Cia director david petraeus submits letter of resignation

They don't. They just don't want him testifying at the Benghazi hearings next week.

Ah right, so Petraeus has invented this story about his infidelity so he can use it as an excuse to resign?

lol, move over birthers.

What does marital fidelity have to do with the job of CIA director? He might have had an affair, but that of itself seems to be no reason to resign. Nobody cares and he wasn't running for election.

What does marital fidelity have to do with his job? For one thing, if he was keeping it secret and didn't want it to come out, he could be blackmailed for secrets, I mean........after all, he IS the DIRECTOR of the CIA.

As a matter of fact, in the military, if you have really bad credit, or have things that pop up on your security screening that could be used to compromise you, they will deny you access to classified information. Ever been through a Top Secret security screening? I have, and let me tell's pretty thorough, and in some cases where a person has access to SCI, they are screened every year.

As far as who the other woman is? Really's that chick that wrote his biography while he was in Iraq and spent a lot of time with him. The FBI is currently investigating her to see if she could have somehow had "improper access" (meaning he could have been compromised by her) to Petraeus. infidelity a big deal? Yep, especially when you're dealing with very highly classified material like a CIA Director does.

Oh..............and for the CAN be fired from the CIA for infidelity.
if robert muller the FBI chief, knew about this before the election, that opens up a huge can of worms.

Did he pass it on to the WH staff? if not why not? and if he did? oh boy.
I wonder how much he was paid to step down and give that excuse!

What people won't do for money....and i'm sure he's ok with his wife because it isn't real.

And now he doesn't have to testify?? And the left will think there's nothing funny about this??

Selling your country out is much worse than an extra marital affair. He came clean to call a blackmail bluff. That gives me even more respect for him. I hope he will remain safe until his testimony if he is even allowed to testify.
Ah right, so Petraeus has invented this story about his infidelity so he can use it as an excuse to resign?

lol, move over birthers.

What does marital fidelity have to do with the job of CIA director? He might have had an affair, but that of itself seems to be no reason to resign. Nobody cares and he wasn't running for election.

What does marital fidelity have to do with his job? For one thing, if he was keeping it secret and didn't want it to come out, he could be blackmailed for secrets, I mean........after all, he IS the DIRECTOR of the CIA.

As a matter of fact, in the military, if you have really bad credit, or have things that pop up on your security screening that could be used to compromise you, they will deny you access to classified information. Ever been through a Top Secret security screening? I have, and let me tell's pretty thorough, and in some cases where a person has access to SCI, they are screened every year.

As far as who the other woman is? Really's that chick that wrote his biography while he was in Iraq and spent a lot of time with him. The FBI is currently investigating her to see if she could have somehow had "improper access" (meaning he could have been compromised by her) to Petraeus. infidelity a big deal? Yep, especially when you're dealing with very highly classified material like a CIA Director does.

Oh..............and for the CAN be fired from the CIA for infidelity.

but as a President its all jake?......:lol:
One idea that comes to my mind if he was being blackmailed he has took it off the table. Only way to beat a blackmailer is to confess.

Sounds like a good possibility. The CIA has to watch their ass about being compromised, and Petraeus was about as high a target as they come. The morons here actually believe that if the CIA caught someone screwing around, that they would do nothing. It's amazing how little credibility they have left, yet pretend something so simple is so complex. What loony crackpots occupy this part of the cyberspace.
Let me repeat this again for the TooStupidExtremistRight.

Benhazi is not going to be any more successful that BHO being a Muslim or a Kenyan or flying one of the planes into the Twin Towers.

You guys have no cred with 99% of the county now and forever.

The gf may have had access to classified info. Sigh.

Has been screwing around so now he's stepping down..
ta da! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

:lol::lol::lol:@ Jake for talking about credibility.
Clinton was wrong: Lewinsky did not threaten national security.

Petraeus was wrong: his paramour may have had access to national security material.
I bet that Mistress was fine too.
Paula Broadwell, the author of his biography. The title "All In" now sounds kinda dirty. :lol:


It wouldn't be a big deal if Republicans didn't make it one with Clinton.

Bye - bye Petraeus.
Clinton was disbarred. It wasn't for screwing around. It was for covering up the truth.

Yeah, that was the talking point.

You are correct of course. Clinton was not disbarred, did not have penalty of $90,686 against levied against him for lying to a Federal Judge under oath and didn't really get a few BJ's from one of his interns.

It was all just made up talking points.
Just out.. Petraeus WON'T testify at next weeks hearings.

That was the whole point about the "affair", it was cooked up like John Edwards convinced his friend to claim paternity of the Edwards baby! There was no affair and if a girlfriend shows up, she's from the same place they got the actresses for Innocence of Muslims.

This is the most transparent excuse for a cover up, I've ever seen, aside from Andrew Young saying he was the baby daddy of Reille Hunter's bastard.

Leave it to the least intelligent poster on USMB to show up on cue with this one.
And with Stephanie and Dirty Granny posting here, that's a new level of stupid.

this stinks to high heaven....who gives a shit? plus he works for a re-elected Dem president, they don't give a crap about adultery, gay prostitution etc. they are the let it all hang out party...( well, unless its a rep.) what gives?

CIA Director David Petraeus resigns, cites extramarital affair
By Andrea Mitchell and Robert Windrem, NBC News

CIA Director David Petraeus resigned Friday, citing an extramarital affair he had.

Multiple sources tell NBC News that Mike Morrell, the deputy CIA director and a longtime CIA officer, would likely be offered the job as acting director but with the understanding that he may be elevated to the job permanently at some point.

CIA Director David Petraeus resigns, cites extramarital affair - U.S. News

David Vitter, Thank you and goodnight.

Hey I'm thrilled you guys are so jacked.. You guys are going to flush out all the best.

You want your Presidents getting sucked off in your Oval Office. How low can you guys go?

i personally dont care tinybrain if he had an affair. I was responding to Tra's retarded post.
And now i am responding to yours. What would you know about blowjobs? nobody would touch your rotted out hag mouth.
They don't. They just don't want him testifying at the Benghazi hearings next week.

Ah right, so Petraeus has invented this story about his infidelity so he can use it as an excuse to resign?

lol, move over birthers.

What does marital fidelity have to do with the job of CIA director? He might have had an affair, but that of itself seems to be no reason to resign. Nobody cares and he wasn't running for election.

You can't really be this dumb. Any CIA agent would be fired for doing anything that would subject them to blackmail.
jesus , hes not in the military....
As has already been pointed out, he was. He is still known as General Petraes, and, one more time, it's not uncommon for high profile individuals, like politicians to resign for the same reason.

Resigning when an affair is discovered is fairly common

just as Romney was called Governor....its an honorific...;)

Why was he called Governor? And why is Powell still called Secretary?

I thought the rule of thumb was that you are called by your highest ranking title. I would think that we would go back to calling Powell General.

And wouldn't Romney consider Bishop to be a higher title than Governor?
I don't get it. So he had an affair. So what? Who wouldn't want to have an affair with a beautiful smart woman?

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Benghazi casualty? :eusa_think:

if anyone has another idea for a more appropriate forum for this sound off, I am not sure were it should go...*shrugs*

While at Ft Campbell he was rumored to have had affairs.

This is nothing new.

Why he's stepping down now one can only :eusa_shifty:

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