Citizens suing California over 30 round magazine's about time.

Claifornia first banned the buying of new 30 round magazines....then, since book burners/gun grabbers won't stop till they get all guns....then, commie governor jerry brown outlawed the previous grandfathered 30 round, 5 California citizens....all law abiding...are suing the morons in the California government for violating their 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms...

NRA hits back in court over California magazine ban

As a gun owner, I can't think of one reason I would need a thirty round magazine.
Me either but its better to have it than need it and not have it.

A thirty round magazine is designed and manufactured to kill multiple people without reloading. That's it, no other reason. is designed to help save the life of the user....defending himself against attack and protecting his allows them to do so without having to change a magazine more times than they might have to with fewer bullets......that is important because if you are injured in a fight, the adrenalin and injury may make it harder to switch out magazines...

Criminals can get whatever magazines they want and can rape rob and murder with illegal guns and magazines.....

Civilians who have to defend themselves and their families...may face more than one attacker and those attackers may be armed with their own again...the 30 round magazine allows a good person to defend themselves and their families......
As a gun owner, I can't think of one reason I would need a thirty round magazine.

BEcause they desire to own one....that is all they need. There is absolutely no reason to ban them unless you are irrational and hate guns.

Why don't you write the real reason; To increase profits for gun manufacturers for which the NRA is a marketing concern.
that answer there just told me you dont own guns....

Then why does more than half of the income for the NRA come directly or indirectly from gun manufacturers?

It doesn't asswipe. You have been shown this before....

I apologize for this post...I forgot this was in the CDZ.....sorry.
Claifornia first banned the buying of new 30 round magazines....then, since book burners/gun grabbers won't stop till they get all guns....then, commie governor jerry brown outlawed the previous grandfathered 30 round, 5 California citizens....all law abiding...are suing the morons in the California government for violating their 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms...

NRA hits back in court over California magazine ban

As a gun owner, I can't think of one reason I would need a thirty round magazine.

BEcause they desire to own one....that is all they need. There is absolutely no reason to ban them unless you are irrational and hate guns.
No reason? What the hell does a citizen need a thirty round magazine on a semi-auto for? I do realize they come in real handy in clearing out grade school classrooms and crowded movie theaters. We require a special license to own and shoot a .45 Thompson. That same license should be required for high capacity magazine in semi-automatic guns.

Do you realize that those small children could just as easily have been murdered with a shotgun.....or multiple shotguns...or even revolvers......

There is no need for a special license...since you guys like gun laws this is how we handle it......

You make a law that states if you use a 30 round magazine in a go to jail for 30 years for the 30 round magazine all by itself...

And there you get a law....we get to keep normal magazines....everyone is happy...right?
Thank you for that.

Though I can think of several sanitation trucks I would like to blow up at 4AM in the morning when they are collecting the bins.

Terroristic threatening alert sent to Homeland Security.

When they knock, Jammie-boi, answer the door quick if you don't want it kicked in.
Because wack-jobs desire to own one. Got it!

I have one. My best friend has several. We've never been committed or diagnosed with any mental deficiencies, nor have we have killed anyone.
Why don't you just go all the way, and claim no one has killed a lot of people with this type of weapon? How many people alive today have killed people with a .45 Thompson. But we have stringent regulations on who can own that type of weapon. As Clausewitz stated, you don't judge by present intentions, you judge by capabilities. North Korea has not nuked anyone with a long range missile. But everyone has the right to be worried about a nation with an unstable dictator having long range nuclear capability. It is the same with these assault weapons. The capability of them in the hands of someone mentally unstable is horrid. We saw that at Sandy Hook. don't get to ban something simply because of it's potential..otherwise the Communist Manifest and Mein Kampf.....would have been banned.......same with alcohol.......more lives are destroyed by alcohol than by guns each year....dittos cars....

A truck was used to murder 89 people in Nice, France and injure over according to you, all trucks need to be banned.....since the potential for killing is so great.....

Consider this...imagine if some nut job drove a Truck over a class of kindergarten kids..........

So there you go...and driving a truck isn't even a Right...
As a gun owner, I can't think of one reason I would need a thirty round magazine.

As an American, I can't think of one reason why you'd forget it's called the Bill of Rights and not the Bill of Needs.
We regulate what kind of weapons a citizen can own already. We regulate that by requiring special licenses for certain kinds of weapons. The semi-automatic is capable of firing 30 rounds in under 10 seconds. Now what is the difference between that and a .45 Thompson? Both will kill a lot of people before anyone can do anything.

It is long past time to regulate who has these guns.

And yet with 8 million of these weapons in private hands........with millions of 30 round magazines......they account for about 167 deaths in mass shootings....over 34 years....

Knives kill over 1,500 people every single you want a special license for your kitchen knife?

According to you....we need to license knives, clubs and our hands and feet...since they kill more people every single year than these rifles do......

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8


rifles....252 ( this is all rifles, not just rifles with magazines)

knives 1,544

clubs 437

hands 624
As a gun owner, I can't think of one reason I would need a thirty round magazine.

As an American, I can't think of one reason why you'd forget it's called the Bill of Rights and not the Bill of Needs.
Slippery slope fallacy, Taz. You don't need and you don't have an every day right to a bazooka.

We aren't talking about weapons that can blow up a dump truck.
But one sure worked good at killing a lot of children. And they have been used in other attacks on innocent people. Hard to defend yourself when you are somewhere you don't expect violence, and the miscreant has a weapon that he can shoot 30 rapid shots and then reload in under 2 seconds.

And yet they haven't been......8 million of these rifles....and they have been used to murder 167 people in 34 years.......8 million rifles in the hands of normal people, with 30 round magazines and they are almost used as often to save lives and stop crime as they are actually used in crime...since criminals prefer hand guns...but you will be coming for those after you get the 30 round magazines.......

And again...there is no mass shooting that could not have been done with a pump action shotgun or pistols......and you will go after those as soon as you get the rifles....

you are the same as a book burners and gun grabbers are the same people...they have the same irrational fear and hatred for objects and that fear and hatred is irrational in both cases....
Claifornia first banned the buying of new 30 round magazines....then, since book burners/gun grabbers won't stop till they get all guns....then, commie governor jerry brown outlawed the previous grandfathered 30 round, 5 California citizens....all law abiding...are suing the morons in the California government for violating their 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms...

NRA hits back in court over California magazine ban

As a gun owner, I can't think of one reason I would need a thirty round magazine.

That's not the point... is it?

That IS the point. Why would one NEED to have a 30 round magazine that is designed and manufactured to kill multiple people without reloading?

For self defense, for competition, for hunting, for collecting...that is why the 8 million rifles in the hands of American people are not a threat.........normal people use them without breaking the law...

And...if you use one to break the can already be arrested and put in jail.......
states rights, boyo, until you say it is not states rights

courts will throw it out and you know it

The Second Amendment explicitly specifies to whom the right belongs, and it is not the states.
Is it only law abiding citizens? 2a says so, I guess he stands for infringing on the rights of non law abiding citizens.

Actually, there are some trying to get the Right to bear arms back for non violent felons......and I can see their point.....
Claifornia first banned the buying of new 30 round magazines....then, since book burners/gun grabbers won't stop till they get all guns....then, commie governor jerry brown outlawed the previous grandfathered 30 round, 5 California citizens....all law abiding...are suing the morons in the California government for violating their 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms...

NRA hits back in court over California magazine ban

As a gun owner, I can't think of one reason I would need a thirty round magazine.

That's not the point... is it?

That IS the point. Why would one NEED to have a 30 round magazine that is designed and manufactured to kill multiple people without reloading?

Why do you need to have a Television?

BEcause they desire to own one....that is all they need. There is absolutely no reason to ban them unless you are irrational and hate guns.

Why don't you write the real reason; To increase profits for gun manufacturers for which the NRA is a marketing concern.
that answer there just told me you dont own guns....

Then why does more than half of the income for the NRA come directly or indirectly from gun manufacturers?
did you have help moving those goal posts?....lets go back to what you said about the reason one buys a gun or ammo....."To increase profits for gun manufacturers for which the NRA is a marketing concern".....i have never heard or read a gun owner saying thats why they bought their guns,but i have seen anti gunners say this,like you just as for what you just said....why the hell do you think gun manufacturers would donate to the NRA?.....

Take Sandy Hook. A bad guy kills and the NRA uses hysteria marketing to convince the weak minded that the government is going to take away their guns. Gun sales skyrocket. Who wins?

How many gun manufacturers pay for NRA membership when you buy their weapon?

Pepe Le Pew and his cohorts become millionaires from a non-profit. Pretty sweet!

It isn't hysteria.....hilary had a plan to use the courts to attack gun makers, and the 4th circuit court of appeals just ruled that military style weapons are not protected by the second amendment....and since bolt action rifles, pump action shotguns, lever action rifles and 6 shot well as most modern pistols use a magazine, and have been used in the military......that is an attack on the right to own guns that is serious and imminent.......
I don't have to justify it. That's why it's called a right. I have it because I can. Deal with it

The justification is the same as the need for big trucks and fast cars. I asked you why you NEED it.

The point that you refuse to acknowledge is that nobody is under any obligation to justify his “need” to exercise a right. That's an important defining characteristic of a right, that one is allowed to exercise it without having to show any need or justification for doing so,and without having to seek permission from anyone, least of all from government.

The burden is entirely on those such as you, who would deny the exercise of a right, to prove that such a denial is necessary and justifiable.

The same tactic was used to keep blacks from voting......the democrats didn't think blacks had a need to vote....since white democrats could run the government without they created poll taxes and literacy tests to keep blacks from voting......
BEcause they desire to own one....that is all they need. There is absolutely no reason to ban them unless you are irrational and hate guns.

Why don't you write the real reason; To increase profits for gun manufacturers for which the NRA is a marketing concern.
that answer there just told me you dont own guns....

Then why does more than half of the income for the NRA come directly or indirectly from gun manufacturers?
did you have help moving those goal posts?....lets go back to what you said about the reason one buys a gun or ammo....."To increase profits for gun manufacturers for which the NRA is a marketing concern".....i have never heard or read a gun owner saying thats why they bought their guns,but i have seen anti gunners say this,like you just as for what you just said....why the hell do you think gun manufacturers would donate to the NRA?.....

Take Sandy Hook. A bad guy kills and the NRA uses hysteria marketing to convince the weak minded that the government is going to take away their guns. Gun sales skyrocket. Who wins?

How many gun manufacturers pay for NRA membership when you buy their weapon?

Pepe Le Pew and his cohorts become millionaires from a non-profit. Pretty sweet!

How many gun manufacturers pay for NRA membership when you buy their weapon?

None.......I became a life member all on my lonesome....
Cars kill more people than guns every single year.......and they aren't even a protected there is no need for anyone other than the government and military officials to have them...and since they can be used to murder people......89 people were murdered with a Truck in Nice, France, and over 400 injured....that is more proof that vehicles need to be reserved only for the government...right....? According to your logic.....right?
Claifornia first banned the buying of new 30 round magazines....then, since book burners/gun grabbers won't stop till they get all guns....then, commie governor jerry brown outlawed the previous grandfathered 30 round, 5 California citizens....all law abiding...are suing the morons in the California government for violating their 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms...

NRA hits back in court over California magazine ban

As a gun owner, I can't think of one reason I would need a thirty round magazine.

BEcause they desire to own one....that is all they need. There is absolutely no reason to ban them unless you are irrational and hate guns.
They are scary to him. He wants a one shot musket gun. That makes him feel safe. My thinking is if these Looney rioting snowflake liberals threaten me. I have the ability to keep myself and other law abiding citizens safe.
Claifornia first banned the buying of new 30 round magazines....then, since book burners/gun grabbers won't stop till they get all guns....then, commie governor jerry brown outlawed the previous grandfathered 30 round, 5 California citizens....all law abiding...are suing the morons in the California government for violating their 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms...

NRA hits back in court over California magazine ban

As a gun owner, I can't think of one reason I would need a thirty round magazine.

BEcause they desire to own one....that is all they need. There is absolutely no reason to ban them unless you are irrational and hate guns.

Why don't you write the real reason; To increase profits for gun manufacturers for which the NRA is a marketing concern.
Kinda like planned parenthood murdering more babies increases profits? Especially those black babies, they make a killing off them, you know? The innocent that don't have a choice to life? Because of cowards, like yourself.
Actually, there are some trying to get the Right to bear arms back for non violent felons......and I can see their point.....

I happen to think that once a convicted criminal has completed his sentence—has “paid his debt to society”—he should be restored to all the same rights as any other free person. The real problem is that we have become too soft on serious crimes. It used to be that a criminal whose crimes were severe enough to justify never restoring him to full freedom would serve his sentence at the end of a rope.
Actually, there are some trying to get the Right to bear arms back for non violent felons......and I can see their point.....

I happen to think that once a convicted criminal has completed his sentence—has “paid his debt to society”—he should be restored to all the same rights as any other free person. The real problem is that we have become too soft on serious crimes. It used to be that a criminal whose crimes were severe enough to justify never restoring him to full freedom would serve his sentence at the end of a rope.

The only gun control we need is to lock up violent criminals for a long time......rape, armed robbery and attempted murder....30 for rape.....and the death sentence for murder.....I am also happy to go along with the death sentence for attempted murder...since you shouldn't be given a break because you screwed up murdering someone.....

That is how actual gun crime is reduced....if each criminal is released, it should be a law that they are read a statement....telling them that any use of a gun in a crime will be a mandatory 30 year sentence.....and each time they see their parole officer...there should be a sign in that office stating the same thing.....

The word needs to get out...and the actual actions need to be taken to reduce gun crime...and you do that by targeting criminals..not law abiding people...

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