Church Attendance Declining

Christians knew that a great apostasy would occur in the end days. A lot of really BAD things are coming to this world.
Christians knew that a great apostasy would occur in the end days. A lot of really BAD things are coming to this world.

LOLOL.. The "end days" are apostasy.

Look who the players were.

The Rise of Fundamentalism in America
Riley invented the label “fundamentalist” and became the prime mover in the movement that took that name. Riley, in May 1919, brought together in Philadelphia 6,000 conservative Christians for the first
Christians knew that a great apostasy would occur in the end days. A lot of really BAD things are coming to this world.

LOLOL.. The "end days" are apostasy.

Look who the players were.

The Rise of Fundamentalism in America
Riley invented the label “fundamentalist” and became the prime mover in the movement that took that name. Riley, in May 1919, brought together in Philadelphia 6,000 conservative Christians for the first

Didn't you say that you're a Christian?
What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?

The biggest reason for the fall is the fact that modern religious denominations have decided to abandon families and pursue homosexuals and trannies for membership.

Look at the Religious Left, they were doing Gay Marriage long before the Supreme Court decision.

The problem was that after the pastors told families to "beat it", the LGBTQ that they were seeking never filled the pews, and never gave sacrificially to support the churches.

Basically, Organized Religion followed the footsteps of the Dixie Chicks. At the insistence of the left, they told conservatives to get lost. And then the left threw them under the bus.

I went to church for my entire childhood. It was the busybody hypocritical judgemental church ladies that made me drop out. Nasty gossipy bitches just use the bible as a blunt object to hit people over the head. Churches are full of these miserable creatures anymore who make faith look like a horrible chore.
Well, it beats saying that it's Trump's fault I reckon.

COVID will do that. Movie attendance is declining as well.

Read the article. This decline has been growing long before covid.

View attachment 474456
Notice how the decline of the church and the decline of the country seem to be happening at the same time.


The decline of the country is completely subjective.
No, the decline of the country is measurable, it is also palpable.

How can a country continue with exponentially rising debt and division and a decline of morals?

Your bias won't allow you to see the truth. The Bible I think calls it spiritual blindness.

It's like the trouble in the Black community. People like you insist that all that needs to be done is throw more money at them, etc. However, if your populace has 75% of you, or higher, with single parent households then they will be poverty stricken

In other words, thumb your nose up at God and his commandments in terms of sexual conduct and taking care of your children and you will lose every time. No amount of reparations, no amount of government laws and assistance, no amount of indoctrination that the real reason is slavery hundreds of years ago will change any of that.

God wins every time.
  • Funny
Reactions: cnm
COVID will do that. Movie attendance is declining as well.

Read the article. This decline has been growing long before covid.

View attachment 474456

Being religiously unaffiliated does not mean that Christianity is "dwindling away" as you put it.

Reducing, declining, dwindling. Whatever.

I’ll go get a thesaurus if we’re going to play word games.

Let me know when you have it handy.

Got it. Let’s find the perfect word since this is so important.

With declining church attendance, Christianity is ___________.

Evolving. Fine. Take your pick.

The same study found that only 4% of the population are atheists. Church attendance is not the end all and be all of Christianity.

In addition, the same study shows that evangelical and born again fundamentalists--you know, the ones that really piss people off the most--have relatively stable participation rates.

Going to church is a changing lifestyle like going to the cinema or belonging to a country club are also declining, but that does not mean that Christianity, movies, or golf are on life support.
What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?

The biggest reason for the fall is the fact that modern religious denominations have decided to abandon families and pursue homosexuals and trannies for membership.

Look at the Religious Left, they were doing Gay Marriage long before the Supreme Court decision.

The problem was that after the pastors told families to "beat it", the LGBTQ that they were seeking never filled the pews, and never gave sacrificially to support the churches.

Basically, Organized Religion followed the footsteps of the Dixie Chicks. At the insistence of the left, they told conservatives to get lost. And then the left threw them under the bus.

I went to church for my entire childhood. It was the busybody hypocritical judgemental church ladies that made me drop out. Nasty gossipy bitches just use the bible as a blunt object to hit people over the head. Churches are full of these miserable creatures anymore who make faith look like a horrible chore.
Well, it beats saying that it's Trump's fault I reckon.

I've seen commentators completely puzzled by Christians being so enamored of such a flawed amoral blob but he's a total self righteous hypocrite too. He understands them in a way no actual moral person ever could.
  • Thanks
Reactions: cnm
COVID will do that. Movie attendance is declining as well.

Read the article. This decline has been growing long before covid.

View attachment 474456

Being religiously unaffiliated does not mean that Christianity is "dwindling away" as you put it.

Reducing, declining, dwindling. Whatever.

I’ll go get a thesaurus if we’re going to play word games.

Let me know when you have it handy.

Got it. Let’s find the perfect word since this is so important.

With declining church attendance, Christianity is ___________.

Evolving. Fine. Take your pick.

The same study found that only 4% of the population are atheists. Church attendance is not the end all and be all of Christianity.

In addition, the same study shows that evangelical and born again fundamentalists--you know, the ones that really piss people off the most--have relatively stable participation rates.

Going to church is a changing lifestyle like going to the cinema or belonging to a country club are also declining, but that does not mean that Christianity, movies, or golf are on life support.
It certainly makes sense that evangelicals are doing better.

I mean, here is a group of people that take the Bible seriously and do their best to practice their faith.

It's like anything else. If you don't use it, you lose it. It is either real to you and is a part of your life, or it is just a belief that lies dormant within you that slowly withers and dies.
What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?

The biggest reason for the fall is the fact that modern religious denominations have decided to abandon families and pursue homosexuals and trannies for membership.

Look at the Religious Left, they were doing Gay Marriage long before the Supreme Court decision.

The problem was that after the pastors told families to "beat it", the LGBTQ that they were seeking never filled the pews, and never gave sacrificially to support the churches.

Basically, Organized Religion followed the footsteps of the Dixie Chicks. At the insistence of the left, they told conservatives to get lost. And then the left threw them under the bus.

I went to church for my entire childhood. It was the busybody hypocritical judgemental church ladies that made me drop out. Nasty gossipy bitches just use the bible as a blunt object to hit people over the head. Churches are full of these miserable creatures anymore who make faith look like a horrible chore.
Well, it beats saying that it's Trump's fault I reckon.

I've seen commentators completely puzzled by Christians being so enamored of such a flawed amoral blob but he's a total self righteous hypocrite too. He understands them in a way no actual moral person ever could.
See, I knew you would agree that it's all Trump's fault.

So as you are standing before God giving an account of your life, just remember to blame Trump and the old women for all your problems.

In other words, thumb your nose up at God and his commandments in terms of sexual conduct and taking care of your children and you will lose every time. No amount of reparations, no amount of government laws and assistance, no amount of indoctrination that the real reason is slavery hundreds of years ago will change any of that.
Nice to know the US didn't decline in the great depression according to your 'logic'.
What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?

The biggest reason for the fall is the fact that modern religious denominations have decided to abandon families and pursue homosexuals and trannies for membership.

Look at the Religious Left, they were doing Gay Marriage long before the Supreme Court decision.

The problem was that after the pastors told families to "beat it", the LGBTQ that they were seeking never filled the pews, and never gave sacrificially to support the churches.

Basically, Organized Religion followed the footsteps of the Dixie Chicks. At the insistence of the left, they told conservatives to get lost. And then the left threw them under the bus.

I went to church for my entire childhood. It was the busybody hypocritical judgemental church ladies that made me drop out. Nasty gossipy bitches just use the bible as a blunt object to hit people over the head. Churches are full of these miserable creatures anymore who make faith look like a horrible chore.
Well, it beats saying that it's Trump's fault I reckon.

I've seen commentators completely puzzled by Christians being so enamored of such a flawed amoral blob but he's a total self righteous hypocrite too. He understands them in a way no actual moral person ever could.
See, I knew you would agree that it's all Trump's fault.

So as you are standing before God giving an account of your life, just remember to blame Trump and the old women for all your problems.

My conscience is clear because I actually follow words of Jesus to best of my ability. I walk the walk with no expectation of anything after I die. If that's a problem for any deity well then I have a clear conscience about rejecting all the useless hocus-pocus and the hypocrite socal club as well.
COVID will do that. Movie attendance is declining as well.

Read the article. This decline has been growing long before covid.

View attachment 474456

Being religiously unaffiliated does not mean that Christianity is "dwindling away" as you put it.

Reducing, declining, dwindling. Whatever.

I’ll go get a thesaurus if we’re going to play word games.

Let me know when you have it handy.

Got it. Let’s find the perfect word since this is so important.

With declining church attendance, Christianity is ___________.

Evolving. Fine. Take your pick.

The same study found that only 4% of the population are atheists. Church attendance is not the end all and be all of Christianity.

In addition, the same study shows that evangelical and born again fundamentalists--you know, the ones that really piss people off the most--have relatively stable participation rates.

Going to church is a changing lifestyle like going to the cinema or belonging to a country club are also declining, but that does not mean that Christianity, movies, or golf are on life support.
It certainly makes sense that evangelicals are doing better.

I mean, here is a group of people that take the Bible seriously and do their best to practice their faith.

It's like anything else. If you don't use it, you lose it. It is either real to you and is a part of your life, or it is just a belief that lies dormant within you that slowly withers and dies.

The internet really gives people the option to worship when it suits them. Maybe COVID will cause churches to continue to embrace the technology they were forced to use by the pandemic to stay in business. Who knows. I would think that being able to watch the sermons that would most interest you at any given time by any of plethora of clergy online would have more appeal than putting on a suit and hiking in on Sunday morning to listen to the same guy prattle on about whatever bee is in his bonnet this week.

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