CIA director WIKILEAKS a non state HOSTILE intelligence service

No they didn't expose any crimes of Hillary Clinton, because she committed NONE.
Just using a private email server for government business is a crime, you dimwit. You have your face buried so far up Hitlery's old ass you can't even see the forest for the trees. Her private email server violated multiple federal laws (one with regards to public records for oversight, one with regards to data backup, etc.).
It's nothing that Republican Secretary's of state haven't done in the past.
I'm well aware of that. You know what - in the past there have been Republican's caught molesting children too. Do you think it's ok to molest children? Just because one party engaged in an illegal activity doesn't mean it's ok for the other party to engage in that illegal activity.
No they didn't expose any crimes of Hillary Clinton, because she committed NONE.
Just using a private email server for government business is a crime, you dimwit. You have your face buried so far up Hitlery's old ass you can't even see the forest for the trees. Her private email server violated multiple federal laws (one with regards to public records for oversight, one with regards to data backup, etc.).
It's nothing that Republican Secretary's of state haven't done in the past.
I'm well aware of that. You know what - in the past there have been Republican's caught molesting children too. Do you think it's ok to molest children? Just because one party engaged in an illegal activity doesn't mean it's ok for the other party to engage in that illegal activity.

You might want to actually READ something for a change--because you're on this thread actually defending Wikileaks--a clear enemy of this nation.

This is who Donald Trump was actually considering for his Secretary of State. Comey went into great detail to describe the difference between cases, that I am certain was not reported on the Sean Hannity (Trump's fairy godfather) show.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails -
You might want to actually READ something for a change--because you're on this thread actually defending Wikileaks--a clear enemy of this nation.
That's ironic coming from the person who claims that WikiLeaks "only" releases information about the U.S.

WikiLeaks has released information about corruption in Swiss Banks, corruption and murder in the government of Kenya, reports on toxic waste dumps by corporations, and more before they ever released a single secret about the U.S.

You're just pissed off that the left-wing lies were exposed to the American people. That's a typical fascist response.
You might want to actually READ something for a change--because you're on this thread actually defending Wikileaks--a clear enemy of this nation.
That's ironic coming from the person who claims that WikiLeaks "only" releases information about the U.S.

WikiLeaks has released information about corruption in Swiss Banks, corruption and murder in the government of Kenya, reports on toxic waste dumps by corporations, and more before they ever released a single secret about the U.S.

You're just pissed off that the left-wing lies were exposed to the American people. That's a typical fascist response.

You just had the CIA director--Trump's pick--tell you that they consider Wikileaks to be a HOSTILE intelligence service, whom overwhelmingly leaks classified information dangerous to the National Security of the United States.

They have gone after G.W. Bush and Sarah Palin, and I'll bet you weren't cheering them on then. This last one regarding releasing 1000's of Classified CIA documents is devastating--and you're still on here defending them.
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA -

You're just a partisan hack that really doesn't give a crap about this Nation's security, as long as it benefits--YOU & Donald Trump. A mentality that is very typical of a Trump supporter.


Wikileaks is getting a big payday out of this, and I imagine Russia is signing those checks.
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You just had the CIA director--Trump's pick--tell you that they consider Wikileaks to be a HOSTILE intelligence service, whom overwhelmingly leaks classified information dangerous to the National Security of the United States.
Yes...but unlike you...I think for myself. I'm not a mindless minion who blindly follows the instructions of a party like you do.
You just had the CIA director--Trump's pick--tell you that they consider Wikileaks to be a HOSTILE intelligence service, whom overwhelmingly leaks classified information dangerous to the National Security of the United States.
Yes...but unlike you...I think for myself. I'm not a mindless minion who blindly follows the instructions of a party like you do.

You don't think for yourself at all--LOL Your nose is glued to some Reich wing talk show host--most likely, Trump's fairy Godfather, Sean Hannity who was also praising Wikileaks. Who also defended Wikileaks. Who even made the claim for Julian Assange who stated he didn't get these hacks from Russia. And we're supposed to believe that Bullshit when the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland security and 14 other intelligence agencies stated that Russia hacked into the election.

While Julian Assange has been hold'd up in the Ecuador embassy in London for the last 4 years surrounded by U.K. police, in his attempt to avoid extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. If we wanted him then, we really want him NOW. Leaking 1000's of CIA documents recently telling terrorists how they find and catch them. This guy is in it for the MONEY.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA -

You can bet your last penny that Julian Assange is getting paid for his attacks on the United States. Foreign actors, like Russia who want to demoralize the United States wiith leaks and propoganda--while putting our National Security at risk. This is who Julian Assange really is.
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While Julian Assange has been hold'd up in the Ecuador embassy in London for the last 4 years surrounded by U.K. police, in his attempt to avoid extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush.
You dimwit...Assange isn't holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London because of the U.S. and George W. Bush. He's holed up there because he's awaiting extradition to Sweden over rape charges.

You literally have no clue what is going. You don't have the facts straight about anything.
Well he's partially right I think. Pretty sure Assange was cleared of the rape charges a couple months ago, after all the woman had said she'd lied and it was just the government that was going after him (probably because of the dirt he's posted on higher ups.) So I'm pretty sure the only reason he'd still be holed up is if the US wanted him.
It's not like anyone with a brain could not see that Wikileaks was hostile to the USA and working with the Russians...

They've never posted a single revealing or negative leak on the Russians and their Govt and what their Govt agencies do to spy on their enemies or own people. NOT ONCE!

All the leaks are near always on Americans.

Humbug politicians and the United States are two separate things. Wikileaks is hostile to the former, not the later.
Well he's partially right I think. Pretty sure Assange was cleared of the rape charges a couple months ago, after all the woman had said she'd lied and it was just the government that was going after him (probably because of the dirt he's posted on higher ups.) So I'm pretty sure the only reason he'd still be holed up is if the US wanted him.
The U.S. has no legitimate charges to hold him on.
The only non state hostile intelligence service is the CIA.
If Wikileaks is a 'non-state hostile Intel service', what do you call the CIA (and other US Intel agencies) who have been exposed by Wikileaks as having illegally spied the hell out of the American people for years using a laundry list of leaked tools / techniques?
The Director of the CIA kinda sounds like the cockroach complaining at 2am about the homeowner turning on the kitchen light...
Julian Assange has responded to CIA Director Mike Pompeo’s Thursday slam of his award-winning media outlet WikiLeaks as a “hostile non-state intelligence service” by suggesting that perhaps the foreign espionage agency should concentrate on China, North Korea or extremist militants instead of threatening the First Amendment.

"History shows the danger of allowing the CIA or any intelligence agency, whose very modus operandi includes misdirection and lying, to be the sole arbiter of what is true or what is prudent," WikiLeaks said in a statement on Friday.

Pompeo isn’t the only one to flip-flop on WikiLeaks’ usefulness: US President Donald Trump also publicly declared "I love WikiLeaks!" while on the campaign trail.

Reconsider Mr President, Go back to what you promised to America.
Well he's partially right I think. Pretty sure Assange was cleared of the rape charges a couple months ago, after all the woman had said she'd lied and it was just the government that was going after him (probably because of the dirt he's posted on higher ups.) So I'm pretty sure the only reason he'd still be holed up is if the US wanted him.
The U.S. has no legitimate charges to hold him on.

That's a matter of perspective. The US government has demanded that Twitter release Assange's account, there has long been talk of bringing charges for espionage or conspiracy to obtain secret documents (arguing that he had intent to sabotage America's foreign policy and endangered lives. They've also claimed that his publishing of names of Afghans cooperating with the US government was illegal.)

Though it is a rough battle because he's not a US citizen, nor is he held to classification requirements, (and even that typically only applies to government officials.) The question has always been; "Does the Constitution apply to non-citizens?" If they did charge him and win it would be a huge blow to the 1st amendment's protections, it would, for example, undermine the argument that say illegals are protected by the constitution thus should have protection from deportation. Which is generically why folks haven't wanted to touch it with a ten foot pole.

Even so, Assange is a bit paranoid, he's made a lot of enemies over the years so I'm not at all surprised that he feels the US is out to get him.
Well he's partially right I think. Pretty sure Assange was cleared of the rape charges a couple months ago, after all the woman had said she'd lied and it was just the government that was going after him (probably because of the dirt he's posted on higher ups.) So I'm pretty sure the only reason he'd still be holed up is if the US wanted him.
The U.S. has no legitimate charges to hold him on.

That's a matter of perspective. The US government has demanded that Twitter release Assange's account, there has long been talk of bringing charges for espionage or conspiracy to obtain secret documents (arguing that he had intent to sabotage America's foreign policy and endangered lives. They've also claimed that his publishing of names of Afghans cooperating with the US government was illegal.)

Though it is a rough battle because he's not a US citizen, nor is he held to classification requirements, (and even that typically only applies to government officials.) The question has always been; "Does the Constitution apply to non-citizens?" If they did charge him and win it would be a huge blow to the 1st amendment's protections, it would, for example, undermine the argument that say illegals are protected by the constitution thus should have protection from deportation. Which is generically why folks haven't wanted to touch it with a ten foot pole.

Even so, Assange is a bit paranoid, he's made a lot of enemies over the years so I'm not at all surprised that he feels the US is out to get him.

The U.S. government is out to get him. Anyone who tells the truth about government becomes its enemy.

What you've basically said is that U.S. intelligence agencies are willing to trash the Bill of Rights to get at Assange.
That would be /his/ opinion, like I said, he doesn't trust authorities; people, governments, etc.

Me... I think it could come to pass that our government, by "will" of the people, will eventually destroy the constitution sadly. There's too much dislike for the core values for it not to happen frankly. Hopefully it doesn't occur until after I die heh
It is never surprising when fascists such as the OP are infuriated by, and wish to silence, organizations of transparency.

When you can pull a secret link out of your ass regarding any other country, especially Russia that Wikileaks has attacked let me know about it.

Then you want Berat's Box
Berat's Box
en | tr

Search the emails

Today, Monday 5 December 2016, WikiLeaks publishes an authoritative, searchable archive of 57,934 emails from the personal email address of Berat Albayrak, who is President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's son-in-law and Turkey's Minister of Energy.
WikiLeaks - Berat's Box

The Saudi Cables
Cables and other documents from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Saudi Cables

Search the Syria Files
More than two million emails from Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies, dating from August 2006 to March 2012. This extraordinary data set derives from 680 Syria-related entities or domain names, including those of the Ministries of Presidential Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Information, Transport and Culture
Syria Files -

"EUNAVFOR MED - Operation SOPHIA" - Six Monthly Report: June, 22nd to December, 31st 2015

IMF Internal Meeting Predicts Greek 'Disaster', Threatens to Leave Troika
That would be /his/ opinion, like I said, he doesn't trust authorities; people, governments, etc.

Me... I think it could come to pass that our government, by "will" of the people, will eventually destroy the constitution sadly. There's too much dislike for the core values for it not to happen frankly. Hopefully it doesn't occur until after I die heh

Too late. The government has already destroyed the Constitution.

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