Chuck Todd's disgraceful treatment of Senator Johnson

Because Senator Johnson is lying and he knows it.

He is enabling a fundamental attack on the foundations of our republic for craven political gain.

Really, is that what Democrats did in 2017? and in 2001?


Only in crazy imaginaryland where the cult lives is this any way comparable.

Really? please hightlight the differences for us....

Right. 537 votes in Florida stopped by the SCOTUS that Gore accepted.

1 member of the Senate voted against Trump in 2017.

Now you have a lying grifting President calling state politicians to overturn state elections and over 100 cowardly Republicans terrified of you rubes supporting for the overthrow in the Congress.

Your grandkids will read about how your Orange God tried to stage a coup and will be embarrassed that grandma and grandpa supported it.

As a conservative I know that most in my camp can't stand Chuck Todd. But, yesterday he stooped to new lows in an interview with Ron Johnson (R), and his willingness to join the calls to object to the electoral college makeup...

At one point Todd, cuts off the Senator, saying "I'm not going to put up with this"... What kind of hack journalism is that?

Meet the Press used to be a pretty reliable, middle of the road Sunday show, now it is just like everything else that comes from NBC, biased crap....

The bigger question, with the way that Todd, and most media now describes Republican's and Republican issues, are we witnessing the attempt to build one party government? How long before believing in the Constitution lands you in jail?

They are asking to do a coup and end democracy.

Expecting the truth and transparency is not a coup. It should be what we all want.

The truth is out there, and they are trying to do a coup.

It's only a coup when Republican's hinder Democrats isn't that right Penelope?

No it’s a coup when you lose a free and fair election and attempt to overturn it.

And now it looks like your Orange Cult Leader could be wearing an orange jumpsuit in the not too distant future.

Oh yeah, it's a free and fair election when a democrat wins, but it's foreign interference when a republican wins. You jerks are such lying thieves.
It’s not Hannity’s praise dear leader with bubblegum questions hour. Johnson talked over Todd with bullshit conspiracies that no court or attorney general — including lapdog Barr — has bought into. He should have had his microphone cut.

As a conservative I know that most in my camp can't stand Chuck Todd. But, yesterday he stooped to new lows in an interview with Ron Johnson (R), and his willingness to join the calls to object to the electoral college makeup...

At one point Todd, cuts off the Senator, saying "I'm not going to put up with this"... What kind of hack journalism is that?

Meet the Press used to be a pretty reliable, middle of the road Sunday show, now it is just like everything else that comes from NBC, biased crap....

The bigger question, with the way that Todd, and most media now describes Republican's and Republican issues, are we witnessing the attempt to build one party government? How long before believing in the Constitution lands you in jail?

They are asking to do a coup and end democracy.

Expecting the truth and transparency is not a coup. It should be what we all want.

The truth is out there, and they are trying to do a coup.

It's only a coup when Republican's hinder Democrats isn't that right Penelope?

No it’s a coup when you lose a free and fair election and attempt to overturn it.

And now it looks like your Orange Cult Leader could be wearing an orange jumpsuit in the not too distant future.

Oh yeah, it's a free and fair election when a democrat wins, but it's foreign interference when a republican wins. You jerks are such lying thieves.

I didn’t see Obama trying to cling onto power because of it unlike you Orange God, you rube cultist.

As a conservative I know that most in my camp can't stand Chuck Todd. But, yesterday he stooped to new lows in an interview with Ron Johnson (R), and his willingness to join the calls to object to the electoral college makeup...

At one point Todd, cuts off the Senator, saying "I'm not going to put up with this"... What kind of hack journalism is that?

Did Senator Johnson ever read 3 USC 15?
Because Senator Johnson is lying and he knows it.

He is enabling a fundamental attack on the foundations of our republic for craven political gain.
Most Democrats are opposed to the Right to Vote and democracy*
Their Voter Fraud is turning America into a dangerous one party far left extremist country.
Democrats are a a total disgrace on humanity.
This is a lie.

As a conservative I know that most in my camp can't stand Chuck Todd. But, yesterday he stooped to new lows in an interview with Ron Johnson (R), and his willingness to join the calls to object to the electoral college makeup...

At one point Todd, cuts off the Senator, saying "I'm not going to put up with this"... What kind of hack journalism is that?

Meet the Press used to be a pretty reliable, middle of the road Sunday show, now it is just like everything else that comes from NBC, biased crap....

The bigger question, with the way that Todd, and most media now describes Republican's and Republican issues, are we witnessing the attempt to build one party government? How long before believing in the Constitution lands you in jail?

They are asking to do a coup and end democracy.

Expecting the truth and transparency is not a coup. It should be what we all want.

The truth is out there, and they are trying to do a coup.

It's only a coup when Republican's hinder Democrats isn't that right Penelope?

No it’s a coup when you lose a free and fair election and attempt to overturn it.

And now it looks like your Orange Cult Leader could be wearing an orange jumpsuit in the not too distant future.

That’s silly.

As a conservative I know that most in my camp can't stand Chuck Todd. But, yesterday he stooped to new lows in an interview with Ron Johnson (R), and his willingness to join the calls to object to the electoral college makeup...

At one point Todd, cuts off the Senator, saying "I'm not going to put up with this"... What kind of hack journalism is that?

Meet the Press used to be a pretty reliable, middle of the road Sunday show, now it is just like everything else that comes from NBC, biased crap....

The bigger question, with the way that Todd, and most media now describes Republican's and Republican issues, are we witnessing the attempt to build one party government? How long before believing in the Constitution lands you in jail?

Johnson is just another trump cult traitor, unfit for elected office as his allegiance is to the cult and it's anti-American coup attempt against free elections and the will of the people. Chuck was right to publicly rebuke the swine.
I didn’t see Obama trying to cling onto power because of it unlike you Orange God, you rube cultist.
That seems to be a republican thing. Cling to power at all costs.
Rudy Giuliani tried it as mayor of NYC, wanting to stay on after 9-11, even though his term limits expired.
Nixon was famous for Watergate and dirty tricks to win re-election, when in the end, he would have won easily without the acts that brought down his presidency.
And then there's Trump, well, enough said.

As a conservative I know that most in my camp can't stand Chuck Todd. But, yesterday he stooped to new lows in an interview with Ron Johnson (R), and his willingness to join the calls to object to the electoral college makeup...

At one point Todd, cuts off the Senator, saying "I'm not going to put up with this"... What kind of hack journalism is that?

Meet the Press used to be a pretty reliable, middle of the road Sunday show, now it is just like everything else that comes from NBC, biased crap....

The bigger question, with the way that Todd, and most media now describes Republican's and Republican issues, are we witnessing the attempt to build one party government? How long before believing in the Constitution lands you in jail?

They are asking to do a coup and end democracy.

Expecting the truth and transparency is not a coup. It should be what we all want.

The truth is out there, and they are trying to do a coup.

It's only a coup when Republican's hinder Democrats isn't that right Penelope?

No it’s a coup when you lose a free and fair election and attempt to overturn it.

And now it looks like your Orange Cult Leader could be wearing an orange jumpsuit in the not too distant future.

Even Clinton knew it goes on

And more
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As a conservative I know that most in my camp can't stand Chuck Todd. But, yesterday he stooped to new lows in an interview with Ron Johnson (R), and his willingness to join the calls to object to the electoral college makeup...

At one point Todd, cuts off the Senator, saying "I'm not going to put up with this"... What kind of hack journalism is that?

Meet the Press used to be a pretty reliable, middle of the road Sunday show, now it is just like everything else that comes from NBC, biased crap....

The bigger question, with the way that Todd, and most media now describes Republican's and Republican issues, are we witnessing the attempt to build one party government? How long before believing in the Constitution lands you in jail?

To bring in another perspective, I don’t mind when interviewers press and challenge those in power. The republicans and especially people like Sen Johnson have been humiliating themselves with their antics around this election. Pandering to Trumps conspiracies that have been shot down time and time again in court for not having evidence to back up their claims.

There is no doubt that if the Dems tried to pull this crap the Republicans would be screaming treason from the mountaintops. This movement to challenge the election is absurd and at some point needs to be treated as such

What a short, short memory you have....

"The official Electoral College vote tally just concluded, but some Democratic House members decided to put on a bit of a show.

More than half a dozen members rose at different points to object to the results of the election, citing Russian hacking, the legitimacy of the election and electors, voting machines, voter suppression and more."

So, let's see....if Republican's object, and exercise their rights, "it's a coup", "it's disgraceful", etc....But, when Democrats do so, it's perfectly fine....

Hell, you even tried to lie and say that Dems never did this....SMH...

Haha. You literally prove my point. Yes when Dems did it the Reps yelled treason and TDS and berated them as snowflakes that couldn’t accept the results of an election. I never agreed with any Dems including Clinton who made comments that the election wasn’t legit. But let’s compare the two situations. Clinton called and conceded. Even gave a concessions speech. Trump is throwing a tantrum and claiming fraud and a stolen election. He has challenged in court over 60 times and gotten nowhere. His claims have even been contradicted by his own attorney general. The BS is obvious and no where near what a small number of Dems did in 2017.

Yet, you posted:

There is no doubt that if the Dems tried to pull this crap the Republicans would be screaming treason from the mountaintops.

as if Democrats hadn't done the same thing in 2017....So why are you lying now?

As for the rest of it, need I go and find the multitude of Democrats, including Hillary, saying that Trump was an illegitimate President....?

Look Slade, the only way to have a conversation is if you are honest....So far, you're not.

I’m not lying about a thing. I honestly didn’t hear about or didn’t pay much attention to any of the stuff that some of the fringe Dems said in 2017. Any that claimed the election was illegitimate would have made me shake my head and not take seriously which is exactly what I’m doing now. I addressed Clinton in my last post, no need to repeat myself. There’s no doubt that what’s happening now is a much much larger scale than anything that was done by Dems. Wouldn’t you agree?

No, I wouldn't agree....The Republican Congresspeople are following the rules, and filing their objections...Which they have a right to do....The difference is that when Democrats tried to do such in '17, as well as in '01 they didn't follow the rules, but tried it anyway....So, if anyone in this process were trying to subvert the Constitution, it would be Democrats and what they pulled....But, in the end I really don't expect this to go anywhere, however, they need to stand up....It should be the entire Republican deligation doing this....those who will not stand for our Constitution are duly noted...Wouldn't you agree?

Absolutely not. The republicans are peddling lies that have been debunked by courts, Republican secretaries of states, trumps DOJ. They are actively trying to undermine the election to appease an egomaniac.

Now what exactly did the Dems do in 2017 that you find unconstitutional and of a larger magnitude than what Trump and his puppets are doing now?

Well, that’s not true...many have questions about what happened, what’s wrong with investigating that?

That Democrat house members tried to introduce their objections without a member of the senate signing on, or submitting in writing...clear violation of rules. But, it’s ok for them, treasonous for republicans....right?
Johnson is just another trump cult traitor, unfit for elected office as his allegiance is to the cult and it's anti-American coup attempt against free elections and the will of the people. Chuck was right to publicly rebuke the swine.

Don't republicans realize they're doing Vladimir Putins bidding. His goal is to throw the monkey wrench into American democracy, foster civil unrest, and make Americans lose faith in their own government.

This gives Putin the opportunity to do what he does best, without fear the Americans could unite to stop him.

As a conservative I know that most in my camp can't stand Chuck Todd. But, yesterday he stooped to new lows in an interview with Ron Johnson (R), and his willingness to join the calls to object to the electoral college makeup...

At one point Todd, cuts off the Senator, saying "I'm not going to put up with this"... What kind of hack journalism is that?

Meet the Press used to be a pretty reliable, middle of the road Sunday show, now it is just like everything else that comes from NBC, biased crap....

The bigger question, with the way that Todd, and most media now describes Republican's and Republican issues, are we witnessing the attempt to build one party government? How long before believing in the Constitution lands you in jail?

To bring in another perspective, I don’t mind when interviewers press and challenge those in power. The republicans and especially people like Sen Johnson have been humiliating themselves with their antics around this election. Pandering to Trumps conspiracies that have been shot down time and time again in court for not having evidence to back up their claims.

There is no doubt that if the Dems tried to pull this crap the Republicans would be screaming treason from the mountaintops. This movement to challenge the election is absurd and at some point needs to be treated as such

What a short, short memory you have....

"The official Electoral College vote tally just concluded, but some Democratic House members decided to put on a bit of a show.

More than half a dozen members rose at different points to object to the results of the election, citing Russian hacking, the legitimacy of the election and electors, voting machines, voter suppression and more."

So, let's see....if Republican's object, and exercise their rights, "it's a coup", "it's disgraceful", etc....But, when Democrats do so, it's perfectly fine....

Hell, you even tried to lie and say that Dems never did this....SMH...

Haha. You literally prove my point. Yes when Dems did it the Reps yelled treason and TDS and berated them as snowflakes that couldn’t accept the results of an election. I never agreed with any Dems including Clinton who made comments that the election wasn’t legit. But let’s compare the two situations. Clinton called and conceded. Even gave a concessions speech. Trump is throwing a tantrum and claiming fraud and a stolen election. He has challenged in court over 60 times and gotten nowhere. His claims have even been contradicted by his own attorney general. The BS is obvious and no where near what a small number of Dems did in 2017.

Yet, you posted:

There is no doubt that if the Dems tried to pull this crap the Republicans would be screaming treason from the mountaintops.

as if Democrats hadn't done the same thing in 2017....So why are you lying now?

As for the rest of it, need I go and find the multitude of Democrats, including Hillary, saying that Trump was an illegitimate President....?

Look Slade, the only way to have a conversation is if you are honest....So far, you're not.

I’m not lying about a thing. I honestly didn’t hear about or didn’t pay much attention to any of the stuff that some of the fringe Dems said in 2017. Any that claimed the election was illegitimate would have made me shake my head and not take seriously which is exactly what I’m doing now. I addressed Clinton in my last post, no need to repeat myself. There’s no doubt that what’s happening now is a much much larger scale than anything that was done by Dems. Wouldn’t you agree?

No, I wouldn't agree....The Republican Congresspeople are following the rules, and filing their objections...Which they have a right to do....The difference is that when Democrats tried to do such in '17, as well as in '01 they didn't follow the rules, but tried it anyway....So, if anyone in this process were trying to subvert the Constitution, it would be Democrats and what they pulled....But, in the end I really don't expect this to go anywhere, however, they need to stand up....It should be the entire Republican deligation doing this....those who will not stand for our Constitution are duly noted...Wouldn't you agree?

Absolutely not. The republicans are peddling lies that have been debunked by courts, Republican secretaries of states, trumps DOJ. They are actively trying to undermine the election to appease an egomaniac.

Now what exactly did the Dems do in 2017 that you find unconstitutional and of a larger magnitude than what Trump and his puppets are doing now?

Well, that’s not true...many have questions about what happened, what’s wrong with investigating that?

That Democrat house members tried to introduce their objections without a member of the senate signing on, or submitting in writing...clear violation of rules. But, it’s ok for them, treasonous for republicans....right?

The many that have questions have those questions because of debunked and false information being pushed by our president and his puppets. They created the skepticism ignored the courts and state officials that performed recounts and investigations into their claims and now they are continuing with this nonsense so Trump can pretend like he didn’t lose.

am I understanding you correctly in that you’re worked up about house Dems not getting a senator to sign onto a complaint? That’s your big treasonous act?! All procedural? Nothing of substance to the actual complaints. This is a joke right?
That Democrat house members tried to introduce their objections without a member of the senate signing on, or submitting in writing...clear violation of rules. But, it’s ok for them, treasonous for republicans....right?

Florida was a case where there were only 535 votes separating the two, with overseas votes having been illegally counted. Lieberman gave them the green light to count overseas military votes that were not postmarked before election day, and received weeks after the election day deadline. And stopping the recounts made it ripe for objection, since each time they recounted, Bush's lead got smaller and smaller. And it was stopped before it disappeared completely. And in the end Bush got 271 EC votes, an almost razor thin victory.
The many that have questions have those questions because of debunked and false information being pushed by our president and his puppets. They created the skepticism ignored the courts and state officials that performed recounts and investigations into their claims and now they are continuing with this nonsense so Trump can pretend like he didn’t lose.

Yup. Even when state officials tell him he lost, Trump asks them to "find" him another 11,780 votes out of thin air.
The many that have questions have those questions because of debunked and false information being pushed by our president and his puppets. They created the skepticism ignored the courts and state officials that performed recounts and investigations into their claims and now they are continuing with this nonsense so Trump can pretend like he didn’t lose.

Yup. Even when state officials tell him he lost, Trump asks them to "find" him another 11,780 votes out of thin air.
It’s a band of idiots marching their way into some of the most embarrassing moments in American history. We will be looking back at some of these antics that Trump pulled and ask ourselves how we ever let somebody like this gain such power?!

As a conservative I know that most in my camp can't stand Chuck Todd. But, yesterday he stooped to new lows in an interview with Ron Johnson (R), and his willingness to join the calls to object to the electoral college makeup...

At one point Todd, cuts off the Senator, saying "I'm not going to put up with this"... What kind of hack journalism is that?

Meet the Press used to be a pretty reliable, middle of the road Sunday show, now it is just like everything else that comes from NBC, biased crap....

The bigger question, with the way that Todd, and most media now describes Republican's and Republican issues, are we witnessing the attempt to build one party government? How long before believing in the Constitution lands you in jail?

They are asking to do a coup and end democracy.

Expecting the truth and transparency is not a coup. It should be what we all want.

The truth is out there, and they are trying to do a coup.

It's only a coup when Republican's hinder Democrats isn't that right Penelope?

No it’s a coup when you lose a free and fair election and attempt to overturn it.

And now it looks like your Orange Cult Leader could be wearing an orange jumpsuit in the not too distant future.

Oh yeah, it's a free and fair election when a democrat wins, but it's foreign interference when a republican wins. You jerks are such lying thieves.

I didn’t see Obama trying to cling onto power because of it unlike you Orange God, you rube cultist.

Who do you think is pulling Biden's strings?

As a conservative I know that most in my camp can't stand Chuck Todd. But, yesterday he stooped to new lows in an interview with Ron Johnson (R), and his willingness to join the calls to object to the electoral college makeup...

At one point Todd, cuts off the Senator, saying "I'm not going to put up with this"... What kind of hack journalism is that?

Meet the Press used to be a pretty reliable, middle of the road Sunday show, now it is just like everything else that comes from NBC, biased crap....

The bigger question, with the way that Todd, and most media now describes Republican's and Republican issues, are we witnessing the attempt to build one party government? How long before believing in the Constitution lands you in jail?

They are asking to do a coup and end democracy.

Expecting the truth and transparency is not a coup. It should be what we all want.

The truth is out there, and they are trying to do a coup.

It's only a coup when Republican's hinder Democrats isn't that right Penelope?

Its a coup when they want to overturn and election and Biden won fair and square.

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