Civil Rights - what are included?

Did Jefferson identify them in the Declaration of Independence? Or are they only the Rights delineated in COTUS?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What other Rights might be among the three noted in this seminal document?
None that I can see, those three cover everything; as in every other natural human right can be derived from them. You have the right to life (and thus self defense), liberty (as in making your own choices as long as they don't infringe upon the life, liberty of property of others) and pursuit of happiness (otherwise known as property aka exclusive use and enjoyment of the fruits of your own labor). According to which historian(s) you trust Jefferson's use of the word among portrays his acknowledgement that he did not know everything and that there may be certain rights endowed by the creator that he was not aware of or could not foresee, others I have read insist that "among" was just an example of Jefferson's propensity for flowery prose... hard to say which is accurate.

What Rights can we infer from the 9th Amendment?
You can't "infer" rights from the 9th Amendment as it's a statement intended to clarify the scope of the Bill of Rights; just because the Bill of Rights explicitly protects certain rights doesn't mean that all other rights are surrendered to the government.

Or as Madison puts it
"It has been objected also against a Bill of Rights that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration; and it might follow by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the General Government, and were consequently insecure. This is one of the most plausible arguments I have ever heard against the admission of a bill of rights into this system; but, I conceive, that it may be guarded against. I have attempted it, as gentlemen may see by turning to the last clause of the fourth resolution."

Can Rights be abridged by "The People"?
Yeah, it's the downside of democracy aka as the "tyranny of the majority", whereby the majority can vote away the rights of themselves and the minority, it's one of the reasons the founders saw fit to explicitly protect certain crucial rights contained in the Bill of Rights.
To be able to talk about Jesus publically - and witness Christianity - without retribution.

You are free to talk about anything you want, but others are just as free to say you are wrong.
Rights are endowed by the Creator...not by Obabble and al sharpton.

Non sequitur. If you want to argue God exists, and created Rights, please provide the evidence.

Even if true, it is man who enforces the Rights or not, no matter their source during his or her life time.

Oh, and take you childish misuse of the President of the United States name and shove it up your racist ass, if there's enough room being that's where your head is.
Non sequitur? It's in the fucking constitution, moron.

It's common practice to sign your post below the text, I'll help you with that and with proper capitalization:

"Non sequitur? "It's in the fucking constitution"


Well screwball, do you understand basic English now?

He shellacked you, eh? Butt hurt, butt hurt everywhere!!!!
To be able to talk about Jesus publically - and witness Christianity - without retribution.

You are free to talk about anything you want, but others are just as free to say you are wrong.

I have no problem. Just don't muffle me.
And be intelligent. Saying you need Jesus is not forcing things on anyone.
If you feel pressure, that is on you....
Did Jefferson identify them in the Declaration of Independence? Or are they only the Rights delineated in COTUS?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What other Rights might be among the three noted in this seminal document?
None that I can see, those three cover everything; as in every other natural human right can be derived from them. You have the right to life (and thus self defense), liberty (as in making your own choices as long as they don't infringe upon the life, liberty of property of others) and pursuit of happiness (otherwise known as property aka exclusive use and enjoyment of the fruits of your own labor). According to which historian(s) you trust Jefferson's use of the word among portrays his acknowledgement that he did not know everything and that there may be certain rights endowed by the creator that he was not aware of or could not foresee, others I have read insist that "among" was just an example of Jefferson's propensity for flowery prose... hard to say which is accurate.

What Rights can we infer from the 9th Amendment?
You can't "infer" rights from the 9th Amendment as it's a statement intended to clarify the scope of the Bill of Rights; just because the Bill of Rights explicitly protects certain rights doesn't mean that all other rights are surrendered to the government.

Or as Madison puts it
"It has been objected also against a Bill of Rights that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration; and it might follow by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the General Government, and were consequently insecure. This is one of the most plausible arguments I have ever heard against the admission of a bill of rights into this system; but, I conceive, that it may be guarded against. I have attempted it, as gentlemen may see by turning to the last clause of the fourth resolution."

Can Rights be abridged by "The People"?
Yeah, it's the downside of democracy aka as the "tyranny of the majority", whereby the majority can vote away the rights of themselves and the minority, it's one of the reasons the founders saw fit to explicitly protect certain crucial rights contained in the Bill of Rights.

Am I correct in inferring that this post is written with a covert defense of the 2nd Amendment?
To be able to talk about Jesus publically - and witness Christianity - without retribution.

You are free to talk about anything you want, but others are just as free to say you are wrong.

I have no problem. Just don't muffle me.
And be intelligent. Saying you need Jesus is not forcing things on anyone.
If you feel pressure, that is on you....

DIdn't realize I was muffling you. It might surprise you to know I'm a Christian as well, only I resent all the people who have bastardized my loving, forgiving religion as a means to justify their hateful rhetoric. Jesus never condoned the vile crap coming from TV preachers of right wing nuts.
To be able to talk about Jesus publically - and witness Christianity - without retribution.

You are free to talk about anything you want, but others are just as free to say you are wrong.

I have no problem. Just don't muffle me.
And be intelligent. Saying you need Jesus is not forcing things on anyone.
If you feel pressure, that is on you....

DIdn't realize I was muffling you. It might surprise you to know I'm a Christian as well, only I resent all the people who have bastardized my loving, forgiving religion as a means to justify their hateful rhetoric. Jesus never condoned the vile crap coming from TV preachers of right wing nuts.

We are in 100% agreement there.
Notice, the crazy right wings cannot answer the question, for others sidetracked by CrusaderFrank and other screwballs, here is the questions:

Did Jefferson identify them in the Declaration of Independence? Or are they only the Rights delineated in COTUS?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What other Rights might be among the three noted in this seminal document?

What Rights can we infer from the 9th Amendment?

Can Rights be abridged by "The People"?

Our Rights are natural rights i.e. given to us by the Creator. They are not to be taken over/away by the government. What exactly are these rights? We can infer much. What do you want, a running list?

Don't listen to me though. "James Madison argued that any attempt to enumerate fundamental liberties would be incomplete and might imperil other freedoms not listed. A "positive declaration of some essential rights could not be obtained in the requisite latitude," Madison said. "If an enumeration be made of all our rights," he queried, "will it not be implied that everything omitted is given to the general government?"

9th Amendment
Rights are endowed by the Creator...not by Obabble and al sharpton.

Non sequitur. If you want to argue God exists, and created Rights, please provide the evidence.

Even if true, it is man who enforces the Rights or not, no matter their source during his or her life time.

Oh, and take you childish misuse of the President of the United States name and shove it up your racist ass, if there's enough room being that's where your head is.
Non sequitur? It's in the fucking constitution, moron.

It's common practice to sign your post below the text, I'll help you with that and with proper capitalization:

"Non sequitur? "It's in the fucking constitution"


Well screwball, do you understand basic English now?

He shellacked you, eh? Butt hurt, butt hurt everywhere!!!!

Thanks so much for sharing, it is always nice and informative to hear from the idiot fringe. Have a wonderful holiday season.
Notice, the crazy right wings cannot answer the question, for others sidetracked by CrusaderFrank and other screwballs, here is the questions:

Did Jefferson identify them in the Declaration of Independence? Or are they only the Rights delineated in COTUS?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What other Rights might be among the three noted in this seminal document?

What Rights can we infer from the 9th Amendment?

Can Rights be abridged by "The People"?

Our Rights are natural rights i.e. given to us by the Creator. They are not to be taken over/away by the government. What exactly are these rights? We can infer much. What do you want, a running list?

Don't listen to me though. "James Madison argued that any attempt to enumerate fundamental liberties would be incomplete and might imperil other freedoms not listed. A "positive declaration of some essential rights could not be obtained in the requisite latitude," Madison said. "If an enumeration be made of all our rights," he queried, "will it not be implied that everything omitted is given to the general government?"

9th Amendment

Thus the Right to SSM is a fundamental liberty, one which some of The People attempted to infringe. I get it.
Notice, the crazy right wings cannot answer the question, for others sidetracked by CrusaderFrank and other screwballs, here is the questions:

Did Jefferson identify them in the Declaration of Independence? Or are they only the Rights delineated in COTUS?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What other Rights might be among the three noted in this seminal document?

What Rights can we infer from the 9th Amendment?

Can Rights be abridged by "The People"?

Our Rights are natural rights i.e. given to us by the Creator. They are not to be taken over/away by the government. What exactly are these rights? We can infer much. What do you want, a running list?

Don't listen to me though. "James Madison argued that any attempt to enumerate fundamental liberties would be incomplete and might imperil other freedoms not listed. A "positive declaration of some essential rights could not be obtained in the requisite latitude," Madison said. "If an enumeration be made of all our rights," he queried, "will it not be implied that everything omitted is given to the general government?"

9th Amendment

Thus the Right to SSM is a fundamental liberty, one which some of The People attempted to infringe. I get it.
SSM? Yeah. I get it too. You posted questions but are not interested in what anyone else has to say. You are a smug nit who isn't looking for discussion, only for a chance to mouth off. Saddest of all, you are a second rate smart-ass.
Rights are what people assert when they fail to get policies enacted at the ballot box.

hmmm, so the right to vote, when suppressed overtly or covertly, can only be restored by asserting, "I want to vote"?
Ihave to agree with the previous poster who wrote that you have no interest in debate. You just want to be a smug asshole.
Abortion. Same sex marriage. There is no end to "rights" the Supreme Court will invent out of whole cloth to satisfy some noisy constituency.
Notice, the crazy right wings cannot answer the question, for others sidetracked by CrusaderFrank and other screwballs, here is the questions:

Did Jefferson identify them in the Declaration of Independence? Or are they only the Rights delineated in COTUS?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What other Rights might be among the three noted in this seminal document?

What Rights can we infer from the 9th Amendment?

Can Rights be abridged by "The People"?

Our Rights are natural rights i.e. given to us by the Creator. They are not to be taken over/away by the government. What exactly are these rights? We can infer much. What do you want, a running list?

Don't listen to me though. "James Madison argued that any attempt to enumerate fundamental liberties would be incomplete and might imperil other freedoms not listed. A "positive declaration of some essential rights could not be obtained in the requisite latitude," Madison said. "If an enumeration be made of all our rights," he queried, "will it not be implied that everything omitted is given to the general government?"

9th Amendment

Thus the Right to SSM is a fundamental liberty, one which some of The People attempted to infringe. I get it.
SSM? Yeah. I get it too. You posted questions but are not interested in what anyone else has to say. You are a smug nit who isn't looking for discussion, only for a chance to mouth off. Saddest of all, you are a second rate smart-ass.

Too many words used for an ad hominem. Try to answer the questions, if you can.

You have no duty to me to answer them, but posting a personal attack in response is both defensive and suggests you are incapable of critical thinking.

I read your post and inferred you were thinking about the 2nd A. True, false or call me another name. If SSM is a fundamental right or not? That too is question which requires any biases be set aside.
Notice, the crazy right wings cannot answer the question, for others sidetracked by CrusaderFrank and other screwballs, here is the questions:

Did Jefferson identify them in the Declaration of Independence? Or are they only the Rights delineated in COTUS?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What other Rights might be among the three noted in this seminal document?

What Rights can we infer from the 9th Amendment?

Can Rights be abridged by "The People"?

Our Rights are natural rights i.e. given to us by the Creator. They are not to be taken over/away by the government. What exactly are these rights? We can infer much. What do you want, a running list?

Don't listen to me though. "James Madison argued that any attempt to enumerate fundamental liberties would be incomplete and might imperil other freedoms not listed. A "positive declaration of some essential rights could not be obtained in the requisite latitude," Madison said. "If an enumeration be made of all our rights," he queried, "will it not be implied that everything omitted is given to the general government?"

9th Amendment

Thus the Right to SSM is a fundamental liberty, one which some of The People attempted to infringe. I get it.
SSM? Yeah. I get it too. You posted questions but are not interested in what anyone else has to say. You are a smug nit who isn't looking for discussion, only for a chance to mouth off. Saddest of all, you are a second rate smart-ass.

Too many words used for an ad hominem. Try to answer the questions, if you can.

You have no duty to me to answer them, but posting a personal attack in response is both defensive and suggests you are incapable of critical thinking.

I read your post and inferred you were thinking about the 2nd A. True, false or call me another name. If SSM is a fundamental right or not? That too is question which requires any biases be set aside.
There is no right to same sex marriage. It exists nowhere in the Constitution.
Notice, the crazy right wings cannot answer the question, for others sidetracked by CrusaderFrank and other screwballs, here is the questions:

Did Jefferson identify them in the Declaration of Independence? Or are they only the Rights delineated in COTUS?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What other Rights might be among the three noted in this seminal document?

What Rights can we infer from the 9th Amendment?

Can Rights be abridged by "The People"?

Our Rights are natural rights i.e. given to us by the Creator. They are not to be taken over/away by the government. What exactly are these rights? We can infer much. What do you want, a running list?

Don't listen to me though. "James Madison argued that any attempt to enumerate fundamental liberties would be incomplete and might imperil other freedoms not listed. A "positive declaration of some essential rights could not be obtained in the requisite latitude," Madison said. "If an enumeration be made of all our rights," he queried, "will it not be implied that everything omitted is given to the general government?"

9th Amendment

Thus the Right to SSM is a fundamental liberty, one which some of The People attempted to infringe. I get it.
SSM? Yeah. I get it too. You posted questions but are not interested in what anyone else has to say. You are a smug nit who isn't looking for discussion, only for a chance to mouth off. Saddest of all, you are a second rate smart-ass.

Too many words used for an ad hominem. Try to answer the questions, if you can.

You have no duty to me to answer them, but posting a personal attack in response is both defensive and suggests you are incapable of critical thinking.

I read your post and inferred you were thinking about the 2nd A. True, false or call me another name. If SSM is a fundamental right or not? That too is question which requires any biases be set aside.
I DID answer questions. Second Amendment? You asked about rights not listed. You are forgetting your own point.

Defensive? Nice try. Critical thinking? Clearly, you aren't able to critically think yourself out of your own tiny assumptions. Talk to yourself, you are obviously the only one you want to hear.
To be able to talk about Jesus publically - and witness Christianity - without retribution.

Both of which are presently protected, as well as publicly speaking about and witnessing to Buddha, YHWH, Allah, or that there is no God or gods.

Christians, no matter how much they may secretly want it, are not being persecuted in this country - which is predominantly Christian in it's populace and even more so in the individuals who govern it.

probably not for long however....

Really? From my perspective the 1st Amendment has lasted a long time without any fundamental changes in it's interpretation, and seems like with a predominantly Christian (and religious) majority, and ~20% of the population with no religious affiliation all supporting the 1st Amendment, and a government made up almost exclusively of Christians, that Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion are pretty much here to stay.

Unless, of course, you mean Christians potentially setting up a theocracy. Then, yeah, the 1st Amendment would be fundamentally changed. That's why we, as a secular nation, must be the bulwark against any threat to the Constitution and liberty, such as a theocracy set up under any religion would be.
To be able to talk about Jesus publically - and witness Christianity - without retribution.

Both of which are presently protected, as well as publicly speaking about and witnessing to Buddha, YHWH, Allah, or that there is no God or gods.

Christians, no matter how much they may secretly want it, are not being persecuted in this country - which is predominantly Christian in it's populace and even more so in the individuals who govern it.

probably not for long however....

Really? From my perspective the 1st Amendment has lasted a long time without any fundamental changes in it's interpretation, and seems like with a predominantly Christian (and religious) majority, and ~20% of the population with no religious affiliation all supporting the 1st Amendment, and a government made up almost exclusively of Christians, that Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion are pretty much here to stay.

Unless, of course, you mean Christians potentially setting up a theocracy. Then, yeah, the 1st Amendment would be fundamentally changed. That's why we, as a secular nation, must be the bulwark against any threat to the Constitution liberrty, such as a theocracy set up under any religion would be.
That's entirely untrue. 1stA jurisprudence on freedom of the press for example is radically different today from what it was 100 years ago.
And policies on religious freedom are completely under attack Look athte Little Sisters of the Poor, forced to provide abortion and contraceptives against their beliefs.
In the old days none of this would have been issue. When something came up that had ramifications for religious orgs they would apply for exemptions and routinely got them. This administrtion refuses to abide by that and seeks to force its values on religious dissenters.

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