CIA's top lawyer made 'criminal referral' on complaint about Trump Ukraine call

Biden is not even the nominee and likely would not have been one. How is he a political opponent? In the 2016 election Bernie Sanders was not really a political opponent of Trump and a number of his supporters ultimately voted for Trump? So if that phone call was regarding Lindsey Graham and not Biden then no one would care? The hypocrisy is abundant.
Barr is part of the corruption. The DoJ is broken. The State Department is broken. :( This administration has a record number of temporary appointees, unconfirmed by a Congress, taken no oath of office, and loyal to Trump personally, not the office of the presidency, the Constitution or the country. Career diplomats suddenly recalled for no reason and replaced by idiots. What is happening now is the tip of the iceberg.

CIA's top lawyer made 'criminal referral' on complaint about Trump Ukraine call

WASHINGTON — Weeks before the whistleblower's complaint became public, the CIA's top lawyer made what she considered to be a criminal referral to the Justice Department about the whistleblower's allegations that President Donald Trump abused his office in pressuring the Ukrainian president, U.S. officials familiar with the matter tell NBC News.

The move by the CIA's general counsel, Trump appointee Courtney Simmons Elwood, meant she and other senior officials had concluded a potential crime had been committed, raising more questions about why the Justice Department later declined to open an investigation.

The phone call that Elwood considered to be a criminal referral is in addition to the referral later received as a letter from the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community regarding the whistleblower complaint.

Justice Department officials said they were unclear whether Elwood was making a criminal referral and followed up with her later to seek clarification but she remained vague.

In the days since the anonymous whistleblower complaint was made public accusing him of wrongdoing, Trump has lashed out at his accuser and other insiders who provided the accuser with information, suggesting they were improperly spying on what was a "perfect" call between him and the Ukrainian president.

Read the rest of the article using the link
"U.S. officials familiar with the matter tell NBC News."

Nice try, but an obvious fail.

That's what happens when fake news "cites" unnamed sources.

That's how much Progressive hate living in a country where they don't have a One Party Rule stranglehold
Wait a sec....

What is the CIA doing spying domestically?

Why are the liberoids cheerleading for CIA spies and spooks who are clearly operating far outside their designated box?

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) ever happened to the civil libertarians on the left?
Maybe they are wondering why Trump keeps getting free passes.

Wait until the Mueller Collusion Report comes out!
Barr is part of the corruption. The DoJ is broken. The State Department is broken. :( This administration has a record number of temporary appointees, unconfirmed by a Congress, taken no oath of office, and loyal to Trump personally, not the office of the presidency, the Constitution or the country. Career diplomats suddenly recalled for no reason and replaced by idiots. What is happening now is the tip of the iceberg.

CIA's top lawyer made 'criminal referral' on complaint about Trump Ukraine call

WASHINGTON — Weeks before the whistleblower's complaint became public, the CIA's top lawyer made what she considered to be a criminal referral to the Justice Department about the whistleblower's allegations that President Donald Trump abused his office in pressuring the Ukrainian president, U.S. officials familiar with the matter tell NBC News.

The move by the CIA's general counsel, Trump appointee Courtney Simmons Elwood, meant she and other senior officials had concluded a potential crime had been committed, raising more questions about why the Justice Department later declined to open an investigation.

The phone call that Elwood considered to be a criminal referral is in addition to the referral later received as a letter from the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community regarding the whistleblower complaint.

Justice Department officials said they were unclear whether Elwood was making a criminal referral and followed up with her later to seek clarification but she remained vague.

In the days since the anonymous whistleblower complaint was made public accusing him of wrongdoing, Trump has lashed out at his accuser and other insiders who provided the accuser with information, suggesting they were improperly spying on what was a "perfect" call between him and the Ukrainian president.

Read the rest of the article using the link
Made what "she considered"?

Wait a sec....

What is the CIA doing spying domestically?

Why are the liberoids cheerleading for CIA spies and spooks who are clearly operating far outside their designated box?

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) ever happened to the civil libertarians on the left?
Maybe they are wondering why Trump keeps getting free passes.

Wait until the Mueller Collusion Report comes out!

Honestly I can't count the times I have laughed out loud this morning. I mean these people are tripping all over themselves and at this point it's BEYOND ridiculous and pathetic
Wait a sec....

What is the CIA doing spying domestically?

Why are the liberoids cheerleading for CIA spies and spooks who are clearly operating far outside their designated box?

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) ever happened to the civil libertarians on the left?
Maybe they are wondering why Trump keeps getting free passes.

Wait until the Mueller Collusion Report comes out!

Honestly I can't count the times I have laughed out loud this morning. I mean these people are tripping all over themselves and at this point it's BEYOND ridiculous and pathetic

Impeach everyone until Hillary is restored to her rightful place on the Iron Throne!
Barr is part of the corruption.

No it's fifth columnists cummunists inside the gates of America that is the real corruption in this country, when the civil war comes, mark my words, it will not stop untill all the leftists are dead or gone or both. The free thinking people in America have had it up to here with your commie shit. GET IT?
Hypocrites: Senate Dems Sent Letter Pressuring Ukraine To Investigate Trump In May 2018

Yes, the very same Democrats who are now supposedly aghast that President Trump asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's family corruption, actually sent Ukraine a letter saying "U.S. assistance" was at stake unless the Ukrainian government complied with the bogus special counsel Robert Mueller investigation and conducted their own investigation into the president and his former aid Paul Manafort. Marc Theissen of the Washington Post brought this up yesterday, and after seeing what the president actually said to his call to the newly elected president Volodymyr Zelensky, it looks like the Democrats have nothing but egg on their face.

Here's what Theissen reported Tuesday:

Nowhere does the letter say that "'U.S. assistance' is at stake".

The letter urges the Ukrainian government to uphold the rule of law, and to build on the progress made during the prior years, and to cooperate with the duly started (by Republicans) and conducted-by-the-book Mueller investigation. The letter expressed concern that the old corrupt ways are creeping back into the Ukrainian justice system under pressure from President Trump.

There is nothing untoward about that letter. Moreover, if lawmakers find a country is too riddled with corruption to merit U.S. assistance, you would hope they vote "No" once the next assistance package comes up for a vote, no?

That is in an entirely different universe compared to corruptly withholding duly appropriated aid, construing a fraudulent pretext to "justify" it, and asking a political favor for it to be released.

All told, reading the contributions on this thread, and assuming you've actually read the letter...

Because I don't want to deal with cutting and pasting a PDF if you have a reading comprehension issue...

... you are the one with the reading comprehension problems. Theissen and Townhall are lying to you - not that there's any surprise in either doing exactly that.

Now we see a criminal referral going nowhere in the DOJ, and we see a second CIA analyst confirming the whistleblower's account with first-hand knowledge of Trump's corruption, in effect Trump's effort to corrupt Ukraine's justice system to work at the behest of the political class, in furtherance of political aims. The zinger arrives in the form of Trump trying to lipstick that pig by claiming it's all part of his anti-corruption crusade.

There is, quite plainly, no mistaking Trump and his henchmen - most notably Barr and Pompeo - turning the U.S. government into a mob, and enlisting foreign governments around the world to do Trump's personal bidding, all the while undermining U.S. security interests. It's patently disheartening to watch otherwise intelligent folks unable to see through that plot, or feigning it on behalf of, and in subservience to, their Dear Leader.
But how was it for partisan political gain? It was for the Mueller investigation, Manafort had not been part of the Trump campaign for years and whatever they shared with Mueller's special counsel, was kept mum, from the public and congress critters....

And why do you think Trump asking the Ukraine president to work with Giuliani, his personal ala Michael Cohen fixer, to get political dirt on a political rival and his son, who were NOT under an official investigation by the USA, while holding back Congressional backed aid to fight off Russian aggression... until the Ukraine made a public announcement that they were investigating hunter biden is anyway near the same type of acts? And in addition the Ukraine proposed announcement letter was written by Ambassador Volker and others from Trump's group working with Giuliani...

THERE IS NO comparison in the two very different scenarios

one is legitimate

the other crooked

Wow, you really don't know what happened. Giuliani was working in Ukraine before the Mueller investigation wrapped up, he was investigating the genesis of the collusion delusion, the Bidens were brought up to him, he wasn't even looking at it. Biden wasn't even a candidate then.

YES Rudy's shady dealings in the Ukraine go way back...

Trump sent Giuliani to try to dig up information that could help Trump give MANAFORT a PARDON

and to make it look like the Ukraine did the attack on our elections, and not ordered by Putin and done by Russian Intelligence,

so that Trump could have reason to remove the sanctions on Russia for the interference,

the admin has also pressured the Ukraine President to work out some sort of deal giving up his country's land to Putin, to kiss and give up the stolen Crimea....

once this deal is done, Trump can ask congress to remove the other hefty sanctions on them for invading Crimea....

And Trump can beg once again, to let Putin back in the G7

Trump holding back aide to the Ukraine during the time when the new Ukraine president was fighting off Russia, while also negotiating this so called deal with Putin, gave Zelensky a disadvantaged and Putin an advantage...

The Biden dirt started as a side show when Biden announced and he was creaming Trump in the one on one, match up polls.

That's a butt load of opinion you have there.

One question. Wouldn't it be prudent to suspend aid to a country with a history of rampant corruption, till you get a read on what the new government is like?

1 their corruption that could be cleaned up had ZERO to do with the Bidens from 3 years ago

2 they cleaned up a lot of their corruption and some time in May 2019, our State dept gave the Ukraine a ''clean bill of health''

Now tell me... what do you think Zelensky thought when the very country asking them to clean up their corruption... yet the President of the USA was holding his aid back and strong arming him, unless he illegally helped investigate Trump's upcoming political rival's son and made a Public Announcement that he was investigating him, so Trump could use it in his upcoming campaign?

Zelensky paraphased

''What?? The country's president that is asking me to get rid of the corruption here in the Ukraine wants me to work with his personal consigliere Giuliani, to help him in his own dirty and corrupt scheme for his own political reelection campaign?''

First let's get one thing straight, the favor Trump asked for was aid in ascertaining the genesis of the 2016 collusion delusion. If you can't admit that then there is no point in further discussion.

Second, if you read the transcript out loud, the mention of the Bidens lasted about 8 seconds of the 30 minute call and occurred toward the end of the call.

You're entitled to your own opinions, facts are facts, they belong to no one. Zelensky didn't take office till May, how could the State Dept given him a clean bill in May?

Yes, it's an opinion!!

Yes, Crowdstrike is part of the collusion delusion conspiracy cooked up that would help manafort and trump' s ego.

We got only 5 to 10 minutes of the call in their summary, there were ellipses... right where the alleged quid pro quo took place

Could have been June, I will look for the link... it's possible it was a State dept analysis on corruption there on its own to assess the country.
Barr is part of the corruption. The DoJ is broken. The State Department is broken. :( This administration has a record number of temporary appointees, unconfirmed by a Congress, taken no oath of office, and loyal to Trump personally, not the office of the presidency, the Constitution or the country. Career diplomats suddenly recalled for no reason and replaced by idiots. What is happening now is the tip of the iceberg.

CIA's top lawyer made 'criminal referral' on complaint about Trump Ukraine call

WASHINGTON — Weeks before the whistleblower's complaint became public, the CIA's top lawyer made what she considered to be a criminal referral to the Justice Department about the whistleblower's allegations that President Donald Trump abused his office in pressuring the Ukrainian president, U.S. officials familiar with the matter tell NBC News.

The move by the CIA's general counsel, Trump appointee Courtney Simmons Elwood, meant she and other senior officials had concluded a potential crime had been committed, raising more questions about why the Justice Department later declined to open an investigation.

The phone call that Elwood considered to be a criminal referral is in addition to the referral later received as a letter from the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community regarding the whistleblower complaint.

Justice Department officials said they were unclear whether Elwood was making a criminal referral and followed up with her later to seek clarification but she remained vague.

In the days since the anonymous whistleblower complaint was made public accusing him of wrongdoing, Trump has lashed out at his accuser and other insiders who provided the accuser with information, suggesting they were improperly spying on what was a "perfect" call between him and the Ukrainian president.

Read the rest of the article using the link
"U.S. officials familiar with the matter tell NBC News."

Nice try, but an obvious fail.

That's what happens when fake news "cites" unnamed sources.
Unfortunately that passes as a credible witness for those who feel they need one. We know we can't trust the media yet we trust them to not abuse anonymous sources on their stories.

Which is it? Trusting what we want to hear is hardly validation of truth.
Biden is not even the nominee and likely would not have been one. How is he a political opponent? In the 2016 election Bernie Sanders was not really a political opponent of Trump and a number of his supporters ultimately voted for Trump? So if that phone call was regarding Lindsey Graham and not Biden then no one would care? The hypocrisy is abundant.

Biden is a threat to Trump and the polling has him beating Trump more than any candidate...

And Trump lives by the polls, and acts by the polls.

He fears Biden the most...

Thus him now using the news, mentioning Biden 10 times with the word corruption in every presser he makes, and every time his mouth opens... he's looking for a new LOCK HER UP.... it worked in 2016 why not 2020?

But I'm with you on Biden likely not being the candidate even prior to Trump' s false accusations, and strong arming Ukraine to help smear him.
Please supply that link and thank you in advance

Read the transcript of Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
I'm asking you to provide where the missiles are part of the package....financially.

What "package"? My understanding is that it was MONEY appropriated by Congress. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky mentioned in the transcript that he was about ready to buy Javelin missiles - then Trump reminded him that a "favor" was required, "though".
Just where did you get your understanding.....I keep coming back to that. The wording from Trump was NOT that a favor was "REQUIRED".
When you are in a position of power, speaking to one of lesser power who needs something from you, arguing whether or not the word “required” is explicitly used is irrelevant imo. You ask for a assumes a whole different meaning. If you have already frozen what that person needs from back up your request, it assumes a different meaning. And if you also make a promise of an Oval Office visit...contingent on a favor...

It does not look kosher at all.
There is a lot of assuming going on there, Coyote, and the transcripts don't back it up.
Please supply that link and thank you in advance

Read the transcript of Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
I'm asking you to provide where the missiles are part of the package....financially.

What "package"? My understanding is that it was MONEY appropriated by Congress. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky mentioned in the transcript that he was about ready to buy Javelin missiles - then Trump reminded him that a "favor" was required, "though".
Just where did you get your understanding.....I keep coming back to that. The wording from Trump was NOT that a favor was "REQUIRED".

It's called quid pro quo. It will all be spelled out clearly in the articles of impeachment. Stay tuned...
Call it a tomato if you want, you can't produce it because it's not there.
I keep seeing Trumpers claim the phone call showed nothing.

Ummm...yea it did.It was clear as day.

"Well I'd like to ask a favor though..."

In response to Zelensky mentioning that he wanted more missiles to fend off the Russian invasion of his country.

And there were TWO favors asked for. Help in exonerating Russia (the country attacking Ukraine) in the hack of our election in 2016...and opening a bogus investigation of Trump's political rival
Barr is part of the corruption. The DoJ is broken. The State Department is broken. :( This administration has a record number of temporary appointees, unconfirmed by a Congress, taken no oath of office, and loyal to Trump personally, not the office of the presidency, the Constitution or the country. Career diplomats suddenly recalled for no reason and replaced by idiots. What is happening now is the tip of the iceberg.

CIA's top lawyer made 'criminal referral' on complaint about Trump Ukraine call

WASHINGTON — Weeks before the whistleblower's complaint became public, the CIA's top lawyer made what she considered to be a criminal referral to the Justice Department about the whistleblower's allegations that President Donald Trump abused his office in pressuring the Ukrainian president, U.S. officials familiar with the matter tell NBC News.

The move by the CIA's general counsel, Trump appointee Courtney Simmons Elwood, meant she and other senior officials had concluded a potential crime had been committed, raising more questions about why the Justice Department later declined to open an investigation.

The phone call that Elwood considered to be a criminal referral is in addition to the referral later received as a letter from the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community regarding the whistleblower complaint.

Justice Department officials said they were unclear whether Elwood was making a criminal referral and followed up with her later to seek clarification but she remained vague.

In the days since the anonymous whistleblower complaint was made public accusing him of wrongdoing, Trump has lashed out at his accuser and other insiders who provided the accuser with information, suggesting they were improperly spying on what was a "perfect" call between him and the Ukrainian president.

Read the rest of the article using the link
Move to impeach! Lol expose the never trumpets.. good bye
Biden is not even the nominee and likely would not have been one. How is he a political opponent? In the 2016 election Bernie Sanders was not really a political opponent of Trump and a number of his supporters ultimately voted for Trump? So if that phone call was regarding Lindsey Graham and not Biden then no one would care? The hypocrisy is abundant.

Biden is a threat to Trump and the polling has him beating Trump more than any candidate...

And Trump lives by the polls, and acts by the polls.

He fears Biden the most...

Thus him now using the news, mentioning Biden 10 times with the word corruption in every presser he makes, and every time his mouth opens... he's looking for a new LOCK HER UP.... it worked in 2016 why not 2020?

But I'm with you on Biden likely not being the candidate even prior to Trump' s false accusations, and strong arming Ukraine to help smear him.

Polls showed him getting killed in 2016 and he campaigned until the last possible second. Polls have shown themselves to be wrong at times. Your anti Trump bias blinds you.

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