Clinton (with much credit to Gingrich) indeed balanced the budget

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?
A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton - FactCheck.org

Factcheck.org. How fucking original...A liberal fact checking a liberal...Bwahhhhaahhhhhaaaa. The stupidity of the left knows no bounds.
shut it down.
Yes, it is much easier to just continue the problem rather than live up to the fucking lip service the GOP has been making about writing a balanced budget.

In the end, they will raise the debt ceiling once again, and you tards will pretend Trump and the massive Republican majority are just awesome. For NO REASON.
So why the fuck are you still here? You don't like what President Trump is doing, get the fuck out and find a place that will satisfy you, like Venezuela...
You should move to North Korea where you will be happier.
I am quite happy here, fucktard. You seem to bitch all the time, so don't like it here, get the fuck out, we are tired of hearing your whiney ass bitching all the time...

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